Illegal Sex, Drugs and Gambling - Hawaii Business Magazine

underground gambling hawaii

underground gambling hawaii - win

[USA] [H] Games for Nintendo and Sony systems, Nintendo Powers, Strategy Guides, collectibles [W] Kirby's Dream Land 2 CIB, Mario Party 2 box, Etrian Odyssey Nexus cart, more games in list

Looking to trade! I have over 100 confirmed trades :) Right now I am mostly looking for the wants I have listed below, especially the high priority stuff, but I may be open to offers. Just please do not be offended if I say no!
p.s. "CIB" means complete, as in including all the booklets and such that were supposed to come in there, otherwise I will clarify what is included. "NIB" means New In Box, aka sealed, "brand new," in the shrink, etc.
p.p.s. If we are going to trade, all I ask is please be honest about the condition of your items. I can provide pictures for anything I have, please be willing to do the same! Thanks!


Mini Consoles
N64 games
N64 booklets
3DS consoles, games, accessories
3DS boxes and manuals (no games)
DS console, games and accessories
DS boxes and manuals (no games)
GBA games and videos
GBC games and more
GB games and more
GB manuals (no games)
Wii U games and packaging
Wii games and accessories
GameCube games, accessories and packaging
NES games and accessories
PS3 boxes and manuals (no games)
PS2 boxes and manuals (no games)
PSX games
PSX boxes and manuals (no games)
Strategy guides
Collectibles and posters
Comic Books
Random Stuff


The high priority stuff:
Lower priority:
Limited Print Switch Games (prefer CIB, also fine with Best Buy retail versions when applicable)
Retail Switch Games
3DS Games
DS Games
Game Boy
Wii U Games
Wii Games
GameCube games
PS2 Games
PS3 Games
Strategy Guides
Also if you've read this far, I recently started an Instagram dedicated to video game collecting and would love to connect with others! My username is chillcollector.
submitted by MiamiSlice to gameswap [link] [comments]

I will not let someone sell you the price of white: Recap of Before the 90 Days S04E08

Welcome to your weekly recap of 90DF, a show about people who fly all over the world to not have sex with people who don’t exist offline. Kudos to everyone involved who manages to not chase people down the highway, or conceal a three ring binder of assault charges.
Anyway, this episode ignites with an invocation of the Patron Saint of deep delusion, Baby-Girl Lisa. She’s fixin to purchase a mystical goat of enchantment, to trick Usman’s mother into accepting an elderly white Christian from the land of privatized prisons, and men with bad haircuts and torches in khaki pants yelling about immigrants. Eager to demonstrate she’s learned nothing since they “closed up” that last fight, Lisa rides her magic carpet of complaint from scene to scene, whinging about having to buy a goat, the market, the smell around the goat, the state of the goat’s health, the price of the goats, the complexities of foreign currency, and the sounds of goats.
The producer asks Usman if the goat is a pet, and he assures them that it’s a snack, which won’t be the last vegan endorsement this episode. Lisa thinks they must select a proper, not-skinny goat, because she’s seen Witch, and the wrong goat will fuck your shit up completely. Once they’ve picked a half-brown, half-white winner, the shop owner announces a $115 price tag, and Lisa’s certain she’s been quoted the “white woman price.”
Lisa: You can get a perfectly good goat at Walmart for $19.95.
Usman: I will not let someone sell you the price of white.
Lisa: Where’s the self checkout? Can I speak with the manager? This goat doesn’t even have a barcode.
Usman: They are booting our car and this scene is edging closer to Michael and Angela. Do you see this man’s face? He is beating me severely with his eyes.
Goat in tote, Lisa manages to squeeze in a few more complaints about the odor, which is not the Big Macs and Pine Sol bouquet she’s accustomed to huffing. Then she declares that the goat never shuts up, and Usman remarks, “Like you.” She shall henceforth be known as Billy-Goat Lisa. Thanks for that, Usman.
The next challenge in Usman’s gauntlet to marriage is to make Billy-Goat Lisa look respectable by Nigerian standards by wearing traditional colorful Hausa garments. Usman explains that if his mom does not approve he’ll be a failure, and already his mom did not speak to him for three months after he announced this relationship. Usman helps her get into a loose fitting gown, and we’re gifted the raw sex appeal of a faded white bra strap clinging to life, longing for its previous days of simplicity in the cool comfort of a Maidenform box at JCPenney. Usman admires her in the Hausa dress, and Billy-Goat Lisa reminds Usman that he still needs to do her hair, and then she needs to do her makeup. Usman insists that makeup isn’t necessary, since she’s just meeting his mom, and she’s already disappointed.
Usman brings her to meet his tribal council of women, and they’ve already voted Lisa off the island. A grand green carpet is unrolled outside, and they help Lisa sit down. An older boss lady queens in the doorway, gracefully cloaked in her “that’s a no” clothes. Usman introduces Lisa to his mother, who oozes alpha matriarch. #eldergoals. Outgunned, Lisa awkwardly responds, “You have a beautiful home.” This is extra derp considering where she’s sitting, but I’m going to give her a pass, because she could have said, “My purse is weighted by all these gold bars, will you take some of my burden?” and still would have lost this gamble.
Lisa goes on to be herself, which means expressing zero curiosity about their way of life, how they are, what makes them happy. The family was not warned about Lisa’s age, and were expecting a younger woman. Usman eagerly points out that Lisa brought a goat, and Usman’s mother responds, “Thank you.” Looking for something to fluff everyone up, he describes her as a “doctor” which does nothing to alter flat expressions, but older sister Sefiyatu of the magical eyes manages an unconvincing, “God is great.” Flies ominously crawl on Lisa as Usman declares their marriage intentions. Everyone is shocked, and Sefiyatu shakes her head, while mom puts on her purple nope cloak, says no, and walks away.
Later, Sefiyatu expresses they were surprised to see a woman over 50 years old, and while she knows there’s crack in America, she didn’t think Usman would smoke it here. Ultimate Mother tells the cameras that Lisa wants to take Usman out of his country, away from the possibility of having children, and “whites don’t like blacks over there.” Well, Mother Usman reads, so it’s over for you, Billy-Goat Lisa.
“I don’t see what the problem is,” Trashley interjects. “I mean, you call the police, and it’s fine. Right Jay?”
Jay: (Sounds of running.)
Somewhere in Yuck, Philippines, Ed is horrified to learn water is falling from the sky. He sits awkwardly on Rose’s fold-out mat bed, and learns that pops plans to share the bedroom with them, so Rose doesn’t have to fuck Ed twice. There’s a tropical storm outside, and glumly resigns himself to sleeping under Rose’s leaky roof, with only his caps lock-colored sneakers to protect him. Father Rose wisely realizes that Ed is going to be crying all night, so he declares he’ll sleep in the room next door with the more mature child Ed is fully ignoring.
The horrors only continue for Ed, who recoils from the menace of loud raindrops accompanied by that strange booming sound, unpredictable electricity daring to escape him, and foldable sleeping mats sponging up icky rain and denying him the splendor of 1000 thread-count sheets. Ed shakily admits that his relationship with dermatitis prevents him from enjoying the wonders of floor life, but the gifts for himself he sent Rose never arrived, and so it’s a hard knock polyester blend life for Ed. I strongly suspect the 90DF producers arrived hours early to deck the walls with wire and release an exhausted rat from a trap to increase Ed’s palpable horror.
“I sell sheets and fake gifts,” Maria confesses. “We need money for food, not diaper for man-baby.”
The state of their living arrangements makes Ed think she’s desperate for a way out, which is different from his desperation to be with someone 1/3 his age who will be bound to him by citizenship.
Ed wakes up the next day describing his night of terror, struggling for the first time without air conditioners, plagued by the possibility of a single mosquito bite that defied his generous dip in a vat of DEET. The only solution is to take Rose away from her son again for a private vacation, just the two of them, which is what he planned to do all along anyway. “My last marriage probably ended because I was jealous of the attention my daughter got,” Ed explains. “Now I’m going to be That Stepdad, who will punctuate every argument with statements about taking care of ‘your kid.’” Anyone else miss Tim? I miss Tim.
Ed then declares he’d like to take a shower, and Father Rose says he’ll join him, just to make sure Ed washes his damn hair. Shirt off, Ed unleashes a smattering of empty tribal tattoos, the douchebag calling card of Affliction t-shirt Gen X. This creates the opportunity to wince and complain about things being too cold, after complaining about being too hot for seven solid episodes. Then Rose rigs up the hose and turns this backyard bucketing into a full-on prison shower.
“I know about those,” Geoffrey declares. “Don’t drop the soap!”
“Rose!” Ed cries. “I dropped the soap!”
“Ed is like big baby,” Rose explains. “Except baby not always fussing.”
“I’m done!” Ed squeals.
“You’re done? I’M DONE!” Debbie shows him how it’s DONE.
Since we haven’t yet found enough evidence for the “Ed is a complete man-baby” file, we move to a pig farm to close the case. They join Father Rose in the back of a Jeep, and, eager to best Lisa for the most bland question extended to future family, Ed opts for, “Do you like living in the Philippines?”
At the pig farm, we’re presented with our second vegan conversion documentary, as we watch leashed pigs squirm in super tight pens for a handful of corn. This mysterious wet dirt matter on the ground is known as “mud,” and Ed’s mother always carried him over such offenses, so now he’s lost. Terrified of damaging his favored fashion accessory, Ed wraps his kicks in plastic bags for better slapstick sliding around. Sure enough, he immediately starts banana-peeling left and right, tossing yellow plastic bowls of food into the air while swearing like a sailor. It was the “son of a bitch!” Declaration while a plastic bowl sailed through the air, tossing food scraps like confetti, that convinced me I would be purchasing this episode for repeat viewing.
I don’t know why the editors declined to set this scene to the theme from Beverly Hillbillies, but I’ll assume it required too much coin. Ed successfully receives permission to deny Rose access to her son for an extended stretch of time, and busies himself pinpointing the nearest hotel with an English-speaking restaurant within spitting distance.
Speaking of casting directors that need to be stopped, in a world of happily queer folks madly lusting for each other’s loins, 90DF managed to find someone pretending to be bi for edge points. Stephanie aka Darcey Lite is still shocked that Erika expects her to be the person she pretended to be for four months. She’s packing up to alienate Erika’s family and friends as quickly as possible, while Erika is outside, calling a lifeline to confess this trip has been shit thus far, and Steph divides the bed with a long line of hand sanitizer every night, and I mean, there are shortages.
“I’m a happy person,” Erika tells her friend. “This is really disappointing to Stephanie. I’m depressed now, so I’m hoping that will help.”
“I’ve already decided this isn’t going to work,” Stephanie doesn’t admit. “Now I’m going to express my latest source of discomfort, Erika having friends she’s honest with, because that really doesn’t compliment my brand. I’ll make a youtube video of this later, when I’m ready to discuss #problems.”
Erika tries to engage with Stephanie during the car ride, which Steph promptly declares the wrong place for this conversation, since she doesn’t want to be shoved from a moving vehicle. It’s much better to awkwardly stare out the window for four hours instead. Erika brings up Stephanie’s control issues anyway, since they’ve just manifested for the 10,000 time, and asks if they might actually have something at the center before Steph builds a fence around it. Out of options, Steph starts rationalizing her behavior by talking about past pain and illness. This is easier than, you know, doing something different. Erika rolls her eyes, because she’s read this book before.
They pull into an AirBnB, so that Erika’s family won’t deduce from their complete lack of affection that they’re in a fake bisexual relationship. They plan to meet up with Erika’s friend Claire, but doing something is the last thing Steph wants to be doing. Claire is fresh from her latest stint as an extra in a Die Antwoord video, and I kind of love this chick and her wild tangle of fuck-you hair paired with the most welcoming eyes in the world. Can the editors just delete Steph from future episodes and make this the Erika and Claire show?
After introductions, Steph does her best to not ask Claire anything about herself, while reporting every event of the last few days in a downer fashion that emphasizes her displeasure. Erika doesn’t have the ability to disguise her misery at this point, as Steph says she’s uneasy about an upcoming party, which Erika sees as an opportunity to meet all her friends at once. Claire wants to know why Steph is uncomfortable, and she says she doesn’t like being in the presence of people who have had sex. Claire says that they’ve all dated each other (Port Augusta is a small town, after all) but Steph needs to make a mountain of this molehill if she hopes to preserve her celibate status.
When Steph goes to the bathroom, Erika asks Claire if she wants to get in her car and bail, because she wasn’t banking on a loveless, jealousy-anchored platonic friendship. Claire tells the cameras that she expected them to seem more affectionate, since it’s early days and usually couples are like that, and she hopes that in the two weeks they have left things somehow improve. Isn’t she positive? Let’s just erase everyone except Claire and Mother Usman and see what happens.
Later Erika and her amazing David Bowie Labyrinth tattoo try to talk to Steph again. During their four months of cyber-dating Steph was romantic, and all of that deflated the minute the plane landed and the potential for titty-touching turned real. Steph insists that just because they have no relationship doesn’t mean they have no relationship. Erika starts to cry, and Steph gets awkward, because she thought they were both fake lesbians who would just squeal and kiss when the boys are looking. I mean, look at her fingernails, does that scream “preparation” to you? Erika’s not buying it, and tells Steph she wants someone who is excited to see her. As always, Steph is overwhelmed that on day 4, Erika expects to be having fun. So Erika wants to know why she even bothered to come, if she doesn’t want to meet her friends and doesn’t want to do anything. Solid question. Steph apologizes for her behavior, and says she needs time and the unicorn pain of her illness, because 30 seconds have passed. Erika declares that Steph’s hurt always has to be more than hers, and drives away.
In the town that crazy built, David is stalking the artist formerly known as Maria and currently known as Lana, who is likely enjoying a nice cruise along the river Manchester with model boy toy Williams. Lana doesn’t know David’s en route to stalk her, since she’s been busy not existing.
“I want her so much,” David creeps. 300 miles in David has a flat tire, and admits he’s been driving 9 hours on bad roads. If someone pulls over to help, will they be the murderer or the murdered? It’s a toss up with this guy.
Later, David wanders aimlessly around Lana’s maybe-hometown, holding up a cell phone picture to anyone not carrying mace. He enters a candy shop Lana reportedly likes to frequent, and shows the cell phone shot to the shopkeeper, who presses the emergency button under the counter furiously, before stretching her fingers over a nearby bat and insisting she’s never seen the woman who has never entered her shop, because she doesn’t believe in dragons.
Dejected, David goes back to the hotel to obsessively check the site he’s surrendered all his money to, and he finds a terse email from Lana asking if he still wants to help her get stateside, and “start” a relationship. David responds to this like he’s just received a sonnet embroidered into a pillow with a candy heart resting gently on top.
“But did you get heart emojis?” Yolanda asks. “That’s when you know.”
Want to check in on the only actual relationship this season? Sure, why not. Avery is wearing flip-flops, which Ash calls thongs, and the editing team is so desperate for quality content that they cast this as a grand moment of cultural exchange. Hey, in Hawaii, they call them slippers! Isn’t language great?
Ash (who has Grave’s disease, FYI) hopes to rekindle the playful side of their relationship with a boat trip to see crocodiles. When the boat guy tells them to be cautious around their great jaws of death, Ash assures Avery that he’ll protect her, but Avery insists that after one bite the croc will be too high to remember whether he was going to kill her or not, because our girl is prepared.
Before we get too comfortable with this fun nonsense, Avery insists she’s not here in this beautiful spot on vacation to have fun. Instead, they need to break out the white board and make some SMART goals for this relationship. She asks when she’ll meet his child and ex, and for this scene we need to break out the white-light translator:
Ash says: I’m looking forward to that actually.
Translation: I haven’t asked, and was hoping you would forget.
Ash: I’m still working it out with Sian.
Translation: She said no.
Ash: I’m worried because my ex is very honest.
Translation: She’s going to show my cards, and I was just getting comfortable under this warm blanket of bullshit.
Douchelord Tom from the House of Bland has concluded his tantrum, and is surprised that he did that when he was planning to pretend to be a nice guy. He calls his sister up for some doe-eyed enabling. Tom declares that Darcey stormed out, and sis asks if he went after her, and when Tom says no she seems disappointed. He says he wants to apologize for his behavior, because he does have feelings for her, and was hoping to squeeze out a few more scenes before returning to a life of hunting for a second good angle.
Darcey is so pissed off she’s sculpted her eyebrows into the golden-brown arches. She opted to stay at the hotel because people can see this trash fire from space, but she doesn’t want Stacey to grimace it underground just yet. She doesn’t get why he had to do this in person, and doesn’t want to be alone. She feels used, and so she blocks his ass, cutting off his booty-hunting apologies before they can feebly launch from his needlepoint hands.
Next week, Ash breaks the news to Avery that he’s single (which probably is just a reference to them not being married), and Steph asks if Erika’s ex still has feelings for her (he probably doesn’t), and David waits for Lana to show up (she won’t). Anyone else exhausted and longing for actual relationships?
Thank you, Patreon supporters! To join:
submitted by fractalfay to 90dayfianceuncensored [link] [comments]

I will not let someone sell you the price of white: Recap of Before the 90 Days, S04E08

Welcome to your weekly recap of 90DF, a show about people who fly all over the world to not have sex with people who don’t exist offline. Kudos to everyone involved who manages to not chase people down the highway, or conceal a three ring binder of assault charges.
Anyway, this episode ignites with an invocation of the Patron Saint of deep delusion, Baby-Girl Lisa. She’s fixin to purchase a mystical goat of enchantment, to trick Usman’s mother into accepting an elderly white Christian from the land of privatized prisons, and men with bad haircuts and torches in khaki pants yelling about immigrants. Eager to demonstrate she’s learned nothing since they “closed up” that last fight, Lisa rides her magic carpet of complaint from scene to scene, whinging about having to buy a goat, the market, the smell around the goat, the state of the goat’s health, the price of the goats, the complexities of foreign currency, and the sounds of goats.
The producer asks Usman if the goat is a pet, and he assures them that it’s a snack, which won’t be the last vegan endorsement this episode. Lisa thinks they must select a proper, not-skinny goat, because she’s seen Witch, and the wrong goat will fuck your shit up completely. Once they’ve picked a half-brown, half-white winner, the shop owner announces a $115 price tag, and Lisa’s certain she’s been quoted the “white woman price.”
Lisa: You can get a perfectly good goat at Walmart for $19.95.
Usman: I will not let someone sell you the price of white.
Lisa: Where’s the self checkout? Can I speak with the manager? This goat doesn’t even have a barcode.
Usman: They are booting our car and this scene is edging closer to Michael and Angela. Do you see this man’s face? He is beating me severely with his eyes.
Goat in tote, Lisa manages to squeeze in a few more complaints about the odor, which is not the Big Macs and Pine Sol bouquet she’s accustomed to huffing. Then she declares that the goat never shuts up, and Usman remarks, “Like you.” She shall henceforth be known as Billy-Goat Lisa. Thanks for that, Usman.
The next challenge in Usman’s gauntlet to marriage is to make Billy-Goat Lisa look respectable by Nigerian standards by wearing traditional colorful Hausa garments. Usman explains that if his mom does not approve he’ll be a failure, and already his mom did not speak to him for three months after he announced this relationship. Usman helps her get into a loose fitting gown, and we’re gifted the raw sex appeal of a faded white bra strap clinging to life, longing for its previous days of simplicity in the cool comfort of a Maidenform box at JCPenney. Usman admires her in the Hausa dress, and Billy-Goat Lisa reminds Usman that he still needs to do her hair, and then she needs to do her makeup. Usman insists that makeup isn’t necessary, since she’s just meeting his mom, and she’s already disappointed.
Usman brings her to meet his tribal council of women, and they’ve already voted Lisa off the island. A grand green carpet is unrolled outside, and they help Lisa sit down. An older boss lady queens in the doorway, gracefully cloaked in her “that’s a no” clothes. Usman introduces Lisa to his mother, who oozes alpha matriarch. #eldergoals. Outgunned, Lisa awkwardly responds, “You have a beautiful home.” This is extra derp considering where she’s sitting, but I’m going to give her a pass, because she could have said, “My purse is weighted by all these gold bars, will you take some of my burden?” and still would have lost this gamble.
Lisa goes on to be herself, which means expressing zero curiosity about their way of life, how they are, what makes them happy. The family was not warned about Lisa’s age, and were expecting a younger woman. Usman eagerly points out that Lisa brought a goat, and Usman’s mother responds, “Thank you.” Looking for something to fluff everyone up, he describes her as a “doctor” which does nothing to alter flat expressions, but older sister Sefiyatu of the magical eyes manages an unconvincing, “God is great.” Flies ominously crawl on Lisa as Usman declares their marriage intentions. Everyone is shocked, and Sefiyatu shakes her head, while mom puts on her purple nope cloak, says no, and walks away.
Later, Sefiyatu expresses they were surprised to see a woman over 50 years old, and while she knows there’s crack in America, she didn’t think Usman would smoke it here. Ultimate Mother tells the cameras that Lisa wants to take Usman out of his country, away from the possibility of having children, and “whites don’t like blacks over there.” Well, Mother Usman reads, so it’s over for you, Billy-Goat Lisa.
“I don’t see what the problem is,” Trashley interjects. “I mean, you call the police, and it’s fine. Right Jay?”
Jay: (Sounds of running.)
Somewhere in Yuck, Philippines, Ed is horrified to learn water is falling from the sky. He sits awkwardly on Rose’s fold-out mat bed, and learns that pops plans to share the bedroom with them, so Rose doesn’t have to fuck Ed twice. There’s a tropical storm outside, and glumly resigns himself to sleeping under Rose’s leaky roof, with only his caps lock-colored sneakers to protect him. Father Rose wisely realizes that Ed is going to be crying all night, so he declares he’ll sleep in the room next door with the more mature child Ed is fully ignoring.
The horrors only continue for Ed, who recoils from the menace of loud raindrops accompanied by that strange booming sound, unpredictable electricity daring to escape him, and foldable sleeping mats sponging up icky rain and denying him the splendor of 1000 thread-count sheets. Ed shakily admits that his relationship with dermatitis prevents him from enjoying the wonders of floor life, but the gifts for himself he sent Rose never arrived, and so it’s a hard knock polyester blend life for Ed. I strongly suspect the 90DF producers arrived hours early to deck the walls with wire and release an exhausted rat from a trap to increase Ed’s palpable horror.
“I sell sheets and fake gifts,” Maria confesses. “We need money for food, not diaper for man-baby.”
The state of their living arrangements makes Ed think she’s desperate for a way out, which is different from his desperation to be with someone 1/3 his age who will be bound to him by citizenship.
Ed wakes up the next day describing his night of terror, struggling for the first time without air conditioners, plagued by the possibility of a single mosquito bite that defied his generous dip in a vat of DEET. The only solution is to take Rose away from her son again for a private vacation, just the two of them, which is what he planned to do all along anyway. “My last marriage probably ended because I was jealous of the attention my daughter got,” Ed explains. “Now I’m going to be That Stepdad, who will punctuate every argument with statements about taking care of ‘your kid.’” Anyone else miss Tim? I miss Tim.
Ed then declares he’d like to take a shower, and Father Rose says he’ll join him, just to make sure Ed washes his damn hair. Shirt off, Ed unleashes a smattering of empty tribal tattoos, the douchebag calling card of Affliction t-shirt Gen X. This creates the opportunity to wince and complain about things being too cold, after complaining about being too hot for seven solid episodes. Then Rose rigs up the hose and turns this backyard bucketing into a full-on prison shower.
“I know about those,” Geoffrey declares. “Don’t drop the soap!”
“Rose!” Ed cries. “I dropped the soap!”
“Ed is like big baby,” Rose explains. “Except baby not always fussing.”
“I’m done!” Ed squeals.
“You’re done? I’M DONE!” Debbie shows him how it’s DONE.
Since we haven’t yet found enough evidence for the “Ed is a complete man-baby” file, we move to a pig farm to close the case. They join Father Rose in the back of a Jeep, and, eager to best Lisa for the most bland question extended to future family, Ed opts for, “Do you like living in the Philippines?”
At the pig farm, we’re presented with our second vegan conversion documentary, as we watch leashed pigs squirm in super tight pens for a handful of corn. This mysterious wet dirt matter on the ground is known as “mud,” and Ed’s mother always carried him over such offenses, so now he’s lost. Terrified of damaging his favored fashion accessory, Ed wraps his kicks in plastic bags for better slapstick sliding around. Sure enough, he immediately starts banana-peeling left and right, tossing yellow plastic bowls of food into the air while swearing like a sailor. It was the “son of a bitch!” Declaration while a plastic bowl sailed through the air, tossing food scraps like confetti, that convinced me I would be purchasing this episode for repeat viewing.
I don’t know why the editors declined to set this scene to the theme from Beverly Hillbillies, but I’ll assume it required too much coin. Ed successfully receives permission to deny Rose access to her son for an extended stretch of time, and busies himself pinpointing the nearest hotel with an English-speaking restaurant within spitting distance.
Speaking of casting directors that need to be stopped, in a world of happily queer folks madly lusting for each other’s loins, 90DF managed to find someone pretending to be bi for edge points. Stephanie aka Darcey Lite is still shocked that Erika expects her to be the person she pretended to be for four months. She’s packing up to alienate Erika’s family and friends as quickly as possible, while Erika is outside, calling a lifeline to confess this trip has been shit thus far, and Steph divides the bed with a long line of hand sanitizer every night, and I mean, there are shortages.
“I’m a happy person,” Erika tells her friend. “This is really disappointing to Stephanie. I’m depressed now, so I’m hoping that will help.”
“I’ve already decided this isn’t going to work,” Stephanie doesn’t admit. “Now I’m going to express my latest source of discomfort, Erika having friends she’s honest with, because that really doesn’t compliment my brand. I’ll make a youtube video of this later, when I’m ready to discuss #problems.”
Erika tries to engage with Stephanie during the car ride, which Steph promptly declares the wrong place for this conversation, since she doesn’t want to be shoved from a moving vehicle. It’s much better to awkwardly stare out the window for four hours instead. Erika brings up Stephanie’s control issues anyway, since they’ve just manifested for the 10,000 time, and asks if they might actually have something at the center before Steph builds a fence around it. Out of options, Steph starts rationalizing her behavior by talking about past pain and illness. This is easier than, you know, doing something different. Erika rolls her eyes, because she’s read this book before.
They pull into an AirBnB, so that Erika’s family won’t deduce from their complete lack of affection that they’re in a fake bisexual relationship. They plan to meet up with Erika’s friend Claire, but doing something is the last thing Steph wants to be doing. Claire is fresh from her latest stint as an extra in a Die Antwoord video, and I kind of love this chick and her wild tangle of fuck-you hair paired with the most welcoming eyes in the world. Can the editors just delete Steph from future episodes and make this the Erika and Claire show?
After introductions, Steph does her best to not ask Claire anything about herself, while reporting every event of the last few days in a downer fashion that emphasizes her displeasure. Erika doesn’t have the ability to disguise her misery at this point, as Steph says she’s uneasy about an upcoming party, which Erika sees as an opportunity to meet all her friends at once. Claire wants to know why Steph is uncomfortable, and she says she doesn’t like being in the presence of people who have had sex. Claire says that they’ve all dated each other (Port Augusta is a small town, after all) but Steph needs to make a mountain of this molehill if she hopes to preserve her celibate status.
When Steph goes to the bathroom, Erika asks Claire if she wants to get in her car and bail, because she wasn’t banking on a loveless, jealousy-anchored platonic friendship. Claire tells the cameras that she expected them to seem more affectionate, since it’s early days and usually couples are like that, and she hopes that in the two weeks they have left things somehow improve. Isn’t she positive? Let’s just erase everyone except Claire and Mother Usman and see what happens.
Later Erika and her amazing David Bowie Labyrinth tattoo try to talk to Steph again. During their four months of cyber-dating Steph was romantic, and all of that deflated the minute the plane landed and the potential for titty-touching turned real. Steph insists that just because they have no relationship doesn’t mean they have no relationship. Erika starts to cry, and Steph gets awkward, because she thought they were both fake lesbians who would just squeal and kiss when the boys are looking. I mean, look at her fingernails, does that scream “preparation” to you? Erika’s not buying it, and tells Steph she wants someone who is excited to see her. As always, Steph is overwhelmed that on day 4, Erika expects to be having fun. So Erika wants to know why she even bothered to come, if she doesn’t want to meet her friends and doesn’t want to do anything. Solid question. Steph apologizes for her behavior, and says she needs time and the unicorn pain of her illness, because 30 seconds have passed. Erika declares that Steph’s hurt always has to be more than hers, and drives away.
In the town that crazy built, David is stalking the artist formerly known as Maria and currently known as Lana, who is likely enjoying a nice cruise along the river Manchester with model boy toy Williams. Lana doesn’t know David’s en route to stalk her, since she’s been busy not existing.
“I want her so much,” David creeps. 300 miles in David has a flat tire, and admits he’s been driving 9 hours on bad roads. If someone pulls over to help, will they be the murderer or the murdered? It’s a toss up with this guy.
Later, David wanders aimlessly around Lana’s maybe-hometown, holding up a cell phone picture to anyone not carrying mace. He enters a candy shop Lana reportedly likes to frequent, and shows the cell phone shot to the shopkeeper, who presses the emergency button under the counter furiously, before stretching her fingers over a nearby bat and insisting she’s never seen the woman who has never entered her shop, because she doesn’t believe in dragons.
Dejected, David goes back to the hotel to obsessively check the site he’s surrendered all his money to, and he finds a terse email from Lana asking if he still wants to help her get stateside, and “start” a relationship. David responds to this like he’s just received a sonnet embroidered into a pillow with a candy heart resting gently on top.
“But did you get heart emojis?” Yolanda asks. “That’s when you know.”
Want to check in on the only actual relationship this season? Sure, why not. Avery is wearing flip-flops, which Ash calls thongs, and the editing team is so desperate for quality content that they cast this as a grand moment of cultural exchange. Hey, in Hawaii, they call them slippers! Isn’t language great?
Ash (who has Grave’s disease, FYI) hopes to rekindle the playful side of their relationship with a boat trip to see crocodiles. When the boat guy tells them to be cautious around their great jaws of death, Ash assures Avery that he’ll protect her, but Avery insists that after one bite the croc will be too high to remember whether he was going to kill her or not, because our girl is prepared.
Before we get too comfortable with this fun nonsense, Avery insists she’s not here in this beautiful spot on vacation to have fun. Instead, they need to break out the white board and make some SMART goals for this relationship. She asks when she’ll meet his child and ex, and for this scene we need to break out the white-light translator:
Ash says: I’m looking forward to that actually.
Translation: I haven’t asked, and was hoping you would forget.
Ash: I’m still working it out with Sian.
Translation: She said no.
Ash: I’m worried because my ex is very honest.
Translation: She’s going to show my cards, and I was just getting comfortable under this warm blanket of bullshit.
Douchelord Tom from the House of Bland has concluded his tantrum, and is surprised that he did that when he was planning to pretend to be a nice guy. He calls his sister up for some doe-eyed enabling. Tom declares that Darcey stormed out, and sis asks if he went after her, and when Tom says no she seems disappointed. He says he wants to apologize for his behavior, because he does have feelings for her, and was hoping to squeeze out a few more scenes before returning to a life of hunting for a second good angle.
Darcey is so pissed off she’s sculpted her eyebrows into the golden-brown arches. She opted to stay at the hotel because people can see this trash fire from space, but she doesn’t want Stacey to grimace it underground just yet. She doesn’t get why he had to do this in person, and doesn’t want to be alone. She feels used, and so she blocks his ass, cutting off his booty-hunting apologies before they can feebly launch from his needlepoint hands.
Next week, Ash breaks the news to Avery that he’s single (which probably is just a reference to them not being married), and Steph asks if Erika’s ex still has feelings for her (he probably doesn’t), and David waits for Lana to show up (she won’t). Anyone else exhausted and longing for actual relationships?
Thank you, Patreon supporters!
submitted by fractalfay to 90DayFiance [link] [comments]

Found this rabbit hole, feel free to dive in with me...

So, found this picture on a thread.
(Please keep that open for a while, inspect it if you want, but please give it about a minute of resting time)After that, I ended up searching up the name of the tab, and found this.
This was found on a Honda-Tech forum, at around comment #190
Laughing Horse's Orifice Headquarters Manufacturing Quality National Security Threats Since 1973 laughing horse's orifice headquarters - video for cinema laughing horse's orifice headquarters - video - caelvengula Laughing Horses Office Headquarters neither alchemical plastic surgery nor victorian pseudo-baroque automatism LHOHQ Intercompart mental Massaging Center laughing horse's orifice headquarters contacting l. h. o. h. q. laughing horse's orifice headquarters - video - goodbye zombie laughing horse's orifice headquarters Laughing Horse's Orifice Headquarters Android Scientography We Supply Advanced Persistent Threats Since August 23, 1971 LHOHQ 6630507 ^Sprint CALEA Delivery System Product Release (rev. 6.5.02) In accordance with CALEA, Sprint has been working aggressively to deliver local, state and federal law enforcement agencies surveillance data from throughout its network. Curre OHAIGUISE NAF Contracting Program Laughing Horse's Orifice Headquarters MACROSOSM laughing horse's orifice headquarters - video - the pond corporate template Laughing Horse's Orifice Headquarters LHOHQ Intercompart mental Massaging Center l.h.o.h.q. "this is money" l.h.o.h.q. civlian inmate cigarete smoke laughing horse's orifice headquarters - video - the pond let's end all the discontent elect a mason president - l.h.o.h.q. L.H.O.H.Q. "ANU FC" Spreadsheet Data laughing horse's orifice headquarters - video - GOODBYE ZOMBIE laughing horse's orifice headquarters laughing horse's orifice headquarters l.h.o.h.q. deep packet inspection laughing horse's orifice headquarters - video for cinema l.h.o.h.q. transcranial magnetic stimulation laughing horse's orifice headquarters - video - the first time space girl on the farm laughing horse's orifice headquarters - video - goodbye zombie laughing horse's orifice headquarters trascranial magnetic stimulation l.h.o.h.q. cia airport street laughing horse's orifice headquarters - video - GOODBYE ZOMBIE pastoral libertarian politics potatoe laughing horse's orifice headquarters - video - caelvengula production optimization for fmri anomalies in control conditions laughing horse's orifice headquarters - video - caelvengula minijustice the iraqis have installed surveillance equipment laughing horse's orifice headquarters trascranial magnetic stimulation let's end all the discontent elect a mason president - l.h.o.h.q. let's end all the discontent elect a mason president - l.h.o.h.q. vote for america jones wherever you vote next - register your discontent with the two-party system - l.h.o.h.q. L.H.O.H.Q. "ANU FC" Spreadsheet Data L.H.O.H.Q. Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae septispermia in a Laughing kookaburra l.h.o.h.q. current information l.h.o.h.q. cia airport street Laughing Kookaburra Gazette - LHOHQ 13 minijustice l.h.o.h.q. civlian inmate cigarete smoke minijustice the iraqis have installed surveillance equipment l.h.o.h.q. civilian inmate horror-scope geitner banking relief usury fund l.h.o.h.q. satanists in public office l.h.o.h.q. pamela's contour Untitled EFF: DocuColor Tracking Dot Decoding Guide laughing horse's orifice headquarters Monarchy is Private Government Why Settle for Less ??? who put the indian killer on the $20? l.h.o.h.q. civlian inmate cigarete smoke L.H.O.H.Q. propaganda archive, white house homosexual prostitution inquiry L.H.O.H.Q. propaganda archive, governator scott walker and other infamous celebrities dancing with the stars L.H.O.H.Q. propaganda archive, tsunami television disaster L.H.O.H.Q. propaganda archive, white house homosexual prostitution inquiry L.H.O.H.Q. propaganda archive, tsunami television disaster L.H.O.H.Q. propaganda archive, tsunami television disaster L.H.O.H.Q. propaganda archive, tsunami television disaster L.H.O.H.Q. propaganda archive federal reserve chairman ben bernanke authorizes alan greenspan sale to china minijustice who put the indian killer on the $20? l.h.o.h.q. cia interdepartmental heliotrope vortex l.h.o.h.q. cia zeitgeist generator 2010 scad market year in review laughing horse's orifice headquarters - video - caelvengula l.h.o.h.q. grand canyon cia terror l.h.o.h.q. studio congress hollywood goes cia lhohq whose mutant are you? lhohq whose mutant are you? Pull The TARP Over Their Eyes LHOHQ Intercompart mental Massaging Center Google Search: ??公司&hl=en&lr=&start=10&sa=N公司&hl=en&lr=&start=70&sa=N公司&hl=en&lr=&start=60&sa=N公司&hl=en&lr=&swrnum=18800000公司&hl=en&lr=公司&hl=en&lr=公司&hl=en&lr=公司&hl=en&lr=&start=80&sa=N公司&hl=en&lr=&start=90&sa=N公司&hl=en&lr= l.h.o.h.q. current information Laughing kookaburra orifice electrolytic heat engine pastoral libertarian politics potatoe let's end all the discontent elect a mason president - l.h.o.h.q. laughing horse's orifice headquarters laughing horse's orifice headquarters - video - how to overcome insomnia and sleep deeply l.h.o.h.q. deep packet inspection laughing horse's orifice headquarters l.h.o.h.q. transcranial magnetic stimulation lhohq van halen carnivore we are back L.H.O.H.Q. propaganda archive, arab spring study of program funding changes for public private partnerships 5. Laughing Enron Scientology Credit - LHOHQ公司&hl=en&lr=&start=40&sa=N l.h.o.h.q. laughing horse's orifice mercury autism vaccination lhohq van halen carnivore we are back vote for america jones wherever you vote next - register your discontent with the two-party system - l.h.o.h.q. How is your consciousness like their own monstrous unitary dumpster l.h.o.h.q. civilian inmate horror-scope lllllllllllll ||||| lll || llll || ll | ll 1 |||||||||||||| llllllll || l.h.o.h.q. satanists in public office L.H.O.H.Q. propaganda archive, tsunami television disaster L.H.O.H.Q. propaganda archive, tsunami television disaster L.H.O.H.Q. propaganda archive, tsunami television disaster L.H.O.H.Q. propaganda archive L.H.O.H.Q. propaganda archive, tsunami television disaster L.H.O.H.Q. propaganda archive, governator scott walker and other infamous celebrities dancing with the stars IS PARIS HILTON THE ANTI-CHRIST? lhohq masonic symbolism in the washington d.c. street layout terrorists in business suits since 1954 i have looked into his heart De-Calculated Terror Monopoly - Brand Name Sanity Since 1967 l.h.o.h.q. bohemian grove holiday Laughing kookaburra orifice electrolytic heat engine 2010 scad market year in review l.h.o.h.q. nsa pedestrian autocephalous enigma nascar electromagnetic mind control contest vortex laughing horse's orifice headquarters - video - how to overcome insomnia and sleep deeply i have looked into his heart 4F32AEC1111142F3BF11;司 lhohq nascar behavior modification and mind control Send LHOHQ Info l.h.o.h.q. grand canyon cia terror global war Improbable LHOHQ Semitemporal Intertransitory Online Horse's Psychobabble l.h.o.h.q. biblical literalism l.h.o.h.q. studio six productions rock and roll poster l.h.o.h.q. fear the stone owl We Supply Advanced Persistent Threats Since August 23, 1971 federal reserve chairman ben bernanke authorizes alan greenspan sale to china De-Calculated Terror Monopoly - Brand Name Sanity Since 1967 ?? illuminati symbolism in the washington d.c. street plan a few bad apples. the fundamentals of our economy are sound. terrorists in business suits since 1954 l.h.o.h.q. grand canyon cia terror l.h.o.h.q. civlian inmate cigarete smoke L.H.O.H.Q. propaganda archive, tsunami television disaster l.h.o.h.q. you are now under our control data for us treasury bank bailout proposal L.H.O.H.Q. propaganda archive, tsunami television disaster l.h.o.h.q. Some underground rapper from new york, really likin this guy. ?? laughing horse's orifice headquarters - video - how to overcome insomnia and sleep deeply lhohq digital computing pizza john birch blues laughing horse's orifice headquarters laughing horse's orifice headquarters - video - on the phenomenology of modern warfare lhohq nascar behavior modification and mind control Money as a Weapon System. Handbook for commanders. lhohq ?fdsh alewu fhbfds hfbwja egyjhsa! lhohq ?fdsh alewu fhbfds hfbwja egyjhsa! man eat man l.h.o.h.q. Some underground rapper from new york, really likin this guy. lhohq van halen carnivore we are back lhohq digital computing pizza john birch blues laughing horse's orifice headquarters - video - on the phenomenology of modern warfare Laughing Kookaburra Gazette - LHOHQ 13 laughing horse's orifice headquarters - video - how to overcome insomnia and sleep deeply man eat man l.h.o.h.q. unearth environmental quality phytotaxis production optimization for fmri anomalies in control conditions l.h.o.h.q. nsa pedestrian autocephalous enigma laughing horse's orifice headquarters l.h.o.h.q. fear the stone owl texas longhorns fan l.h.o.h.q. bohemian grove holiday air show lhohq how to steal an election, an essay by george w. bush l.h.o.h.q. studio congress hollywood goes cia data for us treasury bank bailout proposal air show study of program funding changes for public private partnerships Pull The TARP Over Their Eyes Google Search: ??
submitted by Wrencher-xD to conspiracies [link] [comments]

150 Things to do Before I Die

Road trip along Great Ocean Road, Australia.
Visit Graceland, Tennessee.
Stand in Rome's Forum.
Go scuba diving.
Study abroad. ✔️
Teach English overseas. ✔️
Learn Spanish in Spain.
Learn Japanese in Japan.
Countdown to New Year’s Day in Times Square.
Celebrate Chinese New Year in Hong Kong. ✔️
La Tomatina, the great tomato fight.
Visit the Louvre art gallery. ✔️
Learn to play the piano.
Play a live gig.
Record an album.
Write a book.
Eat pizza in Naples.
Full Moon Party, Thailand.
Eat ramen in Japan. ✔️
Explore the temples of Kyoto. ✔️
Organise a surprise party for someone.
Host an epic Bonfire Night party.
Experience Thanksgiving.
Sleep in a hammock with a few brewskis.
Run a Marathon. ✔️
Experience "Hana-mi".
Play a round of golf.
Take part in a seance.
Visit Madison, Wisconsin.
Learn to salsa dance.
Learn to juggle.
Take part in a Civil War Reenactment.
Go on a meat bonanza in Texas.
Ride a mechanical bull.
Mount Rushmore.
Attend the Olympics.
Go ice-skating.
Watch a tennis match at Wimbledon.
Learn each country’s capital city.
Athens, Greece.
Lauterbrunnen Valley, Switzerland.
Visit Budapest.
Visit Seattle, birthplace of grunge.
Stay at a cabin in the woods.
Spend the night in a haunted house.
One million YouTube subscribers. ✔️
Bungee Jump.
Surf in Hawaii.
Hawaiian Luau.
Get a driver’s license. ✔️
Boat through the Norwegian Fjords.
Drink a tequila shot in Mexico.
Deliver a best man speech at a wedding.
Make a documentary.
Visit a real blues bar in Chicago.
Ride a horse.
Get a tattoo. ✔️
Be an extra in a movie.
Attend a murder mystery party.
Go to a drive-in movie.
Sport a moustache for a month.
See the Grand Canyon.
Find out which is better: New York or Chicago pizza.
Hire an employee.
Brew my own beer.
Create a signature cocktail.
Throw a dart at a map, and travel to where it lands.
Host a dinner party.
Go on a camping weekend.
See the snow monkeys at Yudanaka Onsen.
Safari in Chobe, Botswana.
See the Taj Mahal.
See the Hollywood sign.
Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Visit Pompeii.
Drink beer at Oktoberfest.
Skinny-dip. ✔️
Go skiing.
Go snowboarding.
Ride a quadbike.
Seville, Spain.
Graduate. ✔️
Machu Picchu.
Attempt a food challenge.
Learn to play Mahjong.
Drink a Singapore Sling in Singapore.
Build a tree house/underground bunker.
Be able to do 10 consecutive pull-ups.
Climb Mont St-Michel, France
Hiroshima Memorial Dome.
Kayak Milford Sound, New Zealand.
Celebrate King’s Day in Amsterdam.
See the Sagrada Familia, Barcelona.
Celebrate the Biennale in Venice.
Start a podcast.
Earn a belt in a martial art.
Go to Mardi Gras.
Sistine Chapel.
Go on a bicycle tour of a country.
St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland.
Relax in Blue Lagoon, Iceland.
Solo travel across Europe.
Solo travel across Japan. ✔️
Gamble in Las Vegas.
Gamble in Macau. ✔️
Go to Bangkok. ✔️
Stay in a log cabin in the great outdoors.
Make a documentary.
Hunt Bigfoot.
Travel US 89, and see the 6 National Parks along the route.
Lake Como.
Own an apartment. ✔️
Start a business.
Bathe elephants at a rescue in Thailand.
Create an annual tradition.
See the Terracotta Warriors, Xi’an. ✔️
Toboggan down the Great Wall of China. ✔️
Get spooked in the Parisian catacombs.
Karaoke in Japan. ✔️
Drink port in Porto.
Eat custard tarts in Belem, Lisbon. ✔️
Celebrate Dia de los Muertos.
Drink a Bahama Mamma in the Bahamas.
Climb Mt. Fuji.
Ride in a limo.
St. Petersburg.
Shower under a waterfall.
Eat Korean Barbecue in Seoul. ✔️
See North Korea. ✔️
Sensory deprivation tank.
Volunteer work.
See the Northern Lights. ✔️
Visit Victoria Falls.
Explore Ljubljana.
Travel to 50 countries.
Work at a bar.
Handle a snake. ✔️
Walk the West Highland Way
Attend an international music festival. ✔️
Glastonbury Festival.
Ride the London Eye.
Spend a Christmas abroad.
Spend a birthday abroad. ✔️
See hot air balloons over Turkey.
Float in the Dead Sea.
Have a drink in the world’s highest bar. ✔️
Travel down Route 66.
Create a last will and testament.
Ride the world’s biggest rollercoaster.
Stand on the equator.
submitted by Benkee to bucketlist [link] [comments]

World Builder Wednesday Archive Update

So I was looking for some of more recent WBW posts in the archives and noticed it hadn't been updated in awhile. So I took the base archive by S_Jeru and went looking through the posts and threads to try and update the list. stalington has a good habit of keeping everything formatted nicely so it is easy to locate most of the posts. Anyways, this is all the World Builder Wednesday posts I could find, updated as of January 7th 2019.
I've Italicized non-location WBW posts to make them easier to pick out if you are looking for them.
Shadows of Las Vegas - July 2014
Shadows of Neo-Tokyo - July 2014
Shadows of St. Louis - August 2014
Shadows of Atlanta - August 2014
Shadows of Vancouver - August 2014
Shadows of Aachen - September 2014
Shadows of New Orleans - September 2014
Shadows of Miami - September 2014
Shadows of Belgrade - September 2014
Shadows of Detroit - September 2014
Shadows of Philadelphia - October 2014
Shadows of Hong Kong and Macau - October 2014
Shadows of Sapporo - October 2014
Shadow of Rochester - October 2014
Shadow of Sydney - November 2014
Shadows of Pomorze - November 2014
Shadows of Memphis - November 2014
Shadows of Mars Base Alpha - December 2014
Shadows of Fresno - March 2015
Shadows of Dallas-Ft. Worth - March 2015
Shadows of Kansas City, Missouri - March 2015
Shadows of McMurdo Station - March 2015
Shadows of Malta - April 2015
Shadows of Cincinnati - April 2015
Shadows of Melbourne - April 2015
Shadows of Albuquerque - April 2015
Shadows of El Paso-Ciudad Juarez - May 2015
Shadows of Vienna - May 2015
Shadows of Athens - July 2015
Shadows of Adelaide - July 2015
Shadows of Rural North America - August 2015
Shadows of Jakarta - August 2015
Shadows of Charlotte - September 2015
Shadows of Phoenix - September 2015
Judaism in North America 2075 - September 2015
Shadows of Mumbai - September 2015
Shadows of the Jedi Order - September 2015
Shadows of Waffle House - September 2015
Shadows of Milwaukee - October 2015
Shadows of Cairo - October 2015
Shadows of Orlando - October 2015
Shadows of Harlem - October 2015
Shadows of San Jose and the Silicon Valley - October 2015
Shadows of Vladivostok - November 2015
Shadows of Venice - November 2015
Stores & Shopping - November 2015
Shadows of Johannesburg - November 2015
Shadows of the Syndicates - December 2015
Shadows of Indianapolis - December 2015
Shadows of Gotham City - December 2015
Sports of the Sixth World - January 2016
Shadows of Hawaii - January 2016
Shadows of Los Angeles - January 2016
Shadows of Rome - February 2016
Shadows of Paris - February 2016
Shadows of Restaurants, Bars, and Nightclubs - February 2016
Shadows of Banks, Savings & Loans - February 2016
Shadows of Israel and Palestine - March 2016
Shadows of New York City - March 2016
Shadows of Persona 2.0 - March 2016
Shadows of the Baule Empire - March 2016
Shadows of Beijing - April 2016
Shadows of Metropole - April 2016
Shadows of Manila - April 2016
Shadows of Singapore - April 2016
Shadows of GeMiTo - May 2016
Shadows of the Ork Underground - May 2016
Shadows of the Dungeon Master's Guide - May 2016
Shadows of London - June 2016
Shadows of Des Moines - June 2016
Shadows of Marseilles - June 2016
Shadows of New Delhi - July 2016
Shadows of Salt Lake City - August 2016
Shadows of Carnivals and Circuses - September 2016
Shadows of The Everglades - September 2016
Shadows of Hamburg - September 2016
Shadows of Atlanta II - April 2017
Shadows of Moscow - September 2017
Shadows of Toronto - September 2017
Shadows of St. Augustine - September 2017
Stallington's Shadows of Egypt II / Global Sandstorm - October 2017
Shadows of Reno-Carson City - October 2017
Shadows of Las Vegas II - January 2018
Shadows of Strange Weather Phenomenon - March 2018
Holidays and Celebrations - March 2018
Shadows of Norway - June 2018
Shadows of New Jersey - July 2018
Rock and Roll - September 2018
Drinks in the Sixth World - September 2018
Shadows of Los Angeles II - October 2018
Metavarients: Dwarves - November 2018
Metavarients: Elves & The Tirs - November 2018
Metavarients: Trolls & The Black Forest Troll Kingdom - November 2018
Metavarients: Humans - December 2018
Metavarients: Orks and the Ork Underground - December 2018
Metavarients: Other Metas - December 2018
Shadows of Korea - December 2018
Metavarients: The Infected - January 2019
Paracritters - January 2019
submitted by Sekh765 to Shadowrun [link] [comments]

Meaningful VS Meaningless References Part 2

(Link to first half since automod removed it and no one saw it.)
Here’s Part 2 of that big ass writeup for you for everything from Part VI to VIII. As a refresher, I analyzed every music and pop culture reference I could find in the series to see whether they were chosen with some level of intent or if they were just slapped on as a reference. Not quite as long as the first half but it's still really long.

Part VI
Part VII

submitted by blorpoo to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

The stories behind Japanese game developers' names

Hey /gaming! I wrote this up in a random comment, and thought more people would find it interesting. It's a bit of an essay, but if you're a linguistics, Japanese history, and gaming nerd (like yours truly), you might enjoy it! Here are the stories behind some of the big names in Japanese games!
Nintendo (very long, but interesting): The granddaddy of Japanese games. Nintendo probably has the coolest history and name origin, befitting of its status. Opened way back in 1889, Nintendo started as a producer of hanafuda playing cards, following a mega-rise in Westernization in Japan during the 1880s. Unlike later companies formed in the post-War period that were created to appeal to international markets, Nintendo's name is squarely traditional Japanese (perhaps in response to the government's drive to preserve traditional culture that was falling out of fashion). The kanji characters for Nintendo are 任天堂. Separately, those mean:
任 - (nin) responsbility, duty, charge 天 - (ten) heaven 堂 - (dou) temple, hall, or shop
Taken all together, you get a meaning like "Leave luck to heaven," or "The destiny of men is in the hands of the gods" which are the commonly-cited translations of the name, reflecting on the capricious nature of games of chance.
However, there are theories that the name actually has three different meanings inside it. To put it in English terms, some believe it's both a phrase AND an acronym.
Meaning 1: 任 -- might also represent 任侠道 (Ninkyou-do), or "The Way of Chivalry." Pretty standard stuff, until you realize that the Yakuza often referred to themselves as the 任侠団体 (Nikyou-dantai) or "Chivalrous Organization." You see, hanafuda cards were a favorite in gambling dens that were often operated by Yakuza. So although no direct connection has ever been proved, but Nintendo Cards were a common site in Yakuza gangs. It should be noted that a lot of Yakuza did, and very much still do, view themselves as chivalrous people standing up for the little guy or protecting their community (whether or not they do is a debate for a different time).
Meaning 2: 天 -- might also represent 天狗 (Tengu), mountain spirits who liked to get involved in human affairs. They were also well known for being just as likely to help you as hurt you, much like how gambling can bring great fortune or destroy your life. There's some background on this, because Nintendo's original founder, Fusajiro Yamauchi, had been managing an old hanafuda shop before starting Nintendo. That shop's name? Oishi Tengu-do (大石天狗堂). You see, tengu had become a symbol of hanafuda when the card game was banned by the government, and became something like mascots of the game. If you wanted to sneakily buy some cards for illegal gambling, you could ask about tengu shrines (天狗堂 tengu-dou) nearby, or tap your nose in a reference to tengu's long noses. To this very day, Nintendo still makes hanafuda cards. One of their most popular decks? The tengu deck.
Meaning 3: 堂 -- might represent, well...I said it above actually. 天狗堂, a tengu shrine. Little nod to hanafuda's secret underground gambling scene and yakuza connections. Since that's a bit underwhelming, here's two more things. First, 天堂 on its own means "heaven" or "paradise" in common Japanese. Second, the temple 堂 just so happens to be pronounced the same as the 道 meaning "path" or "way," which we remember from the ninkyou-do of the yakuza.
mini TL;DR for Nintendo section -- "leave luck to heaven," "house of the tengu," and "the way of (yakuza) chivalry"
(the others are all shorter than this, I promise)
Sega: Originally "Standard Games," a slot machine distributor and operator in Honolulu, Hawaii in the 40s. After WW2 broke out, they saw an emerging business with military servicemen, and started a new distributor division called "Service Games" until slot machines were outlawed in the US territories, after which the founder sent two employees to Japan to make slot-machines for US military bases there. Long story short, the company folded, but was eventually bought by a successful arcade importer in Tokyo (David Rosen), who merged his company with Service Games Japan, shortening the new company's name to Sega, easier for locals to remember and pronounce. (You will find that Japanese people really like shortening names and words). The newly formed Sega switched their focus from importer to manufacturer, and started making their own games. Even though Sega isn't as well known for games abroad anymore, they still make plenty of slot and video arcade machines in Japan!
Namco: Originally Nakamura Amusement Machine Manufacturing Company, shortened to Namco. Created out of the struggling remnants of Atari Japan. Sega was going to purchase the Japanese branch of Atari for $50,000, but Masaya Nakamura, owner of a successful manufacturing company the also made children's amusement rides, offered to pay $800,000. Hilariously, Nakamura then set up Namco as a direct competitor to Atari in the US and eventually ran them out. (Atari had wanted to sell off their Japanese branch in order to stay in business)
Bandai: Actually has a bit more of an interesting name to it. Bandai has pretty much always been a toy manufacturer, and sponsored all kinds of TV shows and games basically to keep promoting toys, which they do super well. The name Bandai comes from 万代不易 (bandai fueki), which comes from an ancient Chinese Military Text called the Six Secret Teachings which itself is part of the revered Seven Military Classics (you can't make this stuff up). Bandai fueki loosely means "permanence" or "perpetuity," with Bandai itself literally meaning "10,000 generations." Bandai's founder Naoharu Yamashina said about the name: "I wish to form a company which makes things to satisfy the hearts of any generation. That is a company that will never cease to be." (This should really be on their English wiki. It's a cooler quote than my rough translation suggests.)
Sony: Another interesting one. Sony was founded as Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo, which translates to the not-very-exciting-and-marketable "Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation." The young company got most of its early success from making tape recorders, the first to really work well and actually sell. They wanted to expand, and so they started courting American markets. However, their Japan nickname "Totsuko" was hard for 1950s Americans to pronounce, and the acronym TTK was already taken. They decided to go with SONY for a few reasons: 1) it sounded like "sonic" (in the Latin 'sonus/sound' sense, not the 'gotta go fast' sense); 2) it also sounded like "sonny," (in Japanese, anyway) which was American slang for the sort of hip young 50s man Sony was courting; and 3) they had already been marketing tape to go with their tape recorder, which was called...soni-tape. It was all there, so they made the switch. Not long after, they released the first portable transistor radio under the Sony brand, and essentially kickstarted the consumer electronics revolution.
What's extra weird/cool about Sony, is that they were one of the first major companies to use English characters for their company name, instead of something longer in Japanese. They weren't "Sony Electronic Manufacturing, Ltd." They were just SONY. The Japanese banks didn't really like it, but they got over it.
Capcom: Capcom comes from a clipped compound of "Capsule Computer," which was a term they created to distinguish from personal computers, while also alluding to a capsule toy packed with fun. Their cabinets also had a hard outer shell to prevent rivals from breaking them open and stealing their secrets. Unlike some of the other more meandering paths other companies took, Capcom actually did start out making game machines. When home gaming consoles started up, Capcom began making original games and just kept on going.
Square: Man, Square took some digging. Far as I can tell, it comes from one of the original developers in the games division of a power line construction company called Den-Yu-Sha. Why did Den-Yu-Sha have a games division? Well the owner's son, Masafumi Miyamoto, had just graduated from college and wanted to work on computer games. And "Square"? Miyamoto Senior was a golf fan, and the young aspiring game-maker liked the sound of the term for the place where his father went to relax and enjoy himself, called a "golf square" in Japanese. The name had two added bonuses: computer software was usually on a square disk or cartridge, and the Japanese word for square, shikaku, sounds a heck of a lot like the province where the company was founded, Shikoku. They later became Squaresoft when they added a shortened form of "software."
While we're here, Enix, best known for publishing Dragon Quest and having later absorbed Squaresoft to become Square Enix, got their name from a combination of ENIAC (the world's first digital computer: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) and "phoenix," mythical bird of legend that is reborn from the ashes of its death. The latter is important because Enix's founder was a failed entrepreneur who was lucky enough to rope in talented programmer's through a last-ditch "Design a Computer Game So I Can Market It" contest.
Konami: A compound of the three founders' last names: Kozumi, Nakama, and Miyasako. Lazy, but cute. Started out as a jukebox rental and repair company in Osaka. But, like many other companies, they jumped hardcore onto arcade machines once they started to take off. They licensed and provided machines for hit American titles like Frogger. When the MSX home computer came out and made game development possible, Konami developed on it like mad (along with Hudson Soft, who would later be bought and absorbed by Konami).
Koei: I don't know if anyone still cares about Koei outside of Japan, but I'm committed to this list now. Thankfully, Koei's is pretty simple. It's a Japanese word meaning "honor, glory, or privilege." (光栄). There's also a stupid motto that uses both kanji in a different way that I honestly don't feel like translating. Here's two things that are more interesting than that would be:
1) They originally had the English spelling as Koey, but Americans kept pronouncing it like "Joey," so they changed the spelling.
2) Koei's first success was in programming business simulation software, which would come in super handy for their first mega-hit: Nobunaga's Ambition, a historical strategy game which eventually led to Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
There's also a rumor that the name is just an anagram of Keio, the university where the founders met and fell in love <3
SNK: Stands for "Shin Nihon Kikaku" (新日本企画) which means "New Japan Project." Like Capcom and Konami, SNK's founder noticed the booming coin-operated game market and wanted in. He bought an electrical machinery company in Kobe and started producing game cabinets of his own. Appropriate, then, that SNK's games would become some of the biggest arcade draws.
Special mention: Atari. Not a Japanese studio, but the name is derived from a Japanese term used in the classic board game Go. It's also just a Japanese word that means "On target" or "Hitting the mark."
Sources: mostly Japanese Wikipedia and Googling "(Japanese company name) (Japanese word for origin)" but also this really neat list on Matome that I found wayyyyy too late. There's also a rad '90s Geocities site in Japanese about Nintendo's awesome name.
submitted by Takai_Sensei to gaming [link] [comments]

Catalog of all the World-Builder Wednesday threads so far...

For the sake of making everything easy to find...
here is the Ur-thread about building cities, Shadows of Neo-Tokyo,
here is the proto-thread that got this thing started, Shadows of Las Vegas,
here is Shadows of St. Louis,
here is Shadows of Atlanta,
here is Shadows of Vancouver,
here is Shadows of Aachen,
here is Shadows of New Orleans,
here is Shadows of Miami,
here is Shadows of Belgrade,
here is Shadows of Detroit,
here is Shadows of Philadelphia,
here is Shadows of Hong Kong and Macau,
here is Shadows of Sapporo,
here is Shadows of Rochester,
here is Shadows of Sydney,
here is Shadows of Pomorze,
here is Shadows of Memphis,
here is Shadows of Mars Base Alpha,
here is Shadows of Fresno,
here is Shadows of Dallas- Ft. Worth,
here is Shadows of Kansas City, Missouri,
here is Shadows of McMurdo Station,
here is Shadows of Malta,
here is Shadows of Cincinnati,
here is Shadows of Melbourne,
here is Shadows of Albuquerque,
here is Shadows of El Paso- Ciudad Juarez,
here is Shadows of Vienna,
here is Shadows of Athens,
here is Shadows of Adelaide,
here is Shadows of rural North America,
here is Shadows of Jakarta,
here is Shadows of Charlotte,
here is Shadows of Phoenix,
here is Judaism in North America 2075,
here is Shadows of Mumbai,
here is Shadows of the Jedi Order,
here is Shadows of Milwaukee,
here is Shadows of Cairo,
here is Shadows of Orlando,
here is Shadows of Harlem.
here is Shadows of Waffle House,
here is Shadows of San Jose and the Silicon Valley,
here is Shadows of Vladivostok,
here is Shadows of Venice,
here is Stores & Shopping,
here is Shadows of Johannesburg,
here is Shadows of the Syndicates,
here is Shadows of Indianapolis,
here is Shadows of Gotham City,
here is Sports of the Sixth World,
here is Shadows of Hawaii,
here is Shadows of Los Angeles,
here is Shadows of Rome,
here is Shadows of Paris,
here is Shadows of Restaurants, Bars, and Nightclubs,
here is Shadows of Banks, Savings & Loans,
here is Shadows of Israel and Palestine,
here is Shadows of New York City,
here is Shadows of Persona 2.0,
here is Shadows of the Baule Empire,
here is Shadows of Beijing,
here is Shadows of the Metropole,
here is Shadows of Manila,
here is Shadows of Singapore,
here is Shadows of GeMiTo,
here is Shadows of the Ork Underground,
here is Shadows of the Dungeon Master's Guide,
here is Shadows of London,
here is Shadows of Des Moines,
here is Shadows of Marseilles,
here is Shadows of New Delhi,
here is Shadows of Salt Lake City,
here is Shadows of Carnivals and Circuses,
here is Shadows of Atlanta Redux,
here is Shadows of Moscow,
here is Shadows of Toronto,
here is Shadows of St. Augustine,
here is Stallington's update to Shadows of Egypt/ Global Sandstorm,
here is Shadows of Reno-Carson City.
here is Shadows of Strange Weather Phenomenon
I love how WBW has taken off, you guys have come up with a ton of great stuff, and I like to think it opens up more options for traveling and exploring the world for everybody's games, as well as takes some of the writing load off of the GM.
submitted by S_Jeru to Shadowrun [link] [comments]

Korean yakuza Daisaku Ikeda's SGI/Komeito amassed wealth & power via organized crime, political corruption, illegal drugs, money-laundering, N. Korea, & Bush's CIA. (part 1)

(part 1 of 3 - see links at bottom)
(Note from the author) Its not my intention to convince or coerce anyone into believing or accepting my particular perspectives on any given subject. I'm simply inviting you to ride along, if you wish to, upon my pursuit of the process of truth discovery. Please make the effort to delve deeply into the sourced material and interpret it for yourself. In compiling this article, composed of sourced quotes and excerpts, I am endeavoring to offer a compilation of illuminating observations, opinions, and reports – in a comprehensive and informative arrangement of many revealing puzzle pieces. Often times, things are easier to make sense of and understand when we assemble the related pieces and begin to grasp the bigger picture.
I've posted this article in anticipation that you, dear reader, might engage in an opportunity to evoke an eye-opening glimpse into the enigmatic and secretive underworld of Sokagakkai's cult leader Daisaku Ikeda, and his protracted surreptitious involvement with yakuza crime organizations, political corruption, illegal drug profiteering, int'l money-laundering, bribery of government officials, North Korea, Bush's CIA, and more.
SGI members, along with the media and public, are kept as clueless as possible regarding Ikeda's underworld criminal activities. Both Ikeda's followers and detractors would probably be surprised to learn that Ikeda Daisaku's Korean birth name is Naru Tasaku.
It is my hope that you will examine everything you encounter with a questioning mind, conduct your own extensive investigations into all topics and subject contents, and practice utilizing your critical thinking skills to draw your own conclusions.
Italy has the La Cosa Nostra. America has the Mafia. The Irish and Jews have their own crime organizations in America. Southeast Asia has the Triads. China, Hong Kong and Taiwan have the Tong. Truly well-known organized crime organizations indeed.
However, there is one organization that was not mentioned in the above list, a group that has been around for over 300 years. A group that has as much honor and principle as the Mafia, and is just as strong, if not stronger. The group is yakuza. The yakuza can trace its origins back to as early as 1612.
The yakuza has always been involved in politics and business right from the start. The groups are always hungry for more power and money, wherever they can find it.
The [post-war] occupation forces soon saw that the yakuza was well organized and continuing to operate under two oyabun supported by unidentified high-level goverment officials. They admitted defeat in 1950, as they realized that they could not protect the Japanese people from the yakuza.
The Yamaguchi-gumi controlled over 2500 businesses, sophisticated gambling and loan-sharking, and invested heavily in sports and other entertainment...
The Yamaguchi-gumi began to deal in narcotics now, primarily amphetamines [speed]. Other fields of choice brought in *high capital: moneylending, smuggling...
money laundering is not a crime in Japan, so the investigations into the money angles of the yakuza will be extremely difficult.
(Yakuza: Past and Present](
yakuza: traditional term for Japanese mobsters. Literally ‘8-9-3’, the hand that will lead to a score of 0 in a traditional Japanese card game. Originates from their original role as gamblers, bakuto, in feudal japan.
bakuto: gambler. Often considered the origin of the yakuza, as groups of gamblers who traversed the highways of feudal japan. Finger-cutting, tattoing, and the yakuza’s policy of cooperation with the police are practices that were started by the bakuto.
Yakuza Buisnesses
kakuseizai: speed, amphetamines, meth. The drug of choice in Japan and the trade that has proved more lucrative for the yakuza than even the sex industry. Possibly accounts for up to one-third of total revenue. Virtually the entire business in Japan is run by the yakuza.
kigyo shatei: the yakuza associate running a front company. A front company is a fake company set up by the yakuza to appear legitimate and have access to the privileges of running a legitimate operation, while actually engaging in illegal activities/businesses.
sara-kin: Short for ‘salary man financiers’. Loan sharks, often with yakuza ties, who lend out at extraordinarily high interest rates. In 1982, about 10,000 borrowers who were not able to their loan back either committed suicide or simply fled their families.
yamikin: illegal loan sharks. Typically dole out ultra-high interest loans to those who can’t get a loan legally. Short for yamikinyu.
Yakuza Terminology
Financial crime in Japan takes a major toll on both individual victims and the nation’s economy. This paper focuses on large investment frauds that have occurred from post-war Japan to the present, as well as financial crimes that involve racketeers of boryokudans, or organized crime groups, more commonly known as yakuza.
Major financial offending by organized crime groups include: yamikin (loan sharks), sokaiya (shareholders who extort corporate funds),...
Big Investment Fraud and “Yakuza Money” Crime
The Jews’ control of the international illicit drug trade can be traced largely to Rothschild marriages to the Jewish merchant banking House of Sassoon, which had dominated trade in opium while it still had a measure of respect as a commodity in the nineteenth century. For that left certain members of the Rothschild family free to build on the initiatives of David Sassoon & Co., and ultimately dominate the lucrative opiate narcotic trade through to the present day.
Rothschild dominance in opium was largely guaranteed by the financial power and military might of the British East India Company, while trade in the commodity was both legal and illegal. In fact the CIA was created by ‘British’ intelligence in 1947, and global illicit drug trafficking is largely controlled by the Jews’ assets and dupes in MI6, because its roots are in the opium exploits of the Rothschild/Sassoon controlled British East India Company. The Sassoons established branches of their opium business at Calcutta, Shanghai, Canton, Hong Kong, and THROUGHOUT JAPAN.
Yakuza Buisnesses
The global illicit drug trade is now thought to be worth at least £500 billion annually, which means it’s worth more than trade in oil and petroleum products.
George H. W. Bush was a director of the Jew controlled CIA, and nicknamed “Poppy” by his family because of his patriarchal status and association with the opium smuggling that can be traced to founders of Yale’s Skull and Bones society.
The George H. W. Bush family has been called the “American cocaine cartel extraordinaire”, because of his links with drug smuggling in Indo-China after the Vietnam War, and with drug-runners like Dr Sun Myung Moon and other ethnic Korean cult leaders like Daisaku Ikeda of Soka Gakkai notoriety, who invest followers’ funds in narcotics and methamphetamine distributed by Jew controlled drug lords from North Korea to Japan, the United States, and South America.
Associates of George H. W. Bush in the narcotics trade have included Ariel Sharon and David Rockefeller, who worked with the CIA and Mossad to smuggle narcotics via oil pipelines, and used banks in Israel and New York to launder the proceeds...
Opium production in Afghanistan was revived* after the Bush administration had demolished the World Trade Center to provide a pretext for the invasion of Afghanistan by the U.S. military on behalf of Bush’s opium cartel associates. **Hamid Karzai was put in power in Afghanistan by President Bush; and in 2006 Karzai’s Afghan friends produced the biggest narco-crop in the country’s history... Afghanistan now produces 90 percent of the world’s heroin and the opium that’s the raw material of roughly half of the £500 billion global drug trade.
The "Pusher Man" Is A Jew Conspiracy Stupid!
Admiral William Crowe was a career Naval officer who when he was ordered to facilitate the relationship between the CIA's Panamanian Drug Cartel Dealer Manuel Noriega and the CIA's favorite Japanese political would be god and yakuza hoodlum, Daisaku Ikeda, Crowe did so in Hawaii in 1985 at a supposed culture festival held then and there by the Soka Gakkai.
We know this meeting with Noriega took place - Ikeda had it commemorated in photos.
There have been other sites documenting the Soka Gakkai's involvement with Manuel Noriega - how the Soka Gakkai funneled money to Manuel Noriega and attempted to legitimize his dictatorship in exchange for a share of Noriega's cocaine business.
[reader's comment] You know, I've tried to find a copy of Noriega's deposition online, and I just tried again. Lots of references to the FBI, NSA and CIA, so I suspect that FOIA wouldn't apply here for security reasons. Of course, no one would want the world to know how complicity the federal government was in his successful career.
More rumors about Soka Gakkai's yakuza ties - and CIA patronage - re: strongman military dictator of Panama Manuel Noriega
There is an epidemic of cocaine, heroin, and other drug use in America, and many other drugs are being shipped into the US in greater numbers than ever before. Are the United States government and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to blame for flooding American communities with cocaine in the 1970’s by covertly supporting the Latin American drug trade?
Many retired employees of the CIA, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and police, in addition to numerous investigative journalists, believe this to be the truth, and that various U.S. government and CIA officials should be held accountable and even tried.
A 25-year veteran of the DEA and author of the book, Triangle of Death, Michael Levine claims the CIA played a key role in allowing the trafficking of drugs, particularly cocaine, into the U.S. from Latin America. Acting as a deep undercover agent for many years of his life, Levine found through first-hand experience that the CIA knew that drugs were being smuggled onto the streets of U.S. cities but did nothing about it.
Former DEA head John Lawn, testified that Oliver North, Marine Corps lieutenant colonel who in the 1980’s served on the National Security Council staff at the White House, and other officials, “created a privatized contra network that attracted drug traffickers&& looking for cover for their operations, then turned a blind eye to repeated reports of drug smuggling related to the contras, and **actively worked with known drug smugglers such as Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega.”
Former DEA Agent Exposes US Government’s Role in Cocaine Epidemic
Soka Gakkai was investing the honest money from their followers in cocaine smuggling business. The profit was given to the leaders of Japanese LDP or Liberal Democratic Party. The fact was perceived by CIA. The US government intimidates Japanese government with the information as Japan’s weak point. That gave US a big advantage in diplomatic negotiations with Japan. As a result, Japan was compelled to take policies that benefit the US even if they are against Japan’s national interest.
Triangle of three men, Ichiro Ozawa, Daisaku Ikeda and Noriega: The report discloses a fact that Daisaku Ikeda, and Ichiro Ozawa [a Japanese politician dubbed the "Shadow Shogun" due to his back-room influence], who [attempts to] help Ikeda to become a Nobel Prize winner in peace for gaining in reputation as a pacifist, are scheming to take over Japan with the combination of religion and politics. It asserts Ichiro Ozawa is an unwelcome person because his alliance with Daisaku Ikeda.
Then I asked an American who was close to CIA. The person told me a story about a line [connection between] Ozawa, Ikeda and Panama’s dictator General Noriega.
When former President Bush senior was a director of CIA, Noriega supported him as his agent and got involved in an operation throwing Prime Minister of Cuba Castro and anti-government groups in the Middle America such as of Nicaragua, into confusion. In return, Noriega was allowed to do a crime smuggling cocaine from Columbia to the US even using airplanes of CIA. Therefore, Noriega became overconfident that he would be able to control the Bush senior’s US because he knew the weak point of the director of CIA, Bush senior.
However, Bush senior was clever enough to make a surprise attack against Noriega in 1989 just after he became a President of the US. Noriega was captured and brought to Florida to have a secret trial. In the trial he was found guilty and was put into a special jail.
In his confession, there was a story regarding Japan. It was that Daisaku Ikeda was investing followers’ honest fund in cocaine business cooperating with Noriega. From the benefit, Ikeda gave enormous amount of money to Ozawa of Japanese LDP continuously.
Bush senior obtained the evidence and used it as a stick to control Kanamaru and Ozawa. Of course the US ambassador to Japan, Michael H. Armacost was a key-person who also used the stick.
Members of Soka Gakkai have blind faith in Daisaku Ikeda’s words... And they are swindled lots of their money saved for their old age or even all of their property. However, the very honest money was given from Ikeda to the King of Drug Noriega to misuse for cocaine business and became a fund for world’s drug crimes. Members of Soka Gakkai must not know about it.
At that time, Ikeda was very proud of the relationship with Noriega and constructed a nice garden called Noriega Garden in the sacred land of Fuji.
...the commission from the cocaine business was given to Ichiro Ozawa and Shin Kanamaru, and former President of the US George Bush senior controlled Japan through ambassador to Japan Armacost.
Followers were swindled [out of] their honest money, [which] caused world-wide drug crimes, and eventually Ikeda sold Japan to the US with the dirty cocaine money.
Anyway, Noriega is under sentence of 100 years in prison. On the other hand, Ikeda is aiming to take the rein of the government [by] weighing Shinshinto Party against LDP or Liberal Democratic Party. (in 1995)
Soka Gakkai’s Cocaine Business
From the mid-70's, President Ikeda fostered a close relationship with Manuel Noriega, before and during his period as military dictator of Panama. Noriega repeatedly visited the Taiseki-ji and Noriega hosted Ikeda on several visits to Panama. Both leaders praised each other's virtues in public statements. After a 1981 visit, Noriega named a scenic observation point on one of the Causeway Islands at the Pacific approach to the Panama Canal "Mirador Ikeda". The Soka Gakkai reciprocated by creating a "Noriega Garden" at one of its locales in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka. Friends of Noriega have alleged that Ikeda provided him with several million dollars' worth of assistance during the worst part of Noriega's crisis in 1987 and 1988, though Soka Gakkai spokesmen deny this. Ikeda reportedly visited Noriega a couple of weeks before Noriega's capture, a visit that has remained unexplained.
source appears that SGI has a warehouse store in Inglewood CA (8811 Aviation Blvd.) Oddly, that address also looks like it houses an SGI abortion alternatives center as well. I went to google earth, and the facility does look like a warehouse...
The idea of the Inglewood facility being a warehouse store (or an abortion alternative provider - wtf?) allows for people going in and out of the facility without suspicion. It does sound like a perfect set up. Daisaku Ikeda, the Soka Gakkai, and the North Korean drug trade
Yakuzas are Mafia groups running shady jobs covering everything. 40% of them being "zainichi", Korean originated people, they are so talented in collusion with media, politicians, or police, that we hardly observe their activities unless you get to know the underground world in Japan. You're gonna be astonished to know how Gotogumi has been one of the biggest parasites of Japan.
I'd have to mention the worst feature of Gotogumi, the connection with North Korea. They have smuggled drugs or fake notes from North Korea, contributing to prolonging Kim Jong Ill's life.
At last we'll see Yakuza's agony
sangokujin: Literally ‘people from 3 countries’. Refers to the groups of Chinese, KOREANS, and Taiwanese who were brought in to remedy the dearth of Japanese workers during the war years.They often clashed with the yakuza for control of the black markets after the war. Approximately a third of yakuza today are of Korean ancestry.
Yakuza Buisnesses's easy to grasp how SGI has been undermining Japan. Drug bootlegging from North Korea into Japan is one of a good examples to depict its deed. Keeping 8% of Japanese parliament seats, it exerts huge power to control Japan's politics. Of the massive power scattered in every authority, Ikeda Daisaku... was said to be the "king of Japan"... Just after Mori's [prime minister] period started, he angered Ikeda because he made a careless comment on Japan as "a gods' country". According to Ikeda, Japan should be a Budda's country. Mori reluctantly made a correction after receiving lots of accusing by mass media which was controlled by SGI.
The address for "World Tribune Press" is listed as "Santa Monica, CA" (SGI-USA HQ, in other words). So WHY is it having materials printed up in KOREA, of all places?? Unless, of course, the plan is to have a little something something packed inside the boxes along with the booklets...
...the worst feature of Gotogumi, the connection with North Korea. They have smuggled drugs or fake notes from North Korea.
Gotogumi, consisting of 1500 members, is a branch of Yamaguchigumi
Daisaku Ikeda, the Soka Gakkai, and the North Korean drug trade
Recently, I've seen a lot of indicators that point to Ikeda's criminal connections to both Yakuza and Korea. There are various claims that viewed alone may sound far-fetched, but when taken together, they all tie back very neatly into each other:
Ikeda's (Korean birth name - Naru Tasaku) family were poor Korean immigrants (possibly naturalized parents).
Ikeda is intimately involved with the Yakuza, as revealed by yakuza boss Goto's book.
Yakuza are deeply tied to Korea with approzimately 2/3 of yakuza members being from Korean decent.
Approximately 60% of yakuza crime income comes directly from hard drugs mostly produced in N. Korea.
Ikeda and his minions are allegedly using the SGI's tax exempt status to launder drug money for themselves and the yakuza. (Anonymous also released a cautionary video warning SGI to stop laundering money).
SGI reportedly donated 50 Billion yen to Kim Jong II's N. Korean regime.
2/3 of Ikeda's hand-picked SGI Vice Presidents are said to be of Korean lineage.
Gen. Dir. Williams was also Korean (I can personally confirm this) and was also hand picked by Ikeda to develop and lead soka gakkai's organization in the USA before being effectively "disappeared" by a tyrannical Ikeda.
Is Ikeda's alleged Korean/Yakuza Drug Connection really so crazy or far-fetched? After all, secretive collusion and conspiracies are just the kind of criminal behavior that questioning minds have come to know and expect from Ikeda and his SGI/Komeito minions.
[comment] Some Japanese bloggers raise concerns about several connections between SGI/Komeito/South Korean Branches (of both SGI&Komeito) and Piongyang... Several forms of connectedness -- Komeito blessing and/or encouraging the opening of North Korean Schools and Universities (NK curriculum) in Japan is one of them...
[comment] Ikeda would naturally want to hide his Korean heritage from other Japanese, while using that same Korean heritage to gain inroads for acquiring power and wealth in Korean dominated groups like the yakazu or even Korea itself. Remember, the megalomaniac Ikeda's stated intentions were to penetrate and control the governments of every country, not just Japan. Nothing is beyond Ikeda's greedy grasp - look at one of the main reasons SGI was declared a cult in France. There was evidence indicating the SGI had made efforts to infiltrate the government in order to steal nuclear secrets, purportedly to sell them to China (Ikeda has BIG political ties with the Chinese regime as well).
[comment] Ikeda reportedly has 1 trillion (1,000,000,000,000) yen on personal deposit in a Swiss bank account, along with 6,100,000,000 yen in New York and 4,100,000,000 in Brazil. There's a high probability that such fantastically huge amounts of money (over 2 trillion) were deposited from profits that have been generated through Ikeda's numerous organized criminal activities. No wonder Naru Tasaku (Ikeda) is considered to be one of the most powerful men in Japan - besides being the master of millions of mind controlled cult followers, he is Japan's monetary and political equivalent of the Koch Brothers in the USA.
[comment] Actually, it was the top senior leader over the territory that revealed to me that Williams was Korean. It was one of those little secrets that made me feel special and above the others, because I had been trusted with it, and, being in on the secret made me feel like I was really on the inside.
Is There An Ikeda/Korean/Yakuza Drug Connection?
Two of Mr. [Williams]'s top assistants sat on chairs, impeccably dressed, looking like high ranking Yakuza. They had never cracked a smile or uttered a word in all the times I'd seen them. We stood at attention. Mr. [Williams] had not yet acknowledged our presence.
He turned to one of the Japanese men and said, "I need a kanki pill." The man nodded and took a small silver tin out of his jacket pocket, opened it, and handed Mr. [Williams] a white pill. Mr. [Williams] popped it in his mouth and washed it down with a glass of water.
Kanki pills. Benzedrine tablets.
On Mr. Williams' alleged drug use and possible yakuza entanglements
Although the guru of the religious cult [Aum Shinriko] was arrested just after the terrorism, there are still unsolved mysteries around that incident partly because mass media can hardly report the truth. At that time, I was so curious about the consequences of the cult, so I kept watching TV. I happened to witness on TV that a top spokesman of the cult was stabbed and killed by a Korean Uyoku (rightist) in the middle of the interview. Everyone in front of the TV must have seen it, and commentators began to discuss who is behind it since then. It was not so hard to imagine that the spokesman was killed because he almost disclosed a secret about the cult beyond what he is supposed to announce.
The relation between the [Aum Shinriko] guru and SGI... (SGI is North Korea friendly) was originally close. The guru's two brothers were believers of SGI. Note that many zainichi are the believers of SGI.**
Around 1991, he [the Aum guru] happened to meet with a couple of believers talented in collecting money, who now turned out to be... from SGI and Unification Church, another Korean religious groups.
Note that SGI and Unification Church are Korea friendly religions, and those gurus are both Korean. (SGI's leader, Ikeda Daisaku is zainichi, a korean staying in Japan.)
Aum Shinrikyo started the refinement of drugs... and produced a lot of profit.
The raw product of the drug was bought from North Korea, and the underground business contributed to the maintenance of the regime of North Korea. Gotogumi, one of yakuza, was involved in this smuggling. At that time the police couldn't inspect Gotogumi or Aum Shinrikyo because Gotogumi had been exploiting weakness of the head of the police.
The... SGI in Aum Shinrikyo instigated the guru of Aum Shirikyo, and they began to plot a terrorism in Tokyo.
The president of Tokyo metropolitan police was sniped [shot] at by someone on his way from his house. This is obviously interpreted as [a] plot by North Korea (SGI) and South Korea (Unification Church). Remember that the victim was the president of the entire Japanese police! Everyone including me thought that it must be something to do with Korea
Meanwhile, the guru thought he was safe because SGI was trying to cover up everything. The guru of Aum Shinrikyo was arrested by riot squads in one of the cult's facilities.
TBS and Mainichi, two Japanese major mass media, which by the way are subject to SGI, [spoke] up only [about] Aum Shinrikyo, [t]aking watchers attention away from North Korea. All mass-media couldn't reveal the sequence around SGI because ALL of them are afraid of the revenge by SGI.
The health condition of the guru was all fine and his brain was sharp when arrested, but now he presents a symptom of addiction to drug to the extent of enteruria control disorder [loss of motor control??].
The rumor says that the correctional officers were sent from SGI, and drug was mixed with food and provided to the guru in order to shut his mouth. The guru was supposed to be the only person who can possibly testify the truth behind Aum Shinrikyo. And the truth has gone.
Aum Shinrikyo had also been collecting nuclear secrets around Japan's nuclear plants, sending many spies to electric power companies. The spies sent those information to North Korea for the development of North Korea's knowledge on nuclear power.
In 1993, North Korea encountered a crisis due to the conflict with Clinton on nuclear inspection and seceded from IAEA in 1994. At this point, Kim Jong Il needed to cover up all the relationship with the spies in Japan's nuclear plants, and decided to make Aum Shinrikyo a scapegoat.
Behind the terrorism by Aum Shinrikyo - North Korea
Why did Joyu, the media spokeman of Aura Shinrinkyo, meet the foreign press April 4? Because he knew that the Japanese media would never report the evidence that he was prepared to present. What Joyu claimed -- and what was recorded on videotape by major networks -- is that Aum's "self-defense" squads, which have been accused of various kidnappings and murders, were trained and organized by former members of the Soka Gakkai using methods developed by SG's own security forces. Joyu identified 27 Aum self-defense personnel as former Soka Gakkai members, and charged that many of these individuals mysteriously disappeared after the Sakamoto and Kariya kidnappings and before the subway gassing. One member of Aum's self-defense team described his training in strong-arm tactics in Soka Gakkai, and claimed that identical techniques were used in Aum. These revelations could still have a direct bearing on the puzzling series of violent crimes attributed to Aum. So why haven't they broadcast or reported by the print media? Because, at the close of the press conference, a foreign male, posing as a Frenchman, claimed to have taken photographs that proved No. 7 Satyam was an operating chemical-weapons plant. The next part of his act was to accuse Joyu of lying. An investigation by the Weekly has shown that the cameraman was not French as he claimed to the Japanese media. The Embassy of Italy confirmed that he is an Italian citizen.
The spying charges against Soka Gakkai International France, which claims 152000 members, were further detailed in a recent issue of the Shukan Bunshun. Quoting the newspaper Le Parisien, it reported that a secret network of Soka Gakkai operatives allegedly infiltrated the Mitsubishi group offices in Paris, which were used as cover for intelligence operations. It did not specify whether the secret agents were corporate employees sent from Japan or local hires, or a combination of both. According to Le Parisien, the sect also tried to purchase a site next to one of France's most sensitive nuclear-research facilities. According to the Bunshun, the sect's spying had the support of Japan's diplomatic corps, specifically two former ambassadors of Japan to France, Akitane Kiuchi and Yoshihiro Nakayama.
Soka Gakkai's French Connection
(End of Part 1)
part 2 here
part 3 here
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