California curfew: Is my county on the curfew list? Here's ...

is there still a curfew in sa

is there still a curfew in sa - win

Will a potential curfew actually do anything to stop the rise of COVID cases?

Is this the right measure to be taking as cases rise?
Should we be focusing more resources and adding measures towards protecting the vulnerable instead?
I went on and looked at the data provided and this is what the current numbers from Jan 2020 until now say:
The majority of deaths are occurring among the older populations: Okay, this is not news to anybody. But look at the numbers - of the 4982 total COVID deaths that have occurred in Ontario, 4,766 (95%) fall within the age 60-99+ group. Take away those aged 60-69 and the rest of the elderly population still makes 87% of deaths.
I am not saying that we should stop taking COVID seriously because it affects the elderly more...that's ageist. What I'm saying is that we are actually doing little to protect this population, which brings me to the next point
The majority of cases by outbreak setting are in LTC homes: This is a point that is not emphasized enough. And yet, the government has done little to actually support this setting by providing sufficient PPE, facilitating social distancing between residents and supporting care workers. From my experience as a care worker, I will tell you that conditions in most LTC facilities are abhorrent. The state of these places were bad prior to the pandemic and COVID simply highlighted how bad it actually is. If more resources were directly funnelled into supporting LTC facilities and their infection control initiatives, we would solve more than just COVID outbreaks - think C-diff, Norovirus, flu, etc
If it is considered unethical to let COVID wave through the entire population and let the elderly and vulnerable succumb to it, then it should also be unethical to allow elderly human beings to live in the current state of some of these LTC facilities.
The highest case count are among the young but also the young have the highest recovery rate: yes, young people are constantly blamed for causing community spread because of social gatherings and such. Although this age group is considered more likely to socialize and spread the virus, this group also makes up an overwhelming majority of essential workers therefore their exposure rate is overall much higher.
However, the severity of the virus is minimal in this age group. Of the 44,895 total cumulative cases in the 20-29 age group where 6408 are presently active cases, 38,481 (86%) are resolved. There have been unfortunately 6 deaths, but COVID deaths in this demographic make up .01% of the cases.
The impact on the working population: 161,208 cases from the working population (age 20-69), 138,200 (86%) of those cases are deemed resolved with 640 (0.4%) resulting in death.
This group consists of people who are actively contributing the most to the economy as both consumers and labourers. Yet, this group is the one making the bulk of the sacrifices between lockdown measures, working from home, travel restrictions, not seeing family or friends during the holidays, etc.
Now, I understand that this group can also spread asymptomatically therefore putting our vulnerable populations at risk - but my point is this:
Let the healthy, working population go on with their lives and simultaneously PROTECT THE VULNERABLE. Put resources into LTC homes, tell vulnerable people to limit their contact and exposure by taking the necessary precautions, and do the necessary contact tracing and testing.
Yes, it would be unfair that the vulnerable cannot partake in society the same way as the rest, but we cannot be tanking our economy in the name of lockdown measures with all its residual consequences (increased mental health issues, increased suicide attempts, increased rates of abuse/violence at home, financial strains, increase in preventable/screenable diseases like cancers etc) for the sake of this smaller portion of the population.
I encourage you to dissect these stats and play with the numbers on the site. Make your own conclusions. Both the federal and provincial government has done a poor job at ensuring the healthy, working population is being looked after through this pandemic AND and an even poorer job at protecting the vulnerable.

TLDR: Curfew won't help anything.
Edit 1: on the topic of overwhelming ICUs - governments had months to prepare to amp up beds, staff and resources for the second wave. Also, a large majority of ICU COVID cases are among the elderly (~65% - )...again another failure on the government's part in protecting the vulnerable.
Edit 2: my maths were wonky. Thanks to a kind user for noticing and calling it out.
Edit 3: Thank you thank you thank you to all the users who contributed to the conversation. Many great points were brought up and gave me a lot to ponder and consider. This right here is why I love reddit so much. Let's keep doing the work to keep ourselves informed with a questioning attitude and a constant consideration for the wellbeing of others. :)
submitted by artificialplantmom to ontario [link] [comments]

So fucking tired of the narrative

I live in South Africa. For the past 2 weeks or so, the 'new variant' narrative has been shoved down our throats as well as 'second wave will continue for another month or so'.
We have various levels of lockdown. At the moment we are in level 3 (which also prohibits alcohol). We have a curfew which starts at 9pm and ends at 5am (up until Monday it ended at 6am). Usually this time of the year, we are outside in the fresh air. There are SO many recreational OUTDOOR activities across SA especially where I live. We have beaches that go on for fucking days, now we cannot even set foot at them. Yet this for me is a 'first world problem' compared to the even poorer communites around me.
In my country, Gender Based Violence and murders are so frequent and expected, yet when there was an outcry for govt to do something they just fucking did nothing. They literally found a body of a 3 year old around the corner from my workplace shoved in a plastic bag after she had been brutally raped in her own home by someone she knew and govt still did fuck all.
I am SO pissed that a country like ours, where we have faced countless atrocities in the not so distant past have given over their liberties to the government once again.
There are just not enough safe places for our kids here, most are now stuck with their abusers and it pains me that there are even fewer options for them now.
Fuck the vaccine, save our fucking kids.
submitted by AshJade17 to NoNewNormal [link] [comments]

Will a potential curfew actually do anything to stop the rise of COVID cases?

Is this the right measure to be taking as cases rise?
Should we be focusing more resources and adding measures towards protecting the vulnerable instead?
I went on and looked at the date provided and this is what the current numbers from Jan 2020 until now say:
The majority of deaths are occurring among the older populations: Okay, this is not news to anybody. But look at the numbers - of the 4982 total COVID deaths that have occurred in Ontario, 4,766 (95%) fall within the age 60-99+ group. Take away those aged 60-69 and the rest of the elderly population still makes 87% of deaths.
I am not saying that we should stop taking COVID seriously because it affects the elderly more...that's ageist. What I'm saying is that we are actually doing little to protect this population, which brings me to the next point
The majority of cases by outbreak setting are in LTC homes: This is a point that is not emphasized enough. And yet, the government has done little to actually support this setting by providing sufficient PPE, facilitating social distancing between residents and supporting care workers. From my experience as a care worker, I will tell you that conditions in most LTC facilities are abhorrent. The state of these places were bad prior to the pandemic and COVID simply highlighted how bad it actually is. If more resources were directly funnelled into supporting LTC facilities and their infection control initiatives, we would solve more than just COVID outbreaks - think C-diff, Norovirus, flu, etc
If it is considered unethical to let COVID wave through the entire population and let the elderly and vulnerable succumb to it, then it should also be unethical to allow elderly human beings to live in the current state of some of these LTC facilities.
The highest case count are among the young but also the young have the highest recovery rate: yes, young people are constantly blamed for causing community spread because of social gatherings and such. Although this age group is considered more likely to socialize and spread the virus, this group also makes up an overwhelming majority of essential workers therefore their exposure rate is overall much higher.
However, the severity of the virus is minimal in this age group. Of the 44,895 total cumulative cases in the 20-29 age group where 6408 are presently active cases, 38,481 (86%) are resolved. There have been unfortunately 6 deaths, but COVID deaths in this demographic make up .01% of the cases.
The impact on the working population: 161,208 cases from the working population (age 20-69), 138,200 (86%) of those cases are deemed resolved with 640 (0.4%) resulting in death.
This group consists of people who are actively contributing the most to the economy as both consumers and labourers. Yet, this group is the one making the bulk of the sacrifices between lockdown measures, working from home, travel restrictions, not seeing family or friends during the holidays, etc.
Now, I understand that this group can also spread asymptomatically therefore putting our vulnerable populations at risk - but my point is this:
Let the healthy, working population go on with their lives and simultaneously PROTECT THE VULNERABLE. Put resources into LTC homes, tell vulnerable people to limit their contact and exposure by taking the necessary precautions, and do the necessary contact tracing and testing.
Yes, it would be unfair that the vulnerable cannot partake in society the same way as the rest, but we cannot be tanking our economy in the name of lockdown measures with all its residual consequences (increased mental health issues, increased suicide attempts, increased rates of abuse/violence at home, financial strains, increase in preventable/screenable diseases like cancers etc) for the sake of this smaller portion of the population.
I encourage you to dissect these stats and play with the numbers on the site. Make your own conclusions. Both the federal and provincial government has done a poor job at ensuring the healthy, working population is being looked after through this pandemic AND and an even poorer job at protecting the vulnerable.

TLDR: Curfew won't help anything.
Edit: on the topic of overwhelming ICUs - governments had months to prepare to amp up beds, staff and resources for the second wave. Also, a large majority of ICU COVID cases are among the elderly (~65% - )...again another failure on the government's part in protecting the vulnerable.
submitted by artificialplantmom to askTO [link] [comments]

Mega-List: Israel's Crimes & Controversies (Full)

Updated on 9 Feb 2021, Arranged in Chronological Order
I Accept Tips, Thank you
Articles cited are from reliable and trustworthy sources (some may be NSFL):
Use this website to read any paywalled site you might encounter in this list.


(1) Balfour Declaration (1917) was a letter of British support towards Lord Rothschild for the Zionist aim of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine, which at that point of time was already inhabited by the natives. It was highly controversial as the declaration was made by an European power regarding a non-European territory in flat disregard of both the presence and wishes of the native majority in the territory. Upon the start of the mandate, the British facilitated the immigration of European Jews to Palestine.
The British disarmed the Palestinian people from 1936-1939 during the 'Great Arab Revolt' whilst turning a blind eye to illegal immigration by European Jews and their procurement of arms, greatly hindering the Palestinians in the future Arab-Israeli War. (Sources: Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist–Arab Conflict, 1881–1999 by Benny Morris p.159, The Hundred Years' War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi)
In 1939, the British altered its policy, setting a limit of 75,000 further immigrants and ending immigration by 1944, unless the native Palestinians of the region consented to further immigration. Zionists condemned the new policy, accusing Britain of favouring the Arabs. This point was made moot by the outbreak of WW2 and the founding Israel in 1948.
Britannica, Wiki, BBC, AJ
(2) Assasination of Jacob Israël de Haan (1924), a Dutch-Jewish diplomat, for attempting to make a peace deal with the Emir of Mecca - his plan was a Palestinian state in a Jordanian federation, the Zionists would drop the Balfour declaration and any claim to a state in exchange for unrestricted immigration. He was assassinated when leaving a synagogue by Avraham Tehomi (who admitted to it much later), on the orders of Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, who later became the 2nd President of Israel:
Wiki, Haaretz, 972mag
(3) Patria Disaster (1940) was the sinking of a French-built SS Patria by the Zionist Paramilitary Group, Haganah, killing 267 people and injuring 172. Patria was carrying about 1,800 Jewish refugees from Europe whom the British authorities were deporting from Palestine to Mauritius because they lacked entry permits. Zionist organizations opposed the deportation so Haganah planted a bomb intended to disable the ship to prevent it from leaving Haifa after Irgun's attempt to plant a bomb was unsuccessful. They claimed to have miscalculated the effects of the explosion causing the SS Patria to sink.
Wiki, JPost
(4) King David Hotel Bombing (1946) where right-wing Zionist terrorists attacked a British HQ located within the hotel killing 91 and injuring 46. The leader of the perpetrators, Manachem Begin became the Prime Minister of Israel in 1977.
Wiki, Haaretz
(5) Deir Yassin Massacre (1948) where 117 villagers including women & children were slaughtered by Zionist Paramilitary groups, some members of the perpetrators were at a later time, absorbed into the IDF, one (Menachem Begin) became PM of Israel:
Wiki, Haaretz, Britannica
(6) Palestinian Exodus "Nakba" (1948) was an expulsion of 700,000 Palestinian Arabs from their Homeland during the war and establishment of Israel in May 1948, these includes testimonies of massacres, rape and looting. During and immediately following the state’s creation, Israel expropriated approximately 4,244,776 acres of Palestinian land.
Haaretz, Haaretz, Atlantic, Vox, TheWallsOfJerusalem
(7) Assassination of Folke Bernadotte, (1948) UN Mediator for Palestinian Refugees by Israel's Zionist Paramilitary Group, Lehi. The killing was approved by the 3-man 'center' of Lehi, one of which, after the assassination, became 7th Prime Minister of Israel (Yitzhak Shamir). No one was convicted for the assassination:
Wiki, Independent, Haaretz, WRMEA
(8) Document from IDF archives (1948) which after translation states:
"In the villages lying between Nahraiya and Tarshiha there are no foreign troops for the time being.The villages are armed and ready for action1. Your orders are to occupy, kill the men2, destroy and burn down the villages of Kabri, Umm al-Faraj and al-Nahr."
[1] Ilan Pappe notes that the villagers had no proper arms, only for hunting purposes and people who served in the police; without Arab troops that were absent they stood no chance [2] In April 1948, the Intelligence of the Hagana defined men as anyone above the age of 10
-Photo taken from IDF Archives 1676\51\12
-Benny Morris, The Birth of the Palestinian refugee problem, 1947-1949, ISBN 0-521-33028-9. P. 133
-Hagana archives, 100\35, dated May 19, 1948
(9) Al Dawayima Massacre (1948) occurred after the town was occupied by the IDF's 89th Commando Battalion. According to the village leader, IDF troops fired indiscriminately for over an hour, during which time many fled. On returning the day with other villagers, 60 bodies were found in the mosque, mostly elderly men. Numerous corpses of men, women and children, lay in the streets. 80 bodies of men, women and children were then found in the entrance of the El Zagh cavern. According to an IDF soldier:
"the 1st [wave] of conquerors killed about 80 to 100 men, women, and children. The children they killed by breaking their heads with sticks. There was not a house without dead."
"1 commander ordered his men to put 2 old women in the house and blow it up. 1 soldier boasted that he had raped a woman and then shot her. 1 woman, with a baby in her arms was employed to clean the courtyard where the soldiers ate. She worked a day or two. In the end they shot her and her baby."
Wiki, Mondoweiss, Haaretz
(10) Safsaf Massacre (1948) after the Upper Galilee village surrendered to the IDF, 54-62 villagers had their hands tied, shot dead and buried in a pit. There was also 3 reports of rape, including the rape and murder of a 14-yr old girl. Yosef Nachmani (Senior officer in the Haganah as well as the director of the Jewish National Fund) confirmed the incident in his diaries.
Wiki, JewishCurrents, Haaretz
(11) Hula Massacre (1948) occured in a village in Lebanon where according to an IDF superior, 35-58 men ages (ages between 15-60) who posed no resistance and surrendered immediately were executed by 2 IDF officers w a sub-machine gun and had the house blown up on top of them as a revenge for a separate incident the men had nothing to do with.
Wiki, Haaretz
(12) Baghdad Bombings (1950-1951) was a series of False-flag bombings on Jewish targets in Baghdad with the intention to encourage Iraqi Jews to immigrate to Israel. According to Moshe Gat, Meir-Glitzenstein, Samuel Klausner, Rayyan Al-Shawaf and Yehouda Shenhav, there is wide consensus among Iraqi Jews that the Zionists were behind the bombings. This belief was shared among Historian Abbas Shiblak, Iraqi Jew Naeim Giladi, CIA agent Wilbur Crane and the British Embassy of Baghdad. When the 'Lavon Affair False-flag operations (1954)' broke out, Shalom Cohen (Knesset Israeli Politician at a later stage) remarked, "This method of operating was not invented for Egypt. It was tried before in Iraq." In a 2006 publication, Yehuda Tager, an Israeli agent who operated in Baghdad, confirmed Zionist involvements in the bombings.
Wiki, Journal, Haaretz
(13) Qibya Massacre (1953) where IDF troops under Ariel Sharon killed at least 69 Palestinian villagers, two-thirds of them were women and children. 45 homes, a school and a mosque were destroyed. The attack began with a mortar barrage on the village. IDF deployed explosive charges to breach the barbed fence and mined roads to prevent Jordanian forces from intervening. At the same time at least 25 mortar shells were fired into Budrus (neighbouring village) before IDF troops simultaneously entered the village from 3 sides. Ariel Sharon wrote: "The orders were clear, Qibya was to be an example for everyone." Original documents showed that Sharon personally ordered his troops to achieve "maximal killing and damage to property", and post-operational reports speak of breaking into houses and clearing them with grenades and shooting.
Wiki, 972mag, Cambridge, Haaretz, CounterPunch
(14) Lavon Affair (1954) a failed false flag operation where Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli Military Intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, their foiled plan was to blame the attacks on the Muslim Brotherhood:
Haaretz, TimesofIsrael, Wiki
(15) Kafr Qasim Massacre (1956) where Israeli Border Police killed 49 Arabs (19 men, 6 women, 23 children, 1 unborn child) returning home from work during a curfew they were unaware of. Those involved in the massacre were found guilty but were pardoned and released from prison in a single year. The highest ranking official prosecuted for the massacre confessed before his death, that the massacre were planned to ethnically cleanse Israeli Arabs from the region, and that his trial was staged to protect Israeli political and military elites, including Prime Minister Ben Gurion, from taking responsibility for the massacre:
Wiki, Haaretz, 972mag, Medium
(16) Apollo Affair (1965) an incident where 200-600 pounds of highly enriched uranium disappeared from a Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Highly suspected to have gone to Israel's Nuclear Program particularly given the visit of Rafi Eitan who was under the guise of a chemist but later revealed as an Israeli spy and who was later involved in the Jonathan Pollard incident:
Wiki, LATimes, Mondoweiss,
Archive of the findings of Roger Mattson, a Physicist who investigated the Incident for the Nuclear Regulatory Commision,
YouTube, 1968 FBI Report, FBI's Declassified Memo PDF
(17) USS Liberty (1967) where Israel deliberately attacked an American Cargo Vessel, killing 34 and wounding 174 without any repurcussions:
Sacrificing Liberty Trailer, Haaretz, Wiki
(18) Ras Sedr Massacre (1967) where 49-52 Egyptian prisoners of war were executed by the IDF during the six-day war. The mass grave was found in June 2000. A report has detailed confessions of Israeli officers who witnessed the act including an IDF Brigadier-General who admitted to killing 49 Egyptian prisoners of war in the Sinai Desert in later interviews after retirement.
Wiki, IOL, AlAraby, Reuters, NYT
(19) Sabra & Shatila massacre (1982), perpetrated by a Lebanese Christian militia (Phalangists), which was under the political & military control of Israel. For 3 days, they engaged in rape, murder and mutilation w the knowledge of IDF troops surrounding the refugee camps. Israeli forces fired flares into the night sky to illuminate the darkness for the Phalangists, allowed reinforcements to enter the area on the 2nd day of the massacre, and provided bulldozers that were used to dispose of the bodies of many victims. Estimated death count: 2000 - 3500. Ariel Sharon was held responsible for the Massacre, but he was still voted as PM of Israel in 2001:
SciencesPo, TRTworld, AJ, IMEU
(20) Jonathan Pollard Incident (1984), where Israel handsomely rewarded an American Intelligence Officer in return for US Classified information. According to his handler, Rafi Eitan (Mossad Spy involved in "Apollo Affair"), before Pollard's capture, he had been warned that he was uncovered and that he was given a signal to leave the US, but instead Pollard:
"wandered around for 3 days. He had many opportunities to do what I told him and he didn't do it".
After his release from prison in 2020, Pollard and his wife immigrated to Israel, he was given a hero's arrival by Netanyahu upon his arrival. after his flight on a private jet owned by Trump's Zionist Mega donor, Sheldon Adelson.
Britannica, Haaretz, Wiki
(21) Israeli former nuclear technician turned whistleblower was lured to Italy where Mossad drugged and abducted him back to Israel for the trial that was held secretly behind closed doors. He spent 18 years in prison, including more than 11 in solitary confinement. Says he suffered "cruel and barbaric treatment" at the hands of Israeli authorities while imprisoned because he was Christian. After his release in 2004, he was subjected to a broad array of very strict restrictions on his speech and movement (1986):
Wiki, Youtube, NYT, Guardian, CNN, Wired, Telegraph
(22) Operation Trojan (1986) according to ex-Mossad agent in his book, Mossad instigated the US bombing of Libya by planting a transmission device and impersonating as the Libyan Govt sending terrorist orders to its embassies around the world. (Story in Page 113-117) (Downloadable PDF File):
Other Side of Deception PDF
(23) Cave of Patriarchs Massacre (1994) Israeli Settler Baruch Goldstein opened fire in Ibrahimi Mosque, killing 29 worshippers and wounding more than 125:
Wiki, JPost
(24) Qana Massacre (1996) IDF fired artillery shells at a UN Compound where 800 Lebanese civillians were taking refuge. 106 civillians were killed, 116 injured, 4 Fiji UN forces were also seriously injured:
Wiki, AlAraby, Independent, DailyMotion
(25) 5 Israelis working for an Israeli Company "Urban Moving" were arrested on 9/11 after being seen documenting (their own words during an Israeli interview) and celebrating the attack on the WTC. Owner of the company, Dominik Suter, fled to Israel after the incident. His name appeared on the May 2002 FBI Suspect List, along with the 9/11 hijackers and other suspected extremists. Israel has yet to extradiate him (2001):
9/11 War by Deception, YouTube, YouTube, ABC, Forward, NYT, Haaretz
(26) New Zealand imposed diplomatic sanctions on Israel over an incident where 2 Australia-based Israelis, who were allegedly working for Mossad, attempted to fraudulently obtain NZ Passports by claiming the identity of a disabled man. 2 others, are believed to have been the 3rd and 4th men involved in the scandal but they managed to leave NZ before being apprehended. NZ PM viewed the incident as "not only utterly unacceptable but also a breach of NZ's sovereignty and international law". The following year, Israeli foreign minister apologized for the incident. (2004)
Wiki, NZHerald
(27) 2nd Qana Massacre (2006) air-strike carried out by IDF on a building Lebanon during the war. 28 civillians were killed out of which 16 were children. Upon investigation, IDF concluded that there was in fact no rocket launched from Qana on the day of the deadly strike by IDF:
Wiki, BBC, Norman Finkelstein
(28) CIA Memos: Israeli Mossad posed as CIA agents to recruit terrorists to carry out False Flag Operations against Iran (2007-2008):
Haaretz, ForeignPolicy
(29) Operation 'Cast Lead' (2008-2009): estimated 1391 Palestinians killed, 759 to be civillians, 344 children, 110 women. 13 Israelis killed, out of which 10 are soldiers. Israel also admits using 'White Phosphorus' during their military offensive:
Haaretz, Haaretz, Amnesty, France24, Investigation: F.A
(30) 4 Iranian nuclear scientists were assassinated and another was seriously wounded in an attempted murder between (2010-2012). US officials confirm that Terror Group, MEK was financed, trained, and armed by Israel in killing the nuclear scientists:
NBC, Guardian, Guardian
(31) In 2013, Israel awarded 'Genie Energy' (American Oil and Gas company), rights to drill in Golan Heights (Syrian occupied territory) despite international opposition including Israeli experts on international law. In 2015, Israel claimed a massive discovery of oil in the area, reportedly believe could supply the country’s oil needs for many years to come:
Prominent figures in Genie Energy's Board of Advisors:
Jacob Rothschild (British banker of the prominent Rothschild family), Dick Cheney (Ex-Vice president of USA), Rupert Murdoch (Billionaire American Media Mogul), James Woolsey (Ex-CIA Director), Lawrence Summers (Ex-Head of US Treasury), Bill Richardson (Ex-Energy Secretary of USA), Michael Steinhardt (Wall Street Trader, Investor and Hedge Fund Manager)
BusinessInsider, TRTworld, Yahoo Finance
(32) Operation 'Protective Edge' (2014) after the Kidnapping & Murder of 3 Israeli Teens allegedly by Hamas (Opinions divided among Israel's Security Services on who was actually behind it), Disproportionate Collective Punishment ensued against the people of Gaza (estimated 2104 Palestinians killed, including 1,462 civilians, of whom 495 were children and 253 women. 17,200 homes destroyed or severely damaged. More than 10,000 injured):
Image, NYmag, BBC, B'Tselem, Amnesty
(33) Duma Arson Attack (2015) Israeli Settlers firebombed a Palestinian home, killing an 18-mth old baby and his parents who succumed to their 3rd degree burns weeks later. Their 4yr old son who suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns on more than 60% of his body becomes sole survivor of the attack. Graffiti left by the arsonists read "Revenge, Price tag, Long live the Messiah". Months after the incident, Israeli Radicals celebrate wedding by stabbing photo of 18-mth old Palestinian baby that was killed in the Arson Attack
In 2020, Yair Netanyahu retweets crowdfunding legal appeal for Israeli terrorist convicted of the Arson Attack. Two dozen senior Israeli Rabbis have also issued a statement supporting the terrorist.
Wiki, Guardian


(1) Jewish Community Watch: "Israel becoming a safe haven for paedophiles worldwide" (2016):
(2) According to Ari Ben-Menashe (Israel's Ex-Military Intelligence Officer & Foreign Intelligence Advisor), Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell worked with Israeli Intelligence to run a Sexual Blackmail Enterprise for the purpose of entrapping powerful individuals and politicians in the United States and abroad. Former Israeli PM, Yitzhak Shamir also eulogized Ghislaine Maxwell's Father during his funeral, stating: “He has done more for Israel than can today be said."(2019):
7News, MintPress, Telegraph, Narativ, TRTworld, Haaretz
(3) Jeffrey Epstein has also invested millions of dollars in Carbyne, an Israeli start-up company in which former Israeli prime minister and current election candidate Ehud Barak is the controlling shareholder (2019):
NYT, Haaretz, Haaretz
(4) Photos show Former PM Ehud Barak entering Epstein's home. At a Later stage, a woman came out saying Epstein forced her to have sex with Former PM Ehud Barak (2019-2020):
JPost, DailyMail, TimesOfIsrael, YnetNews
(5) In newly uncovered photos taken on Epstein's island, Ghislaine Maxwell seen cavorting with fugitive rape suspect Jean-Luc Brunel - who gave Jeffrey Epstein three 12-year-old triplets as a birthday present'. In the photographs from the source, Jean-Luc Brunel is wearing an Israeli Army hat. (2020)
NZHerald, NYPost
(6) Maria Farmer, one of Epstein's victims gave an interview with Independent Journalist Whitney Webb. In the interview she talks about the sex ring and how Jewish Supremacy played a major role. She mentions how none of the mainstream media was willing to talk about it. Alan Dershowitz, a pro-Israel Attorney, who was also involved in Epstein's sex ring smeared her as anti-Semitic for her statement. Dershowitz is well known for his Defense team for Harvey Weinstein in 2018 and for the impeachment trials of Donald Trump in 2020 and 2021. He was a member of the legal defense team for Jeffrey Epstein and helped to negotiate a 2006 non-prosecution agreement on Epstein's behalf. (2020)
Maria Farmer Interview, Epstein's victim says Dershowitz had sex with her 6 times while she was underaged, InformationLiberation, NYmag, Vox
(7) Child abuser Malka Leifer, wanted for 74 charges of sexual abuse escaped from Australia to Israel. On October 2019, Jerusalem Court released her on bail despite many opposing it. The Israeli President refuses to meet alleged victims of Malka Leifer during his visit to Australia (2019):
Guardian, APnews, Abc Australia, The Australian
(8) How Jewish American paedophiles hide from justice in Israel (2020):


(1) Apartheid Against Palestinians:
Protected Wiki
(2) International Law (Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 1949, UN Resolution 37/43) dictates that Palestinians have a legal right to an armed struggle to resist occupation:
Add. Protocol I, Geneva Conventions (PDF), UN Resolution 37/43 (PDF)
(3) Israel's building of settlements in occupied territories such as the West Bank and East Jerusalem are illegal under international law, violating Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 as well as the Statute of Rome, Art. 8 (2)(b)(viii) which states: "The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.":
Wiki, UN, International Law on Occupation, A.J, Amnesty, Amnesty, B'Tselem, YouTube
(4) Israel's destruction of homes in occupied territories such as the West Bank and East Jerusalem are illegal under the Rome Statute as well as violating Article 53 of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 which states: "Any destruction by the Occupying Power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively to private persons ... is prohibited, except where such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations.":
Fourth Geneva Convention (PDF)
(5) List of Discriminatory Laws against Palestinians in Israel and Occupied territories:
Adalah, AlJazeera, HRW pdf Report


(1) Advocating racial purity in Israel, Chinese workers in Israel sign no-sex contract (2003)
(2) Palestinian who claimed to be a Jew after a consensual sexual encounter with an Israeli woman jailed for 'Rape By Deception' (2010)
(3) Hierarchy of the Human species according to Eli Ben-Dahan, Israel's former deputy minister of defense: Goyims (Non-Jews) placed below Homosexual Jews (2013):
(4) Israeli Trade Minister: "I've killed alot of Arabs in my life, there's no problem with that" (2013)
(5) 800,000 mourners attend influential Rabbi, Ovadia Yosef's funeral procession (Largest in Israel's history). (2013) The following are his controversial comments made when he was alive:
“6,000,000 Holocaust victims were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things which should not be done. They had been reincarnated in order to atone.”
“There was a tsunami (Hurricane Katrina) and there are terrible natural disasters, because there isn’t enough Torah study…Black people reside there [New Orleans]. Blacks will study the Torah? [God said] let’s bring a tsunami and drown them...“Hundreds of thousands remained homeless. Tens of thousands have been killed. All of this because they have no God.”
“Goyim (Gentiles) were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”
“In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money...This is his servant…That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”
“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”
"A woman's knowledge is only in sewing...Women should find other jobs and make hamin, but not deal with matters of Torah."
“How can you make peace with a snake?” (Referring to Arabs)
“Those evildoers, the Arabs — it says in the Gemara [Talmud] that God is sorry he ever created those sons of Ishmael.”
“They’re stupid. Their religion is as ugly as they are.” (Referring to Muslims)
"It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable." (Referring to Palestinians)
TimesofIsrael, TimesofIsrael, Wiki
(6) Muslim & Christian graves desecrated in Israel w Racist graffiti (2011):
(7) Israel school textbooks depicts Palestinians/Arabs as terrorists, refugees and primitive farmers (2011):
(8) Ethiopian Jews injected with contraceptive birth control without their consent (2013):
Haaretz, Independent, Guardian
submitted by invalidusermyass to list_palestine [link] [comments]

White supremacistd wish for war
"Well Tameika Isaac Devine (contact information and Web site here), " Ah yes encouraging others to harrass others.
"We have written this before and it should be crystal clear to all readers that the idea of curfew ordinances are only needed in three occasions: war, natural disaster and when Black people behave Blackly."
"How many other cities are implementing curfews and issuing states of emergency? Inevitably, each city does so because of a monochromatic problem. Perhaps if Black people behaved (instead of participating in BBB behavior) no such laws would necessary."
Really? Let's look at one such claim:
"What happens when Black people and white people collide in Peoria, Illinois? Courtesy of Lawrence Auster:"
"Akron, Ohio in 2009 saw 50 Black people randomly attack a white family on July 4th chanting “This is a Black world!”"
Smells like bs:*/
How come they are unharmed in their photo when describing the crime?
"Now on the same weekend that Carter Strange rests disfigured from an attack by 8 Black people in Columbia, South Carolina (all who have subsequently been charged with lynching), we see how Black people wish to repay white people in Black-Run America in Peoria"
Right because white people still aren't lynching blacks...
Nor still hanging nooses:
And your link broke.
"And there is only one American city worthy of being the home to a 21st century remake of the gritty 1970s classic: Killadelphia Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, where Black violence is spiraling out of contro l, is the only city where Death Wish could logically be set in right now. It might sound outlandish, but a movie with this script could conceivably be made, knowing that Hollywood executives do care about turning a profit (just ask George Lucas what they thought of funding his Red Tails project).
Death Wish is ostensibly a right-wing story, but it’s more than that; it’s about challenging the state monopoly on violence when that same state sits back and does nothing to keep the law-abiding citizens safe. When that same state actively covers up for the actions of a criminal class, because covering the reality of crime would instantly undermine the very society that has been built (BRA) in the first place.
Death Wish was a huge hit back in the 1970s, when white paranoia toward ‘inner-city crime’ was rising around the nation (it was made only a few years after the Black riots tore apart city after city nationwide). Guess what’s happening now? That paranoia is well-founded:"
Your link lies:
"This type of thuggery (more to the point, Black-on-white violence) in Philadelphia – not to mention Black-on-Black violence – is all too common today. Freedom failed in The City of Brotherly Love .
Cast Neeson as Paul Kersey. He’s made a number of movies lately that Charles Bronson would have loved to starred in, and a Death Wish remake with Patrick Swazye’s co-star from Next of Kin is what this world needs right now.
Regardless of what happens, The Grey is a cinematic masterpiece. The message of the movie is clear: never mind the odds, survive. Keep going. Live.
In nature, that’s the only way to Exist ."
In Philadelphia, Black's are fasly accused:
And elsewhere:
Combined with the combination of segregation and lead poisoning, what else do you expect?
Not to mention elsewhere:
"I'll write something about this for another site. I have articles on Duke/affirmative action, Voter ID battles, College Football Recruiting/Racial Maturation, Detroit's Collapse vs. New York and D.C.'s rise, and The Patriots/Evaluation of white talent all coming out in the next few days on other sites."
Right...because those things never benefit whites:
submitted by ryu289 to 2020Reclamation [link] [comments]

June 2nd Protest and Riot Discussion/Update thread

Thank you to the /LosAngeles community for your support over the last few days. This subreddit is a great place because of you. Stay safe, everyone. I'll update this thread as best I can throughout the day. The Daily Discussion thread can be found here. Please keep all protest and/or riot discussion in here, and out of the daily thread.

Calls for violence against anyone will be met with a ban. This includes supporting looting or destruction of property.

It also now includes deliberately conflating protestors and rioters. If you aren't sure what the difference is, please begin your education here.

The National Guard is actively patrolling DTLA, Santa Monica, and other areas. As of Monday evening, 700 troops have been deployed to the City of Los Angeles, and another 500 for the County.
Here is an overview of what the National Guard troops can and cannot do. Here is a second and a third page for those who like multiple sources. TL;DR - They are mostly responsible for cleaning up and securing previously looted areas, and patrolling while local police take a much needed rest. They do not have arrest authority and martial law is NOT being imposed. National Guard troops are not police.
Public transit is operating normally at this time. Follow LA Metro on Twitter for updates.


Upland - 6PM-6AM until June 8th
Santa Monica - 2PM
West Hollywood - 4PM
Los Angeles County - 6PM
Beverly Hills has already announced a Wendesday curfew, 1PM curfew in the business district, 4PM citywide


----- Broadcast News Streams -----
CBS 2 / KCAL 9 Fox 11 KTLA 5 ABC 7 NBC 4
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------
----- Livestreams from the ground -----
Josh Friedman - Hollywood Psycho Dru - Hollywood jonsf - Hollywood
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------
----- Nationwide multi-city coverage -----
watchnowlive WOKE keeferz USA Today



11:15 - Hundreds of protestors gather downtown
11:30 - LAPD in Hollywood made over 500 arrests, impounded 50 vehicles. Most arrests were peaceful protestors violating curfew, with 20 detained for looting.
11:40 - LAPD releases additional figures: - 2,700 arrested since protests began - 2,500 of those were failure to disperse, breaking curfew - 200 were for looting and other acts of violence - 66 LAPD damaged, 7 of which were burned
11:45 - A protest scheduled for noon at Hollywood and Vine is growing
12:00 - Fox 11 reports a person in full military gear has been arrested downtown. KCAL reports they may have been attempting to impersonate a National Guard member. Details will be published when available.
12:15 - LAPD has arrested a heavily armed 31 year old male impersonating a National Guard member. He was booked on assault weapons charges and may be charged federally as well.
1:00 - There are sizable peaceful protests in Manhattan Beach, Northridge, two groups in Hollywood, and Downtown.
1:30 - LAPD seen kneeling with protestors downtown.
1:45 - Protestors have crossed the 101 at Sunset and entered the 110.
2:00 - COVID-19 testing centers at Dodger Stadium, Carbon Health, and Kedren Community and several County of LA testing centers are open today with modified hours.
3:00 - LAPD seen removing two women from their vehicle in Hollywood
3:30 - Several LA County courthouses are closing early
3:50 - Protestors gathered outside Mayor Garcetti's home
4:40 - Protestors in Brea are observing 8 minutes of silence; the amount of time that George Floyd was pinned down by Derek Chauvin
4:50 - The Red and Purple Line trains are skipping the Pershing Square, Civic Center, 7th/Metro, Hollywood/Vine, Hollywood/Western and Hollywood/Highland stations
5:40 - Thousands gather in front of Mayor Garcetti's home as the 6PM curfew approaches.
6:30 - Garcetti says during press conference "We'll get rid of the curfew when we no longer need it."
7:05 - A large crowd of protestors has rushed into an apartment building downtown. There are no additional details at this time and no indications of looting. They have been confirmed to be sheltering from curfew enforcement.
7:10 - LAPD has surrounded a vehicle that nearly ran into a crowd of protestors, and arrested the driver and all occupants.
7:20 - LAPD has begun mass arrests of protestors downtown.
7:30 - A group of protestors in Hollywood has taken shelter on the roof of an apartment building to evade curfew enforcement.
8:00 - The protestors sheltering on the apartment roof have arranged themselves to spell BLM.
9:15 - Garcetti directed LAPD to minimize the use of 'less lethal' rubber bullets, stating that LAPD needed to "make peaceful protests possible."
9:50 - Fox 11 reports that LAPD has "made zero looting arrests tonight"
10:00 - LAPD in pursuit of suspect, assault with a deadly weapon Pursuit ended
10:30 - There are still no riots or looting on any news channel. LAPD is processing hundreds of curfew violations, but there don't seem to be any new developments. I'm gonna hope that this is the last update for the night.
submitted by voodoo_curse to LosAngeles [link] [comments]

“Possibility” of 10PM Curfew in UK
Oppressing people during the day didn’t work, oppressing people at night won’t work. Zero science to support any of this, but then again the talking heads in the newspapers and in the magic picture boxes don’t need to justify anything.
Bet it won’t be actual law, nothing passed through Parliament, arbitrary “emergency powers” and all that. But they’ll still have the police enforce it with void fines.
There is no “second wave”, only increased testing using inaccurate methods and then likely still inflating the results. Matt Hancock pretends to clutch his pearls again after government incentivising this at some point in the future.
Just wear the mask, mate. Just don’t go out at night, mate. Just get your vaccine, mate. Just get your digital ID, mate. Just collect your government cheque, mate. Just one little change to your day, mate. Just don’t think, mate. Just do, mate.
Nothing just about this.
I am so sick of the soulless cunts in Westminster, in the media, in the banks and in the big boy chairs of companies selling this country and its people out to fear and tyranny.
I am tired of trying to view and treat the supporters with the kindness and respect that 99.96% of them lack the decency to show me.
The longer this goes on the fainter the illusion of a peaceful solution becomes.
submitted by proahteane to conspiracy [link] [comments]

There is too much negativity

I'm a foreigner(Eastern European) who has been living in SA for about two years now. I've absolutely immersed myself into this culture because I simply love this country and the people regardless of all the issues we have been facing before and during this Covid-19 crisis.
I completely understand the reason why South Africans always complain but you guys are too harsh and I've met a lot South Africans who see this country as "the worst" which I absolutely disagree. I also hate loadshedding. I hate inequality, crime, corruption, current financial situation, etc. I'm aware of all these problems but believe me, the world is slowly rotting. Every country, I'm gonna say again, "Every country" has their own problems. There are only couple of countries in the world that provide you a really good life but other than that, where ever you go, it's full of shit. So please stop seeing this country as "the worst" and complain all the time. I've seen a survey couple of years ago about South Africans. They were asking South Africans to guess the numbers of some crime statistics such as murder, rape, burglary, etc. and literally every South African said way higher numbers than the statistics. So the point of this survey is South Africans love exaggerating. Please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying these issues are non-exist. We can't even walk at streets at night. Crime is the reality of this country. It's just awful but that doesn't change the fact you guys exaggerate it. This is just an example. Lemme give you another one. I see a lot of people complaining about Ramaphosa's last decisions. Just to clarify, I believe that I'm well aware of South African politics and I'm definitely not an ANC supporter but if Ramaphosa does something right, I would give him credit like I would do for anyone else regardless of our different political ideas. So what I noticed in South Africa is if people don't support ANC, whatever Ramaphosa says, they start complaining no matter what the context is or whether it is something rational or not. There is gonna be curfew between 9pm and 4am because he said that most non-Covid related injuries that require hospital treatment occur at night. Therefore by limiting the people out at night we can maybe limit accidents and keep hospital beds open. Plus I'm sure a lot of people visit their friends, families in the evenings. I'm sure there are some people organize house parties and there are people go out for some other reasons at night. So it's also for preventing stupid people to go out for non-essential reasons at night. Very logical decision but I see a lot of people on reddit, twitter, even my friends complaining about it. Don't be afraid of saying right, if something is right. Listen to each other guys. Please! We should be able to talk and argue about all the issues but just complaining without listening any opposite argument wouldn't solve anything but it brings just more and more negativity.
Let's talk about some positive things. There are lots of things that most South Africans take for granted. First of all, diversity. There are just a few countries in the world as diverse as South Africa and in my opinion, that's a privilege. South Africa has a unique culture. It's between European and African. The special thing about this diverse culture is that it makes the lifestyle almost as modern as Western European countries but also makes the people friendlier and more vibrant than most Europeans. It also broadens the way of people think, act, whatever you say. Secondly, the nature. I guess I don't need to say so many things about this. It's mesmerizing, phenomenal and spectacular. Thirdly, freedom of press. I think this is very important. The press is completely biased where I am coming from and you can't even imagine how bad the impact of biased media on a country. South Africa's media industry is even better than most European countries'. SA's ranking in World Press Freedom Index is 31, out of 180 countries. Fourthly, freedom of thoughts. According to Humanists International's freedom of thoughts report, South Africa's ranking is 38 out of 196 countries. From my experience, it's absolutely brilliant. This is also one of the most significant differences between South Africa and my country. I'm coming from a country that if you say anything bad about the government, you go to jail. If you criticise anything about your country even in the slightest way on social media, patriots will kick your arse. Most European countries are pretty patriotic as a result of their history. On the other hand, there is not a huge conservative, extremely patriotic community in South Africa and most South Africans are very open minded. Finally, SA is one of the few countries where you can actually feel "welcome" as a foreigner.
What I am saying is the world is slowly rotting. Every country has their own issues. South Africa seems much worse than everywhere to you because you live in here. I hear pretty much the same words from different people around the world about their countries. Maybe not the same problems but they have different problems that you don't have in this country. Although there is so much shit going on, I still can see good sides of this country. And I still can be happy. At the end of the day, all that matters is happiness. What you need to do is just to change your perspective. Again, I'm not saying you to ignore the issues but there are also a lot of things that makes this country special, beautiful and livable.
submitted by coloneleranmorad to southafrica [link] [comments]

The DM's friend kicks me out of the game after I express my discomfort over last minute cancellations.

I was planning on making a compilation of my own DNDHorrorStories but it's taking longer than I anticipated so, here is the most recent one, it happened a few weeks ago...
Disclaimer: I'm from Latin America, english is not my first language, so I apologize in advance for any misspelling or bad grammar.
I DM full time for my group of friends and since the quarantine started I begin to run some oneshots over roll20+discord until we can finally play face to face again, having more free time I also started joining a few online campaigns and oneshots as a player and the last one I joined was a homebrew setting were, long story short, a Kingdom divides into 7 warring states after the king dies, each of the states is ruled by a prince/princess fighting for the crown and they continue to do so until "the fire nation attacks" (some rival empire invades taking advantage of the inner fighting) and the 7 warring states have to form an alliance to resist the invasion, "ok, sounds fun so far if a little generic" I think and submit my request to join, a few days later I get selected and the DM wants to interview me over Discord before letting me join his game, ok I guess... the interview consists of him and his more experienced friend (a DM for hire I later found) asking me what class and race I'd like to play and how I or rather my character would react to a few "moral" scenarios...
I'm ok playing any class and race (except bards and warlocks) so far they have pretty much every role covered except a healer so I offer to play the Cleric and give them a very lose concept "Human/Aasimar, Cleric of Bahamut, WaLife domain, Lawful Good, Faction Agent", they tell me this is going to be a combat heavy campaign with lots of roleplay and GoT political intrigue (backstabbing) and they proceed to the scenarios and I answer accordingly to my PC's concept...
Scenario 1
DM: You enter a tavern the bartender is holding a drow woman by the arm calling her "thief" while the woman tries to break free and makes death threats to the bartender... what do you do?
Me: Ok, assuming I am a Cleric I discretely cast "Zone of Truth" and ask the bartender if he actually saw the drow steal something or if he is just assuming she is a thief only because of her race?
The DM and his Friend didn't knew how the spell worked so they gave false answers until I realize they didn't knew what the spell does and explained it to them, so I get the whole picture and side with the Drow woman (she made a bet with a local, the local lost and wouldn't pay so she stole what was rightfully hers)
Scenario 2
DM: You took a quest to kill a red dragon that's terrorizing all the towns around a mountain range, you come across an old man in the middle of the road who asks you "what are you doing here?"
Me: Assuming I am still a Cleric, I told the old man exactly what I am doing, and ask him if he knows of a location were the Dragon's lair might be.
DM: The man hesitates for a moment and tells you he doesn't know.
I do an insight check to know if he is hesitating out of fear and if he is lying, the DM tells me that he was deciding if my pc was worthy and he decided he was not, "do you continue with your quest?" I answer "Yes, it makes no difference what this man thinks of me it has nothing to do with my mission, I still have to hunt and kill the red dragon terrorizing the area, so I press on"
Scenario 3 The DM describes how as I arrive into a town and see a women about to be lynched by an angry mob (Witcher 3's trailer style), she is accused of being a witch and of killing two local boys that were found burned alive... ok, same as with the 1st Scenario, I cast "Zone of Truth" and yadda yadda yadda, the women is innocent, I suggest the culprit may be the Dragon I was charged to hunt and kill, but the DM and his friend reveals the scenarios were not connected.
Scenario 4 I am in charge of an outpost at the frontier between my nation and the nation we are at war with, the army have not been sending our salaries on time and the soldiers were not happy about it, so they suggest we raid a nearby town, a town that's on the other side of the border, I tell the DM that if I dispose of some coin of my own I would give them to the soldiers as compensation and tell them to be patient and forget about raiding the town reminding them that they are soldiers not a gang of bandits, the DM tells me the soldiers insist in raiding the town and argue that it shouldn't matter since it's an "enemy" town, I tell the DM that I say this to the soldiers "If you insist on behaving like common thieves I wont hesitate in treating you as such" as I take my warhammer firmly with my right hand I say "I won't allow the harming of innocents no matter which side of the border they live on, do I make myself clear soldier?".
I believe there was a 5th scenario but I can't remember what it was about.
I pass the interview and got the invitations to join the roll20 campaign and the discord channel, there they explained me the general world building, a very brief history of the kingdom and how it turned into warring states, their different and diverse cultures, how the gods were created, etc, I ask about the regions in particular and how was the pantheon composed... they had only named the kingdom but not the states it divided into nor anything else yet, they didn't made the pantheon either, so I ask if Bahamut was part of it, it wasn't, they wanted a completely original world, including the gods... Ok... I ask when will they have the "states" named and the pantheon, the friend answers "sometime during the week"... this was on a sunday night, session 1 was due next friday afternoon, and each player would be asked in private to run a personalized session 0 before friday as they finished their PCs, they also told me that they expected commitment from the players, and that they would play with whomever was present at the time and that they would kick out any player who is absent for 2 sessions in a row without a good reason or a previous notice (2 days minimum), no last minute notice not even the night before (remember this for later).
I log to the campaign, they assign me my character sheet and made me roll for stats (the RNG on that site hates players) no point buy no standard array... first roll I get, from worst to best [-3][-2][-2][-1][0][+2] (only remember the modifiers not the actual rolls, mostly because I texted them to a friend), ok, I can't play anything with that... so I ask if I can reroll, they seem reluctant, I insist and they let me... second roll, from worst to best [-4][-1][-1][0][0][+1]... FML... I ask if I can reroll this aberration again, the friend protests, he says he has a -4 to str with his wizard and he is not complaining (his other stats were normal) I respond "that's ok, you are a spellcaster, I intend to play a cleric, I can't even wear chain mail with those scores, he begrudgingly agrees after the DM sides with me when I remind them that they don't even allow PB nor SA as an option and these rolls are clearly worse than that, so I roll a third time and it's acceptable [-2][0][+1][+1][+2][+3]. I finish all the mechanical stuff of my pc later that night, I told the DM about it on the discord channel and proceed to wait for the campaign info and lore to arrive (kingdom/states, culture, gods, etc).
The days passed and only the other players and I remained active on the discord group, they asked several times for the campaign's info, particularly the regions and what type of society/ies they were so they could finally write their pc's backstories, I wrote a pretty generic one (no one died, no sworn enemy, short but original) for ease of adaptation, had not picked a name yet I leave that for last, I asked a few times if they at least had the "war domain gods" done, but I got no answer, I ask if they could include Bahamut in the pantheon, no answer either, finally the friend responds (he sounded pissed) and uploads something on wednesday night, it was just the warring states info, it's wasn't much but it was enough to fill the blanks in my backstory, so I picked a culture that sounded a lot like "Sparta" on an island made the few necessary adjustments and I told the group on discord that I had everything done and that I only needed to know the name of my god, the DM asks confirmation for session 1, everyone confirms they will be there, at this point I already moved things in my schedule to be there and rejected a few invitations to hang out with some friends (family and friends reunions were allowed back again starting that week in my city).
What I needed is uploaded thursday evening, they made like three or four dozen gods (the only info in the file was the name of the gods, their alignments, their domains and which god they hated), most of them overlapped each other, they had about 4 or 6 gods of the war domain and I didn't like any of them particularly, so I joked about making an atheist rogue or something instead, I obviously did not and ended up picking the only war domain god that the spartan region followed, the friend responds a little frustrated, I explained it was just a joke, but he didn't answered back and called one of the other players to a voice channel to talk, I wasn't invited so I wrote the god into my backstory and announced that my character was finished and called it a day.
The next day after coming back from work, I log into roll20 and discord to found out that last night a few minutes before midnight the DM and his friend cancelled session 1 and no one else was aware of it, so I asked what was going on, and the friend responded that since only 1 player did the session 0 and worse of all 1 of the rest have not even made his PC yet so there was no option but to cancel, and that they gave notice so we shouldn't complain. I can't remember the exact exchange but it was something along the lines of...
Me: First of all, giving notice a few minutes before midnight the night before a session is too last minute, specially when no one else saw that before now (literally 3 hours before the session was supposed to start, everyone started to popup on the discord channel was confused about the cancellation).
DM's Friend: Even so, one of you didn't even made his character.
Me: How is that our fault? We are all here and we are all ready to play, why don't we? I had to move things to be here, even rejected some invitations to hang out with friends.
DM's Friend: Your PC is not ready, it doesn't even have a name.
Me: (WTF?!) What's that even have to do with anything? My PC is ready since sunday night and FYI it does have a name, I spend the whole afternoon picking one, he even has a last name too.
DM: Ok, we can play if it's ok with everyone, I need to take care of something, brb.
Everyone says that they want to play, and that was that... or so I thought. 1 hour on the dot before the session was about to start one of the other players says...
ThatGuy: hey guys, I have a situation, quarantine related, so I can't play today I need to go, would you mind moving this for next week? (the guy disconnects before anyone replies)
DM's Friend: Tough break, and just 1 hour to the session to boot.
The rest say that they don't mind... all except me.
Me: I do mind.
DM's Friend: Hey! Don't be like that, ok? Don't be an asshole.
Me: Well, I'm sorry for being an "asshole" for minding that I had to move things in my schedule for what was a very busy week and even rejected invitations to hang out with my friends to be here as we all said we would, all for nothing, since we are not playing anyways.
DM's Friend: I told you to stop being an asshole!
Me: Yeah, I am the asshole, sure, I'm not the one who demanded commitment from us but shows none and I am the asshole? What happened to playing with whomever is present? And no last minute notices?
At this point the DM's Friend had a complete meltdown and starts ranting over how...
*"...they let me reroll my stats not once but twice" The rolls were not usable at all, a level 0 npc has better stats, and they didn't allowed PB nor SA.
*"...I never showed up for session 0" They said they would call the players whenever they had their PCs ready, we could not finish them until they gave us the necessary lore an info for the campaign.
*"...I didn't made my pc" Again with this, my pc was mechanically ready since day 1, he never even looked my CS once, he was not only the Discord Admin but he also had DM-Permissions on the roll20 campaign, so he had no excuse not know what was or wasn't on my CS (he even commented on things I had not told anyone, like asking from were did I got a "trinket").
*"...I disliked everything and insulted their hard work with the campaign's lore" I only said that I didn't liked the gods, but never insulted their work, there was almost nothing done to begin with to even critique.
*"They were busting their heads to rewrite all the gods in their setting just for me" I never asked for that, the last time I asked them to include Bahamut they said nothing and 1 or 2 days later they sent the file with the deities from which I choose the one that the "faux-spartans" followed and that was that.
*"...I was being a petty asshole" Again, I committed to the campaign as they asked, made every possible thing to be there and on time and they left us hanging, If I'd knew that was going to happen I would have accepted my friend's invitations to hang out instead of being alone on a friday night (family and friends reunions were allowed back, but the quarantine curfew was still in full effect and by that time I could not leave my house much less visit my friends on the other side of the city) so, yeah I was pissed.
*"...I had no right to complain because this was a free campaign and that he wasn't charging us any money only because he was helping his friend DM for the first time" Ok, I have never in my life charged for DMing nor have I ever paid to play a D&D game nor any other pen & paper rpg, and I'm not judging nor demonizing anyone who does, but free or not that doesn't give this asshole the right to treat people like that.
I refuted every single one of those claims and the guy had enough and told me in allcaps that he was going to kick me out, so I typed a very appropriate "Go F Yourself" called him a pathetic egomaniac among other unsavory and colorful things (I was pissed, I'm not excusing myself, just stating the obvious) while I waited for the bannhammer to fall, it took him a few minutes to do so, but I wasn't quite finish yet, I checked my browser and gladly found that I was still logged to the campaign in roll20, even if you are banned from a game in roll20 you are not logged out and blocked until you exit the game, refresh the page or restart your browser, so I backed up my CS and wrote a very long warning for anyone who was going to play with this guy and called him a pathetic coward one or two dozen times, you cannot delete messages in the roll20 chat unless you purge it entirely.
I admit that this was not one of my finest moments (or maybe it was) and that I am aware I am surely to blame for most if not all of what happened, I'm not looking for approval I just wanted to share one of my horror stories in this hobby.
Edit 1: Some Grammar. Edit 2: More Grammar and added some context.
submitted by LeonGarnet to dndhorrorstories [link] [comments]

25 [F4M] Jowang-jowa na ako pero...

Title says it all. I really want to have a boyfriend na, but I don't think it would work because of the pandemic. The weird thing is...jowang-jowa na ako given the situation????????????????? SUPER WEIRD, I KNOW.
Maybe I just want the lambing and sweet texts? I'm just as confused as you are. I don't think this will work, but I'm willing to try.
For your convenience, I will list down all things about me that might turn you off: - I have a hectic work schedule. - I have a bad habit of not replying fast or totally forgetting to reply. - I like playing games and staying home over the weekend, which brings me back to bullet #2. - Maybe this eagerness to find a potential partner would only last for day. Baka bukas tamarin na ulit ako. - At my age, I still have a curfew. - I still ask permission when there's a need for me to leave the house. - Will not go on movie dates because you don't get to know each other with that kind of setup. - I hate calls. Yes, video calls included. - Will not send photos unless you send yours first. - Will not momol with you sa car or visit you at your condo/house for a "hug" - Will only go on dates once there's a legitimate vaccine. - I am the baby, but my personality is very alpha. Weird, no? - Not exactly friendly. Very masungit at first glance. - I am very picky in terms of looks (it comes with the job, I guess)
A little something about me, the positive version: - Small, leaning towards 5'0 pero sometimes parang 4'11? - Not fat or obese. I was told na I look good in jeans 🍑 - 6-7 on normal days, 8 with bomb ass Instagram filters na hindi We Bare Bears. - According to the guys I dated from Reddit, I look cute daw. - I had colored hair back in college. All faded and back to black hair. - I wear glasses all the time. - INTJ, working professional - Babaeng bakla attitude. I curse a lot and I have a VERY loud voice, too. - Not rich. Middle-class working girl and a slave of capitalism. - Opinionated and woke. Not apolitical and a DDS. - Super straightforward. I always say what's on my mind. - Cat person! Same cattitude.
Hopefully, this is you... - 24-32 years old without girlfriend, kids, wife. Not in an open relationship. - Tall. Please be tall. Lord, pls. - Lean to dad bod physique. Not into chubby/fat dudes, sorry. - Not-so-geeky, athletic type is a plus. - Should be a working professional as well. Not the soul-searching types. - Legit 7+/10 looks, not the "sabi ni mama gwapo ako" types. - Should be understanding and thoughtful of my ups and down. - Not the jealous type since I have a lot of guy and handsome gay friends. 'Di ko sila iiwan for you, sorry. - 'Yung parang ang fresh mo pa rin kahit pawisan ka na. Ganun.
WHAT I CAN OFFER: - I won't disturb you on your game nights. Hindi kita papapipiliin kung Dota o ako since I expect you to do the same. - We can also play games together! I won't buy you PS5, though. - Can be very malambing and sometimes clingy. - I have so much love to give. Not obsessive naman. - Can watch (and somehow analyze) sports with you. Try me. - I don't like PDA, hindi kita ididisplay sa social media. Pwede konti, but not your face. Baka ma-jinx lol jk - I'm a hugger.
USERNAME CONTEXT: Yesterday on my college bff's Instagram stories, my 4-year-old inaanak accepted play money and said "Thank you, Wowowin!" 😂
If you fit the bill, you can drop a message through Reddit chat! Shoot your shot with the best intro you've got!!
We can move to Telegram if okay ka naman kausap.
Thank you for reading!! :)
submitted by ThankYouWowowin to phr4r [link] [comments]

Inquiry About Land Dispute

Hi Guys,

Hingi sana ako ng tulong sa inyo, if you have knowledge about my concern.

We have a small lot kasi, and the Land title has 4 names, which are all deceased except for my Dad..
Originally, we live there since childhood to 18yrs old then lumipat kami ng QC, and my Dad which is sometimes generous, pinatira nya yung 2 nephew nya dun sa old house namin, kasi their dad's name is on the Land title. Bali yung name pala sa Land title is *My dad, His Brother, His Sister and his Father (all deceased).. Now, my sister got married about a year ago, and they build their house there sa dati naming lugar (vacant lot) with measurement na sukat ng Geodeditic Engr.
The problem is, yung mga cousins namin is very unpleasant, ang gugulo, laging nagiinuman at nagaaway, madalas inaabot sila haggang 3am. One time, yung isa naming cousin (which is Gay) lasing na lasing then nagaway sila ng BF nya, then napagbuntungan ng galit nya yung CCTV ng sister ko, my sister was so scared, kaya tomorrow morning we went to the police then pinadampot agad yung cousin ko kasi wala pang 24hr pwede kahit no warrant sabi nung chief of police, pero in the end, naawa yung sister ko, kaya di na lang tinuloy yung kaso, kasi my cousin is crying all the time sa police station..
Then it happened again (without destroying my sisters CCTV), nagiinuman na naman yung gay cousins ko with his/her gay friends, since we are still under the pandemic, tinawag ng ate ko sa pulis kasi lagpas ng ng curfew hours, then my gay cousin, posted a lot of rants, minumura pa yung sisters ko sa FB even tagging her..

My question is, since we already filed para magkaroon ng Wall yung land namin, para din ibang way na di na kami magkakitaan.. but we have decided to sell the lot na lang kesa maging kapitbahay mga balahurang tao, because they disrespected us, lalo na yung dad ko na sinisigawan nila pagnalalasing and my sister na natatraumatized na sa ginagawa nila everyday kahit na binigyan na nmin sila ng house and lot na hindi nila ginastusan kahit any cent, pati amilyar kami pa nagbabayad..
Can my dad sell the lot as a whole since sya na lang naman yung living owner, without the permission of our cousins if we won on court? bibigay na lang namin share nila sa selling as the agreement, di naman malaki yung lot namin dun, kaya if pag naubos yung shares ng cousins ko, makaganti ganti man lang kami kasi they will have no lot anymore. (sorry for revenge thinking and thanks!)
and any tips and advised for legal steps we need to do? Thanks Redditors and sorry for the long post
submitted by sammyGTheBull to Philippines [link] [comments]

Covid Catch-Up🦠 Africa Edition: South Africa's Long Walk To Freedom (From Covid-19)

South Africa is Africa's wealthiest country and, although there are huge gaps between classes, is able to give a relatively comfortable living to a privileged few.
South Africa confirmed its first coronavirus case on the 5th of March 2020. It came from someone who had been travelling to Italy. The infection rate began slow, but soon began to ramp up in the subsequent days and weeks. The majority of the cases were coming from international visitors, leading to the closure of the borders and the grounding of most flights. As the virus continued the ravage the world, South Africa's cases of coronavirus increased but at a slower rate than most other countries. By the 9th of March, there had been 18 deaths and soon after, a national lockdown occured. This is one of the strictest lockdowns to be found globally.
The lockdown has been praised globally, however it has come with a great number of restrictions, including
It is the last point that has caused a great deal of controversy. Tipplers have found themselves on a surprise detox, and smokers are being BTFOd by cravings. This has led to many liquor stores being looted. Here is a video of liquor store being looted:
There have been many calls for South Africa to lift alcohol and cigarette ban but they've all been denied lol.
Additionally, the SA Army has been deployed to patrol the streets. However, the army has been so brutal that at one point there were more deaths from brutality than from coronavirus 🤭
Additional hilarities include a wedding that was busted by the police. Everyone was arrested 🤣:
The lockdown has been effective and vastly slowing down the spread of the virus, potentially stopping an immense catastrophe.
It has completely tanked South Africa's economy which has now been officially downgraded to junk status.
Furthermore, many people live hand-to-mouth and are unable to work during the lockdown, leading to starvation in the townships. Unlike burgerstan, there are no trumpbux being handed out so anyone starving is shit outta luck unless they're helped by NGOs.
So when will South Africa's lockdown end? Will the economy ever recover? The answers are still unknown. But people are hungry and the looting's started:
submitted by Asexual_barbie_boy to Drama [link] [comments]

What to do if you've been kicked out of your family home as a teenager: a PF guide

Please click here to read the latest version of this article.

Unfortunately, posts on this topic are not a rare occurrence here. Teenagers are often kicked out of their home without support, sufficient money, or time to prepare in advance, but there are some resources and options for teenagers in this situation.
This guide also includes some information for teenagers who are at risk of being kicked out.

First, please seek help

If you need help, there are confidential and nonjudgmental services with trained helpers that you can call or contact online. Sometimes these services get busy. If you can't reach someone right away, please try again until you reach someone.
In the case of a life-threatening emergency, please call the police or the emergency telephone number for your country (e.g., 911 in the United States).
In addition to the below resources, consider talking to an adult that you trust and/or an independent institution or service provider with community knowledge and resources. There are many options such as:

United States

United Kingdom



Resources for other countries

Country Organization Phone Number
Belgium (Dutch) Awel 102
Germany Nummer gegen Kummer 116 111
Ireland ISPCC 1-800-666-666
Italy Telefono Azzurro Rosa Casi urgenti e SMS adolescenti: 337 427363
Netherlands Kindertelefoon 0800-0432
New Zealand Youthline 0800 376-633
South Africa Childline 08000 55555
Other Countries Child Helpline International Find a Child Helpline

Some housing options to consider

Read through all of these before you settle on which options to try first. If it starts to be too overwhelming or you need help, please reach out to one or more of the resources listed above for advice and support.
  1. If your home living situation was not abusive and there is an option to make up with your parent(s) or caregiver, please consider it (even if it means a curfew, chores and hard work, or following rules you don't like). You can use this time to save up more money, find work, finish high school, and generally prepare for living on your own.
    If things are uncomfortable at home and you're allowed to simply spend more time elsewhere, that's often a good option to reduce tension at home. Some ideas: get a cheap gym membership, do your studying at the library, get a part-time job, join an after-school group, or volunteer.
    If you have fundamental disagreements with your family or caregivers and this would be a possible reason for you to be kicked out, it's probably best to delay announcing these until you're on your own and doing well independently. Maybe they are not great people. Maybe you don't believe in the same things. As long as you are safe, it can wait until you are in a better position to be independent. As they say, the best revenge is living a good life.
  2. It's generally illegal for your parent(s) or guardian to actually kick you out. If your home living situation was not abusive, one option to consider is contacting the police to get back into your home.
    • If you're an underage child (under 18 in most of the United States) and not legally emancipated, it's almost always illegal for parent(s) or a guardian to kick you out.
    • Even if you're an adult or legally emancipated, but living at home, it's generally illegal to kick you out without following the relevant laws including sufficient notice. The specifics depend on the circumstances and your location (you may consider posting to /legaladvice as well).
    Contacting the police may be unpleasant and you will need to listen to the police officer, but your parent(s) or guardian will also need to listen and allow you back into their home. You shouldn't be carrying anything illegal (drugs, alcohol if you're underage, or illegal weapons) in general regardless, but absolutely do not have any of those items on you or in your room if you contact the police.
  3. If you have any relatives that you can reach that would let you stay with them for any period of time, this is one of the best available options if you've been kicked out. Aunt or uncle lives in the next state? Call them and find a way to get there. Any non-abusive relative that you know is probably a better option than heading to a shelter. Grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, step-siblings, you name it.
  4. Failing that, your next best bet is to contact friends, crash on a couch, and ask anyone you know that might put up with you. Try to consider any workable and safe options. For example, your ex's parents liked you and you're on good terms? Call them and ask if you can sleep on their couch for a few days until you figure something out.
  5. While you're living on someone else's dime, in a place that isn't yours, friends, family, shelter, whatever it is, try you best to be on your best behavior. That means:
    • Try to avoid drugs and alcohol. If you need help with substance abuse, please reach out to some of the resources linked above.
    • Try to respect any rules of the household or establishment and stay out of trouble.
    • Keep your space clean and maintain your personal hygiene.
    • Try to avoid being a negative presence.
  6. It may be very difficult to find a better option, especially on short notice, but living and sleeping on the street is very dangerous, especially as a teenager. Contact one of the above help lines and they will help you find a safe place to sleep.

United States

If you're 16 to 24, Job Corps is another option worth investigating (some adults with documented disabilities above the age of 24 are also accepted). Under the age of 18, you will need the approval of a parent or guardian.
Job Corps offers free education and vocational training, dormitory-style housing, food, work clothes, and other resources to help prepare youth for independent living and the opportunity to learn skills needed for a job that's somewhat better than an unskilled minimum-wage job. It's completely free for those that qualify and are accepted into the program.

Preparing if you think you might be kicked out or may need to leave soon

  1. Try to avoid accelerating the process and use any time you have to save up money and prepare. Your own safety comes first, though.
  2. Try to make sure you will have a place to stay. If you can sleep on a couch for a month and save up more money before renting a room, do it. You want to save up money as much as reasonably possible.
  3. Try to have your birth certificate, identification, passport, diplomas and anything else you will need. Store important documents at the home of a trusted friend or family member if possible. Note that your parent(s) or guardian aren't obligated to give you their copy of certain documents and you should not put yourself at risk to retrieve these because you can order a copy later (link for United States).
  4. Plan for the worst case even though it might not happen. Your parents may not support you going to school, fill out financial aid paperwork for you, etc. If you can't afford to pay for school on your own, you may need a different plan for continuing your education such as going to community college while working.
  5. If and when you need to spend money for a place to stay, try to spend as little money as possible on rent. That usually means renting a room instead of an apartment, having some roommates, etc.

Financial Accounts


United States

If you're still in high school, ask a guidance counselor or principal at your school about continuing your education. The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law that mandates the right of students regardless of their housing status. The law provides resources and support including provide transportation, free meals, and other services.
If you have questions about Federal student aid, and are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless read this guide from the Department of Education.

Other resources


I made many edits based on all of the really helpful feedback. Thanks especially to BettaTesting for these ideas and Nilpunk9 for this suggestion.
submitted by dequeued to personalfinance [link] [comments]

Emergencies Have Always Been The Pretext On Which The Safeguards Of Individual Liberty Have Been Eroded - Friedrich Hayek, Nobel Prize for Economics laureate.

Edit: FYI I am continuing to add updates at the bottom of this post as they appear online
A Swiss medical doctor provided the following information on the current situation in order to enable our readers to make a realistic risk assessment.
According to the latest data of the Italian National Health Institute ISS, the average age of the positively-tested deceased in Italy is currently about 81 years. 10% of the deceased are over 90 years old. 90% of the deceased are over 70 years old.
80% of the deceased had suffered from two or more chronic diseases. 50% of the deceased had suffered from three or more chronic diseases. The chronic diseases include in particular cardiovascular problems, diabetes, respiratory problems and cancer.
Less than 1% of the deceased were healthy persons, i.e. persons without pre-existing chronic diseases. Only about 30% of the deceased are women.
The Italian Institute of Health moreover distinguishes between those who died from the coronavirus and those who died with the coronavirus. In many cases it is not yet clear whether the persons died from the virus or from their pre-existing chronic diseases or from a combination of both.
The two Italians deceased under 40 years of age (both 39 years old) were a cancer patient and a diabetes patient with additional complications. In these cases, too, the exact cause of death was not yet clear (i.e. if from the virus or from their pre-existing diseases).
The partial overloading of the hospitals is due to the general rush of patients and the increased number of patients requiring special or intensive care. In particular, the aim is to stabilize respiratory function and, in severe cases, to provide anti-viral therapies.
(Update: The Italian National Institute of Health published a statistical report on test-positive patients and deceased, confirming the above data.)
The doctor also points out the following aspects:
Northern Italy has one of the oldest populations and the worst air quality in Europe, which has already led to an increased number of respiratory diseases and deaths in the past and is likely an additional risk factor in the current epidemic.
South Korea, for instance, has experienced a much milder course than Italy and has already passed the peak of the epidemic. In South Korea, only about 70 deaths with a positive test result have been reported so far. As in Italy, those affected were mostly high-risk patients.
The approximately twelve test-positive Swiss deaths so far were also high-risk patients with chronic diseases, an average age of 80 years and a maximum age of 90 years, whose exact cause of death, i.e. from the virus or from their pre-existing diseases, is not yet known.
Furthermore, according to a first Chinese study, the internationally used virus test kits may give a false positive result in some cases. In these cases, the persons may not have contracted the new coronavirus, but presumably one of the many existing human coronaviruses that are part of the annual (and currently ongoing) common cold and flu epidemics. (1)
Thus the most important indicator for judging the danger of the disease is not the frequently reported number of positively-tested persons and deaths, but the number of persons actually and unexpectedly developing or dying from pneumonia (so-called excess mortality).
According to all current data, for the healthy general population of school and working age, a mild to moderate course of the Covid-19 disease can be expected. Senior citizens and persons with existing chronic diseases should be protected. The medical capacities should be optimally prepared.
Medical literature
(1) Zhuang et al., Potential false-positive rate among the ‚asymptomatic infected individuals‘ in close contacts of COVID-19 patients, Chinese Medical Association Publishing House, March 2020.
(2) Grasselli et al., Critical Care Utilization for the COVID-19 Outbreak in Lombardy, JAMA, March 2020.
(3) WHO, Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019, February 2020.
Reference values
Important reference values include the number of annual flu deaths, which is up to 8,000 in Italy and up to 60,000 in the US; normal overall mortality, which in Italy is up to 2,000 deaths per day; and the average number of pneumonia cases per year, which in Italy is over 120,000.
Current all-cause mortality in Europe and in Italy is still normal or even below-average. Any excess mortality due to Covid-19 should become visible in the European monitoring charts.
March 17th 2020
  • According to press reports, some Swiss emergency units are already overloaded simply because of the large number of people who want to be tested. This points to an additional psychological and logistical component of the current situation.
  • The mortality profile remains puzzling from a virological point of view because, in contrast to influenza viruses, children are spared and men are affected about twice as often as women. On the other hand, this profile corresponds to natural mortality, which is close to zero for children and almost twice as high for 75-year-old men as for women of the same age.
  • The younger test-positive deceased almost always had severe pre-existing conditions. For example, a 21-year-old Spanish soccer coach had died test-positive, making international headlines. However, the doctors diagnosed an unrecognized leukemia, whose typical complications include severe pneumonia.
  • The decisive factor in assessing the danger of the disease is therefore not the number of test-positive persons and deceased, which is often mentioned in the media, but the number of people actually and unexpectedly developing or dying from pneumonia (so-called excess mortality). So far, this value remains very low in most countries.
  • According to official figures, there are currently about 1850 test-positive patients in intensive care in Italy, most of them in northern Italy. There is no official data on the age and disease profile of these patients. The occupancy rate of the North Italian ICUs in the winter months is typically already 85 to 90%. Some or many of these existing patients could also be test-positive by now. However, the number of additional unexpected pneumonia cases is not yet known.
  • Italian immunology professor Sergio Romagnani from the University of Florence comes to the conclusion in a study on 3000 people that 50 to 75% of the test-positive people of all ages remain completely symptom-free – significantly more than previously assumed.
  • A hospital doctor in the Spanish city of Malaga writes on Twitter that people are currently more likely to die from panic and systemic collapse than from the virus. The hospital is being overrun by people with colds, flu and possibly Covid19 and doctors have lost control.
March 18th 2020
  • A new epidemiological study (preprint) concludes that the mortality of Covid19 even in the Chinese city of Wuhan was only 0.04% to 0.12% and thus rather lower than that of seasonal flu, which has a mortality rate of about 0.1%. As a reason for the overestimated mortality of Covid19, the researchers suspect that initially only a small number of cases were recorded in Wuhan, as the disease was probably asymptomatic or mild in many people.
  • Chinese researchers argue that extreme winter smog in the city of Wuhan may have played a causal role in the outbreak of pneumonia. In the summer of 2019, public protests were already taking place in Wuhan because of the poor air quality.
  • New satellite images show how Northern Italy has the highest levels of air pollution in Europe, and how this air pollution has been greatly reduced by the quarantine.
  • A manufacturer of the Covid19 test kit states that it should only be used for research purposes and not for diagnostic applications, as it has not yet been clinically validated.
March 19th 2020
The Italian National Health Institute ISS has published a new report on test-positive deaths:
  • The median age is 80.5 years (79.5 for men, 83.7 for women).
  • 10% of the deceased was over 90 years old; 90% of the deceased was over 70 years old.
  • At most 0.8% of the deceased had no pre-existing chronic illnesses.
  • Approximately 75% of the deceased had two or more pre-existing conditions, 50% had three more pre-existing conditions, in particular heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
  • Five of the deceased were between 31 and 39 years old, all of them with serious pre-existing health conditions (e.g. cancer or heart disease).
  • The National Health Institute hasn’t yet determined what the patients examined ultimately died of and refers to them in general terms as Covid19-positive deaths.
  • A report in the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera points out that Italian intensive care units already collapsed under the marked flu wave in 2017/2018. They had to postpone operations, call nurses back from holiday and ran out of blood donations.
  • German virologist Hendrik Streeck argues that Covid19 is unlikely to increase total mortality in Germany, which normally is around 2500 people per day. Streeck mentions the case of a 78-year-old man with preconditions who died of heart failure, subsequently tested positive for Covid19 and thus was included in the statistics of Covid19 deaths.
  • According to Stanford Professor John Ioannidis, the new coronavirus may be no more dangerous than some of the common coronaviruses, even in older people. Ioannidis argues that there is no reliable medical data backing the measures currently decided upon.
March 20th 2020
  • According to the latest European monitoring report, overall mortality in all countries (including Italy) and in all age groups remains within or even below the normal range so far.
  • According to the latest German statistics, the median age of test-positive deaths is about 83 years, most with pre-existing health conditions that might be a possible cause of death.
  • A 2006 Canadian study referred to by Stanford Professor John Ioannidis found that common cold coronaviruses may also cause death rates of up to 6% in risk groups such as residents of a care facility, and that virus test kits initially falsely indicated an infection with SARS coronaviruses.
March 21nd 2020
  • Spain reports only three test-positive deaths under the age of 65 (of a total of about 1000). Their pre-existing health conditions and actual cause of death are not yet known.
  • Italy reported 627 nationwide test-positive deaths in one day. By comparison, normal overall mortality in Italy is up to 2000 deaths per day, some of which may now be test-positive, esp. since Italy and all of Europe have had a very mild flu season in 2019/2020.
  • Bloomberg highlights that "99% of Those Who Died From Virus Had Other Illness, Italy Says“
  • The Japan Times asks: Japan was expecting a coronavirus explosion. Where is it? Despite being one of the first countries getting positive test results and having imposed no lockdown, Japan is one of the least-affected nations. Quote: „Even if Japan may not be counting all those infected, hospitals aren’t being stretched thin and there has been no spike in pneumonia cases.“
  • Italian researchers argue that the extreme smog in Northern Italy, the worst in Europe, may be playing a causative role in the current pneumonia outbreak there, as in Wuhan before.
  • In a new interview, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, a world renowned expert in medical microbiology, says blaming the new coronavirus alone for deaths is „wrong“ and „dangerously misleading“, as there are other more important factors at play, notably pre-existing health conditions and poor air quality in Chinese and Northern Italian cities. Professor Bhakdi describes the currently discussed or imposed measures as „grotesque“, „useless“, „self-destructive“ and a „collective suicide“ that will shorten the lifespan of the elderly and should not be accepted by society.
March 22nd 2020
Regarding the situation in Italy: Most major media again falsely reported that Italy yesterday had 797 deaths from the coronavirus. In reality, the president of the Italian Civil Protection Service stressed that these are deaths „with the coronavirus and not from the coronavirus“ (minute 03:30 of the press conference). In other words, these persons died while also testing positive.
As world renowned Professors Ioannidis and Bhakdi have shown, countries like South Korea and Japan that introduced no lockdown measures have experienced near-zero excess mortality in connection with Covid-19, while the Diamond Princess cruise ship experienced an extra­polated mortality figure in the per mille range, i.e. at or below the level of the seasonal flu.
Current test-positive death figures in Italy are still less than 50% of normal daily overall mortality in Italy, which is around 1800 deaths per day. Thus it is possible, perhaps even likely, that a large part of normal daily mortality now simply counts as „Covid19“ deaths (as they test positive). This is the point stressed by the President of the Italian Civil Protection Service.
However, by now it is clear that certain regions in Northern Italy, i.e. those facing the toughest lockdown measures, are experiencing markedly increased daily mortality figures. It is also known that in the Lombardy region, 90% of test-positive deaths occur not in intensive care units, but instead mostly at home. And more than 99% have serious pre-existing health conditions.
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi has called lockdown measures „useless“, „self-destructive“ and a „collective suicide“. Thus the extremely troubling question arises as to what extent the increased mortality of these elderly, isolated, highly stressed people with multiple pre-existing health conditions may in fact be caused by the weeks-long lockdown measures still in force.
If so, it may be one of those cases where the treatment is worse than the disease.
  • In Switzerland, there are currently 56 test-positive deaths, all of whom were „high risk patients“ due to their advanced age and/or pre-existing health conditions. Their actual cause of death, i.e. from or simply with the virus, has not been communicated.
  • The Swiss government claimed that the situation in southern Switzerland (next to Italy) is „dramatic“, yet local doctors denied this and said everything is normal.
  • According to press reports, oxygen bottles may become scarce. The reason, however, is not a currently higher usage, but rather hoarding due to fear of future shortages.
  • In many countries, there is already an increasing shortage of doctors and nurses. This is primarily because healthcare workers testing positive have to self-quarantine, even though in many cases they will remain fully or largely symptom-free. March 22, 2020 (III)
  • A model from Imperial College London predicted between 250,000 and 500,000 deaths in the UK „from“ Covid-19, but the authors of the study have now conceded that many of these deaths would not be in addition to, but rather part of the normal annual mortality rate, which in the UK is about 600,000 people per year. In other words, excess mortality would remain low.
  • Dr. David Katz, founding director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center, asks in the New York Times: „Is Our Fight Against Coronavirus Worse Than the Disease? There may be more targeted ways to beat the pandemic.“
  • According to Professor Walter Ricciardi, scientific adviser to the Italian health minister, in Italy „all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus“, although „only 12% of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus.“
March 23rd 2020
  • A new French study in the Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, titled SARS-CoV-2: fear versus data, concludes that „the problem of SARS-CoV-2 is probably overestimated“, since „the mortality rate for SARS-CoV-2 is not significantly different from that for common coronaviruses identified at the study hospital in France“.
  • An Italian study of August 2019 ( found that flu deaths in Italy were between 7,000 and 25,000 in recent years. This value is higher than in most other European countries due to the large elderly population in Italy, and much higher than anything attributed to Covid-19 so far.
  • In a new fact sheet, the World Health Organization WHO reports that Covid-19 is in fact spreading slower, not faster, than influenza by a factor of about 50%. Moreover, pre-symptomatic transmission appears to be much lower with Covid-19 than with influenza.
  • A leading Italian doctor reports that „strange cases of pneumonia“ were seen in the Lombardy region already in November 2019, raising again the question if they were caused by the new virus (which officially only appeared in Italy in February 2020), or by other factors, such as the dangerously high smog levels in Northern Italy.
  • Danish researcher Peter Gøtzsche, founder of the renowned Cochrane Medical Collaboration, writes that Corona is „an epidemic of mass panic“ and „logic was one of the first victims.“
  • Former Israeli Health Minister, Professor Yoram Lass, says that the new coronavirus is „less dangerous than the flu“ and lockdown measures „will kill more people than the virus“. He adds that „the numbers do not match the panic“ and „psychology is prevailing over science“. He also notes that „Italy is known for its enormous morbidity in respiratory problems, more than three times any other European country.“
  • Pietro Vernazza, a Swiss infectious disease specialist, argues that many of the imposed measures are not based on science and should be reversed. According to Vernazza, mass testing makes no sense because 90% of the population will see no symptoms, and lockdowns and closing schools are even „counterproductive“. He recommends protecting only risk groups while keeping the economy and society at large undisturbed.
  • The President of the World Doctors Federation, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, argues that lockdown measures as in Italy are „unreasonable“ and „counterproductive“ and should be reversed.
  • Switzerland: Despite media panic, excess mortality still at or near zero: the latest testpositive „victims“ were a 96yo in palliative care and a 97yo with pre-existing conditions.
  • The latest statistical report of the Italian National Health Institute is now available in English.
March 24th
  • The UK has removed Covid19 from the official list of High Consquence Infectious Diseases (HCID), stating that mortality rates are „low overall“.
  • The director of the German National Health Institute (RKI) confirmed that they count all test-positive deaths, irrespective of the actual cause of death, as „coronavirus deaths“. The average age of the deceased is 82 years, most with serious preconditions. As in most other countries, excess mortality due Covid19 is likely to be near zero in Germany.
  • Beds in Swiss intensive care units reserved for Covid19 patients are still „mostly empty“.
  • German Professor Karin Moelling, former Chair of Medical Virology at the University of Zurich, stated in an interview that Covid19 is „no killer virus“ and that „panic must end“.
  • In Italy, overall national mortality of the 65+ age group until March 7 still remained below the level of earlier years, especially due to the rather mild winter (see red line in chart below).
March 25th
  • German immunologist and toxicologist, Professor Stefan Hockertz, explains in a radio interview that Covid19 is no more dangerous than influenza (the flu), but that it is simply observed much more closely. More dangerous than the virus is the fear and panic created by the media and the „authoritarian reaction“ of many governments. Professor Hockertz also notes that most so-called „corona deaths“ have in fact died of other causes while also testing positive for coronaviruses. Hockertz believes that up to ten times more people than reported already had Covid19 but noticed nothing or very little.
  • The Argentinean virologist and biochemist Pablo Goldschmidt explains that Covid19 is no more dangerous than a bad cold or the flu. It is even possible that the Covid19 virus circulated already in earlier years, but wasn’t discovered because no one was looking for it. Dr. Goldschmidt speaks of a „global terror“ created by the media and politics. Every year, he says, three million newborns worldwide and 50,000 adults in the US alone die of pneumonia
  • Professor Martin Exner, head of the Institute for Hygiene at the University of Bonn, explains in an interview why health personnel are currently under pressure, even though there has hardly been any increase in the number of patients in Germany so far: On the one hand, doctors and nurses who have tested positive have to be quarantined and are often hard to replace. On the other hand, nurses from neighbouring countries, who provide an important part of the care, are currently unable to enter the country due to closed borders.
  • Professor Julian Nida-Ruemelin, former German Minister of State for Culture and Professor of Ethics, points out that Covid19 poses no risk to the healthy general population and that extreme measures such as curfews are therefore not justified.
  • Using data from the cruise ship Diamond Princess, Stanford Professor John Ioannidis showed that the age-corrected lethality of Covid19 is between 0.025% and 0.625%, i.e. in the range of a strong cold or the flu. Moreover, a Japanese study showed that of all the test-positive passengers, and despite the high average age, 48% remained completely symptom-free; even among the 80-89 year olds 48% remained symptom-free, while among the 70 to 79 year olds it was an astounding 60% that developed no symptoms at all. This again raises the question whether the pre-existing diseases are not perhaps a more important factor than the virus itself. The Italian example has shown that 99% of test-positive deaths had one or more pre-existing conditions, and even among these, only 12% of the death certificates mentioned Covid19 as a causal factor.
March 26th
  • USA: The latest US data of March 25 shows a decreasing number of flu-like illnesses throughout the country, the frequency of which is now well below the multi-year average. The government measures can be ruled out as a reason for this, as they have been in effect for less than a week.
USA: Decreasing flu-like illnesses (March 25, 2020, KINSA)
  • Germany: The latest influenza report of the German Robert Koch Institute of March 24 documents a „nationwide decrease in activity of acute respiratory diseases“: The number of influenza-like illnesses and the number of hospital stays caused by them is below the level of previous years and is currently continuing to decline. The RKI continues: „The increase in the number of visits to the doctor cannot currently be explained either by influenza viruses circulating in the population or by SARS-CoV-2.“
Germany: Decreasing flu-like illnesses (20 March 2020, RKI)
  • Italy: The renowned Italian virologist Giulio Tarro argues that the mortality rate of Covid19 is below 1% even in Italy and is therefore comparable to influenza. The higher values only arise because no distinction is made between deaths with and by Covid19 and because the number of (symptom-free) infected persons is greatly underestimated.
  • UK: The authors of the British Imperial College study, who predicted up to 500,000 deaths, are again reducing their forecasts. After already admitting that a large proportion of test-positive deaths are part of normal mortality, they now state that the peak of the disease may be reached in two to three weeks already.
  • UK: The British Guardian reported in February 2019 that even in the generally weak flu season 2018/2019 there were more than 2180 flu-related admissions to intensive care units in the UK.
  • Switzerland: In Switzerland, the excess mortality due to Covid19 is apparently still zero. The latest „fatal victim“ presented by the media is a 100-year-old woman. Nevertheless, the Swiss government continues to tighten restrictive measures.
  • Sweden: Sweden has so far pursued the most liberal strategy in dealing with Covid19, which is based on two principles: Risk groups are protected and people with flu symptoms stay at home. „If you follow these two rules, there is no need for further measures, the effect of which is only marginal anyway,“ said chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell. Social and economic life will continue normally. The big rush to hospitals has so far failed to materialize, Tegnell said.
  • German criminal and constitutional law expert Dr. Jessica Hamed argues that measures such as general curfews and contact bans are a massive and disproportionate encroachment on fundamental rights of freedom and are therefore presumably „all illegal“.
  • The latest European monitoring report on overall mortality continues to show normal or below-average values in all countries and all age groups, but now with one exception: in the 65+ age group in Italy a currently increased overall mortality is predicted (so-called delay-adjusted z-score), which is, however, still below the values of the influenza waves of 2017 and 2018.
March 27th
  • Italy: According to the latest data published by the Italian Ministry of Health, overall mortality is now significantly higher in all age groups over 65 years of age, after having been below average due to the mild winter. Until March 14, overall mortality was still below the flu season of 2016/2017, but may have already exceeded it in the meantime. Most of this excess mortality currently comes from northern Italy. However, the exact role of Covid19, compared to other factors such as panic, healthcare collapse and the lockdown itself, is not yet clear.
Italy: Total mortality 65+ years (red line) (MdS / 14 March 2020)
  • France: According to the latest data from France, overall mortality at the national level remains within the normal range after a mild influenza season. However, in some regions, particularly in the north-east of France, overall mortality in the over-65 age group has already risen sharply in connection with Covid19 see figure below
  • France also provides detailed information on the age distribution and pre-existing conditions of test-positive intensive care patients and deceased patients see figure below:
    The average age of the deceased is 81.2 years.
    78% of the deceased were over 75 years old; 93% were over 65 years old.
    2.4% of the deceased were under 65 years of age and had no (known) previous illness
    The average age of intensive care patients is 65 years.
    26% of intensive care patients are over 75 years old; 67% have previous illnesses.
    17% of intensive care patients are under 65 years of age and have no previous illnesses.
    The French authorities add that „the share of the (Covid-19) epidemic in overall mortality remains to be determined.“
  • USA: Researcher Stephen McIntyre has evaluated the official data on deaths from pneumonia in the US. There are usually between 3000 and 5500 deaths per week and thus significantly more than the current figures for Covid19. The total number of deaths in the US is between 50,000 and 60,000 per week. Note: In the graph below, the latest figures for March 2020 have not yet been fully updated, so the curve is slumping
  • Great Britain: Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London now assumes that the UK has sufficient capacity in intensive care units to treat Covid19 patients. John Lee, Professor Emeritus of Pathology, argues that the particular way in which Covid-19 cases are registered leads to an overestimation of the risk posed by Covid19 compared to normal flu and cold cases.
Other topics:
  • A preliminary study by researchers at Stanford University showed that 20 to 25% of Covid19-positive patients tested additionally positive for other influenza or cold viruses.
  • The number of applications for unemployment insurance in the US skyrocketed to a record of over three million. In this context, a sharp increase in suicides is also expected.
  • The first test-positive patient in Germany has now recovered. According to his own statement, the 33-year-old man had experienced the illness „not as bad as the flu“.
  • Spanish media report that the antibody rapid tests for Covid19 only have a sensitivity of 30%, although it should be at least 80%.
  • A study from China in 2003 concluded that the probability of dying from SARS is 84% higher in people exposed to moderate air pollution than in patients from regions with clean air. The risk is even 200% higher among people from areas with heavily polluted air.
  • The German Network for Evidence-Based Medicine (EbM) criticises the media reporting on Covid19: „The media coverage does not in any way take into account the criteria of evidence-based risk communication that we have demanded. () The presentation of raw data without reference to other causes of death leads to an overestimation of the risk“.
(Reached max word limit, continued in comments)
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The Preparations for COVID-19 Vaccine Air Distribution Are Set to Begin Immediately

The Preparations for COVID-19 Vaccine Air Distribution Are Set to Begin Immediately

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has issued an alert that the time has come for governments and aviation stakeholders to start cooperation and preparations for transporting COVID-19 vaccines through air cargo flights once approved. In this blog, iJET analyzes the transportation process requirements.
The Distribution of COVID-19 vaccines all around the world is described to be the mission of the century for the international air cargo industry, thus the most challenging one. So, the preparation process will be lengthy and accurate, it must be carried on immediately.
The air cargo industry is currently putting all its effort to hold the main responsibility of transporting the vaccine worldwide. iJET is providing its flight support services to collaborate with flight operators to accomplish the upcoming mission.
Ever since the COVID-19 outbreak, international airlines have been using some of their passenger aircraft to operate cargo flights, due to the huge decrease in passengers’ flights. However, these passenger aircraft which functioned perfectly for regular cargo flights can’t be used to distribute the COVID-19 vaccine. Pharmaceutical products require specific standards and conditions during transportation, these conditions are not available in any cargo aircraft!
In this blog, we overview the main needs and requirements of the air cargo industry to transport the COVID-19 vaccine efficiently:

Temperature Control Equipment

The transportation process still has many unknown factors, like the accurate number of doses, the manufacturing locations, and most importantly the suitable temperature degree to preserve the vaccine. However, there is one common thing among pharmaceutical material that we certainly know, all medicine and vaccines are considered as time and temperature sensitive materials that require a temperature range between 2 and 8C.
As a result, every air cargo plane among the COVID-19 transportation fleet must include specially designed refrigerating containers that are set to sustain the cold chain during the flight.
Some medicines must be “keep frozen” during air transportation. If the vaccine turned out to be of this type, then the use of dry ice (carbon dioxide solid) will be a necessity that the aviation industry must prepare for.
IATA stresses that labeling your product as T&T sensitive doesn’t always guarantee they will be transported at the referred and requested temperature degree! Accuracy depends on the quality of the booked service.
Booking the professional flight support and ground handling services of iJET assures that your vaccine shipment will be loaded, offloaded, preserved, and stored according to the approved standards.

Speedy Delivery

Vaccines must be delivered quickly without any delay to preserve the quality of the medicine by delivering it from the manufacturer to worldwide locations before it loses its effectiveness.
To do this, many facilitations and exceptions must be given to COVID-19 vaccine aircraft, such as:
· Accelerating the process of overflight and landing permits approvals for the aircraft carrying COVID-19 vaccines.
· Exempting all staff members who are responsible for maintaining the vaccine supply chain from quarantine laws and procedures.
· Providing airport arrival priority to the flights of COVID-19 vaccine and suspending any curfew hours for such vital flights to avoid delays.
· Exempting COVID-19 vaccine operations from tariff taxes to facilitate the transportation process.
Despite all the facilitations provided to air cargo flights of the COVID-19 vaccine, getting overflight and landing permits would still be challenging due to the huge demand for vaccine shipments. Also, receiving an airport slot won’t be easy because the demand will exceed airport capacities. iJET long experience in granting flight permits and airport slots on short notice is the ultimate solution.

The Required Fleet Capacity

IATA estimates that delivering only one dose of vaccine to the 7.8 billion people around the world would require 8000 fully loaded Boeing 747 cargo aircraft, while there are around 17,000 aircraft parked at airports around the world, forming about 60% of the global fleet according to Cirium.
As the world needs huge numbers of aircraft to be fully prepared to take off, a lot of aircraft were put into long-term storage due to the severe downturn of passenger flights, which urged airlines to dramatically reduce their flight networks. Consequently, air cargo flights capacity was also reduced which requires full, instant technical and logistical preparations so that maintenance teams would have the time to implement all the following essential steps before taking planes from storage to the air again:
· Removing all the covers and plugs installed on the planes’ vulnerable areas before going into storage
· Checking fluid levels
· Checking tire pressure
· Running test flights to check that all the seals and gaskets are well-functioning.
All these necessary testing procedures must be done by professional ground handling specialists because there is no room or time for making mistakes. iJET ground handling services are available to help in reoperating any aircraft that is set to serve this global cause and supplying it with aviation fuel.

COVID-19 Vaccine Security

Such a valuable commodity that holds hope for the entire world could be a target for theft or tampering. Protecting the COVID-19 vaccine from any security threats is the responsibility of the cargo aviation industry.
iJET cargo aviation security services guarantee a safe and protected COVID-19 vaccine air transport from manufacturing locations to distribution destinations. Our cargo security services comply with ICAO SaRPs regulations in all its cargo security actions.
The huge demand for air cargo flights that will occur once a vaccine is approved might exceed worldwide airports capabilities, iJET suggests that chartering a private cargo aircraft would be the perfect solution.
iJET declares its complete support for all COVID-19 vaccine air cargo flights, providing flight planning, aviation fuel supply, ground handling services, aviation security, and much more. Contact us by visiting our website:
submitted by ijet_blogs to u/ijet_blogs [link] [comments]

ATTENTION: Within a week the Indian state had rushed 35000 paramilitary troops into Occupied Kashmir

Tourists and religious pilgrims have been asked by the Indian state to leave Kashmir under the pretext of terrorist threat. People in Occupied Kashmir have gone into panic mode and believe that the Hindu fascist party may deliver on its threats of unilaterally abrogating Kashmir’s constitutional autonomy and then carry out a massive program of population transfer to neutralise any anti-India sentiment in Kashmir.
Note: According to various reports, over 500,000 Indian troops are already in the region. Kashmir is the highest militarised zone in the world. Since Feb India has been steadily injecting more troops into Kashmir.
I ll keep updating this thread as more information becomes available.
CRITICAL UPDATE (155): Reports are emerging that RSS henchmen (Hindu fascist version of Nazi black shirts) are steadily being flown into Kashmir at a time the state remains under lockdown
This could turn UGLY very quickly and information will not get out, owing to the blockade.
Edit: A good post on history before this event is here
“A group of on-duty Kashmiri policemen was taking rest in the shade of a tall building at Poloview, one of the tourist markets in the city. They were armed with just plastic canes (lathis), with none of them having a gun. Asked how they viewed the decision, a havildar-rank policeman remarked, “What has been left with us now? See, we are holding lathis in our hands and not guns. All is gone.”
The annexation is being justified in the name of development, investment, and jobs.
Reality: Private investment in India hit a 14-year low earlier this year, while unemployment stands at a 45-year high
Update: Diary of a Srinagar Lockdown
Kashmir Is a Dress Rehearsal for Hindu Nationalist Fantasies Economic excuses are cover for the goal of transforming India into a so-called Hindu nation.
Update: Democracy Now FINALLY has woken up
Indian troops fire tear gas as mass protests erupt in Srinagar
Update 111: BBC and India’s fascist govt/media in a war of words.
Indian state accuses BBC of spreading FAKE NEWS after the latter shared a video of a massive protest. In the video you can hear a lot of gunshots being fired
BBC has stood by its video, while the Indian state has activated its functionaries to dismiss the video and also an online troll army of Hindu fascists have been actively abusing and threatening the journalists.
A prominent Indian filmmaker Anurag Kashyap quit Twitter citing threats to his family and daughter from BJP trolls. Kashyap had criticised the Modi govt earlier this week.
Update 112: Curfew REIMPOSED after brief relaxation. Kashmir celebrates Eid tomorrow, there are apprehensions that Eid prayers may not be allowed as India fears protests may break out. All communications continue to remain suspended. A select few journalists have been parachuted into Kashmir by the Indian state to show how everything is normal. They usually report from the dalgate-sonwar area which is a stone’s throw from the largest military garrison india maintains in Kashmir province of the state.
Update 113: Indian state is cracking down on activists and progressive comrades who are protesting the annexation of Kashmir. Sandeep Pandey and Arundhati Dhuru have been put under house arrest.
Update 114: NY Times report on the developing situation
Update 115: Protests by Kashmir diaspora held across the world. Big rallies seen in Birmingham UK, Manchester, Melbourne Australia, Washington DC and Ohio in the US. More rallies planned in the coming days.
Update 116: The situation in Kashmir is deeply disturbing. Human rights abuses taking place are unacceptable. The rights of the Kashmiri people must be respected and UN resolutions implemented.
Corbyn calls for the implementation of UN resolutions, effectively condemning BOTH India and Pakistan who have for the last 7 decades treated Kashmir as their fief.
Obv. Corbyn is now facing a barrage of abuse and vitriol from Hindu fascists.
Update 117: Sikh Student Association at Berkeley issue statement of support and solidarity with Kashmir’s right to self determination movement
Update 118: From Srinagar’s street. WATCH
Update 119: Former legislator arrested by India’s NIA in ‘terror funding’. Over 800 arrests have been made in the past week.
Update 120: India is shipping “potential troublemakers” from Kashmir to prisons in mainland India
The list includes the President of the JK high court bad association.
Update 121: Plans being drawn for ‘re’-settlements in Kashmir. From Venice of the East, Kashmir is on its way to becoming West Bank of South Asia
Update 122: Next step: A West Bank in Kashmir?
Update 123; Crippling curfew continues on Eid Day in Kashmir as India ups its propaganda to portray everything is okay in Kashmir
Update 124: India’s capitalist in Chief Mukesh Ambani, who is bankrolling the current fascist regime, announces plans to expand into Kashmir. This has always been about land and resource exploitation. This is colonialism reincarnate
Update 125: BBC's latest report confirms that curfew is still in place in Kashmir.
Update 126: PR fail, people say they didn’t know who they were meeting.
Update 127: With the attention of International media on Kashmir, Kashmiris are sceptical that India may conduct a false-flag attack to raise the spectre of terrorism. It is wholly plausible given how the Indian state cited a terror threat to put this crackdown in place before annexing Kashmir. Fascist regimes don’t shy away from anything and with a large media/propaganda arm at its service, it can surely execute such an event. There are reports circulating in the Indian propaganda machine that terrorists have infiltrated into Kashmir from Pakistan. Mind you this is the most guarded border India has, with dual layers of concertina wires that are electrified, movement sensors, IR cameras and what not. (
The Indian forces have in the past 30 years carried out a number of fake encounters for the sake of monetary reward and promotions in service.
Case in point:
Update 128: While the world remains focussed on Kashmir, India quietly continues its march towards a full-fledged Hindu State. Bill to PREVENT religious conversion likely to be introduced in the country’s parliament
Update 129: Imran Khan again compares India with Nazi Germany
Update 130: Journalists and press being targeted by India’s fascist regime and its foot soldiers
Update 131: how journalists in Kashmir are trying to bypass the communications blockade
Update 132: After calling BBC as fake news and unleashing a massive troll army at its journalists, India confirms what BBC had reported as FACTUALLY CORRECT
Update 133: “Modi has said that what he is doing is the only rational “Kashmir solution.” For him, it is the final political solution, and if the Muslims of Kashmir object, they will simply be crushed. Non-Kashmiri entrepreneurs are licking their chops in anticipation as they plan opening up the last frontier with all legal obstacles removed. And disgusting tweets from Brahmins (upper-caste Hindus) are celebrating the idea of settling there and “marrying Kashmiri girls,” and worse.”
Update 134: Day 10 since this megathread was started, the comms are still SUSPENDED and CURFEW still in place.
Update 135: Twitter thread that blows Indian propaganda out of the water
Update 136: The one thing that no one is talking about, the disarming of local police
Update 137: India’s highest court refuses to step in and alleviate the comms blockade and curfew in Kashmir. Judiciary too has been compromised.
Update 138: Indian fascists have imprisoned children as well in Kashmir, this is not a rhetorical point, they are literally in JAIL
Update 139: Kashmir has been turned into a dynamic maze, check posts change position and location on a daily basis.
Update 140: Kashmiri civil servant turned politician, Shah Faesal has been detained. The guy had not long ago joined the pro-India political bloc in Kashmir. The unionists who were for autonomy within India, but now find themselves totally discarded by the current regimes
Update 141: Young children are being detained in the dead of the night and women are being molested by Indian troops in Kashmir
Update 142: As the comms blockade and curfew continues in Kashmir, mass arrests have been an ongoing practice. Here’s a report that speaks about it
Update 143: A list of massacres and other atrocities Indian state has carried out in Kashmir over the years
Update 144: DAY 11: Information blockade of Kashmir continues amid mass arrests and curfew.
Update 145: As lockdown of Kashmir continues, Kashmiris outside Kashmir have begun to speak up. Check this twitter thread
Update 146: Massive protests ongoing out Indian high commission in London
Update 147: 'Not A Single Day Since August 5 When No Youths Were Picked Up'
Update 148: Journalists are being ABDUCTED by Indian forces
The cop asked the family the journalist had done any story? What the cop really is asking is that did he do his job.
Update 149: DAY 13 - Comms in Occupied Kashmir still remain suspended and massive troop deployment remains in place.
Update 150: most detailed report from Indian Occupied Kashmir since this farrago began
Update 151: Genocide Watch issues alert for Occupied Kashmir
Update 152: Clashes occurred between protestors and Indian forces in Occupied Kashmir
Update 153: India threatens nuclear war. Defense minister says they will no longer shy away from using nukes first
Update 154: Despite the claims of Indian state that restrictions on movement and comms have been lifted, the blockade CONTINUES to remain in place.
Update 156: Landlines are restored in select areas in Kashmir, mostly in Urban areas where the Indian state has historically faced the least resistance. According to reports 17 telephone exchanges out of over 100 have been made functional.
Update 157: People from Kashmir are being refused accommodation in hotels in mainland India
Update 158: several protestors injured in clashes with Indian forces in Kashmir
Update 159: India plans to build detention camps, Muslims fear for lives
Update 160: Indian army broadcasted the cries of agony of men it was torturing on PA system to spread terror and fear among people in Kashmir town
Update 161: Over 4000 people have been detained since Aug 5 in Kashmir by Indian forces
Update 162: People who have been detained are being transported out of Kashmir because detention facilities in Kashmir have run out of space.
Update 163: Close to a MILLION troops deployed in Occupied Kashmir by India
Update 165: Curfew reimposed (not that it was ever lifted) in Kashmir
Update 166: Kashmir communications blackout is putting patients at risk, doctors warn.
Fascists will still say everything is okay!
This is The British Medical Journal article.
Update 167: Censorship is being enforced in Kashmir by deleting footage from the journalists’ cameras
Update 168: Indian state is looking for PRIVATE SPACE to detain Kashmiris, which suggests that all the usual facilities are full and points out that thousands have been arrested
“The administration is now facing an acute shortage of space for the detainees and has been forced to rent guesthouses and vacant private houses and turn them into makeshift detention centres, an Intelligence Bureau official told The Telegraph.”
Update 169: EXCLUSIVE REPORT: It is living hell in Kashmir
Update 170: Kashmir unrest: 'They shot me and I fell to the ground'
Update 171: 'Kashmir women are the biggest victims of this inhumane siege'
Update 172: Mass arrests of all able bodied men including teenagers continue in Kashmir. So many arrests have been made that India is running out of space to hold the detainees. Remember all these arrests are arbitrary and there is no process.
Update 173: VIDEO: A teenager being detained (abducted) in a midnight raid while his mother cries for help in Kashmir.
Update 174: VIDEO: Censorship of local media in Kashmir
Update 175: 'Fighting back': Kashmir enclave blocks entry of Indian troops
Update 176: A journalist narrates what it is like to live in Kashmir post August 5
Update 176: 'We won't give an inch': India faces defiance in 'Kashmir's Gaza'
“They can only enter Soura over our bodies. We won't give even an inch of land to India," Mufeed, a resident who volunteers to guard the neighbourhood at night, told AFP.
Update 177: Teens swept up in night raids in Kashmir clampdown
“Soldiers violently banged windows of our home while we were sleeping," Rah told AFP, saying his sons -- aged 14 and 16 -- were taken away before dawn in the Srinagar neighbourhood of Mehjoor Nagar.”
Update 178: 'India talked of peace and calm in Kashmir. I saw the opposite'
Update 179: India’s ‘patriotism pop’ songs urge Hindus to claim Kashmir
Update 180: 'Collective Punishment': UN Experts Slam Kashmir Communication Clampdown
Update 181: UN reminds India of Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Update 182: What’s Happening in Kashmir? Our Cameras Contradict India’s Official Story
Update 183: Strict Curfew remains in place in most parts of Kashmir province and comms remains suspended. DAY 19
Update 184: Kashmir’s annexation was justified under the pretext of Economic Progress. In reality, the comms blockade is doing the opposite
Update 185: India’s Move in Kashmir: More Than 2,000 Rounded Up With No Recourse
Update 186: Restrictions (read lockdown) put in place to thwart people’s march to UNMOGIP in Occupied Kashmir
Update 187: More Than 150 Tear Gas, Pellet Injury Cases at Two Srinagar Hospitals. The number of injured is possibly much higher than the figures from the two hospitals.
Update 188: India uses weapons meant for animals to maim, disfigure and disable protestors in Kashmir
'Eye For an Eye': In Srinagar, Pellet Guns Blind Indiscriminately
From 2016: India’s crackdown in Kashmir: is this the world’s first mass blinding?
Update 189: Press Council Intervenes in SC Petition to Back Media Restrictions in J&K
Citing ‘national interest’, the media watchdog, which is statutorily tasked with ensuring freedom of the press, lays out a case for justifying the ban on internet and mobile phones and even free travel in the Valley.
Update 190: Inside Kashmir: Curbs Back With Vengeance in Kupwara as ‘Civil Curfew’ Proves Red Rag for Forces
Update 191: Kashmiris Won’t Stay Silent Forever
Residents of the restive area of Pulwama are under lockdown for a third week. But they want the world to know they’re going to fight back.
Update 192: Much of Kashmir continues to reel under India imposed comms blackout and curfews.
Update 193: Hotels have been converted into jails.
Srinagar’s Centaur Hotel is now a subsidiary jail
Update 194: Update on the status of @MSF's medical activities in Jammu and Kashmir.
Update 195: Indian opposition leaders 'sent back' from Kashmir's Srinagar
Update 196: VIDEO: Clashes broke out in parts of Srinagar, in Indian-administered Kashmir, following Friday prayers. Angry protesters threw stones at Indian security forces while chanting freedom slogans. Indian security forces responded with tear gas.
Update 197: Who Speaks For The Silenced In Kashmir?
Update 198: Authoritarianism marches on in South Asia
Update 199: Ground Report: Agony and Casualties in the Valley in the Immediate Aftermath of Shutdown
Update 200: Kashmir on lockdown after India reimposes curfew and deploys troops
Update 201: Armed forces in Kashmir are detaining children and molesting women and girls amid a state-wide blackout, report claims
Update 202: People are Dying, Say Doctors as Valley Runs Out of Lifesaving Medicines amid Lockdown
Update 203: Kashmir: Midnight knocks, and arrests
Update 204: BJP's Fantasy of Subjugating Pakistan Finds Expression in 'Kashmiristan'
Update 205: Exclusive report: lockdown in Kashmir
Update 206: VIDEO: Protesters chanting anti-Indian slogans during march for ‘independent Kashmir
Update 207: VIDEO: What’s really going on in Kashmir? | The Fact Checker
Update 208: India doesn’t even want to count Kashmiri deaths. They tell doctors to not issue death certificates, not treat the pellet victims, not let the injured be near hospitals. They want to make Kashmiris totally invisible for the world
Update 209: In 21 days, 21 reasons to believe ‘Kashmir is normal’
The Indian government has redefined normalcy.
Update 210: Ordeal of Kahmiris: No Sign of Normalcy, Many Exit Valley to Be Heard
Kashmiris are stepping out of the Valley to share the stories of their tribulations.
Update 211 (a bit unrelated): India’s Media Can’t Speak Truth to Power
Update 212: Kashmir doctor [arrested subsequently], warns of humanitarian crisis if the siege isn’t lifted.
Update 213: Raids at night, handbills by day: Army siege in South Kashmir escalates after special status revoked
Army officials in Srinagar denied knowledge of raids and said they were only concerned with ‘people within the ambit of terrorism’
Update 214: Kashmir doctor speaks up, whisked away
Omar Salim, a urologist at the Government Medical College, held a placard that said he was making a 'request and not a protest'
Update 215: Day 23: India's Kashmir siege — ‘we want our sleep back’
“The men don’t sleep because they are protecting us from the army & the women don’t sleep because they continue to wait for the men to return. This has become a painful cycle,” she said.
“We want international intervention, we want our sleep back.”
Update 216: How Children Are Being ‘Picked Up’ in Night Raids Across Kashmir
Update 217: Kashmir: The Indian government vs. the facts on the ground
Update 218: Families are being torn apart by a spree of mass arrests
Update 219: 500 protests, hundreds injured in Kashmir lockdown: Government source
Update 220: In Srinagar lockdown, how a reporter got news of his sister’s miscarriage
Update 221: India’s Kashmir Clampdown Turns Hospitals Into ‘Graveyards’
Update 222: India seeks to portray sense of calm in locked-down Kashmir
Update 223: 'Don't beat us, just shoot us': Kashmiris allege violent army crackdown
Update 224: Among the 3,000 detained by Indian authorities in Kashmir: children
Update 225: India plans to keep Kashmir under clampdown for another two months. This is collective punishment
Update 226: Kashmir: Where mothers wait outside security camps
Update 227: Foreign journalists have been barred from entering Kashmir. According to reports in the Indian media, security forces set up barricades, more businesses closed down, and public transportation has ground to a halt.
Update 228: WATCH: Nisar Ahmad Mir said Indian policemen detained his minor son on Aug. 24 in Kashmir. Two days later, his son, Danish, still had not returned home.
Update 229: Amidst Crackdowns, Kashmiri Journalists Struggle to Report
With communication restrictions creating dueling narratives of what's happening, Kashmiri journalists are fighting to keep people informed
Update 230: ‘Collective punishment and imprisonment’: What is life really like inside the Kashmir state lockdown?
Update 231: Nearly 4 Weeks Into India's Clampdown, Kashmiris Describe Protests, Jail, Uncertainty
Update 232: With meticulous planning then mass arrests and ‘torture’, Kashmir’s autonomy was lost
Update 233: Fearing Arrest, Youth in Srinagar Avoid Hospitals, Treat Pellet Injuries Themselves
Update 234: 'Breaking the silence': Report documents torture in Kashmir
Update 235: Kashmir lockdown: It’s been a month
Update 236: Property worth millions damaged in Kashmir as comms blockade has severely disrupted the Fire and Emergency Services
Update 237: Kashmiri student assaulted in India’s Rajasthan. Forced to wear women’s clothes and then tied to a pole and beaten
Update 238: Clashes in Kashmir after teenager succumbed to injuries
Update 239: Five men from Rajouri, Poonch booked for sensitive Facebook posts
Update 240: Busting the myth of ‘Kashmir is normal’
Update 241: Kashmir Under Siege: One Month of Silence
Update 242: ‘Our children are in jail’: How India is keeping Kashmir isolated and in fear
Update 243: In Kashmir, shopkeepers refuse to open despite India easing some curbs
Update 244: Healthcare system collapsing in Kashmir
Update 245: Kashmir lockdown: Stories of torture and arbitrary arrests
Update 246: India throttling Kashmir media, report says
Update 247: Kashmiri boys taken by Indian army in the night
Update 248: Anger and defiance mark one month of Kashmir siege
Update 249: A CRPF raid in Kashmir didn’t spare women – even though the force denies this
Update 250: Girl, 2, Critical After Terror Attack In J&K, To Be Flown To Delhi [Note all sources in this story are state functionaries, so the version is suspect, to say the least]
Attacking civilians regardless of who the perp is cannot be condoned.
Update 251: The Indian government denies there is a "health crisis" in Kashmir but hospitals are struggling to care for patients and canceling surgeries as the lockdown stretches into a second month.
DAY 36:
Update 252; Kashmir: Tightest curbs, unannounced
Update 253: In Kashmir, the Indian government is always watching
Update 254: Day of ‘hell’ for journalist in Srinagar
Update 255: Indian Authorities tighten a month-long security lockdown in Indian Kashmir’s main city of Srinagar after breaking up religious processions by Shiite Muslims who defied a ban. (AFP)
DAY 37:
Update 256: 37 days of lockdown: Five ways in which daily life in Jammu and Kashmir has been crippled
Update 257: Kashmiris Allege Night Terror by Indian Troops in Crackdown
DAY 38:
Update 258: Students protests in India’s capital, take out a mock funeral of Democracy
Update 259: ‘They want to erase us’: the Kashmiri suburb defying Indian control
Update 260: What the Last Month Has Looked Like for the Media in Kashmir
In their heart of hearts, every journalist fears that this process of silencing Kashmiri voices may be irreversible.
Update 261: Fresh death in custody reveals dark side of India's policing in Kashmir
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is there still a curfew in sa video

SA moves to lockdown Level 3, 9pm curfew, booze ban back Published by Imogen Searra on December 28, 2020 President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed the nation on Monday [December 28] following a meeting on Sunday with the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC) and special sessions today of the President’s Coordinating Council (PCC) and Cabinet. Moving to Level 1 lockdown: Calls for curfew to be lifted With the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC) still holding engagements, it’s only a matter of time before the country enters ... SA to remain on level 3 but alcohol sales ban and curfew are back: ... there are still some activities that present too much of a risk to permit at this stage. SA Coronavirus; Covid-19 24.5.2020 07:14 pm. Confirmed: Curfew lifted, alcohol sales back, exercise at any time, ... Ramaphosa said there were now 22,583 confirmed cases of Covid-19 cases in the ... As part of South Africa’s amended Level 4 lockdown restrictions, the government plans to introduce a ‘curfew’ which will limit the times when South Africans will be allowed outside of their ... Level 1 curfew: Dlamini-Zuma explains why it is still in place While many expected the nationwide curfew to be lifted completely under Level 1 lockdown, it is still in existence. California counties in the coronavirus purple restriction tier will have a limited curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. starting Saturday Nov. 21. “Curfews are there to make things easier for law enforcement agencies…It gives the police much more control and the ability to enforce. Legally, they can now stop you without having to explain why.” …“It is an extreme measure and imposition on freedom of movement,” says Newham. We have not had a curfew in our democracy. Curfew hours must be retained while there is still no COVID-19 vaccine as it helps prevent crime and suppress further contamination. SA to remain on level 3 lockdown with new curfew and ... There are currently over 15,000 people with Covid-19 in hospitals ... There are still some in our country who are sceptical about ...

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