American Juggalo - Galleys - Medium

juggalo kid definition

juggalo kid definition - win

Linkin Park's music is trash, and the recent love for them is a massive social media circle jerk.

Every single song by Linkin Park is pure and unmitigated angsty, edgy cringe. When they came out, they were thought of as just another Limp Bizkit or Korn, shitty rap-metal for the chinstrap bearded, trailer-dwelling, Juggalo crowd. This only changed when Chester Bennington killed himself. Reddit immediately started "liking" their music and doing those awful singalongs, discussing their music soberly and fondly. You've seen the shitty "photo-realistic" fanart on on the anniversary of CB's tRagIc sUIcIde. They did the same thing with Robin Williams. Something something mental health awareness. It's a fucking disgrace. Make it stop.
Edit: Ok, I know you liked Hybrid Theory in 5th grade. That doesn't change the fact that (2nd UO here) the musical taste of children is the very definition of cringe. Kids listen to shit like Baby Shark and Frozen. Children have poor judgement; that's why we don;'t let them vote. LP was awful then and they still are. You don't actually like their music. Watch This video and get back to me. Had to make sure my memory hadn't failed me. This is worse than I remember lmao. iM aB0uT t0 bReAk teehee.
submitted by MrKurtzHeDed to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

A story about growing up in the south and loving wrestling. (contains cuss words)

Growing up, I fucking loved wrestling. I sit here in June 2020 and try to remember the first time I saw wrestling on TV and I don’t remember it. I think it originated with hearing my cousin and my dad talk about wrestling from when they watched it. For the record, as I sit here writing this, it’s June 2020 and I’m 33 years old since March 13. Yeah I'm a pisces if it matters.

My best friend Britni and I got really into wrestling when I was 9, 10 years old? Who the fuck knows? I honestly have a terrible memory as far as a sense of time and age goes. I just know that I would have probably gotten into a fist fight over WWF at that point but we were too busy swimming in her pool and driving the riding lawnmower around the yard in between to worry about that shit and besides, all our friends liked it for the most part. Her brother and his friends would give us shit for not liking WCW too and we’d just all make fun of each other and hurl insults like a bunch of old war vets playing fucking poker at an American legion or some shit. We had a lot of fun.

I had AOL 3.0 and my first screen name was I LOVE DX

it was all cool until as a 12 year old i ventured outside of wrestling chat rooms.

“hahaha you love dicks!”

I didn't even realize DX would be translated to DICKS!

I eventually got another screen name…..

Once I got older, like a teenager i don't know I'm bad at math, my best friends older brother also gave us shit about wrestling, but he was kind of a juggalo and so we were just like, whatever dude, fuck off. he did a backyard wrestling thing but they were also rednecks. juggalo rednecks are a thing. he was such an asshole. I subscribed to their once a week AOL emails where they’d send out updates and looking back i was like, lord why did i do this to look cool for an older idiot. i think we were way cooler. sorry Zeke.

Things like this made me glad i am an only child to be quite honest.

I was an only child with too much time on my hands and anything I got into, i was obsessed. Anime, witchcraft, music. That's all that comes to mind at the moment but being fairly ADD/ADHD, if i really liked something i would just get god damn invested emotionally. Probably to distract myself from my dysfunctional home life. In school I excelled in literally every subject except math. I’m talking A’s in every subject except for fucking math and then my brain just could not focus. It wasn’t for lack of interest or trying but more like some fucked up chemical situation where my brain has always felt like it just goes dark when too many numbers come up. Eventually i got put on Adderall which is a whole other story, but hey! I could do math and get a C-! Thanks modern medicine!

anyway, i liked school. i loved learning. i grew up around a bunch of mostly ignorant ass people who, in their defense (I guess?) had been generationally traumatized by poverty and abuse and didn’t have the means or the emotional energy to rise above it. So, being forced into this environment, (and i mean forced. i had no where else to go) i frequently learned what NOT to do via my parents and family. But once i was acutely aware of having a conscious and a semi moral compass, i began to soak up random knowledge like a fucking sponge. I wanted to get out of this cycle, and fast.

Ecology club? I became president. Broadcast journalism? i was editing news segments and filming. Theatre? Oh! That was MY SHIT and it was where I felt like I could actually let my freak flag fly. Soccer? I played every year from middle school to high school and i loved the competition, probably too much. I quit in my junior year to pursue “the arts”. German club? I was VP. I did 4 years and can barely recite Die Lorelei but, I can do a mean Der Bratapfel! Whatever, that shit was fun. I got to wear a fishnet shirt and mosh with 8 people in the BEDFORD VA HIGHSCHOOL GYMNASIUM DURING GERMAN CONVENTION to Rammstein and 99 red balloons. Life was good. I have the pictures to prove it. I'm sorry.

Film Club? VP. The list goes on and on and lets be real, as much as I loved all these experiences, the point remains: I never wanted to go home. These stupid titles mean nothing in highschool, but it looked cool on a resume for my first job at joann fabrics because i guess it showed my chain smoking manager that i was qualified enough to have elderly women SCREAM at me for cutting their fucking fabric wrong. whatever, they're dead now so fuck them. at least they left some good quilts i guess. also most of these crotchety old women would definitely steal a bunch of shit and honestly that was pretty inspiring, at least to know that eventually I’d be such a relic of time that minimum wage workers would look the other way and let me steal a hot glue gun or some shit. We are only afforded a small amount of triumphs in this life and so I’ll take it!

Home has always been a very weird term for me. As a child the word “home” revolved less around words like “safety. comfort. security” and more like, “Well, i guess i have to fucking live here and it’s better than section 8 housing or attempting to run away so fuck it, here I am. Ignore what I can, fight against what I can and GET OUT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.”

So I guess with all that being said, I was always looking for an escape. I never drank or fucked with any drugs until i was around 19. So that's not what i mean by “escape”. There are many other stories to come that stem from substance abuse and promiscuity so just stay tuned if you want that juicy content.

I wanted escape in the form of day dreaming. Dreaming. Artistic shit like writing fanfiction about Dragonball Z. Drawing anime characters crying blood and faeries. I know. Shut up. They are funny and embarrassing, bless my fucking teenage angsty heart.

I have wanted to be a performer in some fashion since i could talk. Even as a fucking kid I was just running around making a scene, singing nonsense and basically screaming SOMEBODY LOVE AND PAY ATTENTION TO ME JESUS CHRIST internally and finally that shit just busted right on out. Like that part of Paradise Lost. Right? Where the other thing burst out of the womb or stomach of something? right. i need to look that part up, its metal as fuck.

I remember one of the first silent films I ever saw pieces of and it was The Torrent. I was enthralled. I was like, damn, how are these people conveying all this emotion at the same time not saying anything and keeping their god damn mouth shut? it was something I could learn from. I’ve always been quite mouthy, growing up like i did you definitely had to be. I came up listening to the my mom and her sisters recounting bar fight stories. One in particular was told to me by my aunt Terry on the way to the courthouse to get a protective order against her nephew, my cousin Donnie. She told me her and her girl friend were at a bar one night and both wanted to whip this chicks ass so they flipped a coin to see who got to do it. That's just too funny in the context of the entire situation…All the women in my family grew up fighting. I have somehow narrowly escaped coming to blows for the most part minus the handful of dudes I’ve put my hands on, mostly at bars, for fucking with me or my friends. Those people were trash and they don’t count as far as I'm concerned. Sometimes you just gotta take the trash out.

I remember watching bits of an old B&W movie where the people are under water for quite some time, its silent obviously except for the score. I said to my cousin, “How come they aint talking?!” My cousin laughs and is like, “Um. They're under water…?” I shut the hell up and went somewhere. I think i was like 8. Who the fuck knows. Anyway.

This whole rambling ass nonsense goes to say that wrestling was an easy thing for me to fall in love with. I was a dramatic bitch at heart and so were all these (mostly) dudes in tight ass pants and short shorts. We had something in common at least. I loved the theatre of it, the stories, the characters, the plot twists, the revenge, the betrayals. If you have never watched wrestling from back in the day at least a few times, I honestly kind of feel for you, cause that shit was raw. HAH. No pun intended….Of course its fake! It was written and produced and most characters were developed by writers. The hits those people took? The real hits were real. that was real blood. I unfortunately never watched much ECW, the most bloody and gorey sect of wrestling at that time, but damn if i didn't turn my TV onto the pay per view channel when it was on and try to make out shapes from between the scrambled static like a 10 year old trying to look at porn and catch a glimpse of a titty.

wrestling might have been the first thing to show me that to be an artist and a performer is literal fucking artistic, physical and existential pain, something I would come to experience and embody by 2006. This was late 90s and I had no idea of my future. No shit, I might've been a witchcraft nerd but i wasn’t psychic.

speaking of all this growing up white trash and shit, i always wanted to go see wrestling live. SO BAD. as a kid i would've probably given my pinky finger to see some of these assholes up close. the only place they came in relation to where I lived, Matoaca, Virginia, was Richmond. capitol city. Richmond coliseum.

My dad, bless his heart. My dad was the king of starting things with me and not finishing them, making plans and promises he couldn’t keep or forgot to keep because he had one too many beers. I lived with my grandma (and my mom and her sister and occasionally her other sister and my two cousins and….yeah you get the point) out in the kind-of country and I wanted a tree house so god damn bad i could taste it. It was like my tomboy pre knowing i was queer coming out before I realized it.

My dad being the grizzled working class, fix everything all the time, no skill he didn't have kinda dude. He was like yeah, fuck it! we don't need any wood I'm gonna cut down and utilize three of these skinny pine trees to build a triangle shaped frame. That was it, the frame sat there screwed in for about 6? months. then I went out back into the woods and eventually one of the sides of the pine framed triangle had fallen down and I was like well shit, there goes my wet dream of a fucking tree house…guess I’ll go put my tent up in the backyard.

Okay so that's a little insight to my dad when I was a kid. Finally WWF was scheduled to come to the Richmond coliseum. Finally I had the chance to see my heroes in person. from far away. who cared. it was the heartbreak kid! I had a fucking cardboard standup of this dude that i begged my grandma to buy me from MJ Designs in Colonial heights. i was fucking pumped and nothing could stop me. I made several signs from Dollar general poster board and sharpies:




who the hell knows what else I wrote, i was like 10. maybe i was 3. maybe I was 29. I don't know I'm drunk.

My dad assured me he would get tickets in advance and we’d have decent seats because this was important to me. I mean, not exactly in those terms verbatim but you catch my drift.

We show up and my dad buys two tickets at the gate. we are in the nosebleed section, rows of empty seats. room for me to spread out and get pumped?!

I’m still stoked because I've never even been inside of a fucking building this big before that wasn’t a jail to visit a family member! My dad is pounding light beer and cheering! AND I HAD POSTERS! THE WHOLE ARENA AND TV AUDIENCE WOULD SEE MY SELF EXPRESSION VIA 67 CENT POSTERBOARD AND SHARPIE!

except one minor detail i hadn’t considered: this wrestling match wasn’t televised.

It took me a few rounds. I was probably screaming the entire time and finally I saw another lone sign holder across the smoky coliseum.

we.were.the.only.ones.holding.up SIGNS

my heart sank. i felt embarrassed. and also some form of solidarity for the other idiot, although i didn’t know what that word meant yet. I also felt pissed at my dad because we were standing up in the nose bleed section because he didn’t do the adult thing where you plan and by tickets in advance. and he didn’t have the worldly experience to tell me not to bring fucking posters to an untelevised wrestling event. wasn’t he embarrassed? wouldn't he run into some other dad at the Richmond Coliseum Bar after 46 light beers and have to evade questions of, “Was that your kid with the posters? Yall know this aint televised, right?”

Being the ADHD golden child that I was, I got over it fairly quickly as soon as HBK rocked his hot little ass out into the ring. Everything else from this experience might be a little foggy, but i remember the moment i saw Shawn Michaels from that nosebleed section like it was a religious experience. I screamed. I screamed so hard I instantly got a headache that lasted until the next day. i guess you could call it more of a shriek.

More of my writing:

Stories From The Road – Medium
submitted by AlisonSelfMusic to stories [link] [comments]

The Creep Dive Episode Guide

Date Title Cassie Sophie Jen Sidebars and guest stars Creep of the Week
1 12/12/2018 Canoe Believe It?? Alan Rickman never read Harry Potter John Darwin faked his own death in a canoeing accident Seamus on ket with Mary McAleese (Twitter thread)
2 12/12/2018 GP-OH My God who is SHE Samantha Azzopardi pays a visit to Ireland. One of many as she scammed her way around the world An outtake from This is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor. Woman eats placenta (or blood clots)
3 12/12/2018 A Tale Too Tragic Tania Head, woman who claimed to be a survivor of the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11 The Juggalos (Insane Clown Posse) Christians in disguise Reddit Guy meets the Devil. Black Mercedes Cassie reveals she used to be Born Again Christian. Jen's personal Angel, Happy Acres
4 11/01/2019 The American Dream or The American Peen What Ever Happened To: Lorena and John Wayne Bobbit. (Wife cuts off husband's dick after he raped her) Swiss cheese Pervert. Man would like a cheesey wank
5 11/01/2019 11 Lies and Counting Warrior Eli. Epic catfish story of a supermom who turned out to be teenager, Emily Dear Sinead O'Connor and Prince had a pillow fight. Prince takes it too far Jen first reveals she was a catfish/troll
6 11/01/2019 A 17 Year Old Mystery Solved by Sleuths Mystery of Lyle Stevik's suicide solved by DNA Doe Testing Ray's Death Documentary (admission of murder). Lady of the Dunes
7 25/01/2019 A Story Blown Wildy Out of Proportion Jimi Heselden segways into the afterlife. Rebba Burger maimed and killed from a whipped cream thing Lambo. Weird radio book review, hosted by Gay Byrne in which Gery Ryan allegedly kills a lamb A man fashions a flying saucer with helium balloons and sends his son flying off for attention
8 01/02/2019 An Unholy Hypocrite, The Dungarvan Angel of Death Travis the Troubled Teen David Matheson, former gay conversion therapist, comes out as gay Fr Michael Kennedy fakes an AIDS epidemic in Waterford. Gets the attention of Princess Diana Travis, the chimp and Creep Dive mascot (a classic!)
9 09/02/2019 The Greatest Writer that Never Was James Frey, A Million Little Pieces (fake memoir) Story of JT LeRoy (racoon penis) Dan Mallory (fake memoir)
10 15/02/2019 The Randy Mr. Hands How Joe Manuella Found Love, Robert De Niro impersonator Mr. Hands! Guy gets killed from bottoming a horse Ellen Coyne and Cassie become friends via Twitter
11 22/02/2019 The Curious Case of Crack Addict Jimmy(part 1) The Girl Who Predicted Her Own Death Tickling endurance competitions funded my some omnipotent millionaire (who obviously has a fetish)
12 22/02/2019 The Curious Case of Crack Addict Jimmy (part 2) That time the Washington Post had a Pulitzer briefly. Janet Cooke and the 8 year old heroin addict
13 01/03/2019 The Fine Line Between Exoneration and Execution The story of Cameron Todd Willingham (a innocent man sentenced to death) Pissing and menstrating in the Stuart era (not Victorian, Jen)
14 08/03/2019 The MSN Murder Mystery Momo: Online Suicide Game MSN Murder. Girl kill herself after online bullying, turns out to be a neighbourhood mom Elizabeth and Theranos
15 15/03/2019 Who Let the Cat Out The Noid, the Domino's mascot that led to a murder Mary Bale: Cat in the Wheelie Bin Topsy the Elephant: Tesla vs Edison
16 22/03/2019 Oyster Man, A Salacious Sausage Fest and A Con Confidence (Creep Live #1) Nicholas Barclay AKA Frédéric Bourdin (missing child imposter) Armin Meiwes, German cannibal Oyster Man (Dublin creep!)
17 01/04/2019 A Haunted Hormonal Teen, A Slender Bender, A Mother Love to Death (Creep Live #2) Dee Dee Blanchard murder by her daughter, seemingly incapacitated, Gypsy Rose. Enfield Haunting, poltergeist in a North London council house Slenderman possee
18 05/04/2019 Who is Timmothy Pitzen?? Disappearance and reappearance (???) of Timmoth Pitzen Christine Chubbuck, suicide on live TV Ford has a horn for Edison
19 12/04/2019 The Beautiful Lie Florida Man, pancake guy Belle Gibson, noted scammer Coco the Gorilla: artist, photographer and communicator
20 21/04/2019 There's a Catfish in the Water Lincoln Lewis catfish, Lydia Abdelmalek The most awkward book club of all time Girl with no vainga gets impreganted from a knife
21 27/04/2019 A Sasquatch, A Tinder Date With a Cannibal and The Life and Ruin of Anna Nicole Smith The Anna Nicole Smith Story Sasquatch Origin Story
22 04/05/2019 Friends From The College Cult Larry Ray: Creepy Dad Cult Whatever Happened to Baby Tyler?
23 11/05/2019 A Love As Deep As The Sea, A Shared Twinsanity and Better The Catfish You Know? Sabina & Ursula: Murderous Swedish Twins Suicide of Megan Meier Some people really love dolphins
24 18/05/2019 The Cat’s Out of The Bag for The Internet’s Maddest Man A Catfish Love Triangle (that ends in murder) The Luka Magnotta Story Jeremy Kyle
25 27/05/2019 The Secret Russian ‘Super Army’ and A Fertility Doctor Who Took Things Into His Own Hands Dr. Cline, fertility doctor who takes matters into his own hands Russian science experiment to create super humans (humanzee) Belle Gibson update (ep. 19)
26 01/06/2019 Larry and The Lawnchair of Dreams The eponymous Larry, an instant classic creep (that is not creepy at all) Moby
27 07/06/2019 The World’s Worst Baby Snatcher and The Ill-Prepared Cannibal Another Catfish Love Triangle and Baby Heist Isa Sagawa: A Cannibal in Paris
28 15/06/2019 Why You Should Never Let Granny Do The Ouija Board Story of Anna Delvy, epic swindler Ouija Board Murder Whale dick tentacle and the guy who honours a dead murderer (Twitter Thread)
29 21/06/2019 A Dead Man, A Cipher, a Mystery Somerton Man: Mystery Australian Man and an Undeciphered Code Ariel Castro kidnappings Delivery Man Haunts Cabin Groom kids on brides dress
30 28/06/2019 It’s Never Plain Sailing The Disappearance of Brian Swanson (into another dimension?) #blueball A shark buffet Juliane Koepcke, the sole survivor of a plane crash that left her stranded in the Amazon Rainforest Boris Johnson
31 07/07/2019 The Lost Family, The Last Eunuch and the Lust for the High Life Tromp Family Road Trip. Australian family collectively lose their mind A Philanthropic Couple with a Secret in the Attic Sun Yaoting; the last Eunuch of China.
32 11/07/2019 A Trio of Clones, Coercion and Courtship A shitty first-date The McDonald's-Nude Heist The phenomenon of a group of self cloning crayfish
33 19/07/2019 Brain-Eating Zombies, The Boy Who Tried to Blow Up Bjork and a Beary Bad Idea Story of Björk's would-be assassin Timothy Treadwell: Bear Enthusiast Furries and Brain eating zombie fungus Grunting man in a gimp suit
34 27/07/2019 A Priceless Love Affair and Something of a Pickle Debbie Montgomery Johnson get defrauded millions in an online dating scam Peeing and pooping in space. Creepy nudes escalates quick (to murder)
35 04/08/2019 Jen’s Solo Ghost Story the tale of Dear David, a creepy child ghost who has been haunting the hallways of illustrator Adam Ellis Horse Girl
36 11/08/2019 When a Dream Life Turns Into a Weird and Creepy Nightmare Dream House goes sour with letters from an ominous writer called, The Watcher Mystery Stripper Jen has the inside scoop on Area 51 Scout's arrival! Woof Canadian Serial Killers
37 18/08/2019 The Hero Who Didn't Know His Name and a Real Life Dr. WHO?? Story of Jean-Claude Romand: Murderer and Imposter Creep Dine With Me: Megan and Hazel. The story of Steven Stayner
38 01/09/2019 Don't Bookmark Your Murder Tips and a Real Life Mission Impossible How to not get away with murder (Daniel Brophy) Personal creep with creepy neighbour and a never ending gift exchange A missionary who get murdered by the Sentinelese
39 09/09/2019 A Twist in The Tale, The Devil Down Under and A Wild Slide A Catfish With a Happy Ending Mysterious Death of Phoebe Handsjuk Deal the Devil Downunder,Story of Michael Atkins and Matthew Leveson
40 13/09/2019 Move Over Travis, There’s a Bad Badger in Town and The Sad Tale of The Sorry Cannibals Caroline Calloway content! Alive: The reluctant cannibals The antics of Stoffel the honey badger
41 20/09/2019 British Fairies, Irish Con Artists and Asian Angels Cassie's Personal Creep and Misadventure in Berlin (featuring Moe) An Irish Kidnapping The Cottingley Fairy Hoax
42 28/09/2019 When a loving Christian family inadvertently adopt a 22 year old sociopath with violent tendencies The tale of Natalia Grace, a Ukrainian Orphan with dwarfism #childdeception Helen Bailey: Author who penned her own death Jacob Barnett, Child Prodigy
43 06/10/2019 The Girl...Who Laughed...As A Man Got Sewn Into The Body of a Horse Story of Nathan Carman and a Sunken Boat A Runaway Bride Countess Elizabeth Báthory, World worst female serial killer? Carl Beach, Richard Madely
44 15/10/2019 What Happens When You Exorcise a Mild Mannered Michael? (Creep Live #3) Ireland's Own Bermuda Triangle An exorcism gone wrong Goose on the Loose! A goose named Andy
45 21/10/2019 A Guest Ghost Story and The Haunted Spots of Dublin Dutch Family in a Basement (and assorted ghost stories) Creep Dine With Me: Fainche. A Dublin 8 Haunting
46 26/10/2019 The Tragedy of the Triplets A tragic tale of triplets and a social experiment Haunted Nazi Dummy
47 31/10/2019 A Catfish Convict, Dawn of The Ed and a Goat Gets Giddy for Piss - It’s our Halloween Spooktacular! Rape Ads, Fake Sonograms, and a Catfisher’s Web of Lies Ed Gein, his mother and the inspiration for Psycho A goat with a penchant for piss (human piss)
48 12/11/2019 An Amuse Bouche of Creep Catch Ups AND The Human Baby Zoo Update on Belle Gibson (ep. 19) Canadian Quintuplets (Human Baby Zoo) Update on Ukrainian Orphan (ep. 42) T.I. (obsessed with daughter's hymen)
49 17/11/2019 The Greatest No-Show-Man and the Mighty Meaty Murderer Threatin, metal band on world tour (with no audience but great hair) Joe Metheny: a mighty meaty murder #serialkiller Donegal Creeps caught climbing a hospital to ouija
50 25/11/2019 Oh No! Where Did Moe Go? Moe Davis: Another chimp fiasco. Travis 2.0 (ep. 8)
51 03/12/2019 A Haunted Galway Baby, a Mystery Man in Sligo and The Spine Tingling Story of the Sleepless Russians (Creep Live #4) Peter Bergmann, a mystery man in Sligo reminiscent of Somerton Man (ep. 29) #blueball Haunted Galway baby #haunted Russian sleep deprivation experiment (this is pretty harrowing) Harry meets the Creeps for the first time Dick Dicker: Unabomber meets Mr. Hands
52 06/12/2019 A Life Heavy on Lies, Light on Lols Jennifer Pan, a Vietnamese-Canadian teen kills her parents (well one of them) Dave, the randy duck
53 17/12/2019 The Woman Who Accidentally Solved Her Own Mystery Disappearance Netty Nance accidently solves her own kidnapping (spoiler: it was her own "mother") Carlos Mariotti and a novel idea to save his mangled hand (spoiler: it doesn't work) Public Universal Friend. First recorded case of non-binary person? Mommy blogger swindles Shauna Sex Síopa!
54 05/01/2020 The Cannibal Cop and A January Assortment of Creeps Cassie tricks a girl into think she's going to Disney Gilberto Valle, the cannibal cop, caught via chat room #cannibal People used to post their kids around! Jeffrey Epstein. German ladies who set a zoo ablaze and killed 20 primates
55 10/01/2020 Too Many Mothers, Too Much Motherly Love and A Small Town Scandal with Massive Consequences Creep Live #5) Bobby Dunbar went missing but when he reappeared to mothers came forward to claim Barbara Daly Baekeland gets murdered (and fucked?) by her son #murder #incest The mysterious Circleville letters #murder #blueball Jen gets send a video of a man fucking a chicken Tiny Indonesian man convicted of the most amount if rapes
56 17/01/2020 Three Cheers for Murder Dying killing to be popular. Cheer leader murder! Karla Homolka, Canada's only female serial killer (this was just an off the cuff creep) One of our very own creepettes has their dog fucked by some local scoundrel :( Cork Christmas Party Shenanigans!
57 25/01/2020 Your Mother Sucks Creep In Hell True Stories behind the production of The Exorcist Jen creeps her own parasite which she definitely didn't get in Centra Parcs Terry McMahon goes on a tirade by his feminist daughter
58 31/01/2020 You Can't Make A Dick Out Of The American Penal System Steven Jay Russell, amazing story of the man who escaped from prison multiple times Andrea Mara; the man who faked his MIL out the car window, armchair sleuths and just how dire your Google search history gets when you kill fictional people for a living Belle Gibson update! She's Muslim now (ep. 19)
31/01/2020 The Creep Hive #1 Jen helps her housemate pee in New Zealand Tampon Girl!!
59 07/02/2020 Who’s side are you on? Story of Ursula Hermann: the German equivalent of Madeleine McCann. Epic creep Sophie admits she ate a raw rasher thinking it was parma ham Some people have non-verbal thought (mini Twitter thread) Graham Linehan (Glinner)
07/02/2020 The Creep Hive #2: The Casualties of The Swan The Sur-jury, The Swan and other horrific reality shows
60 14/02/2020 A Prince and a Perfect Murder Chris Benoit Canadian wrestler. Double murder suicide Shawna from Sex Siopa to share a big juicy salacious royal affair. A lot of creeps reported their mothers fed them raw sausages
15/02/2020 The Creep Hive #3: Schofe's done a runner Cassie discusses her sexuality and everyone cries "Showgirls came out at a very key point in my life" Phillip Schofield literally does a runner
61 21/02/2020 The world’s most badass backpacker, Ireland’s biggest ever manhunt and hotdog handjobs (Creep Live #6) Brendan O'Donnell: Ireland's Biggest Manhunt #serialkiller Kari Ferrell: Hipster Grifter. Gets employed by Vice and exposed Salt Creek Kidnapping. Backpackers take revenge #violence All dogs and the Dublin guy faked an abduction of an elderly person
22/02/2020 The Creep Hive #4: Never trust a Murphy Bed Dead tired, people who've died in Murphy beds!
62 28/02/2020 And it was all cum and paper mâché (Creep Live #7) Gerard John: some local prisoners pose as a young woman and blackmail and fragile young man. Alex Malarkey goes into a coma after a car accident. When he wakes he claims to have met Jesus in Heaven... Man struggles to keeping his wife suitably embalmed Jen discusses laying eggs Katie Hopkins getting the CUNT award
01/03/2020 The Creep Hive #5: Hope Springs Terminal Duffy was kidnapped :( Psychologist hides camera on women with Munchausen Jen says I brought poppers to a live show but it was Cool Swan. Twitter thread about guys pissing in their mouths Sarah, the creep transition year student tells us about Hope Ybarra, Munchausen mom Carlow Judicial System. 73 year old mad jailed for ramming car parked on path
63 07/03/2020 Hike Life Nightmare and The OG Love is Blind Sun Myung Moon and the Church of Unification. It's the Moonies! A Russian Misadventure. 9 hikers die mysteriously in the northern Ural mountains Youtuber faked his girlfriend's death. 21 year old Stephanie impersonates her granny (after she's murdered)
07/03/2020 The Creep Hive #6: Joint custody Cassie meets LeBron James Joint Custody. John Wood mummifies his own leg. The ultimate creep craft.
64 13/03/2020 The OG Disease Spreader: It's Typhoid Mary Sherry Pie turns out to be a super creep (in a really bad way) and has now caused an editing nightmare for producers. Typhoid Mary, famed asymptomatic carrier Putin brings in a new law so he can rule for forever.
13/03/2020 The Creep Hive #7: CAVERN OF PUSS Cassie worked in a residential care home. Patient double dosed a suppository which "activated" as Cassie helped her into a wheel chair. PERI-RECTAL ABSCESS. Arguably one of the most disgusting creeps of all time
65 20/03/2020 A mad story about a mad (cow) disease, a smooth criminal and an underground mission with hilarious consequences Dan Cooper Hijacked a Boeing 727 aircraft in the northwest of the US; jumps out with thousands of dollars and is never seen again Mad Cow Disease and Doctor Daniel Carleton Gajdusek who goes to "help" Papua New Guinea and turns out ot be a paedophile School boys finds a secret warren under their school... A misadventure ensues
20/03/2020 Creep Live Online #1: A Town of Ticking Teenagers, Serial Turder and Mayhem at The Spa Mystery illness takes over town in North New York Sophie's top 3 getting stuck in toilet stories Woman gets naked and lost in spa
27/03/2020 Creep Live Online #2: The most haunted creep of the year
66 29/03/2020 Crafting conspiracies, cult clans and the game show killer Big Crafting is actually a Russian Propaganda Machine Rodney Alcala serial rapist, killer and gameshow contestant Taina Licciardo-Toivola: Annoying Aryian Cult family on YouTube
67 07/04/2020 The long (penis) and short (life) of your favourite covid meme and the mighty Michael that would not die Michael Malloy, the sturdy Irish fella in New York who proved to be un-murderable (well, almost Wardy Joubert, everyones favourite (well-endowed) naked covid meme (who's dead) Harry offically appointed alpha creep!
68 12/04/2020 More Tiger King, a YouTube Doll Debacle and Did Sophie Find D.B. Cooper? Inspired by recent haunted dolls on the hive, Cassie dives into internet sensation, Venus Angelic The Stars of Tiger King: An Epilogue
69 19/04/2020 Snitches get stitches and when internet comments destroy lives Would you provide an alibi for a loved one? Trevor Hardy - The Beast of Manchester (and his brother) The Inception of FaceBook Commentary: tangled history of internet smear campaign Kelsey Grammar maybe into pegging "It's very unfortunate for the mens. Their G-spot is up their ass hole and they're just going to have to get over it." -Cassie Delaney Eamon Holmes (5G) and the gardaí (posting photos of sun bathers)
70 26/04/2020 In The Shadow of the Truth Lies the Statue of Liberty Bling Water! Your water is dead, you fools Lisa helps Sophie with a follow up to Molly from Sophie's previous creep The Mandela Effect. Are we all in hell/purgatory/multiple dimensions/simulated world This episode has more filler than actual creeps but was no less enjoyable. Sophie, my handle is @Harry_birdboy. Cassie, I'll hug you! Gemma O'Doherty
71 06/05/2020 Shipman the shit man Crimes that happen in the virtual world that cross over into reality and suicide pact community killer Harold Shipman, world's most prolific (and boring) serial killer Gemma O'Doherty again (but she gets owned by Dublin airport on Twitter)
72 12/05/2020 Beta Theta Pi? More like Beta Theta Die and the Glow Up with Deadly Consequences Beta Theta Pi, Penn State University. Hazing ends in death :( Sophie loves horror. Tells the real life story behind Scream. (Impromtu creep!) Radium Girls!
73 19/05/2020 Walk like a reincarnated Egyptian also that time a squirrel ate some guys nuts Dorothy Eady, the reincarnation of an Egyptian priestess.Cassie is mean to her mother Creep Confectionary is now a thing. Sophie seeds the idea for a Toast Podcast. Sophie presents a gaggle of gals cat-fishing some terrorists Man gets balls eaten by squirrels Jen and Sophie want to host their own Most Haunted. Cassie protests, as usual Camilla and Prince Charles talk dirty
74 26/05/2020 Don't anger a Karen, canal creeps and the parents who put the kid in kidnapping Shannon Matthews, Karen Matthews has her own daughter kidnappped while she plays Xbox Belle Gibson update! She is now Oromo (an Ethiopian ethnic minority). Katherine Knight and her human pelt Riding in a tent on the canal
75 02/06/2020 Freezin’ people ain’t easy, the genuinely geriatric mother and the biggest creeps of the week ever The YouTubers that rehomed their son The oldest woman in the world to give birth (oyster woman). 40 year old stone foetus! Jen finally gets to tell her cryogenics story. Multple strands See Cassie
76 09/06/2020 No name, No luggage, No labels, No answers 1.) In a room at the Oslo Plaza Hotel, a young, elegant woman is found dead, with a gun shot wound to the head. Why did she check in under a false name? Why are the labels removed from her clothes? 2) Death in Ice Valley The gals are reunited!
77 16/06/2020 Guilt or grief? The dark story of Casey Anthony Via Reddit/Sarah. Creepy MSN guy and possibly related swindler Casey
78 23/06/2020 Slumber Murders and The OG Moby Dick Sleep killers The OG Moby Dick
25/06/2020 Creep Hive Sophie's Cock Along! Denis Nilsen:ScottishSerial Killer (and middle child)
submitted by READMYSHIT to TheCreepDive [link] [comments]

I'm a Stand Up Comedian for the Occult. That Wasn't Always the Case (Part 1)

Like most comedians, my goal was to move away from my shit hole town and "make it" in the big city. I had amassed some meager savings and as soon as I was old enough, I drove away from home to follow my dream of comedy success. I figured it'd take me about a year.
10 years later I was still a broke nobody, competing nightly against all of the other delusional hopefuls, desperate for a chance to perform for a handful of drunks at a bar. Never believed that magic existed, or even played with the idea that there was anything more to the darkness than shadows and dust bunnies.
All I knew was that I wasn't getting on television or scoring any agents, milestones that many of my peers had already reached. My comedy career had stagnated, like the container of beef & broccoli on my bedside table that I kept forgetting to throw out. It was starting to grow fur.
I was also running out of money. If I didn't make something happen for myself soon I was going to end up living out of my car and eating tuna out of a can (again). Being almost pathologically introverted, I didn't have any friends with "connections" to hook me up with a cushy writer's room job, and I couldn't get enough roadwork to make ends meet. Things were looking bleak.
Desperate, I started booking shows in places no one else would. Events for communities like banned 4-Chan groups, kink-core enthusiasts, furry conferences, biker gangs, ghetto punks, whoever would hire me. One time I performed in a giant abandoned municipal waste pipe for some Juggalos who paid me in 5 cases of Faygo and a round of enthusiastic high fives.
Yeah sure, it wasn't the best environment for a girl with fake emergency contacts to be putting herself in, but I was starting to earn enough to pay my bills. I was blinded by the money I was finally starting to make, and it made me more reckless about where I looked for work.
Everything changed when a friend of mine showed me how to access the dark web. I searched the dark web index sites for live entertainment, and found some offers, mostly for hookers. All dead ends. It took a couple of months before I got a promising lead. One Sunday night, at 3am, I discover a message in my inbox with nothing but a link: 8tp://bookofshadowstalent.d̶͈͙̄͗f̷̲̱̆.
Not wanting to risk a virus, I Googled the site. Nothing on that end. As in no information about this website whatsoever. Finally, curiosity compelled me to just click it. I was redirected to a website that looks like it was built in the 90s, a black background and red font. The header of the page read "Book of Shadows Talent & Management Agency: Serving the Occult Entertainment Business for 5000 years." The site's background imagery was kitschy, low resolution illustrations of pentagrams, leering red devils and other less recognizable occult symbols. Some corny, dripping blood effects along the bottom of a menu bar that had an "about us," and "contact me" options.
I figure why not play along with this occult cos-playing group, as long as they kept their velvet gloves and porcelain fang-implants to themselves, and the money was good. I scanned the About section. More fantasy backstory about a talent agency founded during the pre-human era, when "t' deviles, vvitches and other ancients roamed the Earthe."
Whatever. I clicked on the Contact section and was redirected to some mailing software called Ĝ̵̝̯ooMail. There was an auto signature at the bottom of the message box in green. Something about a "soul contract" that included a "protection from magicks clause" (yes, magick with a "k").
The last line caught my eye. "Effective immediately" it read "upon the receipt of email by the contracting party (Book of Shadows Talent LLC), a binding spell between both parties for the protection of the soul and/or body of the contracted party (henceforth referred to as "the Talent") from all magicks until completion of the aforementioned contract."
They're promising to look out for my well being? What am I going to need protection from, getting tangled in some goth's fishnet stockings? I wrote out an introductory email.
My inbox dinged immediately after I pressed "send." When I checked it's an email from Book of Shadows Talent with instructions for a show for that same night. Pay is $3000 for one hour.
"Do you accept this assignment?"
I replied (skeptically) with "accept" and within seconds I heard a notification on my phone telling me three thousand dollars was just transferred to my Venmo account. I'm over the moon, I couldn't believe my good luck. I eagerly scanned the email for more details about the show. Something about the Templar Warlock's black solstice mass. A picture of men in black robes holding candles.
Probably some support group for incels. I threw on some clean clothes, grabbed my pepper spray, keys and a can of tuna, and hit the road.
The drive took over 2 hours. I ended up in front of a derelict, 3-story residential building, sandwiched between a plaza, with most of it's stores boarded up, and a decrepit Dunkin' Donuts. I could see one bare fluorescent bulb inside the coffee chain blinking an unintelligible Morse code. Empty lots and abandoned buildings made up the remaining real estate for miles in any direction. I parked and got out of the car.
The wind swirled by, agitating a chittering cauldron of bats, making them burst out of a giant elm by the plaza. The tumult of hundreds of tiny, leathery wings pumping the air all at once slowly faded as they disappeared into the night. Shivering, I pulled my sound equipment out of the trunk of my car and marched up to the entrance. I rang the doorbell, and a faint tonal melody chimed somewhere deep within the building.
After a minute or two the door swung open to reveal a pale, sullen man in a striped sweater. Greasy-looking, dark hair framed his acne scarred face. His mouth was a thin slash that widened unpleasantly in greeting.
"Oh. hey" he sneered, "you must be the 'comedienne.' I'm Blake. C'mon, I'll take you to the showroom." He led me through a foyer with moldy ceilings, around a crumbling main stairwell. There was a small wooden panel beneath the stairs. Blake threw it open to reveal a narrow, interior staircase he ushered me down. When we got to the bottom I found myself standing in front of a huge, rust-covered iron door.
My mind was screaming at me to give any excuse to leave, say I had a 'gynecologist appointment early tomorrow and look at the time would you,' but I couldn't bring myself to back out. I didn't want to have to give back that $3 k in my bank account, plus I'd get to perform for a whole hour. If everything turned into a shit show at the very least I'd get a good story out of it, and be the envy of my comedy peers. Blake pounded on the iron door and it rasped open, hinges screaming. My last chance to run to my car and peel out of there.
I followed him inside.
I made sure to look as professional as possible and briskly stepped inside. If I took charge of the situation I could get things going, perform and get the hell out of there sooner rather than later. The stench hit me as soon as I crossed the threshold: old sweat and urine. Plus something metallic I couldn't place. Then, there's all the candles. It looked like someone had raided a Bed Bath and Beyond. Tea lights, tapered sticks, votives, all lit up and placed in every corner and crevice. The iron door crashed shut behind me.
The room's shadows twisted and shrank wildly as the candle-flames kept getting disturbed by sudden gusts of cold air coming from a doorway opposite the door I had entered. I couldn't make out anything from the yawning blackness beyond that other opening, but the air current felt like it led to an outdoor area. "Probably some dumb courtyard" I thought to myself, dismissively, "I'm going to tell them it's too cold to perform outside tonight. Although, it's kind of hot in here, might be better off outside (also escape routes are more likely to be outside)"
Preoccupied with show and possible escape logistics, I'd forgotten about Blake, and hadn't yet noticed the other dozen or so black-hooded forms that stood in the room, watching me. I was in the middle of trying to figure out if I could use the rusted iron chair and stone slab in the center of the space as a DIY stage, when one of the hooded guys tapped me on the shoulder. I jumped when I saw him, then remembered the email about this group's penchant for dramatic occult-wear and relax.
"Okay. I think the best place for me to set up is over there" I gestured over to the stone altar with authority "it's elevated, you guys can sit in a semi circle by this door, not that one. Seems kind of chilly over there, but good for airing the place out it smells...interesting in here." I was chattering nonstop to fill up the silence as a couple of robed guys mutely followed me around and helped me organize my equipment. "What're you guys up to, anyway, summoning Beelzebub with all these candles? You forgot maybe a bubble bath, some smooth jazz, he'd like that, I bet." I could feel them getting impatient, some confused murmuring "Forget I asked, that's none of my business."
Striding through the small cluster of robed men, I caught snatches of what they were mumbling to each other "...and are women even, like, funny?," I thought "female comedian" was dark web code for "hooker," she doesn't seem like any hooker I..." and other stellar commentary.
Two hooded guys picked up my equipment and set it on the altar. "Great thanks guys, and- is there a place to plug my amp in? Thanks, great. You guys warm in those things? I guess I'm okay but would you rather perform out there" I said, jerking my head towards the outdoor area beyond the open door. They all chuckled in reply, Blake barked out a hard "Ha!" "No. We're better off in here," he asserted, "Theres a rabid dog chained to a fence outside you don't want to get anywhere near him. Rabies."
"Well, let's not get rabies. The only thing I want to infect you guys with is laughter" I reply lightly, hamming it up and trying my best to exude judgement-free energy.
I fiddled around with the mixer and adjusted the volume. "Testing testing, microphone check a, b, c, d. Ok, great," I said into the microphone, as my ratty old amp whined to life. I gave it too much treble by mistake and there's feedback. Everybody winces. "Sorry about that does that. Did that sound like any demons you guys know or am I the only one who dated my ex, ok just kidding. Haha." The hooded figures slowly gathered around me.
While I'm performing, out of the corner of my eye I saw Blake murmur something into the ear of one of the hooded guys, who then walked behind the iron chair behind me. Blake caught me watching and gave me an insincere thumbs up.
I decides to just dive right into my act. "So, I've been performing in a lot of basements lately. I guess I proved my mom wrong huh? Getting high in the family den all those years payed off after all. I really racked up those 10 k hours." Some groans, chuckles. I pivot to a couple of quick roast jokes. "You guys must sleep in those robes, when I squint I can see tan lines around your eye sockets from where you cut eyeholes out of those hoods." Laughter. "You guys have got tons of candles, your girlfriends must be pissed. Standing around with a bubble bath and flower petals. In the dark." The hooded guy returned from behind the throne and handed Blake a dagger.
As I nervously eyeball the blade, Blake catches my eye and smiled reassuringly, making me feel even less assured. Then he gives a signal to the other hooded figures. The ones that were into the show get nudged. They all stand up and look at me. "Ok, guys, what is it tea time for Satan? Haha..what're you all doing? Hey...stop right there or I swear I'll call Ghostbusters." They all start moving towards me. They surge around me on the stone slab.
What the hell. I stoop down and twist the dial all the way up on the volume while simultaneously pointing the mic right at the amp face, causing major feedback. The hooded men all cringe and clap their hands over their ears and I take the opportunity to jump down and to the iron door.
I get about halfway there when someone roughly grabs my wrists and pins them behind me. Terror keeps spreading in pin-prickly waves from my head to my extremities. I yell and flail my feet around like crazy. I jerk my head back and I feel a satisfying crunch as it connects with a nose behind me. There's a grunt of pain and I'm let go, stumbling forward. The back of my head is tingling. I shove my hand into my pocket and pull out my pepper spray, swinging around while simultaneously jamming down on the button. The spray goes everywhere in the small room (yes), including in my own face (no). There's a moment of complete confusion as we all crawl around wiping at our burning faces before I finally drag my way towards the dark opening across the room.
I grab on to the doorjamb and haul myself up to my feet, trying to see through the blur of my stinging, watering eyes. Just as I'm about to step through to find another way out of there, my foot freezes mid-forward momentum past the doorframe. The hair stands up along the back of my head from my nape to the crown as an irrational yet paralyzing realization takes hold of me. There is no ground beyond the doorframe. No walls, no ceiling. There's just nothingness, like I'm looking out into a vast, featureless night sky, without the comfort of constellations or clouds to buffer my perception of infinite depth. If I stepped through I'd fall into an abyss without end, I'm sure of it, even as that thought defies all logic. As I squint into that other place, trying to understand what I'm looking at, I'm suddenly aware that I can feel something waiting deep in that vastness, incomprehensibly far away, watching me.
I can't move, trapped between a candlelit room of cursing hooded figures mopping at their eyeholes, coming closer, and the certainty that what lay beyond that doorway was a reality that would drive me insane before it ultimately consumed my soul. That was all the time the hooded assholes needed to drag me to the slab, holding me supine over the rough stone by my ankles and wrists. Blake appears in my line of sight, standing over me, chanting. He pulls out a wickedly sharp-looking dagger and slices my right cheek with it. The cut stings and I can feel the blood running down the side of my head and pooling into my ear folds.
"I hate incels" I think to myself, feeling woozy. Blake ceremoniously takes the dagger over to the doorway and says some utter garbage about the "eater of worlds. With the blood on this dagger taste the sacrifice." The hooded incels grovel around me chanting in what sounds like Latin. Blake flings the dagger into the room that isn't a room. I wait to hear the metallic clang of the dagger hitting the ground outside, or at least any sound of impact, but it never comes.
Everyone is silent and I'm straining to raise my head to see what's happening. The cold wind whistles through the door. Blake is standing in the doorway, with a crazed grin on his stupid face. That's when we all hear the distant roar from somewhere deep in the void, from what feels like millions of miles away. An arctic blast shoots through the opening, blowing Blakes greasy hair back. He turns to look at me, bug eyed, and intones "Now, our master and the granter of powers beyond your comprehension will consume your life force"
There's complete silence for a moment. Suddenly, a 10 foot long nightmare tentacle undulates its way across the ceiling. Followed by another, and another. 5 gelatinous, quivering black tentacles, with complex, red patterned streaks running along their lengths. I feel like I'm losing my mind. My thoughts are coming in jagged fragments. I start thinking about the Little Mermaid. I'm pretty sure I sang a few bars of Part of Your World.
From somewhere in the distance I hear Blake saying "This has never happened before, i don't understand-"
The tentacles ooze their way through the room and then pause, hovering over me. I hear Blake making confused noises by the doorway. I feel a light, perversely gentle caress on the crown of my head...and then, so fast it's just a blur of motion, a tentacle grabs one of the hooded figures and flings him to the ceiling with such force that the body sticks to it's surface for a moment before pieces of the corpse start to rain down in wet chunks. This is when I finally start screaming my head off.
Confusion leads to panic as the tentacles begin killing everyone in the room. Squeezing some guys together into a red mush. Slamming others to a pulp against the walls and ceiling with short, booming thrusts. The air is suffused with a wet, red mist. Something sharp and small hits me in the face, bounces off and falls into my open mouth. I stop screaming and spit the thing out, not before realizing the familiar gritty enamel little stone I'm spitting out is actually a tooth.
Blake is frothing at the mouth the whole time, eyes bulging, commanding the tentacles to stop. He shakes his skinny arms at them impotently. One of the gelatinous appendages snaps Blake up and just holds him, suspended in the air. His screams hit a girlish pitch. "He's at least a mezzo soprano" I think to myself in wonder. Blake is upside down, screaming something unintelligible at the dark opening. Besides me and Blake, no one else is alive.
That's when a tiny, dapper man stepped out of the dark opening and into the room, with the casual attitude of someone walking from their living room to their kitchen. He was wearing a baby blue cravat and a pristine white shirt under a dark grey suit, pressed pants and shiny leather shoes. He picked his way fussily over the blood and cartilage over to the stone slab I'm still laying on, looked at me and smiled.
I just smiled back idiotically because at that point I was slightly insane and why wouldn't a 4 foot tall lawyer join the party. I noticed his teeth were abnormally big and sharp, like a shark's mouth. "Hell," he gushed, holding out his hand to shake mines "you must be Melissa, I'm your new talent agent, Arcan Dibbles, it's great to meet you! Sorry for the delay, couldn't really get involved until they'd actually accessed the supernatural via their summoning ritual, as per the contract you digitally signed earlier this evening."
"My agent? You're a real agent?" I asked, incredulous. "I have an agent now? About fucking time." I screamed with laughter. For a full minute. "Yes, well. Lots of mortals take some time to get acclimated, so don't feel embarrassed," Arcan replied, looking pretty embarrassed for me. "The question is," he mused looking over at Blake, "what shall we do with him. You get to decide how he will be disposed of, as per you contract."
I whimpered pathetically "Just...please, get him away from me." Blake was still strung up by his ankles by the tentacle that seized him earlier, his eyes glazed and spittle flew out of his mouth as he gibbered like a crazed psychotic at my new agent. "Consider it done. Very classy of you to not want to torture him first," Arcan replied prissily, making some complex hand signal to the tentacle holding Blake, "and may I say (off the record, of course) how glad I am that you're not as sadistic as some of our other clients. I'm all about pragmatism. If there's a threat to your well being, don't take it personal, just get rid of it, is what I have to say about that."
The tentacle holding Blake suddenly flung him through the doorway of the abyss, into the dark. I caught one last glimpse of him flying through the door and flipping head over heels over and over again, slowly like he'd been thrown into outer space, dwindling in size until finally winking out of sight.
Then I saw the tentacles creeping towards me.
I could still hear Arcan chattering at me, but his voice sounded distorted. Everything grew overly bright, and hyper realistic. I don't remember anything after that, I must have fainted. I woke up at home in bed. Groggily, I got up and shuffled over to the bathroom. I washed my face and looked in the bathroom mirror. I saw the cut from where the ceremonial dagger had sliced me on my cheek and a business card from Book of Shadows, Arcan Dibbles, Talent Agent on my kitchen table when I went to make myself a pot of coffee. So, it definitely hadn't been a dream.
I spent the rest of the day puttering around in denial, read a few rejection letters from some comedy festivals I'd submitted to, and looked through all of my credit card bills. I threw out the moldy container of beef and broccoli.
Finally, at 5pm, I decided to call Book of Shadows Talent and Management Agency. As I dialed the number I realized I was always going to call. I told myself I just wanted to find out if I was going to be able to keep the money from last night's gig. That's it and then I tell him his services are not required. I don't need to know tentacle monsters in the void exist in random buildings just outside of the city limits. The phone is ringing. Steeling myself once I hear someone pick up, and an unctuous voice on the other line say "Book of Shadows Management and Talent, how can I help you?"
I said hello.
submitted by camelai40 to nosleep [link] [comments]

Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ Jun. 18, 2001

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
1-1-2001 1-8-2001 1-15-2001 1-22-2001
1-29-2001 2-5-2001 2-12-2001 2-19-2001
2-26-2001 3-5-2001 3-12-2001 3-19-2001
3-26-2001 4-2-2001 4-9-2001 4-16-2001
4-23-2001 4-30-2001 5-7-2001 5-14-2001
5-21-2001 5-28-2001 6-4-2001 6-11-2001

PROGRAMMING NOTE: I have no idea if or when the Friday Rewind will be posted. Work is probably gonna interfere with my normal schedule (believe it or not, I haven't been able to retire to a life of luxury off these Rewinds yet as I had hoped to do). So there may be a Rewind Friday or there may not be. If there is, it may be posted super early in the morning or middle of the afternoon. I have no idea. Yay for real life responsibilities!

  • We're halfway through "one of the most unique years in the history of pro wrestling" so Dave has decided to take a look at his thoughts on who would win all the usual year-end awards if the year ended now. Dave talks about how, with the deaths of WCW and ECW, there are less full-time wrestlers working in the U.S. than ever before so the choices are kinda limited. Anyway, this is just for fun, it's just Dave's opinion, not the actual awards.
WRESTLER OF THE YEAR: With all of last year's top 4 guys MIA for some reason this year (injuries, Rock filming movies, etc.), Dave gives the nod to Steve Austin. Even though the ill-advised heel turn has been devastating to his drawing power, he still headlined the biggest money making show in history (before turning heel) and has been having some of the best matches in WWF this year, despite his injury history.
MOST OUTSTANDING WRESTLER: Chris Benoit, Dave doesn't even question it. In-ring, nobody is better this year (Benoit's year is just about over though).
BEST BOX OFFICE DRAW: Really nobody right now. Austin would probably win by default since he's the top star and WWF is the only company really even making money at the moment, but as mentioned, his heel turn has been hemorrhaging viewers and money. Rock could probably win whenever he comes back from filming Scorpion King (nah, Rock's return only spikes numbers for a couple weeks before they continue plummeting downward again. Even Rock couldn't save the sinking ship that was WWF in 2001).
FEUD OF THE YEAR: Rock vs. Austin maybe? WWF vs. WCW should be good if handled correctly, but it hasn't really started yet. AJPW vs. NJPW wasn't very good, despite the historical significance. Dave doesn't really settle on anything.
TAG TEAM OF THE YEAR: Dave narrows it down to 4 teams: Hardyz, Dudleyz, and E&C from WWF. And Kojima & Tenzan in NJPW. After some debate, Dave settles on Kojima & Tenzan. The WWF teams all had that huge show-stealing match at WM17 but they've been stagnant ever since. Kojima & Tenzan are all around better wrestlers and have carried a lot of bad teams to great matches consistently throughout the year, even if none of them were as good as the blow-away TLC match at Wrestlemania.
BEST INTERVIEWS: Rock has been gone too much so Dave thinks it's between Austin and Angle and gives it to Austin because Angle hasn't really had the chance to carry big segments on his own yet.
MOST CHARISMATIC: Rock now and unless Rock goes deaf, blind, and mute before the end of the year, that ain't changing.
BEST TECHNICAL WRESTLER: It's between Benoit, Angle, and Minoru Tanaka. Dave doesn't make a definitive pick but seems to lean towards Benoit.
BEST BRAWLER: Foley is retired. Triple H is injured. Benoit is doing technical wrestling. ECW is dead. Dave says this is a wide open category, but says that Kazunari Murakami vs. Shinjiro Otani in Zero-1 was the best brawling he's seen this year.
BEST FLYING WRESTLER: The style has pretty much died off in both the U.S. and Japan right now, so this most likely goes to somebody in Mexico. Ricky Marvin or Tzuki & Octagoncito maybe.
PROMOTION OF THE YEAR: Despite the recent decline, there's still no one even touching WWF, business, creative, or otherwise. They're still the best promotion in the world right now, even if they're not nearly as good as they were a year ago.
MATCH OF THE YEAR: Dave lists a bunch of different options and then chooses the Benoit & Jericho vs. HHH & Austin match from Raw back in May. Not just because it was an awesome match, but all the significance of it. Elevating Benoit and Jericho to becoming made men in one night, the tag title change, and the long-term impact of the injury Triple H suffered during it. In fact, Dave says part of Triple H's legacy will always be that he finished this match even after tearing his quad, which was one of the toughest finish-the-match-despite-an-injury moments that Dave can ever recall.
ROOKIE OF THE YEAR: Dave says Takashi Suguira of Pro Wrestling NOAH is the definite pick. If you want to pick an American, Dave says this Randy Orton kid in OVW is pretty great.
BEST NON-WRESTLER: William Regal. Yes, Dave knows he's a wrestler, but his best work has been as the on-screen commissioner.
BEST MAJOR SHOW: Wrestlemania 17, easily. But he names a few others that were really great but none of them will leave the legacy that WM17 did.
  • Hey speaking of matches of the year and best feuds, the NJPW vs. AJPW feud is still going and this past week, Keiji Muto became the first non-AJPW wrestler ever to win their Triple Crown title. Muto defeated Genichiro Tenryu in what many are calling a likely match of the year winner. It sounds shocking since they're both, yanno, old as dirt by wrestling standards (Muto is damn near 40 and half crippled while Tenryu is 51) but word is both men discovered the fountain of youth for this match. Muto now joins Tenryu and Vader as one of only 3 men in history to win both AJPW and NJPW's top titles and is the first to win it while still with NJPW. Dave runs down the rest of the show, which featured several AJPW vs. NJPW inter-promotional matches but he hasn't seen it yet so he doesn't review it (Muto vs. Tenryu does indeed end up winning Match of the Year for 2001 and yeah, it's a classic).
WATCH: Keiji Muto vs. Genichiro Tenryu - AJPW Triple Crown title match
  • Pro Wrestling NOAH held their own Jumbo Tsuruta tribute show this week. If you recall, NOAH originally announced the show a month ago. But then AJPW decided to announce their own Tsuruta tribute show and did theirs first, just to be dicks. But Tsuruta left AJPW on bad terms (Motoko Baba basically forced him out soon after Giant Baba died) and Tsuruta had made it clear he was on NOAH's side in the split before he died. Anyway, none of Tsuruta's family went to the AJPW show, but a bunch of them attended this NOAH ceremony.
  • My god this is a slow issue.
  • When reviewing the latest NJPW TV show, Dave offhandedly notes a couple of things. For starters, the last 6 weeks or so of NJPW booking has been WCW-level bad (dAvE iS bIAsEd foR nJpW!). And secondly, there's still talk of bringing in Minoru Suzuki.
  • Kevin Nash is the latest name to come up in the Atlanta Gold Club trial. The former manager of the club testified that Nash was one of the celebrities for whom they arranged strippers to have sex. The gist of the trial is that the government is accusing the club of using strippers as prostitutes (paid by the club) to have sex with famous celebrities and athletes in order to make the club a more hip, happening place in order to attract more celebrity clientele. And then they allegedly funneled those profits to the Gambino crime family.
  • Former WCW wrestler Dale Torborg, who wrestled as the KISS Demon, is now working as a strength and conditioning coach for the Montreal Expos baseball team. His father Jeff Torborg is the team's manager.
  • Matrats, the teen promotion in Canada that Eric Bischoff is involved with, is going to get a name change and they're hoping to do a PPV in October. Bischoff says for it to work, it has to be 180 degrees different from WWF, so they're planning to eliminate all the bad language, sexual innuendos, violence, etc. (That's gonna put some butts in the seats.)
  • Diana Hart Smith's new book is coming out in October and is called Under The Mat (whew lord, just wait until we get to all the drama coming out of this book).
  • Occasional wrestler Shaggy 2 Dope of the Insane Clown Posse was arrested after a bar brawl along with 2 other rappers (Monoxide from Twiztid and Marz, if you're juggalo enough to know those names). Apparently they were asked to leave a bar at 2am as it was closing and it led to a fight and they beat up some guy.
  • Scott Hall was hospitalized after suffering a seizure at the mall while he was with his kids, no other details given.
  • Scott Steiner has been sued in Knoxville by a woman over an incident that took place last year. According to the lawsuit, she says she was sitting inside a parked vehicle when Steiner reached in the window without consent and groped up her skirt and told her, "Take it off baby," "Show it to me," and "Oooh you have gold panties on." The lawsuit doesn't state much more than that.
  • Randy Savage is the latest name to say he's planning to start up a new promotion, talking about trying to get investors and TV time. Dave says until that stuff is locked down, none of these stories are anything. Getting money and TV is the key and if you don't have either, you're just flapping your lips. (Yeah, this obviously doesn't happen).
  • CZW wrestler Ric Blade was seriously injured at that company's latest show, suffering back and neck injuries and a compound leg fracture that will require major surgery. Basically he did a dive off a balcony, kinda missed, and there ya go.
WATCH: Ric Blade injured at CZW show
  • Holy shit, we're already in the final WWF section. This really is a slow issue. No specific notes from Raw other than Dave hated damn near all of it. The Angle/Benoit cage match was good but everything else was a WCW-esque shit-show. Dave just tears it apart and he can't seem to understand what has gotten into WWF since WCW folded (spoiler: complacency) but aside from a brief 2-week period last month, they've been consistently awful for the last 2+ months.
  • Eddie Guerrero will only be allowed to return to WWF if he successfully completes rehab. Guerrero has reportedly developed quite a nasty painkiller addiction, stemming from his 1998 New Year's Eve car accident injuries that he never fully recovered from before returning to the ring in WCW. Regardless, it hasn't gone unnoticed within WWF that there's been several drug-related issues lately (Eddie, Grandmaster Sexay, Road Dogg, etc.), but according to Jim Ross, the company still has no plans to resume company-wide drug testing the way they did in the early-90s. "We do drug tests upon cause or we take appropriate action upon cause. We had a situation where in our view Eddie Guerrero was unfit to work and we took action. He's in therapy. I don't know what else I could do with him," Ross said in an interview.
  • Dean Malenko has talked about retiring and becoming a backstage road agent (indeed, Malenko only wrestles maybe 6 or 7 more matches before retiring at the end of 2001 and spent the next 18 years as an agent for WWE before recently leaving to go become an agent for AEW).
  • As if the injury situation in the main event scene of WWF isn't bad enough already, Chris Jericho has a herniated disc in his lower back. Chris Benoit got a cortisone shot for his shoulder this week and showed significant improvement, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief because it looks like he's going to be okay (that sigh of relief ain't gonna last long). It's thought it'll take about 2 months for his arm to regain full strength but he's finally able to do push-ups again.
  • Jerry Lawler posted on his website, saying he was shocked by his son Brian Christopher's (Grandmaster Sexay) arrest. Lawler said he truly thought his son was one of the guys in the company who was drug free and admitted being disappointed to find out that wasn't true. For his part, Brian has released his own statement on Lawler's website saying that the drugs weren't his, which of course, no one believes because that's what everyone says when they get caught with drugs. When Brian was first confronted about it by Jim Ross after his arrest, he admitted the drugs were his. After he was fired, he has since changed his story. (I dug through the archive of Lawler's old site and found both statements):
READ: Lawler's statement (last paragraph)
READ: Brian Christopher's statement
  • Tommy Dreamer has come to a verbal agreement with WWF and will be starting whenever they decide to bring him in. But in the meantime, he's still working indies.
  • DDP was in Stamford last week talking to WWF. They're trying to keep the story quiet and DDP has been telling people he hasn't agreed to anything with WWF yet, but Dave says that's not true. His deal is in place and they already have storyline plans for him. They're just trying to keep it quiet so his debut can be a surprise. Dave notes that Booker T, Kanyon, and Buff Bagwell have all signed as well but WWF is keeping that hush-hush for now also.
  • Former WCW announcer Scott Hudson is in a position where he can either return to his regular full-time job or continue to work part-time, which would allow him to work for WWF as an announcer, but he has to inform his current employer one way or another soon. So he reached out to WWF basically saying, "Hey, am I getting hired or nah?" and he never got a response. In fact, a lot of former WCW office and backstage employees are pretty annoyed with WWF right now. They were all led to believe that they would end up with jobs when the new WCW relaunched. The TV situation has, of course, caused that to be put on hold. Everyone is understanding of that but feels WWF has been terrible at communicating with the former WCW employees about what the situation is. So right now, a lot of people are still out of work with no idea if or when WWF is going to bring them in.
  • Still no word on where Wrestlemania 18 will be. Currently, they're looking into the Georgia Dome in Atlanta or the Skydome in Toronto. Dave is kinda surprised they would consider the Skydome because, for starters, the acoustics there for wrestling aren't good and also because the exchange rate for the money is a killer and would cut into their profits (it does indeed end up being Skydome).
  • Dave offhandedly ponders whatever happened to the Chyna/Lita storyline. Ever since their match at Judgment Day, the angle seems to have been dropped and Chyna hasn't been seen since (unbeknownst to anyone, Chyna's already done and will never be seen in WWF again).
FRIDAY (maybe): more details on the planned WCW relaunch, Masahiro Chono replaces Riki Choshu as NJPW head booker, more on Benoit's injury, and more...
submitted by daprice82 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

PSA: For All Our New Fans!

Howdy y'all! I'm nobody important, but figured I'd try to make a post welcoming some new fans. Obviously, the huge news around the music scene is our friends from toolband are enjoying their just rewards in patience, as Tool has finally opened themselves up to streaming services. What's awesome for this community is that Deftones is one of the most recommended bands for fans of Tool. I was thinking that after due time, there'd be a waterfall effect of new Tool fans trying to widen their prospective, and in congratulating their efforts, they'd stumble upon our beloved Deftones.
First of all, we love you!
Second of all, you will be graced by a very respectable community, who is modestly chill and always encouraging you to explore the impact of Deftones' jams. Don't worry about asking questions or making posts about loving the music. We're a pretty cool family, almost like Juggalos, except we shower and get tested for STD's (and we prefer Digital Bath IPA's over Faygo). We encourage that you post, because you give us an excuse to express our love for the band. Since my time being a part of this wonderful community, I haven't come across any 'Elite'-ists.
Third, I offer you a suggestion on discovery:
I think it's fair to say that most new fans should check out Deftones' acclaimed album, White Pony (
White Pony is a true revolutionary mark for the band. In fact, our heroic lead singer, Chino, seems to always compare new albums to the development of this one. What an endorsement! Also, a lot of us have tattoos of this album's cover. I believe White Pony is a great album to start at because it really sets the 'tones' for Deftones. There's a mix between their softer, sexier side (Digital Bath, Teenager) and their aggressive, rage side (Street Carp, Elite).
Okay friends, now you got a taste and want more of this delicious band. Hm? Where to go now?
For my lingerie studs and underwear chicks out there, I'd honestly suggest Saturday Night Wrist (, Diamond Eyes (, and Gore (
Now let this be prefaced as late as I can make it before y'all start knockin' boots and getting muddy with your partners. Every Deftones album (save face for Adrenaline) has a solid balance between face-grinding and butt-grinding. For instance, using Diamond Eyes as example; go ahead and be sensual during 'Sextape', but prepare to pick up the pace for the next track, 'Risk'. Still don't mean you can't be lovable all the way through, right?
Yes, I haven't forgotten about you nappy-headed bangers out there. Instantly check out their self-titled album ( and tell me that first track doesn't make you just want to go outside and scream at global warming. Dig a little deeper, find Around the Fur (, and if this doesn't appease the taste that you lost from biting off your own tongue, then there's Adrenaline (
Maybe you're wondering out loud, "Okay, lonelysubconscious, you sad, pathetic piece of skunk shit - I'm just lookin' for some zen". Look no further, buddy! Koi No Yokan ( is the type of ice cream that never melts. Give that a dig and smoke that joint, but don't forget to pass it!
Here's a kid-friendly anecdote for you. Let's say you might be interested in a new porn category, but don't want to be a creep, drownin' your balls or labia in something that gives you nightmares tomorrow morning. You need compilations first. Hey, take a breath, we got you covered. Here's B-Sides & Rarities ( This is a too sweet album full of covers and some OG Deftones tracks that not even the most hardcore fan has heard without this release. Much like most of the discography, you'll be whacking off with hand soap in no time! Might regret the next morning when you're shriveled prunes in a toaster, but hey - at least you got off!
So for our new Deftones fans that come every single day, embrace it! A band that ain't like any other; we get hot and sweaty, from love and anger. Golden-age folk always say, "They just don't make music like this anymore." Well, here's your definition. Enjoy it, and I hopefully speak for the rest of this amazing community - I love you!
Stay sexy and rock hard.

PS: For new Tool fans, here's what you're looking for, Passenger (
submitted by lonelysubconscious to deftones [link] [comments]

Tales of a Former Neckbeard #3 Battle of the Five Beards

Alright everyone Its time for part 3 of my ongoing story. While my first two parts basically covered my freshman year this part will actually go over both my sophomore and junior years. I was now transitioning from my old neckbeardy ways and was now my way to becoming just a normal person albeit when angered I still had a lot of beard tendencies. Also side note all of the reminiscing has gotten me in the mood to reach out to all my old high school friends and am currently trying get my old group back together. So turns out there another plus side to all this story telling. Time to get into the story and like the times before TL;DR will be at the bottom.
So same cast mates as before with the main cast being ProtagoBeard(Me), AC (M'lady), Petang (Fellow Beard/former friend), Jay (Chad). We also cant forget the supporting cast of characters. For this story we'll include The Fellowship consisting of three other beards (Gollum, Pat, and Sam). My friend group (Kheel, Sergio, and Selfie) and lastly AC's friends (Samurai and Eli). Now later on down the road a few others will be introduced into this story as I continue on.
Like I said this story will cover a number of instances over two years that happened between all of us as we basically went into a prank/social war with one another. Now I don't why we tried so hard to take each other down but I know what initially started it all. If you all remember at the end of the last story I had punted Jay's coconuts into his stomach. While over the summer I had forgotten about this Jay did not. He remembered and actually rallied his friends and lackeys onto his side and waited for just the time to strike.
Mini Story #1 The Rack War
We were barely a week into the new year and my friends and I suddenly found ourselves being surrounded. They actually rounded us up and began to try to either punch or knee us in the crotch.
Jay - "You think I'd forgot!" Jay spoke actually hitting me square in the nuts. My friends were pissed now and decided to go after Jay's friends in response and late that week we basically jumped them in response and racked them in return. However a few of the jocks were with them and they were pissed at both parties. The next week both groups where cornered and racked.
This back and forth spat would last almost two whole months of all the boys in my year being involved finding ways two find their prey corner them with out any faculty member noticing and hitting them in the nuts. This infamous time in my school was later known as the rack war. Many of nuts were crushed in that time.
This war ended when one of the boys decided to not pay attention to where he was and hit another kid in the balls in front of the school's principal. While the kid got in trouble the rest of us male students where all told in last class of the day to stop hitting each other in between the legs or else strict punishment would be given to us.
Mini Story # 2 The Rise and Fall of Sports Beard
So the next story involved Yours truly, Petang, Gollum, Sam, Selfie, and Sergio. The school tends to keep the gym open for school practices and after the kids go out to do exercises it's open for other student to mess around with some basket balls. Now I had no special in that but another student did. Enter the first new Neckbeard to my tale SportsBeard. Now before you read into the name no this kid did not play sports he just acted like he did.
SportsBeard broke his leg freshman year attempting to skateboard(Yes thats the story he gave us and no he didnt go into detail) With his leg now healed he often spoke of us love of basketball and how good of a shot he was. Now he was was playing horse in the gym with Sergio and decided to actually try and get a game going. They came out from the gym and asked both groups if we wanted to play. Surprisingly Petang and his group where down to play. Now I had seen them play last year in gym and I can definitely say they're not that good.
SB - "So ProtagoBeard you down to play?"
Me - "Nah I'm good. Besides it'd be uneven teams." I point out.
SB - "So you're scared huh, Yeah I get I just beat Sergio in Horse."
Sergio - "Bro you didn't beat me we never finished and I was ahead."
SB - "Yeah but you still quit, which means I won." Yep he brought up if you quit you loose.
Me - "Yeah I'm not sure that's how that works."
SB - "Well then why don't you come prove me wrong and play me." Now I could tell he was trying to put on show because everyone was now watching him including some fellow girls from our class. (Originally typed in female and felt gross so I changed it back)
Me - "Bruh I don't want to play my ride is going to be here soon anyway." Sports beard wasn't having it.
SB - "Damn you scared of me bro?"
Petang - "Come on man don't be a bitch about it come play." Really Petang now you're jumping in?
Gollum - "OOOH." By this point they're trying to rile me up and both Selfie and Sergio are suggesting I just join in and get them to shut up. That's when SB took a play out of Jay and Petang's book.
SB - "Man I'd bet you play if AC was watching." Now I know with the way my last few stories played out you'd expect me to to lash out or say something in return to try and tear them down but In fact I was so in awe that they went there I just grabbed my bag and got up wanting to leave. I would let them have this win because I just didn't want to deal with it that is until one of the stupidest things ever happened. It was at this point I don't know why SB decided to chuck the ball over to Sergio, Selfie and I shouting "Think fast!" Which none of us were paying attention and the basketball straight up hit me square in the nose. I bounced back into the wall stunned and dazed.
Everyone else went silent around me as I just say "FUCK!". Now I don't explicitly know how I looked but from what Sergio later told me my face was red as fire. And I had just a little bit of blood coming down my nose. While the others got quiet I remember Selfie attempting to calm me down as I began to walk towards SB ready to rip his head off. SB ran off back towards the gym knowing he fucked up and like any pissed off teenager who just got there face caved in by basket ball I wanted some good ole fashioned revenge. I sprinted after him catching up quickly with basketball in hand I chuck it into his back knocking him over. Now I was gone slam the ball into him again but that's when I noticed AC was near where SB fell over.
AC - "Whoa, are you ok?" She asked noticing the blood now dripping from my face.
I just looked down at SB and told him if he tries something like this again I wouldn't stop and left him alone. Sophomore year ended up becoming a trying year for me. First I had to deal with my grandmother getting sicker and more senile which made my time in that school always up in the air. Then there was the constant bull shit I had to endure of Jay and Petang always taking shot at me and I how I felt towards AC. Then there was the fact AC started dating another kid named Tree(I call him that do to his personality I know Biased but others would tend to agree with me so that's what I'm going with. Also later on Sergio would end up transferring out going to another school and I stopped having classes with Selfie so my stock on friends became very low since now my classes didn't match up with any of my other friends like Kheel and I couldn't see them after school having to help my grandmother. So the angst and anger was strong with this one.
Mini Story # 3 M'lady Returns
So the next part was the end of sophomore year I was waiting for my ride after school and was sitting on the floor leaning against the wall with gatorade and book Halo: First Strike I was about half way into it and I was loving it. It was actually my only birthday gift I got that year from my now Brother In law. Well as I was waiting AC walked up to me and just simply said hi to me.
I looked up to her and said I in response. She then asked if i had the same number or not since I hadn't really spoken to her this whole past year. I told I didn't as I had gotten a new phone over the summer. She then asked for my number. Now I was shocked by this as when we both actually last spoke I had completely blown it. I asked if she was sure and she said yeah so I gave her my new number. The two of us ended up texting each other for the rest of the night non stop just catching up it was actually pretty nice. She went on to say she missed having me as a friend as when I didn't act like a dick those few times I was genuinely a good friend towards her. I responded I missed being her friend as well but in reality I was just looking for a way back in.
We kept on talking the next day and finally she just straight up asked me.
AC - "Hey do you have feelings for me?" I was stunned I wasn't expecting her to ask so fast if at all seeing as outside of attempting to ask her to the dance I never really made an actual move on her it had come down just practically everyone else making fun of me for having a crush on her. This was possibly my first smart move with her.
Me - "AC I do have feelings for you, but I know you're dating Tree and it's none of my business what happens be tween you to." As much as I didn't like the idea of her with some one else I just new I was in no place to try anything with her. "If knowing this means you don't want be friends then I understand." She was actually happy with my honesty and told me she would like to try and stay friends with me so during the summer we did occasionally keep in touch texting one another. Not much for this story but it does set up that AC and I were now once again in contact with each other.
Mini Story # 4 The Cancer Boy
Junior year I was honestly hoping for a much easier year this time around and for the most part my outside life would be fairly quiet it would be my school life that would be turbulent. At this point Petang's fair Lady was no longer going to our school and started dating some other guy she met at the local college. Thus Petang become more edgy is the best way to put it. Always wearing his hood in the back corner of class. Claiming how much he could kick everyone's asses if they crossed him.
One day one of my now new friends who we'll call New York (Cuz that's where he's from)decided to call him out of his bullshit saying.
NY - "Petang your Sharringan isn't real you can't kick anyone's ass." Now I thought that was hilarious and laughed my ass off. Petang decided that he wasn't gonna take that but New Yorker was too close to his size and decided to come up to my desk shoved my books off my table.
Petang - "Gonna keep laughing?" He then clenched his fists. Now At this point I had proven to others I wasn't a push over even though I was a small fella and for a moment I thought about getting out my seat but then when I saw him growl and show his teeth I lost my shit and began to laugh even louder. It was here that everyone else began to laugh as well. Petang now not having a single target just sat back down I think he thought he was going to just beat my ass or scare me enough of to just shut up and apologize, but the moment everyone laughed at him he just went back into his corner and threw his hood up, but of course not before stepping onto my paper work basically tearing it up. Poor Petang. However the story doesn't end there my dear readers.The very next day I had my accounting class which I just slept through most of the time because I couldn't see the board and the teacher only ever talked about her husband and what he was doing in financing.
Well as luck would have it Petang sat right in front of me. Now I didn't know at the time because I hadn't had class with him yet that day but apparently Petang was forced to shave his head. Now readers if you remember Petang has a serious dandruff problem and he was finally forced to shave his head. I woke from stupor as the bell rang and I looked up. In front of me was a shiny pale whit crystal ball just glowing from the lights above. I was still kind of pissed at Petang from yesterday and I decided fuck what's the worst that can happen. So I spoke up about it.
Me - "PETANG WHY DIDN'T YO TELL US YOU HAD CANCER???!!!!" (Yep that's why I shouted that in the middle of class for everyone to hear. It was an absurdly dick move on my part looking back now and I sometimes feel sorry about it but then I think about how he got revenge on me for this little stunt and then I think fuck him.) The next class about thirty minutes later I hear Kheel call out to him.
Kheel - "Oh my god Petang you crying?" This caused most of the boys to laugh but one girl finally spoke up on how we were being dicks.
Girl - "Come guys leave him alone." we did decide enough was enough and we backed off. Those two days would practically put an end to Petang's bull for the remainder of the year well into senior year as he now new my friends and I would be quick to check him on his bullshit and we would be the biggest dicks about it. But as I mentioned before he had last trick up his sleeve. I had mentioned to Kheel and Ginger I was contemplating getting back into anime and he told me to check out one he saw one time and think since I enjoy a lot of mainstream anime I'd like it a lot. Now I for the love of god I don't know why I didn't think this was trap. I got home looked up the anime and typed in the search bar the name of said anime (Boku no Pico).
Me - "AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH!" The horror the insanity, why?! if anyone is unfamiliar with said show its hentai bro! But not just any no, why would it be something simple and disgusting like tentacle and shit. No my dear readers this straight up about dudes banging little dudes and it caused me to immediately throw up in my seat. Petang had had the last laugh.
Mini Story # 5 K2-D2
Now there was one more beard that would show up for this tale and this boy was a sight. Now while we did have school uniform it was very easy to see based off people's hat's and or jackets who was a beard and who wasn't as there actually really wasn't any big heavy kids since basically every year there was some type of gym class that is until he transferred. This big boy had both the look and smell of your classic neckbeard what was even funny about it was that he actually looked just like Kheel and ended up getting the nickname from my friends K2.
Now while he wasn't into anime or that kind of stuff he was a huge gamer nerd mainly Darksouls and Elder Scrolls. Now I should state that I actually knew K2 he was one of my class mates from middle school. I was shocked to see him and I actually had no problem with him I was starting have other problems with another student that does spill into senior year which will be for a later story. It's Kheel, New Yorker and Ginger that had the problems with K2 as they shared classes with him. This is from their own mouths but one day in the hall while Ginger and NY were talking K2 came up to them and just spoke...
K2 - "Your mom's a transvestite." And just dipped out as if dropping the hardest mic on them. Another time was when they were having lunch and K2 was sitting near them and them joking about Dark Souls with Selfie and he just gets up declaring..."Man fuck you juggalos." Slammed his food tray and walked away. I thought theses stories were quite funny as now that I thought about K2 was weird guy that was easy to piss of which we had developed a taste for.
This next time when we were all having lunch the second semester K2 sat with us. the first thing out of his mouth was...
K2 - "Man I'm so hungry I could eat a horse." At this point anyone of us could have said something but the first to pounce was Ginger who really started to hate the guy. Have no clue why just something about K2 just irked Ginger in the wrong way.
Ginger - "Looks like you already have." We all busted out laughing as that was a good one and as group we're all used to saying this kind of stuff to each other and really hadn't said anything to K2 yet so he was shocked by the comment. He silently got up out of seat threw his food away and left the the lunch room. While we all though Ginger should apologize Ginger just decided that if he couldn't take a joke then f him. After this stunt K2 would go on to talk mad shit to Gollum and his group, Petang, SportsBead and his two or three friends, and even some of Jays friends about how much of an ass and dick Ginger was. This mad shit talk would be reciprocated by Ginger who would then talk mad shit about K2 to literally everyone and their mutual hatred for each other would come to a boiling point senior year.
Now that's gonna have to be the end for now everyone as this basically brings to close most of the beard moments of sophomore and Junior year. Like I said in the beginning as time goes on there's less beard and cringe from me personally as grew out of the state pretty quickly when I got into the right crowd of people to change my mind set. However as you probably guess I've gone from being just a beard to somewhat of just an ass. In my personal opinion it's a level higher but hey I was and still am work in progress.
The next two parts of this tale will cover my senior year. One part covering my time at school interacting with the other beards and students and the last part covering my first job through out senior year where AC also got the a job at the exact same time. So I guess all that's left is...what is the big rivalry I have with another student? What will Petang do with out his M'lady? What will happen when Ginger and K2 finally clash? And the most important question will I get M'lady now that's I'm slowly becoming a better person? Find out next time on Dragon Ball xenoverse!
TL;DR : I recall five short stories of myself and the other Neckbeards of my school going head to head with each other to see who's got the biggest Fed-aura.
submitted by Bunsonboi to talesofneckbeards [link] [comments]

Memories from the first gathering

Back nearly 20 years ago, I went to the first gathering of the juggalos. It's the only one I've ever attended, yet I love what it's become and I'd totally go again.
My childhood friend joined me, which was mostly fresh just because obviously it's cool to go the gathering with your friends. Yet it also seems worth mentioning that he was a muslim kid with pretty traditional first generation immigrant parents. His parents were super cool. He wasn't super into ICP like I was, but he was definitely into the Michigan music scene, and he was like "Man, they're having an entire ICP festival? That's awesome, I've gotta check it out." So that was kinda dope that he came along to see the good and excitement of it, even though he was more of a rock and roll kid.
Anyhow, I don't remember a ton of details, mostly because that was a long time ago and a whole ton of things have happened in my life in the last 20 years, and a lot has fallen out of my brain. But I remember a couple of fresh moments that might make for a decent story.
First thing, there was the open stage for people to perform with their own backing tracks. I was always making music myself and I signed up. My turn came, my friend did the Flavor Flav thing and I was wilin out as hard as I could. Half of the crowd were getting down, and the other half hated it. Honestly, that was a fair reaction because some things about that track were fresh and some things about it were corny. Anyhow, somebody threw a rock and hit me in the head about halfway through the song. I was bleeding out my head like a mutherfucker, blood all down my face and whatnot. I didn't give a fuck. I actually found it more fun. I kept rocking, pun intended I guess. As weird as it sounds, I actually appreciated that rock hitting me in the head, it was fun. It wasn't a serious injury, it just made for a spectacle.
After the song, medics told me I had to go with them to get cleaned up. I was like "nah, I'm good, I'll just be the bloody juggalo today." They said I either had to go with them or leave the gathering, so I was like fine I'll go get cleaned up in the first aid tent. I honestly don't remember what the medic area looked like. I know I went there, but that actual memory has flown the coop.
Shortly after that was the first screening of Big Money Hustlas, which is pretty classic to have been there for. I was sitting there watching the debut of Big Baby Sweets while the blood finally stopped dripping out of my head. That movie has aged pretty well over time. Honestly, ICP has aged well overall. For years they were calling themselves the world's most hated band, but I don't see much hate for them anymore. It seems like back in the day music critics were like "Dick or treat, bone appetit? Well, that's just trash." And then decades pass and the same music critics are like "Ya know what, we've thought about it more and 'dick or treat' is hilarious." I don't think its out of the question that ICP will be inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in another ten or twenty years.
Anyhow, ICP fucking rocked that performance as always. It was full scale 100% dark carnival energy. My non-juggalo friend loved it, and everybody else loved it too. That show was crazy fun because even Violent J wasn't really sure how the gathering would turn out, and then when it all turned out excellent it kicked everybody's energy up to new levels.
It was a 3 day event, if I remember correctly. I was just there for one of the days. At that first one nobody was camping out yet, there was a start and end to the showtime for the day.
So the other classic memory for me personally took place at the end of the show. The parking lot was directly next to the highway, with just a typical metal fence between them. There was a major bottle neck getting out of the parking lot, moving very slowly. People were getting pissed waiting forever in line to leave. I had an old Chevy Blazer, it had some size and weight to it. It crossed my mind I could just flatten the fence with my automobile and lead everybody directly onto the highway. I went for it. It worked! I can't believe I didn't fuck up my car. People were cheering me on and shit. Once I was halfway over the flattened fence, a bunch of juggalos ran out on foot stomping the fence down more and pulling it down by hand. Mad people started following me out of the parking lot directly onto the highway! It was not safe at all, it was something only young people loaded on adrenaline would do. As far as I know it didn't cause any accidents. I remember the highway being pretty clear, it was just the parking lot that was overcrowded.
Anyhow, that was a classic day. I have absolutely no doubt that almost anybody who's ever gone to any year of the gatherings has their stories like that, or way crazier. It definitely brings me joy that more and more of those stories are yet come, two decades later.
If anybody else feels like telling any fresh gathering memories I'd be glad to hear em.
submitted by OniAntler to juggalo [link] [comments]

"Save those kids from themselves" - a nontraditional combat encounter I ran last night

For some background, right now my party is running a modified Waterdeep Dragon Heist where part of the gimmick is that they need to pretend to be a vastly more experienced party than they actually are; as such, a lot of the Chapter 2 encounters are a little too subtle for what I need them to be experiencing. So I designed the following encounter, where the characters are in very little real danger, but they have the opportunity to "go the extra mile" in a way that could earn them some visible reknown from the people of the city.
The encounter is described here in the context of Waterdeep, but if you want to use it, you can easily swap names and locales to fit.
The party goes to the Yawning Portal to check out the Bounty Board our campaign has - if someone needs adventurers, the YP is the best place to hire them - and someone has asked for a group to get rid of the Aduleini, a nomadic pseudo-cult devoted to the idea of bringing back their "Dark Mistress" by being as impressive and intimidating as they can. In practice, they are a mix of Juggalos and Warboys from Fury Road. When Durnan sees the bounty, he kind of sighs and tells the party, "These kids are just misguided. The bounty'll be paid as long as they disperse, but I will personally pay you another 10g for each one you bring back alive. See if we can get 'em back into society."
So when the party finds the camp, they see a massive bonfire from the city gates, a few scattered tents, and a group if spiky leather idiots having an impromptu mosh pit while a few of their friends play William Tell with throwing knives. If the party approaches openly, one of the Aduleini intercepts them, shouting curses and making rude gestures, but the party can try to defuse the situation non-violently.
The cult has a high school peer pressure mentality - if you can somehow convince a few of them to stop being idiots, they will come quietly. Convincing them to just leave, however, doesn't earn you the bonus; they'll just go elsewhere and keep being idiots.
The real fun comes if the party gets aggressive or fails diplomacy, as my PCs did.
The Aduleini they were talking to gets angrier, then louder, then more enthusiastic. The noise draws more of them from around the camp. Then the person the party is speaking with goes into somewhat of a frenzy:
"She screams, 'we'll put you thirty feet inna the GROUND, mothaf*****s!!' Then she downs all the booze in the bottle she holds in one gulp, smashes it against her skull - breaking the bottle - and roars at you.
Then her eyes roll into her head and she collapses. On her turn she will roll death saves. Initiative, please."
The cultists use a modified Rakdos Performer statblock - their health is halved, and their actions are modified to suit the tone. See, the point here isn't to hurt the players, though it should be possible to deal damage to them. The point is that these enemies will be damaging themselves on their turn, and the party needs to stop them from dying if they want the extra gold.
Is one of the cultists a fire breather? Have him choke a bit on the fluid as he spits it back out, lighting himself on fire for 1d4 damage a round, then trying to grapple players while begging them to help put the fire out. Maybe there's a knife thrower? Have him spend a turn juggling them to look impressive, then throw them at a PC, but hitting himself instead on every miss. I had one guy climb up on a rock to try to do an Assassin's Creed takedown; he missed and took fall damage. Your party will be panicked at seeing their money going down the drain, and having to try to frantically grapple or knock out these cultists while spending Cure Wounds to heal enemies gives the fight a very different cadence.
In retrospect, the death saves made the encounter a touch too easy; of the 6 cultists they fought, 2 of them (including the "cutscene" one) went below zero. The others were brought down by unarmed strikes, grapple+rope, or talking them down with a few gnarly Persuasion checks. Having made no special preparation - they didn't buy manacles, or get healer's kits, or prepare Sleep spells - they nonlethally brought down 66% of the enemies. In the end they got the full gold reward because they stabilized the remaining two enemies after tying them up, and while the players seemed to really enjoy the encounter, it DID seem like it should have been more challenging considering the lack of prep.
Despite this, the party was seen walking through the city with six captured Aduleini in tow, and word will get out that they brought them back to be rehabilitated. The players felt great, they got 60 extra gold, and their reputation got a solid boost.
I definitely recommend giving this style of encounter a try - remember that the buildup is essential, give the players a chance to end it without a fight, but at no point should the enemies feel like a serious threat.
And if you can have one of the rehabilitated survivors show up later to thank the players for giving them a chance, all the better.
TL;DR: Ran an encounter where the enemies spent every turn hurting themselves in silly ways, rewarded players for saving as many of them from dying as possible. It put a weird spin on combat that really broke up the usual pattern of "see monster, kill it, get gold." Highly recommended.
submitted by Envy_Dragon to DnD [link] [comments]

i saw some shit while i was homeless part 2

Thanks a bunch to everyone who read or commented on my last story. I wasn't expecting such a response, it means a lot to me. I guess the idea of being alone with no money or family is terrifying to some people. Indeed I saw a lot of terrifying and strange things while I was homeless. But to me I was never really homeless. I just didn't live the way most people do. I still don't.
When I was young it was live on the streets in Denver or live with my mom's bat shit crazy Pentecostal family in Arkansas. They speak in tongues, go on 3 week fasts, think god actually talks to them, the whole nine yards. If you wanna read about how fucked up they are and what they did to me, read my first story. I don't think I mentioned before, I'm half Jewish from my dad's side, and they are very anti semetic sooo yah. They weren't exactly warm and loving towards me or my dad. But back then, I was even mad at him. So it was me vs the world.
You see, the trick to being a successful homeless person, is to never actually be homeless, in the literal sense of the term. I know some guys that live in storage units, theres the classic crash on a freind's couch, or my personal favorite if theres good weather, a tent near a good view. There's that guy in new york who even made himself a little bunker in the subway tunnels. I lived with my girlfreind JR in her small section 8 apartment in Aroura for awhile. We had virtually no money but half the time the plumbing worked. The air conditioning/heating rarely did. It was a step above the tent, but I still had to stay out and grind til late at night for us to have enough to eat. I met her on the light rail while I was camping near mineral station on the outskirts of highland's ranch. It was where all the rich people who work in the city live. It was a great spot to pan handle, especially because even though I was 19, I looked barely out middle school, and I had mastered the oliver twist look.
I had a few good sob signs. My favorite one to use was “family all dead, anything helps” for obvious reasons. When your not a tweaker or a heroin addict, you easily can save up 300 bucks in a week from pan handling out there, as long as the douglas county sheriffs don't see you. Seeing as I was cute and sad looking, I had 500. I would've gotten a motel room that night, but instead... I met her. A couple of you were interested in how we met so I'll throw that in before we get to the scary shit, its relevant to what im going tell you about later in this story too. She was the most amazing person I've ever known.
One day she sat down next to me and we started talking. I told her my story, and it turned out her's was similar. She was from a family of Jehovah's witnesses. And she was HOT. She was short like me, not skinny but not fat either. She had black hair, and wore Tripp shorts with a neon lining. Even though her clothes were baggy, I could tell she had a great body. The day she took me home with her is still the best day of my life. She made me some amazing spaghetti, and I took the first shower I'd had in 2 months. Then she came in with me and I lost my virginity. It was a bit awkward at first but I did pretty damn good for a first timer. Told you, best day of my life.
We made a good team. During the day we would get into all sorts of mischief, we used to steal from the grocery store, sneak into movies, one time we even spray painted a bunch of pentagrams on a church. She was afraid to walk around at night, and she didn't like it when I did.
But sometimes you just can't get everything done during the day, especially if your only transportation is a bmx bike and a bus pass. I was definitely on the paper chase. There is a number of ways to make good money in the streets, almost all are illegal. I actually generated a solid income selling cheap weed at the bus stops. The only unfortunate part of this was sometimes I had to stay out very late to make my money. I literally covered half the city almost every day. The reason for all this effort of course was I wanted to save up and get JR and I a real apartment. I can't remember ever loving anyone more.
It was on one of these late nights that I had a close brush with something much more terrifying than anything else I thought was out there. I saw the van. Well, more than saw I guess you could say. Like the incident I described in my last story, the van is another horrifying enigma on the streets that normal people think is an urban myth. I thought the van was just a story. When I first heard about it I didn't give it much thought because literally every kidnapping happens in a fucking van. But I assure you its very real. From what I know, in Denver there's actually three of them.
The van, as it is called, refers to one or more vans that cruise around the downtown/Englewood area of denver. If the van stops, four or more men get out,,grab you, and nobody ever sees you again. I first heard about it from my weed man Opie. He was an old guy and was prone to long yarns about anything and everything. He claims he was once part of earth wind and fire. Judging by his bad dancing when he had too much vodka, I don't think he was.
But then I started hearing about it from other people. Same thing every time. Usually a white van that picks up homeless people never to be seen again. Always close to the same number of guys. Nobody seems to know what happens to the people they take, but nobody who's been taken by the van has come back or been found.
I started hearing about it everywhere. I was selling dime sacks of reggie(cheap weed) to the juggalos that hung out at skylab, a small park area downtown, when I heard the first disturbing story about the van I actually believed. One of the guys there said he'd seen it take some girl that was walking out of the 16nth street mall area, near the capitol building at around 2 am.
“i knew her man. She was a runaway, hung out with Edwardo and those wanna-be cholo mothafuckers. I think her nickname was pixie or something”
another one spoke up when he recognized the name.
“damn!! what the fuck? Thats kayla! I know her! she used to go to heritage. You saw them like legit kidnap her?!”
“Yah. She was standing at a light waiting to walk, and they pulled up beside her, 2 dudes grabbed her and they sped off. I'm not fuckin with you man the shit was scary. I ran and got that cop who sits near 16nth and crest but he just wrote a report and told me they'd look into it. Nobody has seen her for like a week!”
thats when the oldest one of the group came and joined the conversation. His nickname was Bhudda, I could tell why, he was a big fat guy that loved smoking weed. He had been out there longer than anyone.
“I'm not surprised. Its been going on about 2 years now. They first started picking people up near the Denver rescue mission. They usually go after young ones. First there was only one, but now theres two more. The cops are even afraid of them.”
As I was riding down the street that night, the thought of it stuck in my mind. It was about 10 pm now. I was pedaling my rusty bmx bike over the melted slush on the sidewalk to the Mexican Mercado store to purchase some dinner. They had really good flank steak for just 3.50 a pound. we had been on a steady diet of ramen and faygo. We needed some real food. I reached the store, bought a nice fresh cut and also decided to get tortillas and an onion. I needed fajitas in my life and it all only cost 5 bucks, so that left us 20 for the rest of the week. Then my fucking chain came off.
I did an embarrassing nose dive into the slush when I lost control of the bike, but I was relatively unharmed. This was the third time today. I was gunna have to steal a new bike. No matter though. It was too late to be out there and I knew it.
I wasn't far from home, and I knew if I cooked tonight, I was definitely getting head. I was in good spirits. Just as I got the chain on at the back tire, I heard an engine to my far left. It wasn't a white van, it was light grey. It had a logo on the side that had obviously been ripped off long ago. First it passed me at normal speed. The little paranoid guy in my head said “its them! Get out of here or your fucked!” but then the other guy, you know, that version of you that says monsters don't exist and bugs you about paying your bills? He told me “nah your good bro, that's just a story.” I should've listened to the paranoid guy.
When I saw the van the second time, it was creeping slow. I had the chain back on my bike, and I was spinning the wheel to make sure it was on right. I could see two people in the front seat, the back was obscured by an equipment cage. It stopped directly in front of me. Fuck.
The window rolled down and a 50ish guy said in a slavic accent
“i saw you fall earlier little buddy, are you alright?”
“yah. I'm fine.” I said back as I flipped the bike over and got ready to take off. Before I could get on my bike, the sliding door of the van opened and a guy in a ski mask came rushing at me. Once again, luck was on my side. I had stolen this particular bike from thunder ridge high school, in the rich neighborhood. And rich kids ride nice free agent bikes with gyros. A gyro is a handbrake setup that lets you spin the handle bars of the bike all the way around. I swung my whole bike and I caught his head with a back peg. He went down, and I got on my bike and started pedaling like Lance Armstrong on a gram of meth.
I could hear the van roaring behind me. But I was going fast. I knew I had to turn as soon as I came to an alley, I had gotten away from a cop like that once. And sure enough I saw one, not 10 feet from me. I knew where I was too. It was a straight shot 30th and downing from here, and there I could catch the 11 O'clock train to get back to Colfax and Araia Before they got around the curve about 100 feet further up the street. But could I make the turn fast enough? I felt the slush start to give way to dry concrete as I approached the alley, and I told myself I could do it. I knew if they got along side me it was over. I turned and slid to a quick stop sideways, and pedaled like the guys from that scene in world war z to the end of the alley without even looking back.
I stopped. I looked, and to my relief the bastards were stuck on the dumpster and couldn't get through. I saw the one on the side get out and start running at me, but he was no match for my adrenaline pumped pedaling. I left him in the dust and eventually got home safe.
When I came through the door I went straight to the small kitchenette and starting trying to chop the onion. My hands were shaking too much. JR had dealt with my nightmares before, she knew when I wasn't right. She silently walked over, took the knife out my hand and put herself in my arms. I hugged her to me tightly and told her what happened. From then on, I never let her go anywhere near that area, and I avoided it myself when it got late.
I later read on the internet that the van isn't just a denver thing. Apparently its happening all over the country, they just pick up homeless people, mostly kids, and take them god knows where. I've read stories about red rooms on the deep web from people posting on here. I don't know for sure, but maybe I met their street team?
submitted by B0BTHABUTCHER to nosleep [link] [comments]

Post Signing Day Superlatives - 2018

Category thehammersuit BlueAndOrange92 BrazilianRider MotorBoatyMcBoatface TopheryG8er zlatandiego
Favorite Recruit Jacob Copeland Trevon Grimes Jacob Copeland Jacob Copeland Randy Russell Randy Russell
Most underrated Kyle Pitts David Reese Evan McPherson Emory Jones Andrew Chatfield Chris Bleich
Most overrated Iverson Clement Justin Fields Jamarcus Russell Noah Boykin Emory Jones Iverson Clement
Most likely to start Day 1 Amari Burney Evan McPherson Emory Fucking Jones Emory Jones Noah Banks Evan McPherson
Highest Ceiling Chris Bleich Justin Watkins Dameon Pierce Dameon Pierce Dameon Pierce Emory Jones
Biggest Surprise Malik Langham Malik Langham Malik Langham Malik Langham Malik Langham Dameon Pierce
Best position group WTE WR WR WR LB WR
Worst position group CB Punter or DT DT DT/NT DL DL
Biggest Miss Noah Boykin Noah Boykin Nicholas Petit-Frere Nicholas Petit-Frere Nicholas Petit-Frere Noah Boykin
Most likely to put a small, family-run all you can eat buffet out of business Evan McPherson Richard Gouraige Richard Gouraige Richard Gouraige/Griffin McDowell Griffin McDowell Dante Lang
Most hype to live up to Emory Jones Emory Jones Emory Jones or Evan McPherson Emory Jones or Jacob Copeland Emory Jones Emory Jones
Crowd Request: Most likely to secretly be a Juggalo Chris Bleich Griffin McDowell Chris Bleich Jim McElwain Evan McPherson wtf is a juggalo?

Extra thoughts and reasons behind the picks

Favorite Recruit

Hammer: Jacob Copeland - I think he has the potential to make an impact day one. Loads of potential.
Brazilian: Jacob Copeland - Receny bias, but really liking/emphasizing with Copeland right now
Boatface: Jacob Copeland - I'm about 90% certain I would've picked him regardless but after the fiasco at his signing yesterday I am going with Jacob Copeland. I have always thought regardless of his twitter drama that he bled orange and blue and after yesterday he reaffirmed that for me.
Tophery: Randy Russell - He stayed 100% on board and recruited for the team through the coaching transition, I would've had him as the most underrated player in this class, and his maturity and continued involvement over the past month are awesome to see.
zlatan: Randy Russell - This is the portion where Hammer and I cursed the team last year by choosing 2 of the players that were part of the credit card fraud incident. (Note: My choice wasn't kicked off the team, just saying...) Hopefully that curse is in the past along with Coach Mac. The choice here is an easy one. Randy Russell was already one of my favorites before being diagnosed with a heart condition that will prevent him from playing football at the college level. Randy had an amazingly mature response to this adversity and is still actively a part of the team and this recruiting class. He continued to be a spokesperson for UF and recruited his heart out trying to get players to join him in Gainesville.

Most underrated

Hammer: Kyle Pitts - He is being overlooked with the signing of Copeland and Watkins. Could be a stud TE in the future and I am excited to see him develop.
Boatface: Emory Jones - I know he is a 4* but in my belief the young mans talent extends beyond that. Only time will tell.
Tophery: Andrew Chatfield - His tape has always popped since I first watched it a year ago, and Mullen said he's already up near 240lbs.
zlatan: Chris Bleich - It was either Bleich or McDowell for me. Bleich because I think he was a monster snag and could easily have a 4th star. McDowell is not a 4-star player but should be higher than 1500. This staff has done well with those type of OL recruits - See Dillon Day. Similar ranking and similar on-field mean streak.

Most overrated

Hammer: Iverson Clement - He is a solid athlete but nothing really stands out to me when I watch his highlights. I don’t think he will be a bust but he will probably be more of a rotational player at running back than “the guy”.
Tophery: Emory Jones - He has big upside, but I don't expect much from him this year. He is quick but not fast, needs to put on weight, and his passing needs a lot of polishing.
zlatan: Iverson Clement - I don't really see him as a 4-star and he was a bit of a surprising take. Pierce makes sense as an out of state RB, but I figured our #2 guy would have been one of the in-state kids.

Most likely to start opening day

Hammer: Amari Burney - This one was tough but ultimately I think we have major opportunity at DB and LB and Burney can probably play both. I don’t know if he will start but I think he will make a major impact.
Tophery: Noah Banks - Saying McPherson feels like cheating, so Noah Banks will start somewhere on the line immediately.
zlatan: Evan McPherson - I don't mind cheating and saying McPherson. Hope a DB is able to step up immediately and snag a spot and that an OL is ready to rotate in quickly.

Highest Ceiling

Hammer: Chris Bleich - I have a soft spot for offensive linemen and I really think that Bleich has a ton of potential. He may need a couple of seasons but I think he is someone to watch.
zlatan: Emory Jones - He has a TON to work on and needs some of that Mullen magic to polish him up, but there is definitely the talent and size to run our new offense to perfection when he is ready. If talking NFL upside and who will be the highest draft pick, I'll take Jopeland.

Biggest Surprise

Hammer: Malik Langham - I am not sure if I missed something but I didn’t think we had a shot with Malik yesterday but here he is. Solid player and fills a need. Definitely a pleasant surprise.
zlatan: Dameon Pierce - Don't forget how shocking it was when Pierce committed to us. I completely expected him to choose Auburn and then get pressured by Alabama/Georgia as a late cycle fill-in whenever one of them missed on a top RB to the other.

Best position group

Hammer: Wide ReceiveTight End - I am including the transfers in this. Van Jefferson 4 Star (.9517), Trevon Grimes 4 Star (.9806), Jacob Copeland 4 Star (.9651), Justin Watkins 4 Star (.9567) and Kyle Pitts 4 Star TE (.9334). That is a pretty badass group.
Tophery: Linebackers - Looks like Amari Burney will play LB, Reese is listed as a DB but will end up playing LB, and Chatfield will be an OLB. That's a massive upgrade. It would be WR if you include the transfers, but I'm solely looking at the incoming recruits and it's still uncertain whether they will be cleared to play immediately.
zlatan: Wide Receiver - Even excluding Van Jefferson for being a junior who may or may not be eligible, this is a group that contains a RS-Freshman former 5-star Trevon Grimes who could be immediately eligible, a top-100 WR who will be ready Day 1 in Copeland, and an electric returner and utility-weapon in Justin Watkins who was a 5-star at one point and dropped after transferring 3 times in high school.

Worst position group

Hammer: Cornerback - We didn't sign any. Maybe Trey Dean can play corner but he looks like more of a FS to me.
BandO: Punter - It's like the punter recruits this year didn't even try
zlatan: Defensive Line - Needed more at both DT and DL. Maybe Lang switches to defense, but right now it's just Langham on the inside for this class.

Biggest Miss

Hammer: Noah Boykin - Not sure how we lost on our top CB target to Notre Dame.
zlatan: Noah Boykin - we needed to grab one true CB in this class. Going to have to load up on talent next season, because Marco and Henderson could leave early for the NFL the year after.

Most likely to put a small, family-run all you can eat buffet out of business

Hammer: Evan McPherson - 6’0 / 165lbs. That is all I have to say.
Boatface: Gouraige/McDowell - But to be fair they are all growing young men who I'm sure could do their own damage at any buffet.
zlatan: Dante Lang - It's the ones you don't expect. Next year, we need to land a more obvious candidate at DT/NT to fill this spot.

Most hype to live up to

Hammer: Emory Jones - Emory Jones has the unenviable task of being the presumed guy going forward. Stealing him from Ohio State and being the crown jewel of the class means he has a lot of live up to. Especially when he helped personally recruit quite a few players.
zlatan: Emory Jones - Hope he's ready to handle what's about to come at him this Fall both on and off the field.

Crowd Request: Most likely to secretly be a Juggalo

Hammer: Chris Bleich - I googled what the fuck a Juggalo is and this picture came up. Kinda looks like Chris so I am just going to assume it's him and pretend I know what I am talking about.
Tophery: Evan McPherson - wild man
zlatan - What is wrong with you people?
submitted by zlatandiego to FloridaGators [link] [comments]

juggalo kid definition video

Foster The People - Pumped up Kicks (Music Video) - YouTube Nick Cannon - Gigolo (NTSC) ft. R. Kelly - YouTube Cybergoth Dance Party - YouTube Insane Clown Posse - Hokus Pokus - YouTube Vaush - YouTube CALLING IN EMO KIDS CRINGE COMPILATION 2016 - YouTube ANGEL Vs DEMON (Part 2) - YouTube

Q: What does the little hatchet guy symbol mean? A: First off, he's not a hatchet guy, he is a hatchetman, and he is the symbol for Psychopathic Records and its artists, though most feel it's just This is a list of former employees of the professional wrestling promotion Juggalo Championship Wrestling (JCW), formerly Juggalo Championshit Wrestling or Juggalo Championshxt Wrestling.On December 19, 1999, JCW held its first event, which was filmed and released on May 9, 2000 as JCW Vol. 1.In the early days of the company, talent often only appeared a couple of times before disappearing, or Juggalo/Juggalette. (note: in this definition, when I refer to "all", I don't literally mean "each and every one". Don't be fucking stupid) 1. Extremely loyal followers of the Insane Clown Posse, and psychopathic records artists in general, almost to the point of worship. 2. The Mind of a Killer. In this here blog, I will be leading others through the crazy whirlwind rollercoaster that is my life these days. If I didn't have this thing, I would still leave daily updates for everybody, except the only way to see them would be to turn on the 11 o' clock news and see who got murdered today. juggalos. A group of people who listen to "artists" signed to psychopathic records. They claim to be all about love, but they are rarely seen acting upon these claims. The larger majority of these individuals are, in fact, just as bigoted and " sheepish " as the people they claim to despise. When you like another Juggalo’s makeup or outfit, shout “whoop whoop” to them. When you email or communicate something you like on social media, say “whoop whoop”. A girl that is a Juggalo is referred to as a Juggalette. Juggalo’s also call themselves ninja. It’s common to yell “whoop whoop ninja” to a fellow Juggalo. Scientist Juggalo is not an oxymoron!" -Dr Syzygy Violent J Explains ICP's Stance On Science . Here's what Shaggy said in an interview about Miracles from Hatchet Harold: I don't know what Webster's definition of the word "miracle" is, but we've always thought it meant something fuckin' amazing and incredible. Here's What You Need To Know About Juggalos And Insane Clown Posse A year ago, fans of the band Insane Clown Posse announced they would stage a march in Washington, D.C. The protest is set for No definition exists. “Every kid who came through the line was just like us. They looked like us, dressed like us Ruddy juggalo faces poked out of tent flaps at the approaching The Nazi Juggalo (Juggalus hitlerus) or "Niggalo," wish to eradicate the blacks and gays, presumably to cover up the expropriation of their music and culture by ICP. Although they express affinity with National Socialism, they fail to realize that under the Third Reich, they would've gotten the gas chambers and ovens for being mentally unfit social degenerates.

juggalo kid definition top

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Foster The People - Pumped up Kicks (Music Video) - YouTube

Nick Cannon's official music video for 'Gigolo' ft. R. Kelly. Click to listen to Nick Cannon on Spotify: LaidBackBrits most viewed Cringe Clips of all time, from over the years on the LBB channel, the most memed / Viewed Cringe clipsEnjoy!Seeking out only the lo... Leave FUNNY - WiTTY comments or else GTFO !!!Lock N Load - Blow Ya Mind (DJ Zany remix) Hi, I'm Vaush. I believe progressive socialism is the best solution to the problems our country - all countries - face, and I'm here to make arguments in favor of that belief. I broadcast ... Seeking out only the low key unseen cringe clips, not all the generic garbage that you see reuploaded across hundreds of channels, also, im making 3-5 minute... ANGEL Vs DEMON (Part 2)Problematic - Angel Vs Demon (Part 2)Buy Album On Itunes: On Google Pl... Foster The People - Pumped up Kicks (Music Video)Subscribe - For more fun music videos!Like - To show support :)Comment - To show even more support :-)Share ... Follow me on Instagram! originally got the idea for this prank from my fellow Canadians NELK Welcome to SH official YouTube age 22 actor/stunt man was on a tv show call tosh.o For booking info contact me Super humman shirts are now available Best of Insane Clown Posse: here: video by Insane Clown Posse performing Hokus Pokus. (C) 1997 The ...

juggalo kid definition

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