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Newbie Player Guide to Alpha 19 on PC

7 Days to Die Alpha 19 Newbie Guide (PC Version)
I've seen a number of posts looking for a "how to play," or "introduction," to the game. This is my attempt to write one.
At the beginning of the game, you wake up video-game naked (i.e., in your underwear) and completely ignorant. Your goal is to survive, which is made harder by a) your nude ignorance, and b) the fact that you're living in the aftermath of a combined zombie/nuclear apocalypse.
Your character has four on-screen meters showing your status: food, water, health, and stamina (or call it whatever you like -- fatigue, energy, etc.).
Food and water levels go down unless you eat or drink something. They go down faster if you're doing something that burns stamina (like running). They go down faster if you're too hot or too cold (which is usually only an issue in biomes like desert or snow when you're not properly dressed). They can also go down faster with certain health effects (like getting dysentery -- I'll talk about these effects in a second). Run out of food or water and you will die. (Pay attention to the status bars; in real-life survival situations, regularly getting water is more important than food, but in-game, they both matter.) (Pro tip: Food and drinks you can make yourself are better in many ways than canned goods or basic crops.)
Health is just like in any other video game. It goes down when you get hit, or fall, or step on pointy things like spikes or cacti. Run out of health and you die. Eating food, using certain medical supplies, or just waiting will cause health to go back up. Again, certain health effects may nerf your health bar.
Stamina shows when you're tired. If you run out of stamina, then you can't swing weapons or tools, run, jump, or do other elements of an active post-apocalyptic lifestyle. The good news is that your stamina comes back faster than health while waiting. Drinking improves stamina recovery, and eating gives a temporary boost to maximum stamina. The bad news is that you will be using stamina constantly as you go about your day. (Pro tip: Check out the various beverages in the game to find stamina benefits -- particularly red tea and coffee, also known as the mining combo.)
Alpha 19 has a variety of different health effects that can hamper your food and water consumption, your health/stamina recovery, your maximum health/stamina, your speed, or your ability to use tools. Dysentry comes from eating rotting flesh or drinking unboiled water. Don't do that if at all possible. (Pro tip: You can eat animal fat and snowberries -- or yucca fruit in the desert biome -- if you run out of food in the first couple of days.) Other de-buffs come from injuries. The good news is that if you click on the icon showing the effect, it will bring up your character with info on exactly what you need to mitigate the effect, e.g., put on a splint or a cast to speed healing from a broken leg. Two particular health effects worth calling out are bleeding and infection. If you're bleeding, your screen will flash and your health will keep dropping. Use a bandage, medicated bandage, or medkit to stop it. ANYBODY can make bandages from cloth, so keep some with you. Infection refers not to gangrene, but to the dreaded zombie infection...a disease so horrifying that it helped usher in the fall of civilization. The ONLY way to cure this dangerous disease is...to eat some honey or take an over-the-counter antibiotic. Really, infection should only ever be a serious issue in the first week. (Pro tip: using an ax on tree stumps has a random chance to drop honey.)
Encumbrance: You have a fixed number of inventory slots. You will note that three rows are clear at the start of the game, while the final two rows are not. Those extra rows represent encumbrance, and filling them up will significantly slow you down and increase your stamina usage. Try to avoid that outside of cleared or safe areas. You can increase the number of non-encumbered slots with clothing and armor mods, or through the Pack Mule perk. I recommend finding or making pocket mods ASAP and skipping the perk, though a single level in the early game can make things easier for newbies. (Pro tip: Some items, like most raw materials, food, drinks, medicines, etc., stack in inventory; some items like clothing, mods, and weapons do not. Smart inventory management when looting and salvaging will keep that in mind: do I really want to pick up that pair of shoes, or hold onto that dirty water that will stack if I find more?)
All right, now that the basics are out of the way, how do I get better at surviving? The answer to that is two-fold. 1) Learn how to do more things. 2) Get better stuff.
How do you learn more things? You get experience points (xp) from almost everything in this game. Eventually, when your xp bar fills, you will gain a level and get a perk point. You can use that to select perks, which all have various benefits. At the start, you will get a series of basic quests that serve as a mini-tutorial, and you will gain 4 perk points from finishing them (make sure you complete them!). (Pro tip: Upgrading blocks, e.g., turning flagstone walls into brick walls, is an exceedingly generous way of earning xp in Alpha 19; using a hammer on a block will tell you what material is needed to upgrade it.)
Which perks should I pick first? Well...as a newbie, I recommend Lucky Looter (which improves your chance of finding good stuff), either Pummel Pete or Skull Crusher (depending on whether you want to use clubs or sledges), Sexual Tyrannosaurus (which improves your stamina usage), and something from the Fortitude recovery perks. Healing faster, using less food, or running away are all useful. Ask a different player and you will get wildly different suggestions. Eventually, you will figure out your preferred style of play and pick things accordingly. Note that perks tend to be useful to different degrees based on whether you are in early, mid, or late game.
The other way to learn stuff is to find skill books and schematics. Schematics let you craft new things. Skill books give you a free perk, basically. Collect all seven of a type to get a bonus perk. Some of those are quite useful. Some of them are very circumstance-specific. Regardless, reading an unread book or schematic at least nets you bonus xp. You can tell that you've read a book by the tiny book icon (it will be open if read already). Even if you've read it, you can keep it and sell it for some cash. (Pro tip: Technically, schematics and books stack in inventory; in practice, finding multiple copies of the same one in a single POI is relatively rare.)
How do I get better stuff? There are three ways to do that: 1) Loot it; 2) Make it; 3) Buy it.
Looting: There are many objects that serve as containers in the game. Some objects, like cars, may or may not be a container. Just get close. If you get the option to search it, then it is a container. Not every container will have stuff. Searching containers takes time and makes noise. Locked containers need to be disassembled or have the lock picked in order to open them. Alpha 19 changed looting to be highly level- and time-dependent. You will not get top-tier loot in the early game. Even if you somehow fight your way to the roof of the Shotgun Messiah weapons plant on Day 1, you are likely to find stone spears and maybe a blunderbuss. (Pro tip: a pair of lucky goggles will increase your chance of finding better loot when opening a container for the first time.)
Crafting: If you know how to build something, and you have the necessary ingredients, and you have access to the correct work area, then you can create something from scratch. Perks and schematics will tell you how to build stuff, though there are a handful of things you can build right at the start (like you saw in your tutorial quests). Ingredients can be looted, or you can salvage them by destroying items. See the next paragraph for more on this. Lastly, some items require you to be at a workbench, chemistry station, campfire, or forge to create (there will be an icon next to the item in the build list telling you which). You can build all of these work areas if you know how, buy them from traders, or use ones you find scattered around the world. Traders have one of each, though they probably won't all be functional (but the broken ones can be looted, at least). Caveat: In Alpha 19, you can build up to level 5 gear (higher level gear is usually better and has more slots for mods), but level 6 gear can be found or purchased. Level 6 gear is typically better than anything you can build of the same type.
Salvage: Getting raw materials can be done in a number of ways. Use tools (axes, picks, wrenches, shovels) to extract things from blocks in the world. This is mostly fairly intuitive -- shovels work best on dirt, cement, etc., while axes are good on wooden items like tables and trees. Tools have different levels and can be modded to improve their abilities. Pay attention to the "block damage" stat of the tool to compare them. Some blocks are better sources than others. You can find mineral nodes scattered around that provide you with coal, iron, nitrate, oil shale, or lead, and those are excellent sources (Pro tip: the nodes are just the tip of the mineral iceberg; you can dig down to extract more ore.)
Another way to get raw materials is to use the scrap command in inventory (personally, I found the hotkey for this a little too easy to hit accidentally, so I remapped it). This includes most useful items of gear, as well as certain decorative items like faucets and chairs that you can pick up. Note that many metal items can be put in the forge to smelt them down for more resources than you get using the scrap command, including iron tools. (Pro-tip: Smelting radiators that you get from disassembling cars, heating radiators, and AC units is a great source of brass for crafting ammo; you can also smelt Dukes...but you're usually better off using them to buy ammo from a merchant.)
Buying: Merchants are scattered over the map. Setting up a base near one is a good idea. The post-apocalyptic currency in this game is the Duke, a brass coin that looks like a casino chip. (There are no bottle caps in this game!) If you don't have any money, then you can instead trade your labor for payment. Complete a quest and you'll get cash, xp, and a free prize of some kind (you get a choice -- ammo, meds, gear, etc.). Quests boil down to: retrieve a package, kill some zombies, kill some zombies AND retrieve a package, or dig up and retrieve a package. In the early game, in particular, quests can be very lucrative. (Pro tip: The Daring Adventurer perk can improve the rewards you get from quests if you decide you want to focus on that aspect of the game.) Merchants sell all sorts of things: food, raw materials, weapons, armor, vehicles, skill books, schematics. Their inventory resets daily-ish, so pop back on a regular basis.
Cheesy pro-tip: When you trigger a quest location, the POI will refresh to an "unexplored" state. This automatically refills all of the loot, etc., as well as repopulating the zombies. You can clear the location, then trigger the quest and clear it again for double the rewards. Just don't leave any loot inside a container that will refresh.
What about combat? Why haven't you really mentioned the z-word yet? Well, honestly, you'll probably spend a lot more time salvaging and looting than fighting (with the exception of Blood Moon horde nights, which I'll talk about below). Most zombies in the early game are slow and fairly easy to avoid. If you can avoid getting mobbed, then you will probably be all right.
Animals, however, will mess you up. You will quickly start yawning when you see a single stumbling housewife zombie, but a wolf will continue to be a threat well into the mid-game. Zombie animals are also a threat. Zombie dogs are fairly easy to kill but come in packs of 3-7. Zombie bears will soak up more damage than you can easily dish out in the early game. Zombie vultures are hard to hit and are really good and causing lacerations and bleeding. I've gotten infected by zombie animals far more commonly than I have from human zombies.
Zombie dogs, coyotes, wild cats, and wolves: running works until you run out of stamina, and then you're dead. The best bet in the early game is to find someplace high they can't reach and snipe them if you have enough arrows or ammo. These animals can and will sneak up on you. The good news is that they will make random noises that will let you know they're in the area.
Snakes: I've seen these in the desert and wasteland biomes. Good eatin', but they are quiet and can attack without warning. Luckily, they die easily.
Wild pigs: Don't bother them. Seriously, just leave them alone until you have good guns.
Bears and zombie bears: The good news is that they won't chase you as easily as some other animals. They are also not as fast and you can outrun them. The bad news is that if you get cornered, they can take and dish out huge amounts of damage.
Zombie vultures: These will attack you if you're injured, or are riding a vehicle. Shotguns are the easiest way to deal with them. Hitting them with melee weapons is an irritating chore that often ends with negative health effects. Possibly the most annoying creature in the game.
Deer, rabbits, and chickens: They don't attack, but run if attacked. They can be a good source of meat. (Pro tip: you can get quests from slips of paper you find in loot; the ones asking you to do things like, "kill a bunch of rabbits by throwing cans of Sham at them," are never worth it unless you're desperate to try something new.)
As the game advances, and as you explore some of the larger points of interest (POI), you will run across more dangerous zombies. Feral zombies have glowing eyes and always move at a full run. Crawlers will jump around like demented jackrabbits. Glowing versions of zombies regenerate health. A good rule of thumb is that if something is different about a zombie, it probably is more dangerous. (Pro tip: Quite a few POI's have alert triggers that will cause a bunch of nearby zombies to wake up at once, and stealth doesn't avoid tripping them; best to always have a clear avenue of retreat when entering a new location.)
Weapon selection: As said earlier, clubs and sledgehammers are your basic melee option. Either works well for the early game or to save ammo or hit quietly in the later game. Spears, axes, and knives/machetes can also be used, but they require more practice and really NEED perks to be fully optimized. Note that knives and axes are mostly meant to be tools. Stun batons require another source of damage, either turrets or other players, to be effective, and are also perk/mod-dependent.
Bows can easily kill basic zombies quietly with a headshot. Use the best bow or crossbow and the best ammunition that you can. Do away with stone arrows/bolts as soon as you can find or build the iron versions. You'll need to decide for yourself if you want to keep using bows once guns are available. I like them, but your mileage may vary. (Pro tip: There is a skill book that allows you to craft flaming and explosive arrows; sadly, there is no way to ride around in a Dodge Charger, shooting exploding arrows out the window while Dixie plays from the car horn.)
Guns are easily the best option in the game...and while perks can make them more effective, they aren't necessary. Don't hesitate to pull out a shotgun just because you put all your perk points into pistols if you run out of 9mm ammo. There is a fair amount of ammo in this game, and you can make more...but I always keep a club or sledge with me just in case. Having a gun makes exploring the harsher biomes a lot easier. The trade-offs for gun selection are pretty in line with any other game that has guns. Some burn ammo quickly. Some have low ammunition capacity. Some are better at long range. (Pro tip: having several loaded blunderbusses or double-barreled shotguns in your tool belt can provide an early-game rapid-fire option for dealing with tougher opponents.)
Weapon perks and skill books: Each type of weapon has an associated perk, and an associated skill book set. Maxing out both can make a fairly sizeable difference, and can have some unexpected other benefits. For example, one of the skill books gives you a 10% barter bonus if you happen to be holding a .357 while trading.
Blood Moon Horde Nights: Every 7 days (by default), the sky will turn red. When night falls (hour 22 by default), a horde will spawn near the player. Every zombie in that horde will magically know exactly where you are and will rush at you to eat your delicious flesh.
The devs of the game have made it clear that they want you to FIGHT the zombies, and have gone well out of their way to make turtling behind defenses less viable. Zombies will break down walls -- even ones made of brick and concrete. They will dig to reach you. They jump on top of each other to climb to get you (like in the Brad Pitt zombie flick). As the game progresses, zombies will appear that are capable of spitting acid, or that act as suicide bombers (can you call it suicide bombing if they're already dead?). (Pro tip: Bomb zombies, also known as Demolishers, can be taken down by head or leg shots; shooting them in the chest is a bad idea, despite the fact that shooting the glowing spot is normally the best move in a video game.)
Having said that, building defenses and traps can be very effective at delaying or channeling zombies, and can effectively thin the horde. There are pretty much two approaches people use to deal with a horde night.
  1. Find a POI that prevents the zombies from reaching you and then wait out the attack. Anyplace high with enough metal or stone to last for a while will work. Large stores, fire departments, skyscrapers, water towers, etc., can all work, though the smaller the location, the more quickly it will fall to the zombies eventually.
  2. Build a fortress. This is usually a setup that includes auto-turrets, traps, spikes, and walls made of brick or concrete. Often, they're set up to lead zombies into a killing zone where you can shoot or bomb them into bits. There are many YouTube videos on different approaches, and they range from lore-friendly to extremely cheesy exploitations of the AI or physics engine.
Note that these two are not mutually exclusive. It's pretty common to use POI's at first and then try building your own, or to move back to POI's if your attempt at a custom fortress is less effective than you had hoped. (Pro-tip: Don't use your home base for horde nights...at least until you've got a LOT of experience fortifying against horde nights.)
Creating a home base: Every survivor needs a place to keep their stuff. Just like with a horde base, you can either re-purpose a POI or build your own from scratch.
If you use a POI, then make sure you put down your bedroll. That will keep sleeping zombies from respawning in the area. If you want to use a bedroll as a way of regularly resetting your spawn point, then you're probably better off building your own base. That said, a good POI to use as a base has height. Using a forge on the first floor is a good way to attract random zombies. It's also good to find someplace with brick or concrete walls, as they'll last longer against wandering foes. Also, keep in mind that you'll be going in and out a lot, so you don't want it to be too hard to get in and out. (Pro tip: lone zombies can't jump to ladders that are two blocks off the ground, but you can; this doesn't work so well with hordes, as they climb over each other.)
By default, zombies are faster at night, so early game nights are a good time to huddle up in a base and craft things. When you run out of things to craft, READ the descriptions of your perks, skill books, and the built-in journal entries. You'll be surprised how much information is buried in there. You can also take the time to look at the map and plan out the next day's activity. (Pro tip: Find a cluster of close-together POI's on the map, and put a chest or storage box in the middle to serve as a temporary loot repository; inventory item stacking means that having a collection point can mean many fewer trips back to your base with the fruits of your effort.)
Vehicles: Maps in this game are fairly large. The solution to moving about to different biomes (which have different resources and different POI's) is to make or buy a vehicle. Anybody can assemble vehicles if they have the right parts, but some of the parts are locked behind perks/schematics. Taking the first-level vehicle perk can be useful, as the bicycle isn't a bad starting vehicle and the perk unlocks wheels, which every other vehicle needs. (Pro-tip: the easiest way to get gas when out-and-about is to salvage the many derelict cars.) Zombies and wildlife are pretty harmless if you can speed past them...with the exception of vultures, which can be annoying enough to make you stop your motorcycle just to shotgun them out of the sky.
Mods: There are tons of clothing, weapon, and armor mods in the game. Read the descriptions, as they can have a huge impact on effectiveness. (Alpha 19 has no vehicle mods, despite the fact that vehicles have mod slots.) If you open an item for modding, then any mods in your inventory that can be used for that item will start flashing, making it easy to see which mods go with that item. (Pro tip: There is a boot mod that reduces falling damage that is worth its weight in gold. Not only is it really easy to fall in some POI's, but the de-buff from spraining or breaking a leg when zombies are about can be utterly lethal.)
Power tools: Power tools are very powerful. Augers and chainsaws harvest materials very rapidly. They also use gas and make a ton of noise. They tend to quickly attract screamers, which are zombies that scream until other zombies show up to find out what all the fuss is about. Kill them quickly to avoid hordes interrupting your mining. (Pro tip: The physics engine of the game means that mine collapses are a thing, and they can be deadly; shoring up the ceiling with wood blocks can help prevent this, but augers can mine so quickly that you can lose track of how deeply you've gone beyond your supports.) The annoying pinging noise made by augers is an Alpha 19 addition that was generally disliked by everyone.
Repairing items: Many items like tools, weapons, and armor will degrade over time. Weapons and tools will let you know they need repair...typically when you need them the most. Armor never notifies you. It just stops working. Check your item status bars to figure out when to repair them. Simple tools and weapons can be fixed with wood and stone. More sophisticated items require repair kits. In Alpha 19, repair kits are a generic fix-all for any advanced item, which greatly simplifies things. They can be crafted with forged iron and duct tape. (Pro tip: forged iron can be made in any forge, but you can also salvage them from disassembling weight sets, desk and gun safes, and NON-FUNCTIONAL vending machines; salvaging them can be tedious in the early game but can be worth it to keep your precious firearms and armor functioning.)
Farming: You will find seeds, or you can take a perk or find a schematic to craft seeds. It takes five cobs of corn to create one corn seed, which is odd given that the whole grain is basically made of seeds...but chalk it up to game-play balancing. To plant a seed, you need a farm plot (except for mushrooms, which can grow on any surface), which you can craft with wood, rotting flesh, clay, and nitrate. Once planted, it will grow in three stages. Harvest it at stage 3 by punching the plant, and it will revert to stage 1 and deposit the appropriate food item into your inventory. If you accidentally harvest the seed, just replant it. If you want to get physically fit, do a push up in the real world every time you accidentally punch the ground or the air instead of your crop. (Pro tip: Don't harvest with a mostly full inventory, as if your tool belt slot is the last open spot, the crop will go there, and your next attempted punch will instead eat the last one you harvested.)
Electricity: Fire attracts zombies like moths. Using electric lights is a convenient way to avoid that, as zombies are Luddites and don't care for the products of industry. The most convenient way to light up your home base is with lanterns, but you need to find a certain skill book to make them. The good news is that their batteries never need recharging. You can also get flashlights, or mods that attach lights to your helmet or your weapon (press F to pay your respects...er, sorry, to turn on your light). You can also craft a variety of stand-alone electric lights, but that requires a separate energy source.
Energy sources come in three varieties. Battery packs hold up to six car batteries and drain the batteries over time. You can recharge the pack by connecting it to a different energy source. Generator banks hold up to six engines (recoverable from many derelict vehicles, among other sources) that burn gasoline to provide power. Solar banks contain solar cells and generate power as long as they are in sunlight. They also cannot be crafted and are as expensive as hell. (Pro-tip: Higher-level batteries last longer; use level 1 and 2 batteries to craft vehicles, sell, or smelt for lead, and keep the better ones for the battery banks.)
Use wiring tools to connect energy sources to energy consumers. There are some slightly wonky rules to how you can connect, but it isn't hard to learn with a little trial and error. Wiring doesn't cost you anything, so experiment freely. You can put various switches between the consumer and the source: toggle switches, pressure plates, and motion sensors being the most common, though there are other options. Switches require power, but less power than an active consumer. This allows you to, for example, conserve power in the daytime by turning off active defenses and lights so you don't waste battery charge or gasoline. (Pro tip: a solar bank charging a full battery bank will provide quiet, continuous power, at which point you can feel free to light up your place like a Vegas casino 24/7.)
Stealth: Some players will tell you stealth is impossible in this game. That is not true. What is true is that some situations negate stealth, most particularly Blood Moon hordes. Just tell yourself that the red moon makes their senses so acute that they can smell a living human from a mile away -- if you can't rationalize it away as a game balance issue. Some POI's also have event triggers that are based on your location rather than how stealthy you are being. Chalk that up to dramatic license. This is a game where zombies are real and I can carry a motorcycle in my boot. Get over it.
There are some things you need to know about stealth, though, to do it effectively. Your stealth rating is a combination of noise and visibility. Clomping around in heavy armor, waving a torch or flaming club around, or using a flashlight will make you easy to notice. Firing a gun, whacking a wrench against a metal appliance, or jumping up and down on a pile of trash will also make you easy to notice. That means using light armor, using a bow or melee weapon, and crouching are all ways to avoid being seen.
There are a number of skill books, perks, armor and weapon mods, and craftable gear that can all make you more stealthy. With diligence, you can walk up behind a sleeping zombie, smack him in the head with a sledgehammer, and not disturb the other one right next to him. Will this make the game much easier? I would argue no. It certainly makes some specific situations much easier. Clearing out a mini-horde in a POI with a bow before they wake up can be much less stressful, certainly. The lack of universal effectiveness definitely makes it a playstyle choice, however, rather than an over-powered build to avoid if you want a challenge. (Pro-tip: Stealth is never a 100% guarantee, which is why you always carry stacks of wood; wood is incredibly flexible, as it lets you drop cheap spike traps in narrow passages, climb up easily to places zombies cannot reach, make bridges across open gaps, craft doors to seal off openings that foes have to make noise to get through but that you can open easily, etc.)
That's about it. The most important pro tip is this: this is an open-world game where the only thing that matters is that you have fun playing it. It doesn't matter if you want to do single-player, or multi-player, or if you like crafting more than combat, or prefer spears over guns. You bought the game. Do what you like, as that is really the only goal.
submitted by damurphy72 to 7daystodie [link] [comments]

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Open Season, with its wild game that serve as the game’s trophies, ups the ante with 50 paylines and mystery cash prizes, while Vegas Vibes pays tribute to the entertainers of yesteryear including the king himself, Elvis. There’s cartoon fun to be had in Piggy Bank, multipliers aplenty in Grand Fortune and pirate booty to be won in Treasure Island.
Cars, fruit, carnivals, fairy tales… pick a theme and odds are you’ll find it represented somewhere at Slotland. Ice Queen is Frozen for grownups, while Turbo GT harks back to the arcade racing games of your childhood. For a wild ride, try Carnival, whose 5 wheels and 19 paylines are graced by a bonus game that unfolds in the shooting gallery.
For fans of traditional slots, Fruit Mania contains all the bells, cherries, oranges and lemons you could wish for, while Greatest Hits mimics a jukebox playing the classic tunes of yesteryear. Conjure up a winning potion in Witch’s Brew and get spooky with bats and pumpkins in Halloween Magic.
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Take to the Table

Slotland doesn’t have the largest selection of games it must be said; you’ll find around 50 options to choose from. The ones it does have are both versatile and lucrative however, with a combined progressive jackpot of over $109,000.
There’s more than enough here to while away a few hours, and the ability to play on mobile or tablet is a definite bonus.
The site’s slots are complemented by various permutations of classic casino games. Play single hand video poker in Deuces & Joker Wild, aim to score high-paying straight, flush and straight flush in All American and play for the lucrative double up round in Tens or Better. There’s also Aces & Eights, another single hand poker game where four of a kind combinations are rewarded, and the popular Joker Wild.
When you’ve tired of poker and blackjack, have a stab at Slotris, which calls for clearing lines in a manner akin to the classic video game Tetris, or have a go at Four Cast, a quirky card prediction game. Slotland’s games may not boast jackpots as big as some of the major online casinos, but there’s still money to be made whilst having a whole lot of fun to boot. Thanks to a comprehensive VIP program and regular weekly promotions, there’s always something new going on at Slotland.
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Grande Vegas Casino $25 free chips no deposit bonus code (USA OK)

Grande Vegas Casino $25 free chips no deposit bonus code (USA OK)

Grande Vegas Casino Free Spins & Welcome Bonus
Register at Grande Vegas Casino via bonus link and get a $25 free chip without deposit. Visit exclusive landing page to collect voucher code for free cash. Additionally, get extra free spins, cashback, and loyalty rewards.
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Grande Vegas Casino Full Review

Grande Vegas is a safe and entertaining online casino which offers its customers a nice range of casino games, fast, reliable payouts, and excellent customer support. Powered solely by RealTime Gaming, it hosts some of the most exciting slots, video poker and table games from one of the most famous software developers.
The online casino offers both instant-play and downloadable versions, but it is also mobile compatible and available to just about any kind of portable device. One of its most remarkable features, however, is that, unlike the vast majority of online casinos, the site welcomes US players.
The web-based casino was launched in 2009, and today is one of the top online gambling destinations for North American players. It is available in English and French, while the only accepted currency is US dollars, which is an indication of the site’s focus on providing its services to the US market.
The country is quite an inhospitable place for gambling operators, yet the operator has apparently found a way to overcome the obstacles and bring US-based players the world-class gambling experience they deserve. The casino is owned by Tigress Management Ltd. and is licensed for conducting online gambling operations under the jurisdiction of the British Virgin Islands.
It is also one of the few web-based casinos which offer not only generous welcome bonuses but also holds various promotions in order to maximize the gaming experience of its most loyal customers. Moreover, the casino promises a special, “grande” bonus for American players, as well as a wonderful VIP Club available to all members.
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Software Providers

Most online casinos today try to diversify their game offerings in order to cater to the needs of a larger group of people. This is certainly a great approach that has proved to be successful, but there are still many other gambling sites that shy away from modern trends and follow their own path. This virtual casino is a great example and is one of the casinos that work with a single software provider. But this is not necessarily a bad thing. On the contrary, by choosing the right partner, the casino has cemented its position in this competitive industry as a site offering a high-quality, reliable and highly preferred product.
The software company providing the games on this particular online casino is Atlanta and Costa Rica-based RealTime Gaming, which is regarded as one of the leading game developers. RTG, as it is better known, was originally established in 1998 and over the years has managed to grow and develop, becoming an industry leader.
Its experience in the creation and supply of casino software is evident. RTG’s games come in high-quality HD graphics, lovely music and sound effects, and smooth gameplay. The games have a distinctive style, easily recognized by all their fans. The gaming portfolio of the company is nicely balanced and includes not only slots but also a diverse range of table games and video poker titles.
The developer offers gambling operators two options; as an instant-play interface that uses Flash and can be opened easily in every web browser; as well as a downloadable casino software. Most RTG-powered casinos provide both of these and this one is no exception. There are over a hundred games that can be accessed in-browser or from the Casino Client and all of them load instantly and run without any problems.
The software emphasizes security and customization and is safe and reliable and considered one of the best in this industry. As the software is recognized all over the world, it is also available to US players.
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Play Grande Vegas Casino Games

The online casino offers its customers a full collection of high-quality casino games, ranging from longtime favorites like video slots to classic table games such as blackjack, roulette, poker, and craps. Fans of video poker are also well-taken care of with a nice range of titles that can be found in most land-based and online casinos. For those who dream of becoming instantly rich, the online venue also offers several progressive jackpot games where winnings can go beyond the $1 million mark.
On the negative side, there is no Live Casino, which can be seen as a flaw, considering that most casinos today try to offer as many live dealer games as possible. We should pay little attention to the lack of a Live Casino, however, because the abundance of great RTG slots is really impressive. Many of the games have bonus rounds, extra features and plenty of other options that make the gameplay truly entertaining and intense. Casino members are able to play for real money and for fun, as well, which is a great opportunity for new players to try different games without the risk of losing money.

Slot Machines

Much like slot machines in land-based facilities, online slots are the most beloved games in web-based casinos, attracting a large number of players with the promise of providing fun and possibly some nice winnings. They appeal to the crowds not with a low house edge like blackjack does, nor with the adrenaline and challenges of poker; they remain extremely popular because they switch certain emotional and psychological buttons inside of us. And for this reason, they will remain players’ favorite games, at least in the foreseeable future, experts say.
With over a hundred slot games on offer, this online casino brings players a variety of exciting 3 and 5-reel slots, as well as several quite unusual 6-reel games. You can spend hours playing the different games without feeling bored as they have distinctive gameplays, styles, and themes, as well as mesmerizing music that makes the experience even more enjoyable.
Among the most popular RTG video slots offered at the casino are the Egyptian-themed, Cleopatra’s Gold, Aztec’s Treasure, Cash Bandits, and Count Spectacular. There are also famous titles that can be found at hundreds of online casinos today including Crystal Waters, Enchanted Garden II, Fruit Frenzy, Aladdin’s Wishes, and others.
The casino also hosts select titles from RTG’s portfolio of progressive jackpot slots. These slots are in a network with the games hosted by other casinos supplied by RTG. Each bet placed on the particular game contributes some percentage to the jackpot, which is why it is called progressive; it constantly rises and can reach millions of dollars. There are several progressives offered here, including Aztec’s Millions, Megasaur and named for the famous ancient empire, Spirit of the Inca.
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Table Games

Larger casino software developers like Microgaming or NetEnt have much bigger collections of table games than the games in RTG’s portfolio. However, fans of classic casino action will be happy to know that at this virtual casino, they can play almost all RTG’s card and table games. This includes several variations of an option that has stood the test of time, blackjack, including Classic Blackjack 21, Perfect Pairs, European Blackjack, Face Up 21, Suit ‘Em Up Blackjack, and Match Play 21.
There is also a game of Pontoon, which is considered an earlier version of the classic blackjack.
The casino lobby hosts a few other card games, including baccarat, rummy, and table poker, all enjoying huge popularity in brick-and-mortar casinos across the world. Players at this online casino can choose from several virtual poker games, depending on their personal preferences, poker skills, and budget.
These include the game created in 1985 in the U.S. by Sam Torosian, Pai Gow Poker and Tri Card Poker, as well as Caribbean Hold’em, Caribbean Stud Poker, and Let ‘Em Ride which have progressive jackpots. The graphics of these games are quick, colorful and more authentic than you can imagine.
In addition, the casino offers several other table games such as the all-time dice classic Craps or the lottery-like game of Keno.
Another extremely popular casino game is roulette, which despite being a game of chance, does allow players to use certain strategies to increase their winning odds. There are plenty of variations and even more virtual releases from different software providers. The two most widespread roulette games, however, European and American Roulette, are available for free or real-money play here.

Video Poker

Along with virtual slots and table games, the online casino has also prepared a wonderful collection of video poker games for players to enjoy. Since its arrival in land-based casinos in the 1970s, video poker is slowly, but steadily gaining popularity, especially among online gamblers. The game derives from the 5-card draw poker, but just like slot games, and all other virtual casino games for that matter, it is also based on Random Number Generator (RNG) algorithms which determine what cards will be dealt.
This is the only random, chance-related aspect of video poker, the outcome of the game is a result of the player’s decisions and, therefore, can be controlled.
Whether you are a good poker player or not, you can easily play video poker; it is automated and simpler than regular poker. This online casino has a wide range of video poker versions, starting with the classic Jacks or Better game, which does not differ much from classic draw poker. Players can also place bets on Aces and Eights, Deuces Wild, Seven Deuces, All American, Joker Poker, Double Double Bonus Poker, and more.
There are versions featuring the so-called Wild Cards, which can substitute for any other card from the deck, while other video poker games offer higher payouts for certain winning combinations.
For more excitement, the casino has added a few multi-hand video poker variations, where you can bet on up to 52 hands simultaneously. While they bring fun and more opportunities for hitting a winning combination, these games will also make you spend more on a single round. This is why multi-hand video poker is recommended for more experienced players who are able to employ successful strategies when playing.
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Supported Devices

As an RTG-powered gambling site, the online venue offers downloadable casino software, which is the standard casino from this developer. It is available for free download from the site. There is a large Download section and you will have the installation file on your PC or MAC just a few seconds after you click the Download button. Once the installation is complete, you can log in or register an account, make a deposit into your balance and start playing for real money.
You can also choose the Play for Fun mode if you wish to first explore the casino games and learn all the basics.
Alternatively, you can open the casino directly in the browser of your computer. All modern Internet browsers are supported, including Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera, Safari, etc. The Flash Casino lobby can be found in the section called Instant Play and it features even more games than the Casino Client. This is quite unusual, but the RTG’s instant-play platform is also rather exclusive and offered only at several other online casinos.
The site is optimized for mobile play, too. It is available on various touch devices, including iPhone, iPad, and Android phones and tablets. There is no need to download a separate application; the Mobile Grande Vegas Casino is accessible through the browser of your portable device. Its design and layout are almost the same as the original, desktop casino, so players who open it for the first time will be able to easily browse through its sections.
All of the casino’s functionalities are preserved in the mobile version, as well. Users will be able to register, play their favorite games, make deposits, and request withdrawals.
As expected, the mobile gaming collection is smaller than the offerings in the desktop casino. Still, players will have a great choice of games on their phones or tablets, including numerous slots, over a dozen video poker games, as well as several classic table games like blackjack, poker, and roulette.
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Grande Vegas Casino Bonuses and Promotions

The promotions here are quite attractive to both new and existing players, allowing them to play their favorite games much longer or for free. Let us start with the Welcome Bonus, which, despite being nothing particularly exceptional, is still very generous.
There are qualifiers/wagering requirements that come attached with the bonus, so be sure to determine what they are prior to making a deposit.
In order to qualify for the bonus, players first need to either download the casino software or open the Flash Casino. After registering a real money account, they need to go to the Redeem Coupon section of the Cashier page of the casino and enter the code for the respective bonus they wish to receive. The coupon codes can be seen in the Promotions section of the online casino.
One condition regarding deposit and no-deposit bonuses players need to take into consideration is that not all games contribute towards the playthrough requirement.
The list of promotions at the online casino is quite long with plenty of other bonuses given on a regular basis.
There are many other special offers like cashback bonuses, extra spins giveaways, reload bonuses, as well as slot tournaments. In addition, the casino has a great Loyalty Program and players are automatically enrolled when they open an account.

Grande Vegas Casino Payment Methods

There is one significant inconvenience, which is that international players will need to use US dollars if they want to play for real money at this particular online casino. This is the only accepted currency, which could be explained by the casino’s dedication to its American customers. The offered methods for making deposits and withdrawals are also quite limited compared to the wide range of banking options provided by many other online casinos.
The casino allows deposits to be made using credit and debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Diners Club International), digital wallets (Neteller, Skrill, and EcoPayz), the prepaid Paysafecard, different money transfer services (Western Union, MoneyGram), and wire transfers. The casino does not have any processing fees for the transfers and the deposit should appear almost instantly in your account balance.
When it comes to withdrawing your winnings from the casino, you have several options, but you should know that there is a pending period of up to 48 hours for every withdrawal. Also, financial transactions are not processed during the weekends. If you use a credit card (with the exception of MasterCard, as the card issuer does not allow withdrawals from casinos), the withdrawal will be completed within 3 to 7 business days.
If you retrieve your winnings to your e-wallet, they will be transferred within 24-72 hours. Wire transfers usually take between 5 and 10 business days to complete, while if you are receiving the payout via a courier check, you can expect it in at least 3 weeks. Sometimes, checks would arrive in over a month, which makes them a less preferred payment method.
There are certain deposit and withdrawal limits (maximum and minimums) players need to consider before registering an account here as well.
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Grande Vegas Casino Customer Support

When choosing a suitable online casino, players always look for the game offerings and the withdrawal times, but another very important factor that needs to be taken into account is the customer support. A good support team will be able to answer all your questions and provide assistance if you encounter any sort of a problem. You will also want timely responses.
Looking at all this, we can say that the support here is really excellent. The casino interface and support are available not only in English but in French, as well. The support agents can be contacted 24/7 via email or even better, via the Live Chat, where they will answer your query you within a few minutes. There is also a toll-free phone number for US-based players, as well as an international line for the rest of the world.
If you feel all these are not convenient enough for you, you can also call the support via Skype; it's quick, easy and free of charge.
When it comes to the support agents, they are experienced, knowledgeable and very efficient, and are ready to assist you with anything you need. The professional, timely support service, here will definitely make your stay at the online casino more comfortable and enjoyable.

Licensing and Restricted Countries

The virtual is owned and operated by Tigress Management Ltd., which is not one of the large gambling operators, but it is well-known in the industry as a safe and reliable partner. It is registered and licensed under the jurisdiction of the British Virgin Islands and is one of the few options for US-based players. Due to the strict regulations in the country, residents are accepted by only a small fraction of the online casinos today.
Here, however, they can play their favorite games for real money without having to worry about their safety over the web. The casino utilizes SSL encryption in order to protect its customers’ personal and banking data. All financial transactions are encrypted and perfectly safe.
There are, however, certain regional and country restrictions when it comes to real-money wagers at the casino. Currently, the virtual casino does not allow registrations to be made from several states and these are New York, Kentucky, Washington State, Maryland, New Jersey, Louisiana, and Missouri. It also does not accept players from countries and regions where offshore online gambling is prohibited by law.
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Top 7 Online Card Games For Money Played By Professionals

Have you ever played card games online for money? If not, what online games can you play with playing cards and make money?
Let’s have a look at different card games to play online for real money. These Indian card games can be played online from home to make real money with ease.
What is the best online money making card games to play with friends?
Almost everyone has a fascinating soft corner for the realm of making money while having fun. The best way to earn real money or cash by playing online rummy card games.
Yes, there are many real money card games online in India, where you can play online games with your friends or strangers. In that most of the persons choose card games for earn real money online!
List of Online Card Games For Money Played by Professionals:
  1. Indian Rummy
  2. Poker
  3. Joker Wild
  4. Hearts
  5. Baccarat
  6. Blackjack
  7. Texas Hold’em
Indian Rummy
Indian Rummy is probably the most loved 13 card game that is the all-time favorite of a majority of professionals.
You can earn money by playing online rummy with thousands of players across the world from an app that can be easily downloaded to your device.
How to:
Out of many rummy sites or mobile app, you can choose Classic Rummy Plus App for its safe, secure & hassle free online gaming experience.
Classic Rummy offers top-quality user experience along with amazing offers.
Classic Rummy Offers
Welcome Bonus
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More Info
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Refer,Get ₹1500 CASH CHIPS + 20% BONUS
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Daily Tournaments
Win up to ₹15 Lakh worth of Rewards
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Download Rummy Game App Now! Earn Real Money
Key Features of Rummy Game:
Poker is one of the finest online card games you can play. It is the most played money game that is still in the market for its unique genre.
Is online poker a good way to make money? Yes, with a wide range of users across the globe, online poker enables users to make money in a hassle-free manner.
How to:
You can play poker online for real money or for fun. Most online poker platforms provide the desktop version as well as the mobile version of the game.
Key Features of Poker Game:
Joker Wild
The aim of this variant of the card game is to get the best five-card hand, and this is ideally a variation of video poker.
How to:
Key Features of Joker Wild Game:
Joker wild game offers amazing opportunities to make money on an online platform in a safe and secure manner.
This is one simple card game that can be played by any beginner) and is played by four players.
How to:
“Play Online Card Games for Real Money”
Key Features of Hearts Game:
Baccarat revolves all around the concept of getting a total nine or a total closest to nine.
How to:
Key Features of Baccarat Game:
All casino lovers have played blackjack at least once in their life. You must have surely heard of blackjack as a money-making game,
How to:
Key Features of Blackjack Game:
Texas Hold’em
The prime goal of this game is to get the best five-card. The game is a variation of poker.
Instead of playing against the house, this game puts you against a series of players.
How to:
Key Features of Texas Hold’em Game:
End Note: Top 7 Money Card Games Played by Professionals
Card games for money have always been a strong favorite for any professional or newbie.
Since the day of their inception, some good card game apps have proved to have a vital impact on the whole human society.
With a history that has emerged from late imperial China to finding its place across India, Card games have come a long way.
These are some of the most tempting online cash games where you can win real money.
Earning money by playing card games purely depends upon the skills and techniques.
Let’s Play free online card games to make money and enhance our skills.
Choose your favorite online card game and earn money like a professional.
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Winspark Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Winspark Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Winspark Casino Review and Free Bonuses
Here comes Winspark Casino with exclusive welcome bonuses! First off, get 50 free spins or $5 free chips to play without deposit. Test your luck with free money and check if you like it or not. Later, you can claim a 100% up to $200 welcome bonus and other rewards. Check it out.
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About Winspark Casino [REVIEW]

WinsPark Casino is licensed by the Government of Curacao which means that it accepts Filipino players. It offers players a wealth of games from NetoPlay.

Winspark Software

It’s not very common to find online casinos that are powered y a single casino software provider today, but WinsPark Casino belongs to this category of sites. They are powered by NetoPlay, a modern software developer that has a portfolio that consists of over 100 games. This provider is focused on instant win games, slots, and scratch cards. They are present with their games in a handful of casinos and WinsPark Casino is among them. As a NetoPlay-powered casino, WinsPark uses HTML5 software that works well with all major operating systems and devices.
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Winspark Games

Players can find more than 100 casino games at WinsPark Casino including the latest titles revealed by NetoPlay. Registered players have access to games that are categorized in four groups – virtual sports games, slots, casino scratch games, and fun scratch games.
With more than 70 slot games, WinsPark has a decent slot offer. The games that belong to this category are focused on different themes and usually come with special features including free spins and mini-games. Titles like Lucky Cauldron, Star Fruit, Cash Cruise, Wizard Fortune, and Wild Leprechaun are among the most popular slot games here.
This site has a collection of scratch cards too. They represent easy-to-play games. Scratch N Roll, Pirates Scratch, Mermaid Scratch, Vegas Cash, and Forex Scratch are examples of popular scratch cards found at WinsPark Casino. It’s worth mentioning that a few other instant win games are placed under scratch card sections including bingo and keno games.
There are seven virtual sports games at WinsPark Casino.

Winspark Devices

There’s HTML5 interface on this casino site and thanks to this technology players can use this website without the need to download any additional software. WinsPark Casino works equally well on desktop computers, laptop computers, smartphones, and tablets. This mobile-friendly site supports all popular operating systems including iOS, macOS, Android, and Windows. It works on the most popular browsers – Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.
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Winspark Offers

WinsPark Casino is offering a few different bonuses and promos to their players. There are a few offers, mostly related to the first deposit, available to newly registered players. On the other hand, existing players have access to a few bonuses as well.
For the most loyal players, this online casino has created a VIP program based on points. To find out more about the wagering requirements, minimum deposits, maximum cashout and other things related to the bonuses offered at WinsPark, it’s highly recommended to check their terms and conditions page.

Winspark Deposits

Players can choose from many different fiat currencies at Winspark Casino including US Dollars, Canadian Dollars, British Pounds and Euros. Most of them can be used with all deposit methods, but some deposit methods are linked with certain currencies. There are around 20 deposit methods as this casino site. Some of the most popular deposit methods include Skrill, NETELLER, MasterCard, Maestro, Visa, Visa Electron, Diners Club, Paysafecard, and direct bank transfer. The deposit requests are processed immediately which means that players can start playing their favorite games right away.
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Winspark Security

With a GPDR-compliant operator based in the EU and a license issued by the Government of Curacao, WinsPark Casino represents a secure casino site. They are using SSL encryption delivered by VeriSign to protect the personal information shared by their users. This casino site is constantly upgrading its security system to meet the latest standards.

Winspark Support

Every player can get help in two different ways when they are using WinsPark Casino. First of all, there is a specially designed help section. This is the place where players can read answers to the most commonly asked questions.
If the answer is not present on these pages, players are free to contact customer support agents. There are three contact methods available to all players – live chat feature, callback feature and email. Email queries are answered within 24 hours. The live chat feature is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It should not take more than a few hours to complete a callback request at WinsPark Casino.
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Slotastic RTG Casino (USA OK) - $25 free no deposit bonus code

Slotastic RTG Casino (USA OK) - $25 free no deposit bonus code

Slotastic Casino Free Bonus & Review
Receive $25 FREE when you sign up with Slotastic Casino! This exclusive free chip bonus requires a promo code that you can find under the link below. Additionally, new players to Slotastic Casino get a 100% bonus on deposit, extra free spins, and cashback. Players from the USA welcome!
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Slotastic Casino Full Review

As the brand name itself indicates, Slotastic is an online casino with a central focus on slots. Despite this, the website offers some gaming variety as its library also features a number of table games, video poker, and casino specialties.
This is a RealTime Gaming-powered casino that welcomes customers from all over the world, including the United States. The casino’s About Us page tells us Slotastic appeals to a motley customer base, consisting of more than 1 million registered players since its launch in December 2009.
The casino is home to more than 300 games available for play on desktop computers via its download platform. There is also a native Android app while iPhone users can access Slotastic in their browsers. Slotastic grabs the attention with a flashy yet organized lobby and an intuitive cashier that supports some of the most common banking methods in the world, such as Visa, Skrill, and Neteller. Similarly to other US-friendly gambling sites, this one, too, allows for payments via cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Litecoin.
The casino maintains the interest of its players by providing them with a great variety of promotions and bonuses, including several welcome offers. Let’s dive deeper into the bonuses awaiting new Slotastic players.
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Slotastic Bonuses and Promotions

Slotastic poses as a great online gambling destination for bonus seekers who insist on having a wide choice of limited-time and ongoing promotions. These include free spins on exclusive slots, instant cashbacks, bonus matches on deposits, and a great loyalty scheme.
New customers can make a pick from three different welcome bonuses. The first offer is geared toward the preferences of slot buffs. It consists of 117 free spins on RealTime Gaming’s classic Bubble Bubble.
This bonus is awarded for deposits of at least $25 with the promo code BUBBLETASTIC. It appealed to us because there are no restrictions on the maximum winnings you can cash out. However, you need to wager the winnings amount at least 10x before you ask for a withdrawal. You can use this bonus code a single time only.
The second option newcomers at Slotastic have is a 150% welcome bonus of up to $300, granted on their first deposits of $25 or more with the promo code WINTASTIC. The bonus is valid on first deposits only and is intended for free play on the available slots and keno games.
It has wagering requirements of 30x the bonus and deposit amounts. There is no maximum cashout limit on the winnings you can withdraw. Only the slots, the scratchcards, and the keno games contribute toward the playthrough, but you cannot use the bonus credits to participate in the slot tournaments for free. The value of each free spin is limited to $0.01 per active line. Bubble Bubble is a 50-line slot, which is to say your bets should not exceed $0.50 per spin.
All bingo and table games like craps, baccarat, casino poker varieties, roulette, and blackjack are excluded. If you play them, the casino will terminate your bonus. The same goes for the video poker varieties which are also blocked from bonus participation. Maximum wagers with an active bonus in your account should not exceed $9.99 or else the winnings will be voided.
The third welcome option is geared toward the needs of new players who are looking to make their first deposits with the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. They can receive a 250% up to $1,000 in free credits in exchange for a minimum deposit of $25 via Bitcoin. The code for this one is BTC250.
The terms coincide with those for the other deposit-match offer, i.e. the bonus is subject to wagering of 30x its amount plus the deposited sum. Only slots, scratchcards, and keno have a contribution (of 100%) toward the playthrough. There is a maximum bet restriction of $9.99. Players from the following locations are not entitled to welcome bonuses – Sweden, Bulgaria, Belarus, Indonesia, Greece, Portugal, Romania, Poland, Russia, and Mauritius.
If these perks fail to satiate your appetites for free reel spinning, you can redeem more free spins for the slot Hen House on a daily basis, i.e. once you have finished wagering your welcome bonuses. Players get 10 free spins for a deposit of $10, 20 free spins for deposits of $20, or the maximum of 50 bonus spins for deposits of $50 or more.
You must use the SPINTASTIC promo code in the cashier. Wagering of 30x the winnings is applicable, with max bet restrictions of $0.02 per active payline. The casino’s terms state no maximum cashout applies to this offer.
In addition to these gifts, Slotastic treats reel spinners to a great range of limited-time deposit bonuses, cashbacks, and free spins. As a matter of fact, there are so many offers, it would be next to impossible to cover them all here. It is best for interested players to regularly visit the casino’s cashier where you can see all the bonus coupons that are currently available.
There is also a three-tiered loyalty program you automatically become a part of upon registration. The casino rewards customers with 1 comp point for every $10 they bet on the website. The points can be converted into free credits at a rate of 100 points for $1. Respectively, you need to generate at least 100 points before conversion is possible.
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Slotastic Software Providers

If there is one thing most US-friendly online casinos have in common, it must be the software they run on. Slotastic utilizes the software platform of a single supplier, the well-known RealTime Gaming. This is a company with over 20 years of experience in the field of casino solutions development.
The casino boasts a well-designed website that enables you to browse the different gaming categories and locate all the important information with ease. The lobby pretty much has the standard RealTime Gaming interface. After you log in, you get to see the categories of Slots, Table Games, Video Poker, Specialties, Progressives, and Favorites.
The current value of the progressive prizes is displayed in the jackpot meter under the main menu. You can access the cashier with a single click of a button and get to see your available balance at all times. Several useful buttons take you to the live chat facility, the promotions page, and your notifications.
Slotastic gives its players a choice from several options. Customers who intend to play on Microsoft Windows-based desktop computers can download and install the casino’s software, which, unfortunately, is not compatible with any other operating systems. Mac users can load the lobby and the games straight in their desktop browsers.
The casino works just fine in the browsers of smartphones and tablets running on Android and iOS. You can access it in any browser, be it Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Internet Explorer or Safari as long as it is up to date and your wireless connection is reliable enough. Slotastic has also released a dedicated application for Android. You can download it from the casino’s website for free.

Slotastic Banking

Banking is one of the aspects where Slotastic Casino definitely bears improvement. We would like to see more deposit and withdrawal options added in the future as befits an operator that supports play from most countries worldwide.
For the time being, Slotastic customers can make deposits with commonly available payment solutions such as credit cards by Mastercard, American Express and Visa, e-wallets by Skrill, ecoPayz, and Neteller, the prepaid Paysafecard, Neosurf, and the cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Litecoin.
EasyEFT is also available but can be used by players from South Africa only. Another option is to call customer support on the number we have provided in the table above. The support agents will help you deposit over the phone. No additional costs are associated with the deposits.
The minimum and maximum limits depend on the deposit method you use. You can top up your account with $25 to $500 with the credit cards or deposit anywhere between $5 and $2,000 with e-wallets like ecoPayz.
Deposits with Paysafecard can range between $5 and $300 while those made with the Neosurf vouchers have limits of $10 and $250. Cryptocurrency depositors must comply with limits of $25 and $2,500.
There are but a few options where withdrawals are concerned. Players can cash out the wins from their Slotastic accounts with Bitcoin, MoneyGram, ecoPayz, Skrill, Neteller, checks or wire transfers. The minimum limits on withdrawals are $25 for ecoPayz, $180 for courier checks, and $100 for the other supported solutions. The maximum is $2,500 per method ($3,000 for checks) and $10,000 per week.
You have the option to reverse your withdrawals while the requests are still pending. We personally think this works to the disadvantage of some players. People sometimes get tempted to continue gambling until they give whatever they have won back, so manual flushing is always the more preferable option in our opinion.
So what are the processing times for withdrawals from Slotastic? It all depends on what method you use. The quickest way to cash out would be to use the supported e-wallets or Bitcoin where withdrawals take place instantly after approval. Withdrawals with courier checks and wire transfers may take up to 10 business days.
Unfortunately, there is no good news to report where transaction costs are concerned. If you are looking to avoid extra charges, you should withdraw with the cryptocurrency or the e-wallets. The fees associated with the other available withdrawal methods are eye-watering. You have to pay $30 extra per courier check and $60 extra per wire transfer. You might also end up paying additionally for currency conversion since Slotastic works with USD only.
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Slotastic Mobile Casino

Slotastic provides mobile players with two options. There is a highly functional in-browser application that requires no additional software installation. This enables you to play without wasting any storage space on your smartphone. You simply have to type in the casino’s address in your browser or scan the QR code posted on the website. Android users can download a native app to install on their devices.
We regret to say there is not much versatility for mobile players at Slotastic, though. The in-browser app is home to 100 or so mobile games, most of which are slots. There are around 15 video poker variations including Deuces Wild, RealTime Gaming’s trademark Loose Deuces, and Jacks or Better.
The mobile casino is short of table games, but you still get to play European Roulette, Suit ‘Em Up Blackjack, Classic Blackjack, and Tri Card Poker. Some of the most popular RealTime Gaming jackpot games have also been optimized for play on the go. The biggest pots drop in the progressive Aztec’s Millions.
You can add games to your list of favorites by tapping the star icons next to the thumbnails. Tapping the info button shows you all you need to know about the games you are interested in, from their volatility level to their themes and special features.
Slotastic’s in-browser app compensates with a simplified, yet elegant and user-friendly design. The circular mobile lobby features oversized round buttons that take you to the different categories of games, the cashier, your favorites, the games you have last played, and the main menu, where you can view your bonus coupons, comp points, promotional messages, and the contact page.
The support chat is accessible at all times via a large-size button that remains glued to the lower right corner of your touchscreen regardless of which page you open. Similarly to the desktop version, the mobile casino can be loaded in English only.

Slotastic Casino Games

Slotastic is a relatively small online casino with a gaming library that comprises around 300 distinct games. Note that the full suite is available via the Windows-compatible download software only. Those who access the casino and play in their browsers are facing half the number of options, with a little over 150 titles. This limited choice makes sense considering the casino uses software by a single supplier only.
There is the standard set of RealTime Gaming titles you can play. Slots make for the largest portion of the portfolio although video poker, keno, scratchcards, and tables games are also available. But enough beating around the bush – let’s examine the gaming library in more detail.


This casino is called Slotastic for a good reason. It features a solid collection of RealTime Gaming slots with versatile themes, ranging from ancient civilizations and mythology to magical creatures and Vegas lifestyle. Branded slots like Ritchie Valens La Bamba, The Big Bopper, and The Three Stooges are also included.
Slotastic organizes its slot collection on the basis of reel number, features, and jackpot. The 6-reel titles are a must-try including games like Super 6 and Lucky 6. Some of the slots from RealTime Gaming’s Real Series have randomly triggered local jackpots that can drop on any spin regardless of the amount staked. Some of the most appealing slots from this category include Aladdin’s Wishes, Achilles, Ancient Gods, Cleopatra’s Gold, Fire Dragon, Naughty or Nice, and Ghost Ship.
Hairway to Heaven, Naughty or Nice Spring Break, and Polar Explorer have the so-called “Feature Guarantee”. This ensures players will trigger a bonus feature within a designated number of spins. One example is the slot Aztec’s Treasure where the feature meter is set at 150 spins. Players who choose this slot can have the confidence they will trigger a bonus feature at least once every 150 rounds.
The Win-Win feature some slots are equipped with is equally rewarding but in a different way. It gets activated at the end of a round of free spins if you have generated profits smaller than 8x your triggering bet. You need to play all paylines to benefit from the Win-Win feature, though. Some of the Win-Win slots include Loch Ness Loot, The Three Stooges, and Triple Twister.
Slotastic caters to fans of classic slots with several 3-reel titles like Double Ya Luck, Sevens and Stripes, Scuba Fishing, Santastic, and Jumping Beans. Other slot titles that appealed to us include Cai Hong, Bubble Bubble and its sequel, Enchanted Garden II, Eternal Love, Gods of Nature, and I, Zombie.

Table Games

Slotastic is home to a standard suite of table games that features around 18 variants of roulette, blackjack, and casino poker. Baccarat and craps are also available. Fans of the Devil’s wheel have a choice from American and European Roulette where the bets range between $1 and $50.
Blackjack buffs enjoy a greater versatility, having a choice from the standard version of the game, Perfect Pairs, European Blackjack (this is a no-hole-card game), Face Up 21 (RealTime Gaming’s take on Double Exposure), Pontoon, Super 21, Suit ‘Em Up Blackjack, and Match Play 21.
Several variations of casino poker are also available. You can play against the virtual dealers in a game of Vegas Three Card Rummy, Tri Card Poker, Pai Gow Poker, Caribbean Hold’em (which is pretty much the casino version of Texas Hold’em but with an exotic name), and Caribbean Stud. The baccarat and craps games can be found in the Specialties section.

Progressive Jackpot Games

We counted roughly 75 games with local progressive jackpots. This means the prizes are pooled from bets made on the Slotastic platform only. Respectively, you cannot expect gargantuan pots from these games – their prizes typically escalate to four-figure amounts only. Some of the most popular slots with local pots include Small Fortune, Jumping Beans, Rudolph’s Revenge, Samba Sunset, Secret Symbol, Penguin Power, Paydirt, Mermaid Queen, and Mister Money.
You have a more limited choice if massive pots are what you are after. The casino features several slots linked to a wide-area progressive network, with prizes accumulating across all RealTime Gaming-powered websites.
The pots in Aztec’s Millions and Megasaur are symbol-driven whereas the prize in Spirit of the Inca drops whenever it reaches its boiling point. The jackpot of Aztec’s Millions is way overdue since it has not dropped since 2009. The table games Caribbean Stud and Caribbean Hold’em are also linked to progressive networks.

Video Poker

Fans of video poker are catered to with 14 distinct variations of their favorite game including Loose Deuces, Aces & Eights, All American Poker, Bonus Deuces Wild, Bonus Poker, Bonus Poker Deluxe, Deuces Wild, Double Bonus Poker, Double Jackpot Poker, Jacks or Better, Joker Poker, and Sevens Wild.
Each of the above-listed games is available in the multiple-hand format, with players having a choice from 1, 3, 10, or 52 hands at a time. Just keep in mind each hand you play requires an individual bet. For example, if you are playing five credits of $0.50 per hand in the 52-hand variant of Jacks or Better, you are practically wagering $130 per round.
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Slotastic Licensing and Regulations

Slotastic has not published any information in regard to licensing, ownership, and regulations on its official website, which only works to its detriment. In our opinion, it is common courtesy to inform one’s customers who they are gambling with and under what license. There are no details on who audits the games for fairness and what their theoretical return is. We hope to see higher levels of transparency from Slotastic in the future.
After a little digging on the web, it was established Slotastic allegedly operates under the licensing and regulations of the British Virgin Islands. Customers’ funds and personal information are protected with SSL encryptions.
Slotastic also embraces responsible gambling. Players can self-exclude, take a temporary break from gambling, or set limits on their deposits. The casino does not allow for real-money play from the UK and New Jersey.

Slotastic Customer Support

Slotastic players who need help are facing several avenues of communication with the casino’s support staff. The easiest and quickest way to contact them is via the live chat. The chat facility is staffed at all times of day and night, which is certainly beneficial for the casino’s vast multi-national player base.
The downside is that when all human agents are busy servicing other customers, you may end up chatting with the “friendly” Chat Bot. The latter is pretty much useless since it provides you with a link to the FAQ section most of the times.
You are automatically connected with a real human being as soon as an agent is available, though. The support staff makes an overall good impression with their professionalism and friendliness. You can also drop Slotastic’s support a few lines via email at [email protected]. Support is provided over the telephone as well. The number you need to dial is +1 866 890 6738.


Slotastic has both its downsides and advantages. The biggest positive here is that the casino welcomes play from a huge number of jurisdictions including the United States. Another benefit is that the website is jam-packed with bonuses and promotional incentives. If you are looking for generous offers, this is the place to drop by. We also liked the website’s design. All categories are easy to spot and the games load quickly both on desktop and mobile.
The biggest con here is the absence of regulatory information. As we said earlier, we hope to see this fixed in the future in the interest of transparency. It would have been great if the casino supported more payment options as well.
The gaming library itself is definitely not the most diverse one, with only 150 games in the casino’s flash version. Despite its downsides, Slotastic will appeal to RealTime Gaming fans from the US who insist on fast withdrawals and lots of bonuses.
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Grande Vegas Casino $100 free chip and 100 free spins bonus

Grande Vegas Casino $100 free chip and 100 free spins bonus

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Get a $100 Free Chip Bonus to Grande Vegas Casino! This exclusive promotion is available via the promotional link below. In addition, get 100 free spins and a 100% welcome bonus on deposit. USA, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Europe - all welcome!
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Grande Vegas Casino Review

If you have ever been to Vegas, you know that it is one city where the party never has to stop. That seems to be the case at Grande Vegas as well, an online casino site where there is always another promotion happening just around the corner, from your first deposit to weekly reload bonuses. It’s also a site that features some of the Internet’s best slot machines, making it worth a look if you love playing slots.

Grande Vegas Casino Slots

Grande Vegas Casino hosts games created by Realtime Gaming, meaning that there are hundreds of slots for you to choose from in their casino. These include some progressive jackpots worth more than $1 million, which can be won on games like these:
  • Aztec’s Millions
  • Jackpot Pinatas
  • Megasaur
  • Shopping Spree
Along with those great jackpot slots is a wide selection of machines that offer a variety of themes and play styles to suit your personal preferences. Many of these games belong to the famous Real Series of slots, all of which feature a similar format but are customized to have different levels of risk, different graphics, and various special features. Among the great slots you can play at Grande Vegas Casino are:
  • Basketbull
  • Caesar’s Empire
  • Food Fight
  • Goblin’s Treasure
  • Hillbillies
  • Lion’s Lair
  • Orc vs. Elf
  • Pirate Isle
  • The Three Stooges
  • T-Rex
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Grande Vegas Casino Promotions

Grande Vegas offers players a ton of promotions, ranging from weekly bonuses and cash back rewards to free giveaways. But it all starts with a welcome offer that gives players a 100% bonus of up to $100. There are a litany of other bonuses too, all in the $100 to $200 range, and there is always something available soon, meaning you will rarely have to wait at all to get another bonus if you want one – and the next offer is never more than a couple days away.
In order to clear any of these bonuses, you’ll need to complete a wagering requirement of 30 times the total of your deposit and bonus (this increases to 60x for any no deposit bonuses you might receive). The maximum bet while clearing a bonus is $10, and the only games that can be played while using bonus funds are slots, scratch cards, Bonus Bingo and European Slot Poker. Playing any other games could void your bonus, so stay away from them until after your bonus is cleared.

Other Games at Grande Vegas

If your interests extend beyond slots, then you’ll be happy to know that Grande Vegas features an extensive selection of casino table games and other casino standards. In fact, if there’s a game you enjoy, it is almost certain that you’ll find it here.
Let’s start with table games, where Grande Vegas has just about everything you’d find in a live casino, including games like:
  • Roulette (American and European)
  • Craps
  • Baccarat
  • Blackjack
  • Three Card Poker
  • Let It Ride
  • Caribbean Stud Poker
  • Pai Gow Poker
  • Casino War
There’s also no shortage of video poker machines. Whether you want to play in single hand or multihand mode, you can try your luck at the following varieties:
  • Jacks or Better
  • Deuces Wild
  • Aces and Eights
  • Double Bonus Poker
  • Joker Poker
  • Loose Deuces
  • Mystery Bonus Poker
One particularly exciting offering you’ll find here is the selection of live dealer games. Each of these games is played over a live video stream, and features a real dealer using real casino equipment to determine the results. If this sounds interesting, you might want to give these live dealer games a look:
  • Blackjack
  • Baccarat
  • American Roulette
  • European Roulette
  • Casino Hold’em
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Grande Vegas Casino Deposits and Withdrawals

If you plan to play at Grande Vegas, you shouldn’t have any trouble getting money into your casino account. There are no shortage of deposit options available here, including the following:
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • Eco
  • Wire Transfer
  • PaySafeCard
  • Money Transfers
All of these methods are also offered when it comes time to withdraw your winnings. Payouts are processed between Monday and Friday, and can be requested by any of these methods:
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Eco
  • Wire Transfer
  • Direct Money
  • PaySafeCard
  • Money Transfer

Grande Vegas Casino Software and Reputation

If you’re playing on your computer, you can access Grande Vegas Casino through a downloadable casino client that you can install in Windows. You also have the option of using a web-based no download casino that can be accessed right in your Internet browser. If you like to play on a phone or tablet, there is also a fully mobile-optimized version of the casino, which is fully functional: you can not only play but also deposit and withdraw funds through the mobile site.
Grande Vegas Casino has been operating since 2009 without any major incidents, allowing the site to build a strong reputation for reliability. When there have been issues, players largely report that they were resolved quickly and fairly within the bounds of the site’s terms and conditions.
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The Final Verdict

If you’re looking for a wide variety of games, either slots or in terms of general casino offerings, then you should be happy with Grande Vegas Casino. It’s hard to match the sheer number of slots available here, and when you combine that with the big jackpots and the quality of the games, this site is a winner for any slots fan.
The one caveat to our recommendation would be that this is not a site for those who want huge bonus offers, as each individual bonus here is fairly small. But the huge number of bonuses available will make up for that for most players, and the overall package is strong enough to make Grande Vegas a highly recommended online casino.
submitted by freespinsgratis_com to u/freespinsgratis_com [link] [comments]

My Screen Pass List

12 Strong HD
2 Fast 2 Furious HD
2001: A Space Odyssey 4K
300 (2007) HD
300: Rise of an Empire HD
The 40-Year-Old Virgin (Unrated) HD
50 First Dates HD
8 Mile HD
Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein HD
Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man HD
Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy HD
Alien HD
Alien: Covenant HD
Alien Resurrection HD
Alien vs. Predator HD
Alien3 HD
Aliens HD
Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem (Uncut) HD
Alvin and the Chipmunks (2007) HD
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked HD
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip HD
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel HD American Gangster (Unrated) HD
American Made 4K
American Pie 2 (Unrated) SD
American Pie (Unrated) HD
American Reunion (Unrated) HD
American Sniper HD
American Wedding (Unrated) SD
Annabelle HD
Annabelle: Creation 4K
Annabelle Comes Home 4K
Aquaman 4K
Army of Darkness HD
Austin Powers in Goldmember HD
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery HD
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me HD
Back to the Future 4K
Back to the Future Part II 4K
Back to the Future Part III 4K
Bad Boys HD
Bad Boys II HD
Batman (1966) HD
Batman (1989) SD
Batman Begins SD
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker HD
Batman Forever SD
Batman: Hush HD
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm HD
Batman & Mr. Freeze: Sub Zero HD
Batman Returns SD
Batman & Robin SD
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: part1 & part2 (Deluxe Edition) HD
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice HD
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Ultimate Edition) HD
Battle for the Planet of the Apes HD
Beetlejuice HD
Beneath the Planet of the Apes HD
Big Daddy HD
The Big Lebowski 4K
Billy Madison (HD)
The Birds (1963) 4K
Blade HD
Blade II HD
Blade Runner 2049 HD
Blade Runner (The Final Cut) HD
Blazing Saddles HD
The Blues Brothers (Unrated) HD
Boogie Nights (1997) HD
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan HD
The Boss Baby HD
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) 4K
The Breakfast Club HD
Bride of Chucky SD
The Bride of Frankenstein (1935) HD
Bulletproof (1996) HD
The Cable Guy (1996) HD
Caddyshack HD
The Caine Mutiny (1954) HD
The Campaign (2012) HD
Casablanca HD
Casino 4K
Casper HD
Child's Play 2 SD
Child's Play 3 SD
CHiPS (2017) HD
Christine HD
A Clockwork Orange HD
The Conjuring HD
The Conjuring 2 HD
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes HD
Creature From the Black Lagoon (1954) HD
The Croods HD
Cult of Chucky (Unrated) HD
Curse of Chucky (Unrated) HD
The Curse of Frankenstein (1957) HD
The Curse of the Werewolf (1961) HD
The Dark Knight SD
The Dark Knight Rises HD
Dark Shadows HD
Darkman HD
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 4K
The Dead Pool (1988) SD
The Deer Hunter (1978) HD
Despicable Me HD
Despicable Me 3 4K
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul FHD
Die Hard 4K
Die Hard 2: Die Harder HD
Die Hard with a Vengeance HD
The Dilemma HD
Dirty Harry (1971) HD
Doom (Unrated) HD
Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) HD
Dr. Seuss' The Lorax (2012) HD
Dracula (1931) HD
Dracula A.D. 1972 HD
Dracula Has Risen from the Grave SD
Dukes of Hazzard (Unrated) (2005) HD
Dumb and Dumber HD
Dumb and Dumber To HD
Edward Scissorhands HD
Elf (2003) HD
The Enforcer (1976) SD
Escape from the Planet of the Apes HD
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial 4K
Every Which Way But Loose HD
Fast & Furious 6 HD
The Fast and the Furious (2001) HD
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift HD
Fast Five - Extended Edition HD
Fast & Furious (2009) HD
Fast Times at Ridgemont High HD
The Fate of the Furious HD
The Fault In Our Stars HD
Final Destination (2000) HD
Final Destination 2 HD
Final Destination 3 HD
The Final Destination (2009) HD
Final Destination 5 HD
Forgetting Sarah Marshall (Unrated) HD
Frankenstein (1931) HD
Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed SD
Freddy vs. Jason HD
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare SD
Friday (Director's Cut) (1995) HD
Friday the 13th: Killer Cut (Extended) HD
Full Metal Jacket HD
Funny People (2009) (Unrated) HD
Get Hard (2015) HD
Get Out HD
Ghostbusters (1984) HD
Ghostbusters (2016) Extended Edition HD
Ghostbusters 2 HD
Godzilla (2014) HD
Godzilla 2000 HD
Godzilla: King of the Monsters 4K
GoodFellas 4K
A Good Day to Die Hard SD
The Goonies SD
Gran Torino HD
Gravity HD
The Great Gatsby (2013) HD
Green Lantern (Extended Cut) HD
The Green Mile HD
Gremlins HD
Gremlins 2: The New Batch HD
Groundhog Day HD
Grown Ups HD
The Grudge (2004) HD
Grudge Match (2013) HD
Halloween II (1981) HD
Halloween III: Season of the Witch HD
The Hangover SD
The Hangover Part II HD
The Hangover Part III HD
Happy Death Day HD
Happy Feet HD
Happy Gilmore HD
Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (Theatrical) HD
Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (Extreme Unrated) HD
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets HD
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban HD
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire HD
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix HD
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince HD
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I HD
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II HD
The Heat (2013) HD
Hellboy (2004) HD
Hellboy II: The Golden Army HD
Her HD
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey HD
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Extended Edition) HD
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (Extended Edition) HD
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (Extended Edition) HD
Hollow Man HD
Home (2015) HD
Hook 4K
Hop (2011) HD
Horror of Dracula (1958) HD
Hot Shots! (1991) HD
Hot Shots! Part Deux HD
How to Train Your Dragon HD
How to Train Your Dragon 2 HD
Howard the Duck HD
I Am Legend HD
I Walk the Line (1970) HD
Ice Age HD
Idiocracy (2006) HD
Idle Hands HD
Inception HD
The Incredible Hulk HD
Independence Day: Resurgence HD
Inglourious Basterds HD
Insidious HD
The Interview (2014) HD
The Invisible Man (1933) HD
IT (2017) HD
It: Chapter Two (2019) HD
Jarhead HD
Jason Bourne (2016) HD
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday SD
Jason X SD
Jaws HD
The Jerk SD
Jerry Maguire HD
Joe Dirt HD
Joker (2019) HD
Jumanji (1995) 4K
Jurassic Park III HD
Justice League HD
The Karate Kid HD
The Karate Kid II HD
The Karate Kid: Part III HD
Kick-Ass 2 HD
King Kong (1933) HD
King Kong (2005) 4K
The King of Comedy (1983) HD
Kingsman: The Golden Circle 4K
Kingsman: The Secret Service 4K
Knocked Up (Unrated) HD
Kong: Skull Island 4K
Kung Fu Panda HD
The Lego Batman Movie HD
The Lego Movie HD
Lethal Weapon HD
Lethal Weapon 2 HD
Lethal Weapon 3 HD
Lethal Weapon 4 SD
Liar Liar HD
Little Fockers HD
Little Nicky (2000) HD
Live Free or Die Hard (Unrated) HD
Logan HD
Logan's Run (1976) HD
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Extended Edition) HD
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Extended Edition) HD
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Extended Edition) HD
The Lost World: Jurassic Park SD
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior HD
Mad Max 3: Beyond Thunderdome HD
Mad Max: Fury Road 4K
Madagascar (2005) HD
Magnum Force (1973) SD
Major Payne SD
Mallrats SD
Mama (2013) HD
Man of Steel HD
The Martian (2015) HD
The Mask SD
The Matrix 4K
The Matrix Reloaded HD
The Matrix Revolutions HD
Meet the Fockers HD
Meet the Parents (2000) HD
Megamind HD
Midnight Run HD
Monsters vs. Aliens HD
The Mummy (1932) HD
The Mummy (1959) SD
The Mummy (1999) HD
The Mummy (2017) HD
Muppets Most Wanted HD
My Soul to Take HD
National Lampoon's Animal House HD
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation SD
National Lampoon's European Vacation HD
National Lampoon's Vacation (1983) HD
Neighbors (2014) HD
Night at the Museum (2006) HD
Night at the Museum: Battle at the Smithsonian HD
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb HD
A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) HD
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) HD
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge SD
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors SD
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master SD
Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child SD
North By Northwest (1959) HD
The Omega Man (1971) HD
Oz The Great And Powerful HD
Phantasm II HD
Pineapple Express (2008) HD
Planet of the Apes (1968) HD
Planet of the Apes (2001) HD
Pokémon Detective Pikachu 4K
Poltergeist (1982) HD
Poltergeist (Extended Cut) (2015) HD
Predator (1987) HD
Predator 2 HD
The Predator (2018) HD
Predators (2009) HD
Prometheus HD
Psycho (1960) 4K
Psycho II HD
Raising Arizona (1987) HD
Rampage 4K
Ready Player One 4K
Rear Window (1954) 4K
Remember the Titans HD
The Revenge of Frankenstein (1958) HD
Rise of the Planet of the Apes 4K
The Rocketeer HD
Role Models (Unrated) HD
SCARFACE (1983) 4K
Schindler's List HD
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World HD
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013) HD
Seed of Chucky HD
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World HD
The Shape of Water 4K
Shaun of the Dead HD
The Shawshank Redemption HD
Shazam (2019) 4K
Sherlock Holmes (2009) 4K
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows HD
The Shining (1980) HD
Shrek HD
Shrek 2 HD
Silent Hill (2006) HD
Silent Hill: Revelation HD
The Simpsons Movie HD
Sing (2016) HD
Sixteen Candles HD
Smokey and the Bandit SD
Snatch (2000) HD
The Social Network HD
Son-In-Law (1993) HD
Son of the Mask HD
Soylent Green (1973) HD
Speed Racer HD
Spider-man (2002) HD
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submitted by Spiderfry1 to u/Spiderfry1 [link] [comments]

How to Make Caps GLITCHLESS (DLC)

Hello There Fellow Wastelander, Short on Caps Ey? I have a solution for you! In These Steps, You will rock up hundredths of thousands of caps!
S - 2 P - 2 E - 2 C - 1 I - 10 A - 3 L - 10
Skills Barter, Speech, Anything Other
Traits Wild Wasteland (or none)

Step 1 - Goodsprings

Step 2 - Outer Goodsprings

Step 3 - The Road to New Vegas

Step 4 - New Vegas Strip

Step 5 - Freeside

Step 6 - New Vegas Strip, II

Step 7 - Dead Money

Step 8 - Honest Hearts

(You Can Skip This)

Step 9 - Old World Blues

Step 10 - Lonesome Road

Step 11 - Camp McCarran

Step 12 - Story

Thank You For Reading, if you would like a levelling guide I will do one
submitted by TomatoEggYT to falloutnewvegas [link] [comments]

How To Make The Most Money GLITCHLESS (DLC)

Hello There Fellow Wastelander, Short on Caps Ey? I have a solution for you! In These Steps, You will rock up hundredths of thousands of caps!
S - 2 P - 2 E - 2 C - 1 I - 10 A - 3 L - 10
Skills Barter, Speech, Anything Other
Traits Wild Wasteland (or none)

Step 1 - Goodsprings

Step 2 - Outer Goodsprings

Step 3 - The Road to New Vegas

Step 4 - New Vegas Strip

Step 5 - Freeside

Step 6 - New Vegas Strip, II

Step 7 - Dead Money

Step 8 - Honest Hearts

(You Can Skip This)

Step 9 - Old World Blues

Step 10 - Lonesome Road

Step 11 - Camp McCarran

Step 12 - Story

Thank You For Reading, if you would like a levelling guide I will do one
submitted by TomatoEggYT to fnv [link] [comments]

9 and 1/2 years later, one Courier finally reaches the end of his lonesome road.

Been a long time coming. In the small town in which I lived back in 2010, I was one of a just a handful who came to get our copies of Fallout: New Vegas from the local Gamestop during the midnight release. I had college midterms that week and my only chance to play it was that night, so I pulled an all-nighter, with only a pony keg of beer and a large quantity of Monster left over from my friend’s birthday party Jager-bombs for supplies. Felt like absolute garbage the next day, but it was worth it; I got more than six hours of sweet playtime in before going to school in a state of gut-churning delirium.

That playthrough however would never be finished. I can’t remember exactly where I fell off the wagon, only that I did fire up the Xbox 360 long after I had given up on it to try to get the momentum going again, and failed. I know I must have been close to the max Vanillla level, and reasonably far along in the main quest (failing the other faction questlines and such) Had probably done at least 75% The next serious attempt came a few years later, when I was able to borrow a friends GOTY (or Ultimate, can’t remember what they called it), also for Xbox 360 and try it again, but with the higher level cap and DLC additions. This time, I was somewhat more methodical, remembering what I’d done and how I wanted to do it right, and then going so far as to venture into Zion, completing Honest Hearts, and then entering Lonesome Road next. Though I was in my mid-twenties levelwise, I found LR to be challenging and a little confusing. I didn’t actually realize I could leave it at any time and come back, and I lost interest again. That’s where the second attempt failed.

A friend of mine stayed with me when he was between places, and he used my old copy to do an all-Legion vanilla playthrough. I saw most of this, and it triggered my interest again. Even so, it would be years later until I finally felt the lure of New Vegas tugging at my soul again, and found a nice discount on Steam. So I downloaded the game, and started for the 3rd time. This time I vowed to do something different; rather than the traditional “stealth sniper” model of combat, I would go all-out melee. I min-maxed hard, as I usually do, planning around my eventual stats with my ideal gear loadout and the fact that I would eventually have all skills maxed. Had to take a 1 in Charisma, but it really had no noticeable effect on the game, especially since I pushed Speech high fairly early. Ended up with 10’s in Strength and Luck, a 2 in Charisma, and 9’s in every other SPECIAL stat.

I looked up quite a few things beforehand, aiming for ideal outcomes. This is what led me to misinterpret a key detail regarding the NCLegion infamy resetting during the main quest, and so rather than avoiding confronting Benny during the conclusion of “Ring-a-ding-ding!”, I actually did not enter the Strip at all until after I was Level 50, having concluded Lonesome Road (which made swapping companions a giant pain in the ass). I had decided to nuke both NCR and Legion at the end of Lonesome Road, and not because I planned to finish on the Independent questline. No, it’s because I played the most OCD looting obsessed scavenger you can imagine. Wish I could say it was “role-playing” but truth be told, I just couldn’t stop myself.

Two things about that: firstly, I wouldn’t make the choice of nuking the two factions again. Honestly, regardless of who I planned on siding with, I wouldn’t bother nuking either. I don’t consider the Scorched Sierra Power Armor useful, especially compared to the Remnants or Gannon armor, and the Armor of the 87th Tribe looks kind of cool, but it’s a pretty poor weight/DT ratio and the only time I bothered equipping it was during one of my many fights against Legate Lanius, as a joke (wearing the Marked Beast Helmet and wielding the Blade of the West. I know, I know, very original…) Also, neither of the unique Grenade Rifles are that interesting. By the time I obtained them, I had Red Glare, Annabelle, and a Fat Man and a stupid amount of ammo for those weapons, so the 40mm grenades just felt beside the point. Secondly, damn did I over prepare. For pretty much everything. Playing mostly melee until all my other weapon skills caught up, I hoarded tons of late-game weapon ammo and I just never had the chance to use much of it. Not mention hundreds if not thousands of healing items. Oh, and money? When the Securitron did my credit check to see if I had 2K caps and could enter the strip, I was just shy of 1 Million. I had closer to 1.2 Million by the time I actually tried gambling in any casino (other than the Sierra Madre), I had a ton of Pre-War money, a large reserve of both Legion and NCR money, and I stole all 37 gold bars from the Sierra Madre vault and never sold any of them. I spent way too much time hoarding, and despite playing on Hardcore there was only a couple of times where I ever felt like I was suffering for it or needed to actually change my actions due to food, hydration, or sleep. When I did the Arizona Killer quest, I thought there was going to be a huge number of NCR troopers and Rangers present. I just reverse pick-pocketed the C4 I’d been hoarding onto everyone present, left about 5 blocks on the stage, and then, just to be a dick, sat on the observation platform using a Stealthboy and waited for Kimball to finish his speech before shooting him in the head with an exploding .50 MG round. Immediately after, I pushed the detonator and there was literally no one left on top of the dam.

I didn’t enter Zion until I was around level 30, having already completed 80-90% of the sidequests. After I finished HH, I spent some more time wrapping up in the Mojave, then I did OWB. After that, I finished literally every remaining quest in the Mojave I knew of except the ones that would anger the Legion. Then I did DM, and then I completed the remaining side-quests, becoming an enemy of the Legion, including taking Boone on a nice little trip to wipe out Cottonwood Cove. Finally, I completed LR, let the nukes fly, but saved Ulysses for reasons I’m still not sure about. Happened to get the NCR Courier Duster, which I was happy about; that extra carry weight is actually pretty useful and I wouldn’t have bothered wearing any of the other ones based on their stats.

From that point, it was all fairly straightforward. Although since I had several hundred hours invested and this felt like the most complete playthrough I’d ever do, I saved a couple of key “point of no return” moments. On this same file, I finished all 4 main questlines. Started with the Legion, because I had to destroy the Securitrons in the Fort for them alone, and their quests contradict everyone else’s. Then I did Mr. House, because both NCR and Independent require him to die to move forward after a point. NCR was 3rd, and then finally, Independent. For the first 3, though I did complete all companion quests (except “For Auld Lang Syne” during the Legion one), I did kind of a rush job. Then, I really took my time with the final playthrough, because the Independent ending was the one I’d really wanted all along. Took some companions on a nice vacation, like taking Veronica to watch as I got kicked out of every casino, or when I gave Boone my CZ37 Avenger and I took my Shoulder Mounted Machine Gun and we went to Visit Caesar like the hammer of justice. But tonight, I finally did it, and I finished my ultimate playthrough, which despite ending 4 times, didn’t feel over until the last one.

Despite playing on PC this time, I didn’t use mods. I wanted the experience. And I have to say, holy fuck does this game still crash way too much. It’s really kind of unbearable at times. I love New Vegas overall, but goddamn it’s buggy. We all know it, just had to get that off my chest. I do think it’s interesting how there’s really no “totally good” ending. All the major factions have their appeal, and their drawbacks. Obviously, the Legion is worse than most. But they’re inarguably effective, and my understanding is that cut content was supposed to expand upon what is only hinted at in-game, which is that life is actually pretty good for everyone in Legion territory who isn’t one of their slaves. The NCR dedicates itself to noble ideals but is bogged down by a corrupt bureaucracy and oligarchy, and plenty of folks in the Mojave aren’t asking for their kind of help. They’re also an imperialist power overreaching, so there’s that. Mr. House himself is an interesting case; while his vision would undeniably be of benefit to mankind, he’s not remotely interested in improving the lives of anyone who he doesn’t employ and thus most of the people just fall by the wayside. He’ll more or less ignore suffering and chaos unless he sees a profit in stopping it. The Independent ending of course puts you in charge, but it doesn’t give you much opportunity to decide what that means, which I found to be disappointing. The Ending slides indicate that really, not much changes aside from the retreat of the 2 foreign powers.

Although it’s never been announced that any ending is Fallout canon, I have to believe that the Independent ending is meant to be such. Neither the NCR nor Legion could really be allowed to win and control Hoover Dam; the entire political landscape would have been thrown too far out of whack. Despite the fact that it’s been over 2 centuries since the great war, the Fallout series basically can’t move past the “Post-Nuclear” world, and having one giant regional power control close to a quarter of the continental US would upset that too much. Similarly, with House’s plan to reignite the high technology sectors and send colony ships to new planets, the game world of Fallout would end. Fallout needs a lawless wasteland as the backdrop, and the only ending that doesn’t upset that delicate balance is the death of Mr. House, the retreat of the NCR, and the defeat of the Legion. There's also the fact that Wild Card is the one main questline that can't be failed by interacting with another faction, and is only no longer able to be completed once you've begun another faction's endgame quest.

Knowing that New Vegas is largely based on the canceled, original Fallout 3 makes a lot of sense. Though I entered the series with Bethesda’s Fallout 3, I have read a lot of the lore and this game feels much more like a continuation of the story set up then. Even though The Courier is far removed from The Vault Dweller and The Chosen One (though maybe not as far removed as we think, given the extent of his prior travels), the story of the NCR, the Brotherhood, and the Enclave all feel much more connected to the events of the Mojave than they do the Capital Wasteland, despite the Brotherhood and Enclave’s more central roles in that story. New Vegas has the direct consequences of the past protagonists’ actions shaping the world, like the NCR’s transition from a tiny town, to a sprawling Republic, to a militaristic empire that is now sinking under the weight of its own overreach and inefficiency. Whereas 3 had just echoes of the past stories and one or two direct cameos like Harold. I almost now think of New Vegas as “Fallout 3” and Fallout 3 as “Fallout Bicentennial”; the spin-off that created a new-branching storyline to which Fallout 4 is obviously a direct sequel.

That brings me to where I wish this game had done better. I know, they suffered from a significant amount of budgetary and time issues. I know there was going to be more to the game than what made the final cut. And they did a pretty incredible job with what they had. The reusing of resources from F03 works pretty well and the game is fun, the character writing is great, I love the humor, the companions are mostly cool. What I wish is that the choices you make in quests had a bit more noticeable impact on the world, aside from random dialogue or radio announcements. I know there’s an in-game reason for why killing Caesar won’t affect the upcoming battle for the dam. But really, going to The Fort and killing him shouldn’t feel like an empty gesture. Both Legion and NCR tell you the Legion is better at taking positions than holding them; why the hell did the NCR never assault Caesar’s camp? I did it with one other dude and Sputnik. And then you can’t even free the 2 slaves that are there once Caesar and all the Legionaries are dead. Why wouldn’t the NCR send some rangers to go hold that hill and rain hell on the Legionaries in the camps below? They send a force to occupy Nelson after you retake it, this seems like a higher priority.

It’s also weird to me how little of a role the Super Mutants played in this game, coming here from Fallout 3. You’ve got the quest in Black Mountain, one or two in Jacobstown, and then like 2 other random encounters with Nightkin in Novac and the Repconn testing facility. And that’s literally it. After proving myself a friend to Jacobstown, I think it’s odd that you can’t ask the mutants to help out during the battle, or at least defend Vegas or something since the NCR and Legion probably would wipe them out if they seized power. This would especially make sense during the Independent Route, establishing Vegas as a haven for all. In general, I think if you’re going to decide to seize power for yourself you should have been given more of a chance to decide what that means and what you do with it. I would have really liked to see more options regarding the Brotherhood and the Followers and shaping how they’re going to fit in to Vegas society, post Hoover Dam. Mr. House was also taking cuts from the Three Families and using them fund his operations. I would have liked the chance to start running some of those operations. Hell, for any faction it would have been cool to get to spend some of my stupid amount of money late-game on improving their equipment, defenses, etc. There’s also quite a few quests that I wish had had alternate methods of resolution that would make sense. For example, why can’t you sabotage the Legion’s Howitzer in I Hear You Knocking or why can’t you take over the bottle cap press for yourself and just lie to Alice McLafferty in Pressing Matters?

Additionally, when one is working for either the NCR or the Legion, it’s irksome that you don’t actually get to join those factions. Would have been cool to go from Recruit Legionary through Centurion and then become a Legatus yourself. Caesar could have at least formally made you Frumentarius, since that’s what you basically become. NCR could have made you a Colonel by the time the battle begins for all the shit you did for them.

Regarding the DLC, and I know this is again due to budgetary reasons, I didn’t like how what you can do in one DLC can’t affect/be referenced in the others or the main game. I also wish you’d been able to go a little deeper on the connection between them, for example talking to Elijah more about Big MT or Graham about Ulysses. Or Christine about Ulysses. I found Elijah to be somewhat a disappointment in general, after him being hyped up by the Mojave BoS, Veronica, and the Think Tank. He’s just kind of a crazy dick.

Honest Hearts was enjoyable but it would have been better if you could get deeper into it with Graham. Plus he would have been a phenomenal companion to bring back to the Mojave; I think he might actually be my favorite character in the game. My favorite part in it was uncovering the story of The Survivalist. Wish finding all entries plus his corpse and belongings could have given you some dialogue options with the Sorrows, maybe even teaching one to be his successor or something. And the Desert Ranger armor was awesome, I wore it until I got the Elite Riot Gear in LR.

Old World Blues was just really solid: had a fun, weird story. Just wish it had an actual impact after you return to the Mojave and the Endgame. I mean, the Courier controlling, Vegas, Hoover Dam, AND the research and production of Big MT? Some shit’s going down. Where’s MY army of robot-scorpions to supplement my army of Securitrons? Only downside is the unique weapons are trash; the only cool thing was the Stealth Suit once it’s fully upgraded.

Dead Money was my least favorite DLC of all. First, the cloud was just annoying, and made it hard to enjoy the one time I lost all my shit and was forced to just play with the newly acquired equipment. Second, the Villa portion vs the actual casino portion is way too long, and I had much higher expectations for the interior of the casino. Third, while the characters were pretty interesting (besides Elijah), I couldn’t believe how there’s no resolution regarding Dean being the one who fucked over Christine and cut her vocal chords. Also, how’d he pull that off? She’s a BoS assassin, for fuck’s sake. Fourth, letting go my ass. My gold. MINE. Fifth, once you’re back in the Mojave, the presence of that vending machine plus the constant dump of chips is basically game-breaking. Not that I needed it by then, I’d pretty much broken the game by being a pointless millionaire hoarder.

Lonesome Road was cool overall. Dragged on a little longer than it needed to in some places. Ulysses, while certainly interesting, rambled a little too much and a little too metaphorically without actually saying much. Love the unique weapons from this one, love the unique armor. My one big issue is that I still barely understand the backstory of the courier after all that. Really wish they had gone into more detail, or that there had been a survivor from the community you helped build who could have filled you in more. Feels like you never actually encounter that community at all, since all the buildings are prewar and all the notes are either prewar or from the recent NCR expeditionary force. If I had to do it again, I’d just stop the nukes since I’d rather have the peace of mind and become idolized with the BoS than anything you actually get from Dry Wells or the Long 15. Also, though it killed me to do it at the time, I left ED-E so I could get the perk. But the more I thought about it, letting him die there actually seems less cruel than letting him try to continue to Navarro and discover what happened to it. Would have been cool if it turned out Arcade was actually the boy in the recordings though.

All in all, I’m glad I’ve finally seen the end of my own lonesome road. And now I’m going to uninstall Fallout New Vegas. But, since we are in the midst of a quarantine, guess I’ll fire up Fallout 4...
submitted by RagnarDethkokk to Fallout [link] [comments]

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