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239 Experts With 1 Big Claim: The Coronavirus Is Airborne - The W.H.O. has resisted mounting evidence that viral particles floating indoors are infectious, some scientists say. The agency maintains the research is still inconclusive.

this article is being posted in full via Source link please consider visiting the site for more information and to support the journalist, it's being posted in full because of the soft paywall on the site. I believe all articles with the NYtimes related to coronavirus are still available with a free subscription. However just to make sure I'm posting here
written by Apoorva Mandavilli
. The coronavirus is finding new victims worldwide, in bars and restaurants, offices, markets and casinos, giving rise to frightening clusters of infection that increasingly confirm what many scientists have been saying for months: The virus lingers in the air indoors, infecting those nearby.
If airborne transmission is a significant factor in the pandemic, especially in crowded spaces with poor ventilation, the consequences for containment will be significant. Masks may be needed indoors, even in socially distant settings. Health care workers may need N95 masks that filter out even the smallest respiratory droplets as they care for coronavirus patients.
Ventilation systems in schools, nursing homes, residences and businesses may need to minimize recirculating air and add powerful new filters. Ultraviolet lights may be needed to kill viral particles floating in tiny droplets indoors.
The World Health Organization has long held that the coronavirus is spread primarily by large respiratory droplets that, once expelled by infected people in coughs and sneezes, fall quickly to the floor.
But in an open letter to the W.H.O., 239 scientists in 32 countries have outlined the evidence showing that smaller particles can infect people, and are calling for the agency to revise its recommendations. The researchers plan to publish their letter in a scientific journal next week.
Even in its latest update on the coronavirus, released June 29, the W.H.O. said airborne transmission of the virus is possible only after medical procedures that produce aerosols, or droplets smaller than 5 microns. (A micron is equal to one millionth of a meter.)
Proper ventilation and N95 masks are of concern only in those circumstances, according to the W.H.O. Instead, its infection control guidance, before and during this pandemic, has heavilypromoted the importance of handwashing as a primary prevention strategy, even though there is limited evidence for transmission of the virus from surfaces. (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now says surfaces are likely to play only a minor role.)
Dr. Benedetta Allegranzi, the W.H.O.’s technical lead on infection control, said the evidence for the virus spreading by air was unconvincing.
“Especially in the last couple of months, we have been stating several times that we consider airborne transmission as possible but certainly not supported by solid or even clear evidence,” she said. “There is a strong debate on this.”
But interviews with nearly 20 scientists — including a dozen W.H.O. consultants and several members of the committee that crafted the guidance — and internal emails paint a picture of an organization that, despite good intentions, is out of step with science.
Whether carried aloft by large droplets that zoom through the air after a sneeze, or by much smaller exhaled droplets that may glide the length of a room, these experts said, the coronavirus is borne through air and can infect people when inhaled.
Most of these experts sympathized with the W.H.O.’s growing portfolio and shrinking budget, and noted the tricky political relationships it has to manage, especially with the United States and China. They praised W.H.O. staff for holding daily briefings and tirelessly answering questions about the pandemic.
But the infection prevention and control committee in particular, experts said, is bound by a rigid and overly medicalized view of scientific evidence, is slow and risk-averse in updating its guidance and allows a few conservative voices to shout down dissent. “They’ll die defending their view,” said one longstanding W.H.O. consultant, who did not wish to be identified because of her continuing work for the organization. Even its staunchest supporters said the committee should diversify its expertise and relax its criteria for proof, especially in a fast-moving outbreak.
“I do get frustrated about the issues of airflow and sizing of particles, absolutely,” said Mary-Louise McLaws, a committee member and epidemiologist at the University of New South Wales in Sydney.
“If we started revisiting airflow, we would have to be prepared to change a lot of what we do,” she said. “I think it’s a good idea, a very good idea, but it will cause an enormous shudder through the infection control society.”
In early April, a group of 36 experts on air quality and aerosols urged the W.H.O. to consider the growing evidence on airborne transmission of the coronavirus. The agency responded promptly, calling Lidia Morawska, the group’s leader and a longtime W.H.O. consultant, to arrange a meeting.
But the discussion was dominated by a few experts who are staunch supporters of handwashing and felt it must be emphasized over aerosols, according to some participants, and the committee’s advice remained unchanged.
Dr. Morawska and others pointed to several incidents that indicate airborne transmission of the virus, particularly in poorly ventilated and crowded indoor spaces. They said the W.H.O. was making an artificial distinction between tiny aerosols and larger droplets, even though infected people produce both.
“We’ve known since 1946 that coughing and talking generate aerosols,” said Linsey Marr, an expert in airborne transmission of viruses at Virginia Tech.
Scientists have not been able to grow the coronavirus from aerosols in the lab. But that doesn’t mean aerosols are not infective, Dr. Marr said: Most of the samples in those experiments have come from hospital rooms with good air flow that would dilute viral levels. In most buildings, she said, “the air-exchange rate is usually much lower, allowing virus to accumulate in the air and pose a greater risk.”
The W.H.O. also is relying on a dated definition of airborne transmission, Dr. Marr said. The agency believes an airborne pathogen, like the measles virus, has to be highly infectious and to travel long distances.
People generally “think and talk about airborne transmission profoundly stupidly,” said Bill Hanage, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
“We have this notion that airborne transmission means droplets hanging in the air capable of infecting you many hours later, drifting down streets, through letter boxes and finding their way into homes everywhere,” Dr. Hanage said.

Precautionary principle

The W.H.O. has found itself at odds with groups of scientists more than once during this pandemic.
The agency lagged behind most of its member nations in endorsing face coverings for the public. While other organizations, including the C.D.C., have long since acknowledged the importance of transmission by people without symptoms, the W.H.O. still maintains that asymptomatic transmission is rare.
“At the country level, a lot of W.H.O. technical staff are scratching their heads,” said a consultant at a regional office in Southeast Asia, who did not wish to be identified because he was worried about losing his contract. “This is not giving us credibility.”
The consultant recalled that the W.H.O. staff members in his country were the only ones to go without masks after the government there endorsed them.
Many experts said the W.H.O. should embrace what some called a “precautionary principle” and others called “needs and values” — the idea that even without definitive evidence, the agency should assume the worst of the virus, apply common sense and recommend the best protection possible.
“There is no incontrovertible proof that SARS-CoV-2 travels or is transmitted significantly by aerosols, but there is absolutely no evidence that it’s not,” said Dr. Trish Greenhalgh, a primary care doctor at the University of Oxford in Britain.
“So at the moment we have to make a decision in the face of uncertainty, and my goodness, it’s going to be a disastrous decision if we get it wrong,” she said. “So why not just mask up for a few weeks, just in case?”
After all, the W.H.O. seems willing to accept without much evidence the idea that the virus may be transmitted from surfaces, she and other researchers noted, even as other health agencies have stepped back emphasizing this route.
“I agree that fomite transmission is not directly demonstrated for this virus,” Dr. Allegranzi, the W.H.O.’s technical lead on infection control, said, referring to objects that may be infectious. “But it is well known that other coronaviruses and respiratory viruses are transmitted, and demonstrated to be transmitted, by contact with fomite.”
The agency also must consider the needs of all its member nations, including those with limited resources, and make sure its recommendations are tempered by “availability, feasibility, compliance, resource implications,” she said.
Aerosols may play some limited role in spreading the virus, said Dr. Paul Hunter, a member of the infection prevention committee and professor of medicine at the University of East Anglia in Britain.
But if the W.H.O. were to push for rigorous control measures in the absence of proof, hospitals in low- and middle-income countries may be forced to divert scarce resources from other crucial programs.
“That’s the balance that an organization like the W.H.O. has to achieve,” he said. “It’s the easiest thing in the world to say, ‘We’ve got to follow the precautionary principle,’ and ignore the opportunity costs of that.”
In interviews, other scientists criticized this view as paternalistic. “‘We’re not going to say what we really think, because we think you can’t deal with it?’ I don’t think that’s right,” said Don Milton, an aerosol expert at the University of Maryland.
Even cloth masks, if worn by everyone, can significantly reduce transmission, and the W.H.O. should say so clearly, he added. Several experts criticized the W.H.O.’s messaging throughout the pandemic, saying the staff seems to prize scientific perspective over clarity.
“What you say is designed to help people understand the nature of a public health problem,” said Dr. William Aldis, a longtime W.H.O. collaborator based in Thailand. “That’s different than just scientifically describing a disease or a virus.”
The W.H.O. tends to describe “an absence of evidence as evidence of absence,” Dr. Aldis added. In April, for example, the W.H.O. said, “There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from Covid-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection.”
The statement was intended to indicate uncertainty, but the phrasing stoked unease among the public and earned rebukes from several experts and journalists. The W.H.O. later walked back its comments.
In a less public instance, the W.H.O. said there was “no evidence to suggest” that people with H.I.V. were at increased risk from the coronavirus. After Joseph Amon, the director of global health at Drexel University in Philadelphia who has sat on many agency committees, pointed out that the phrasing was misleading, the W.H.O. changed it to say the level of risk was “unknown.” But W.H.O. staff and some members said the critics did not give its committees enough credit.
“Those that may have been frustrated may not be cognizant of how W.H.O. expert committees work, and they work slowly and deliberately,” Dr. McLaws said.
Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, the W.H.O.’s chief scientist, said agency staff members were trying to evaluate new scientific evidence as fast as possible, but without sacrificing the quality of their review. She added that the agency will try to broaden the committees’ expertise and communications to make sure everyone is heard.
“We take it seriously when journalists or scientists or anyone challenges us and say we can do better than this,” she said. “We definitely want to do better.”
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Ideas for actual silver sinks

  1. There have been people sitting next to bank chests offering gambling services for god knows how long. We all know they're rigged, so why not have an actual "tavern" building in the cities run by AI so people could actually gamble... Casinos are already an irl silver sink, just add it to the game already.
  2. If there was a way to pay to reset reputation, or pay off your "bounty", I'd be broke. There's so much more action in the red zones than in the outlands, maybe because the outlands are incredibly large.. I remember when F2P launched, and it was only Anglia/Cumbria/Mercia. That was action central, so much fun.
  3. Castle wars. Fuck arena, scrap it. Two castles. RuneScape style. 20v20. Queue at the city. Don't make it completely full loot, respawns, yadda yadda like arena, but once the winners "win", losers can't respawn and once they die they lose their shit. You could make it cool maybe like the ending to Titanfall games, where the losers get a chance to escape (with their gear). Fuck I get excited thinking about how fucking awesome that would be. How is this a silver sink? More people queue for the new replacement for arena, more gear gets trashed, etc. Might be more relevant now since the games moving towards larger scale fights for terries. 5v5 is slowly becoming less relevant, but not less meaningful since they've mentioned the effects of the new cgvg mechanics.
I admit the last two might generate some contention but fuck do I want the Albion reimagining of Castle wars with a full loot twist.
If y'all have any more silver sink ideas, post em below. Thanks for reading!
submitted by BeeRye93 to albiononline [link] [comments]

Labor versus Machine - a brief history

Labour ain't gonna take this lying down...
Points from a WSJ article sidebar plus some extras:
...Vespasian considers a proposal submitted by the mechanicus for a job of transportation up the Capitoline hill. The bid is low and the individual who has proposed it presumably will be awarded the job. As a part of the proposal, the mechanicus apparently intends to make use of a labor-saving device designed to make the project easier, that is, less labor-intensive and therefore less expensive. Vespasian rejects the proposal on the grounds that it will deny the plebs an opportunity to work for pay. [Rome and her monuments: Essays on the city and literature of Rome in Honor..., p212, Susan D Martin]
1397 & 1412 Cologne
In 1397, for example, when tailors protested, the city of Cologne banned the use of machines that automatically pressed pin-heads. And in 1412, in response to resistance by silk spinners' guild to the adoption of a silk-twisting mill, the city declared that "many persons who earn their bread in the guild in this town would fall into poverty, for which reason the town council agreed that neither this mill nor in general any similar mill shall be made or erected, either now or in future." [The Technology Trap: Capital, Labor, and Power in the Age of Automation, Carl Benedikt Frey, p49]
Gutenberg’s printing press drew protests from Italian professional writers in Genoa in 1472, German card makers in Augsburg in 1473 and French stationers in Lyons in 1477. [WSJ - ibid]
No craftsman whall think up or devise any new invention, or make use of such a thing, but rather each man shall, out of citizenly and brotherly love, follow his nearest and his neighbour, and practise his craft without harming another's. -Edict of the King of Poland to resolve conflicts in the town of Thorn/Torun, 1523 [The European Guilds: An Economic Analysis, p438, Shellagh Ogilivie]
1495 & 1551
  1. The Gig Mill and Shearing Frame - The introduction of machinery into the dressing of cloth aroused dissension as early as the fifteenth century. A Statute of 1495 forbade shearmen to use "instruments of iron" in place of "the broad shears" and a Statute of 1551 prohibited "gig mills" for raising the nap. The latter prohibition does not appear to have taken effect, or Charles I. found occasion to issue a proclamation against them, and a Report on the Decay of the Cloth Industry, dated 1640, alluding to the frequent use of gig mills, "now called mozing mills, for avoiding the penalties of law," states that these "engines" still required to be suppressed in Gloucestershire "about Stroudwater." A writer in 1803 remarks that the gig mill had been employed in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire for dressing white cloth "longer than anyone can remember," although no strict proof could be adduced to identify this machine - which contained a cylinder covered by teasles - with that mentioned in Edward VI.'s Statute. The saving of labour was said to be very considerable, a machine managed by one man and two boys doing the work of eighteen men and six boys. [The History of Woollen and Worsted Industries, Ephraim Lipson, p188-189]
[William] Lee was a curate at Calverton when he is said to have developed the machine because a woman whom he was courting showed more interest in knitting than in him (or alternatively that his wife was a very slow knitter). His first machine produced a coarse wool, for stockings. Refused a patent by Queen Elizabeth I, he built an improved machine that increased the number of needles per inch from 8 to 20 and produced a silk of finer texture, but the queen again denied him a patent because of her concern for the employment security of the kingdom's many hand knitters whose livelihood might be threatened by such mechanization. The queen said to Lee: "Thou aimest high, Master Lee. Consider thou what the invention could do to my poor subjects. It would assuredly bring to them ruin by depriving them of employment, thus making them beggars." Most likely the Queen’s concern was a manifestation of the hosiers’ guilds' fear that the invention would make the skills of its artisan members obsolete. [Wikipedia)]
The white-bakers shall completely refrain from all innovation in baking as it is customarily practised in the town - Ordinance of the Middle Rhine bakers' guild federation 1604 [The European Guilds: An Economic Analysis, p439, Shellagh Ogilivie]
King Charles I of England banned the casting of buckets, suggesting it might ruin the livelihoods of the craftsmen who were still making buckets the traditional way.
If a cloth-weaver intends to process a piece according to his own invention, he must not set it on the loom but should obtain permission from the judges of the town to employ the number and length of the threads that he desires, after the question has been considered by four of the oldest merchants and four of the oldest weavers of the gild. -Woolen-weavers' Statute Amiens 1666 [The European Guilds: An Economic Analysis, p439, Shellagh Ogilivie]
In Limehouse, on May 10th 1768: Charles Dingley’s wind-powered Sawmill was burnt down by 500 sawyers who claimed it was putting them out of work.
This was a highly organised act; decided on collectively beforehand. When the sawyers marched on the Mill, Christopher Robertson, Dingley’s clerk, confronted the crowd and asked them what they wanted. “They told me the saw-mill was at work when thousands of them were starving for want of bread. I then represented to them that the mill had done no kind of work that had injured them, or prevented them receiving any benefit. I desired to know which was their principal man to whom I might speak. I had some conversation with him and represented to him that it had not injured the sawyers. He said it partly might be so, but it hereafter would if it had not; and they came with a resolution to pull it down, and down it should come.”
The mill, the first steam-powered sawmill to open in London, had been operating since early 1767, but the installation of new machinery there during a slack period in the trade when large numbers of sawyers were out of work pushed them into action. [Rebel History Calendar]
...infuriated woollens workers from the nearby textile town of Darnetal estimated at 200-300 strong broke through the picket of royal troops charged with guarding the bridges over the Seine River. Arriving in the manufacturing faubourg of Saint-Sever, these hand workers destroyed or burned English and English-style machines in the district's warren of workshops and proto-factories. The large and newly formed establishment of Debourges and Calonne & Company, which made cotton velours, was invaded by 300-400, who had to break down the heavy wooden front door with paving stones to get at the machines. Thirty machines were demolished and the cording section of the enterprise sacked before the firm's own workers repelled the mob with weapons distributed by the owners...Despite such spirited defense of new machinery, hundred of spinning jennies and a number of recently constructed carding machines were wrecked before the city's militia arrived to confront the crowds. Five were killed in the clash... Martial law was declared after another series of riots in Rouen and Sotteville led by artisans... machine breaking took place in Lourviers... Violence spilled northward into Picardy. Machines were destroyed widely in and around the woollens center of Abbeville where still English competition after 1786 had agitated a formerly docile, rurally based manufacturing labor force.
Popular unrest in northwestern France often featured intermittent machine-breaking. In July 1789, such activity was closely related to food shortages and to dissatisfaction with the political leadership of the city of Rouen. However, by October, according to a respected member of Rouen's legal community, artisanal mobilization stemmed almost exclusively from hatred of "the machines used in cotton-spinning that have deprived many workers of their jobs."
[The Path Not Taken: French Industrialization in the Age of Revolution, 1750-1830, p108-109]
Kaiser Francis I blocked the construction of new factories in Vienna and banned the importation and adoption of new machinery until 1811. When plans were put before him for the construction of a steam railroad, he responded: “No, no, I will have nothing to do with it, lest the revolution might come into the country.”
The Luddite movement—named after a supposed Leicester stockinger’s apprentice named Ned Ludham who responded to his master’s reprimand by taking a hammer to a stocking frame—began with the destruction of machines in the British lace and hosiery trades. Over the next few years the Luddites generally destroyed only machines that they considered innovations or that threatened employment. The British government took an increasingly stern view of any attempt to halt the force of technology and deployed troops against the rioters.
The Swing Riots were a widespread uprising in 1830 by agricultural workers in southern and eastern England, in protest of agricultural mechanisation and other harsh conditions. It began with their destruction of threshing machines in the Elham Valley area of East Kent in the summer of 1830, and by early December had spread throughout the whole of southern England and East Anglia.
The first threshing machine was destroyed on Saturday night, 28 August 1830 and, by the third week of October, more than 100 threshing machines had been destroyed in East Kent. As well as attacking the popularly hated threshing machines, which displaced workers, the protesters rioted over low wages and required tithes, destroying workhouses and tithe barns associated with their oppression. They also burned ricks and maimed cows.
The rioters directed their anger at the three targets identified as causing their misery: the tithe system, requiring payments to support the established Anglican Church; the Poor Law guardians, who were thought to abuse their power over the poor; and the rich tenant farmers who had been progressively lowering workers' wages while introducing agricultural machinery. If captured, the protesters faced charges of arson, robbery, riot, machine breaking and assault. Those convicted faced imprisonment, transportation, and possibly execution.
The Swing Riots had many immediate causes. Prof. J. F. C. Harrison believed that they were overwhelmingly the result of the progressive impoverishment and dispossession of the English agricultural workforce over the previous fifty years, leading up to 1830. In parliament Lord Carnarvon had said that the English labourer was reduced to a plight more abject than that of any race in Europe, with their employers no longer able to feed and employ them.
The name "Swing Riots" was derived from Captain Swing, the fictitious name often signed to the threatening letters sent to farmers, magistrates, parsons, and others. He was regarded as the mythical figurehead of the movement.('Swing' was apparently a reference to the swinging stick of the flail used in hand threshing). The Swing letters were first mentioned by The Times newspaper on 21 October 1830.
Elias Grove’s wheat-threshing machine was destroyed in a fire in Baltimore. Ten days later a letter arrived with a warning: “Mr. Grove: You will stop your other machine or next will be your life. We intend to stop steam threshing. We do not get enough work through the Winter and Summer.” A number of U.S. farmers had received similar threatening letters in the 1870s.
The introduction of machinery in La Ferme cigarette factory led to a serious riot Saturday. The employes, who believed that the use of machinery would throw many of them out of work, smashed the machines and hurled the fragments out of the widows. They also threw a large quantity of cigarettes and manufactured tobacco into the streets. The police, aided by firemen and headed by the prefects, suppressed the riot and arrested a great number of the employes and their sympathizers, who aided them in the demolition of the machinery ana the destruction of other property. [San Francisco Call, Volume 78, Number 178, 25 November 1895]
The administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt tried to slow the pace of mechanization. Of the 280 regulations issued by the National Recovery Administration, 36 included restrictions on the installation of new machines.
Members of the Culinary Union in Las Vegas voted to authorize a strike if contract negotiations with casino operators failed to address concerns including job security and retraining regarding automation. “We support innovations that improve jobs, but we oppose automation when it only destroys jobs,’” said Geoconda Argüello-Kline, the union’s secretary-treasurer. A strike of 50,000 workers was averted with agreements that set goals regarding technology and automation for worker retention, job training, advance notice of implementation and severance packages
(recommended reading "The Technology Trap: Capital, Labor, and Power in the Age of Automation", Carl Benedickt Frey, 2019)
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Superbowl 53: The Goat vs the Ram and the Future of America #RiseUp

Superbowl 53: The Goat vs the Ram and the Future of America #RiseUp
I had this very long post that was going to be part 2 about Atlantis and this was going to be part 3 since this deserves its own post but after it was almost finished, my power went out briefly and I lost the entire thing. So I've been recovering from that loss to say the least as I had made some amazing connections in the process of writing it as is what usually happens to me and I hope I can remember them all so I can rewrite it after this. Since the Superbowl is today, this should have already been out so I am doing this first.

Superbowl LIII (53) is today and that means millions of eyeballs and consciousnesses will all be focused on a single event. Seems like a good time to harvest that energy into something doesn't it? If you've ever been to a football game, especially one with a rabid fanbase, you can almost feel the energy of the stadium with the ups and downs of the game. Players will speak about this as well, getting fueled by the crowd. If this is the case, then could something else be fueled by all that energy as well? Maybe something not so obvious and on the surface as the game going on right in front of everyone?

Superbowl 53: The New England Patriots vs The Los Angles Rams. Taking place on February 3rd, 2019 at Mercedez Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia. The more I discover the less I believe in coincidences. So is it any coincidence that this entire Superbowl relates to so many things I have talked about on here? Atlanta being an obvious allusion to Atlantis. A city rife with phoenix symbolism, rising from the ashes. The Falcons akin to a phoenix and the Egyptian god Horus. They even have a female football team called Phoenix. What does the phoenix at its core represent? Death and rebirth. Transformation. Moving from one area to the next with the idea of shedding the old and bringing in the new. There is also a number strongly correlated with this idea as well. The number 8. The ourobrous, infinity, the snake eating itself, DNA, beginning and end, alpha and omega. It just so happens that this Superbowl is full of 8's.

Superbowl 53
5 + 3 = 8

February 3rd, 2019
02/03/2019 = 2 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 9 = 17 (Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet aka Qanon) = 1 + 7 = 8

These teams first Superbowl against each other was in the 2002, 17 years ago.

The stadium the game is being played in, Mercedes Benz Stadium, has a dome with 8 points in the form of a lotus flower, opening up like some kind of portal to another world.

There's also another 8 that seems to make this all the more significant. A chapter from the Old Testament. Daniel 8. The Goat vs The Ram.

Daniel’s Vision of a Ram and a Goat

Since it's obvious which team represents the Ram in this story, how would the Patriots represent the goat? Tom Brady. Often referred to as the greatest of all time or the GOAT. This isn't just an off the cuff nickname either, it's thrown around quite often to the point of there being several depictions as him as a goat and the Patriots logo itself.

We want 666

Tom Brady and the Patriots themselves are known for being cheaters (I have no opinion, I don't really watch football) yet they continue to win. So how does this relate to anything meaningful going on the real world? Who might the goat and the ram represent? Tom Brady is a known Trump supporter. Trump and the Patriots might as well be permanently linked. People even love to hate the Patriots, especially now that Trump is linked to them. Trump even has huge problems with California making this even more interwoven with him personally. And just like in the story, one is from the west and the other is from the east. Although I believe they are switched here. Trump is also a cheater who continues to win all the time.

"The goat became very great"
"It prospered in everything it did and truth was thrown to the ground"

Make America Great Again? Greatest of all Time?

This chapter is obviously a different expanded on version of the previous chapter about the 4 kingdoms, the last one being made of iron with feet mixed with clay. The "little horn" spoken about in both of these is Trump. He is also strongly correlated to the number 8 which I have shown many times. Trump = 88 in simple gematria. The little horn (the little baron Trump anyone?) refers to the star Regulus, Trumps star. Regulus means "little king" in Latin. It is one of 4 "Royal" stars and it is the ruler. These 4 stars represent the 4 seasons with Regulus representing spring. Regulus is at the base of what is considered the sickle of the constellation Leo. Which is also known as the heart of the lion.

Spring is the time of renewal. The death of winter and the birth of new life comes with Spring. Easter, which celebrates the death and resurrection of Christ, takes place in Spring. It's also in the Zodiac sign of Aries, the Ram, the god of war. Known as Mars in Rome. In the theme of Atlantis Rising, is this a symbolic version of Hercules taking on the 3 headed Ram? Hercules was associated with a few different satyrs, half man goat creatures. The Disney movie Hercules features this prominently. There's even a pretty bizarre connection to Hercules directly related to this Superbowl.

The site also contains fragments of a colossal partly stone statue, identified as Hercules, and estimated to have been over 12 m (39 ft) tall. It was probably destroyed in an earthquake. All that remains are three fingers and an elbow.

All that remains are three fingers and an elbow.

Superbowl eL(bow) III

LIII could also be a reference to the name for god El and the Christ IH monogram III, H-K, wall, 8, and even humanity itself. The Lombardi trophy in the middle acting like the flaming trident fusing the 2 together. Merging of the 2 worlds. Now which world are we merging with exactly? The one known as heaven or the one known as hell? L is also the 12th letter of the alphabet making another translation of LIII = 33. Fitting that there is an arch or gate right next to the remains of the statue. Tom Brady's jersey number is also 12.

Rise up. The Atlanta Falcons slogan for the past couple of years. Very appropriate for a city full of Phoenix imagery and named after Atlantis. What exactly is rising? And if that stadium is any indication, are we above the dome and its opening below us or are we inside the dome and its opening above us? Revelation speaks about a bottomless pit opening up and an army of locusts coming out with a king named Abaddon/Apollyon aka The Destroyer. In Hindu mythology, this is just 1 out of 3 aspects for certain gods. The creator, maintainer and destroyer. One of these gods being Shiva. The god prominently featured in statue form at CERN. Is CERN summoning up Abaddon who many believe to also be the true Antichrist known by many names throughout history. Such as Osiris, Nimrod, Apollo, and a plethra of other known gods?
There are a few different ancient "day of the dead" type festivals in the coming months. Samhain is an ancient Gaelic festival of the dead that was celebrated the same as Halloween. This is thought to be the festival that a lot these Halloween type holidays are actually based on. The date and meaning for which has been changed and shifted around a lot but one of these dates has caught my eye as its right in the middle of 2 dates I think are going to be very important this year. April 19th, 20th and the 21st. Passover, All Saints Day for the Irish and Easter.

Passover is the day in which the Jewish people celebrate their god Yahweh rescuing them from Egypt by killing the first born sons. In order to not be killed themselves, they were told to wipe lamb's blood on their doors so that this angel of death would "passover" them. Well Aries, the Ram, just so happens to be the first sign in the zodiac. Since I have identified Yahweh with the ram (I think he's many things and even this goat vs ram is something akin to pro wrestling and a case where you hope they both end up killing each other as neither are a good choice) it would make sense that the "lords sacrifice" would be handed over to the goat after he kills the ram. Are we also about to have another Exodus type event here in America as well?

I had also predicted Prince Harry and Meghan's baby to be born during this weekend back in October. Twins where one would die and the other would be a red headed female. If this does indeed happen (with the twins), we may never even know as I doubt they would tell us but something else about this that could relate to the book of Revelations.

Revelation 12 New International Version (NIV)

The Woman and the Dragon
12 A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.2 She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. 4 Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. 5 She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.” And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne. 6 The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.

Is Meghan the woman in this story? Are one of the twins this male child? The Greek meaning for "caught/snatched up" means "to seize, snatch, obtain by robbery. From a derivative of haireomai; to seize. So its saying that God stole this woman's baby. Afterwards, the dragon gets cast down to earth and tries to drown the woman in a river but she is saved and goes into the wilderness. Oddly enough, we never hear of this woman again and never find out who she is. This story actually makes no sense under any lens. First Satan, the dragon, was said to be cast out at the beginning of creation. Second, the prevailing idea is that the woman is Mary and the Baby is Jesus but this makes no sense either. Jesus always existed (I'm just going by what the Bible says for sake of argument) and if this was him being born on Earth, then it completely contradicts the Gospels. This story is completely out of line with the entire Bible. Unless this is the recycling of the Messiah process. Meaning every so many years, a new messianic figure is born to "save" the people and become that generations hero. You can see this throughout many myths. This would also contradict the entire Bible but its the only thing that makes sense to me.

This story of 2 factions of non-human being fighting over the earth using their sons goes all the back to ancient Hittite stories where one is a giant rock god who even comes out of the sea like one of the beasts in Revelations. A male child being snatched up to heaven would also be in line with Passover and killing of the first born son. 4/19 is the day the American Revolution began in 1775 with an American victory in Concord during the battles of Lexington and Concord. With the Patriots being from Boston, home of Plymouth Rock, this entire Superbowl is overflowing with the death/rebirth motif.

April 20th will be the 130th birthday of Hitler and the 20th anniversary of the infamous school shooting known simply as Columbine. A columbine is a dove or a pigeon. Like the spirit of God that descended on Jesus when he was baptized in the Bible. This is also the Irish All Saints Day which is just a Christianized version of the Ancient Celtic festival Samhain moved to this date to avoid any associations with it. Samhain has all sorts of crazy stories attached to it, many relevant to what we may actually see in the future as well as to the story of Hercules and Atlantis. This was the time of the year thought to be where spirits from other worlds would come into ours to interact with us us in various ways. Some good and some bad. There's stories of child sacrifices, ritualized killings of kings, people having visions of the future, and the idea that someone would be killed to "mark the occasion by persons unknown." There's even a story about a king meeting his death after breaking certain taboos and he is forewarned of his incoming fate by 3 undead horsemen who were sent by the god of the dead. Who just so happens to be named Donn. There just so happens to be a depiction of 3 "horsemen" etched into the side of whats called Stone Mountain near Atlanta. Depictions of Stonewall Jackson, Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis.
In relation to Hercules, Samhain marks the beginning of a story called "Cattle Raid of Cooley".There's also another festival whos actual date would only be a week or so later called Beltane.
According to 18th century writers, in parts of Scotland there was another ritual involving the oatmeal cake. The cake would be cut and one of the slices marked with charcoal. The slices would then be put in a bonnet and everyone would take one out while blindfolded. According to one writer, whoever got the marked piece would have to leap through the fire three times. According to another, those present would pretend to throw him into the fire and, for some time afterwards, they would speak of him as if he were dead. This "may embody a memory of actual human sacrifice", or it may have always been symbolic. A similar ritual (i.e. of pretending to burn someone in the fire) was practised at spring and summer bonfire festivals in other parts of Europe
Since 1988, a Beltane Fire Festival has been held every year during the night of 30 April on Calton Hill in Edinburgh, Scotland. While inspired by traditional Beltane, this festival is a modern arts and cultural event which incorporates myth and drama from a variety of world cultures and diverse literary sources.

Spring seems to be full of ancient festivals involving sacrifice, including men and children.

April 21st will be Easter. The celebration of Jesus's resurrection from dead. The "rebirth" part of the cycle in the meaning behind the number 8. It'll have been 3 years since this tombstone was put in Central Park in New York.
I have predicted that Trump would be assassinated around this date. (read this link for an in depth explanation about this) Now the question is, will this assassination be successful or will he survive this attempt on his life and use it to enact certain measures that allow him to take more power? What if he receives "a deadly head wound but did live" like the Beast from the Sea in the book of Revelation is said to have and he seems to have magically been "resurrected" like Jesus? You see that rock formation directly behind the tomb? Ever since I saw this picture, that formation has caught my attention. I don't know if Trump will be the one who emerges but if the movie "The Gate" is any indication, killing Trump would possibly open up these so called portals or gates to other worlds and allow certain beings to come fully through. And where could this possibly happen?

Well the first and obvious choice is Antarctica. The Hollow Earth theory, which is very prevalent in these Masonic predictive movies and books, says that at the poles, are giant tunnels leading to the inside of the earth with all sorts of beings inside. Antarctica is currently thawing out right now and they just discovered a giant void deep down underneath the ice. Keeping with the idea that a lot of the Bible is inverted, what if hell isn't really fire? How exactly do you "bound" beings with chains into a land of fire? If these are spirits, how would fire even hurt them and if they're biological, the fire would eventually kill them. What state could you bound a biological entity in where they wouldn't die but they couldn't escape either. You know the common saying "When hell freezes over"? Maybe thats the joke, hell already is frozen over because thats what hell is, being frozen in ice, trapped in your body neither alive or dead. Apparently freezing yourself for a future date is becoming more and more a realistic option. There's a TV show from the 60s where this idea becomes very relevant.

The Avengers - S06E16 - Invasion of the Earthmen (1969 TV Show)
Following up a clue found on a dead agent Steed and Miss King pose as a married couple, enabling them to infiltrate the Alpha Academy, where they claim they wish to enroll their 'son'. The academy is run by Brigadier Brett and is supposedly for youngsters who possess super-intelligence but it is in reality a training ground for a force who seek not global but extra-terrestrial domination.

Pence: "As President Trump has said in his words, it is not enough to have merely an American presence in space, we must have American DOMINANCE in space".

The character in the show simply goes by "Trump". Although he seems to be the main guy under the leader, he doesn't do or say much. Here is an interesting conversation in the episode with the leader. Which is probably the only interesting part of this entire episode.

Miss King: "Just how do you plan on reaching the stars?"
Brigadier Brett: "Both East and West are competing like school boys to create methods of space transportation. When the means are available, I shall lead my armies into these new worlds and colonize them."
Miss King: "Your army?"
"My army of astronauts, astronaut soldiers to be precise."
"To wage war on other astronauts?"
"To wipe them out.I will invade the new territories out there, while this world makes formal protests and looks at the rule books."
"It's happened before."
"Exactly, Miss King."
"It may be 50 years before space travel is made that easy. Your army will be old by then."
"Cryobiology Miss King. We have perfected the deep freezing of human tissues.

AIR DATE: 01-15-69 + 50 years = 1-15-2019
Interesting how Antarctica is currently unthawing and all the speculation of what we're going to find in there.
There is a giant snake that tries to eat people in the show and their symbol is a lighting bolt in a yellow circle. Sort of like the Nazi SS but with just one S. Their own people also "hunt" each other.

I have located somewhere else that could be of significance as to where a "gate" could open up. Las Vegas. Which is strongly correlated with the Giza pyramids and even Atlantis. It has its own pyramid, a very large one complete with a Sphinx and an obelisk. The one Trump's golden tower is aligned with.
The infamous Vegas shooting happened right across the street from the Luxor Hotel exactly 70 weeks ago. 490 days. The shooter was on the 32nd floor and the event he shot up was called the Route 91 Harvest. The Superbowl is 2/3/19

I discovered this by complete chance on several different levels but its too specific to not mean something.

These are both mirrored images. One of a random picture of Trumps tower in Vegas, the other a part of a map of Vegas that I mirrored one day just messing around. Thought it looked like one of the Koopas from Super Mario World and didn't think anything of it again until I opened up the Trump tower picture by accident and realized that not only do they look almost they exact same, it looks like the slanted H shape could represent 2 pillars. Like the pillars of Hercules.
I think came across this picture again, by complete accident and noticed they both had a circle at the top of their heads and then I knew there had to be something to this so I went searching for the area of the map to see what I could find.

And here we have GATEway Canyon. Right next to Cannibal Crag, Guardian Angel and Hot Tub Club which just makes me think of Hot Tub Time Machine. Gateway Canyon is apart of Turtlehead mountain. Turtles have a very significant symbolic meaning to all of this. Hermes killed a turtle and made a Lyre out of its shell.
In the far east, the turtles shell was a symbol of heaven and the square underside was a symbol of Earth. This meant that the turtle was an animal whose magic united heaven and Earth.
In the west, early Christians viewed turtles as a symbol of evil forces during war.
African - The turtle originated ju ju and appears in fertility rites. It represents the feminine to the serpent's masculine power.
Greco - As the feminine power of the waters, the turtle was an emblem of Aphrodite/Venus in Greco-Roman myth.
Native American - The totem symbolizes the relation between the tribe and it's ancestors. Human and animal figures are sculpted on a trunk and offerings are made to these sacred totems.
The Ojibwa, Saulteaux, Cree, and Iroquois people view the turtle as a symbol of Mother Earth and referred to the continent of North America as Turtle Island. They viewed the hard outer shell, which protects a living being, as an analogy to their mother, the Earth, also a living entity.
For the Aztecs, turtles were a symbol of cowardice and boastfulness. Hard outwardly but soft inwardly.
The turtle is a creature of two elements, Earth and water. The people of the Turtle Clan share an affinity with both. They enjoy helping things grow, both plants and people, yet require freedom to do their own things, as the turtle has its freedom in the water.
Turtles will often leave a pool or pond before a draught arrives. This is a warning of a change in climate.

Well, these are polar opposites in some cases but the turtle being some sort of messenger or bridge between us and the other dimensions seems to be strongly indicated here. With all the talks of droughts and climate change, the last one seems likely.
Then you have this plaque at the Hoover Dam which for some reason, looks exactly like the left mirrored side of Vatican Jesus coming out of the D-Wave logo. Construction started on the Hoover Dam in 1931. 88 years ago.

"They died to make the desert bloom"

The much talked about Oumuamua is from the Vega star system. If anybody thinks thats just another space rock, they're kidding themselves.
Calculating the exact path of 'Oumuamua took about a week. The math showed it was an object from beyond — way, way beyond. Its orbit was "unbound" or loop-less, and it was making a checkmark-shaped trip through the solar system. It had entered from above the plane of the solar system, dipped close to and below the sun, and was exiting out the top.

It's times like this when the reason I post what seem like completely irrelevant things becomes more clear. I noticed a theme of the goddess Nike so I posted a video about the history of the Nike swoosh. Since then, I found one randomly on top of a building in NY along the line where the HK splits Columbus circle (and no, its not a Nike store) and theres one in in the background of the mechanical display of the fall of Atlantis in a casino in Vegas. Then you can see how the logo for Aquaman relates to both as I had already thought that it looked like a ship passing over you as if you were underwater and it was on the surface of the water. Thats a statue of Nike in Paris called "Winged Victory of Samothrace". The yellow object next to it is apparently Nibryu. The person who came up with this design (no idea who or what exactly his logic was) claims that Nibryu is not a star or a planet but a spaceship and the source of what causes these Earth ending cataclysms. I'm just now making this connection and I don't think thats a coincidence either. The goddess of VICTORY riding a ship to battle in the same exact shape as the cataclysm causing ship of Nibryu? Who's victory is she symbolizing anyways exactly? And why is this associated with Atlantis? This goes back to the Economist 2019 cover. The Pot leaf over America that is really a Palm tree meaning Triumph or Victory.

There's actually a Star Trek episode about this very thing. This planet fears its the end of the world because this deity they made a deal with comes back and theres all sorts of earthquakes but Picard figures out theres a ship hidden thats causing the whole thing. That show is obviously run by people who know some secret knowledge. Undoubtedly this entire period we are in is being orchestrated by some outside force. There's an interesting AI entity in the Star Trek universe I read about on a Wiki once. Sounded a lot like our idea of god.

To tie this all back to the Superbowl....

A band called Maroon 5 will be playing the halftime game and apparently, they will be playing a song in the vein of Spongebob Sqaure Pants of all things. No I'm not kidding. This just got announced yesterday. Can anybody guess why (the real reason, not the one they'll tell us) or what song? The song is called...... Sweet VICTORY!

Maroon 5's Super Bowl 'SpongeBob' Tribute Looks Like It's Actually Happening

Spongebob Squarepants -Sweet Victory [Youtube[

And check out the hats they're wearing and compare it to the picture way below here, you'll know it when you see it.

So you know the song, now what is the real why? For Spongebob specifically? The one that the people doing this probably are't even aware of as I am not suggesting this is all planned out by human beings as some sinister plot. This is just oblivious script following 101. You just need to ask yourself one simple question. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS!. Pine apple. Under the sea. Pine as in pineal gland aka 3rd eye. Apple as in the common fruit associated with the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The pineapple itself is used visually because it looks just like a palm tree and has the Fibonacci sequence visibly on it. There's also a palm tree literally called the pineapple palm tree. And what do Palm trees signify? Triumph/Victory. And where is this pineapple? Under the sea....

The lead singers name is Adam Levine. His middle name is NOAH. He was a part of a show called "The Voice" which just perfectly brings something else around that I have been talking about for months. This bag full of things I received completely randomly several months ago. There was a card in it referencing this show with a silhouette of Christina Aguilera and it said "The Return of the Voice April 12 2005"
Superman's "real" name is Kal-El, it means voice of God. Kind of like it says Jesus is the word of God. Superman is also an alien from outer space. The 2 symbols for Jesus, the Lion and the Dove? Those have always been the symbols for the Sumerian goddess Inanna. The dove itself has ALWAYS been associated with female goddesses. 777 is a number that has been popping up so often for me lately its a bit over the top. Those 3 days in sequence seem to be immensely important. That doesn't necessarily mean earth shattering events will happen on exactly those days but we are on the edge of whatever major event I keep talking about that never seems to come but 4/20 weekend is a time I have been talking about for months as well and the last major date that I have really seen signs pointing towards.

If that wasn't enough, I said in the Economist 2019 post that palm trees were Baal symbolism because Baals temple is in Palmyra, meaning palm tree and it just seems to be the common usage. That sinister under the veil of harmlessness usage where no one notices. Like how they took that Arch of "Triumph" from Baal's temple on a world tour the past couple years. Well there just so happens to be something called Ball's Pyramid right off the coast of New Zealand. It's literally the shape of a Xenomorph head from Alien and I somehow downloaded a picture of Shiva right in front of it without realizing it for who knows how long.

This place was discovered and named after a man named Henry (theres that name again) Lidgbird Ball on Feburary 17th, 1788. 2/17/1788. 11-8 Q Trump. 2 = 11, 17 = 8, 17 = Q, the 17th letter of the alphabet aka Qanon. 88 = Trump in gematria. 11-8 being the day of the 2016 election. K-H or H-K. 11 X 8 = 88. You can't make this shit up. On top of that, if this place was named after this guy, how could it possibly be associated with Palmyra or Baal? Well here are a couple of pretty loose associations. It was first climbed in 1964 and the paper who reported on it used a certain word to describe it.


Triumph. Column 8 and the paper is in its 134th year of publication. 1+3+4=8. Ball's pyramid is apart of the 8th continent Zealandia. Donnie Darko, as I have laid out in other threads, is strongly associated with the times we're in. The numbers Frank give him to the "end of the world" add up to 88. Here he is wearing a shirt that says Tr(i)ump(h). This place is also home to a rare stick insect commonly called the "tree lobster". Lobsters are a common symbol used by the Satanist occult I believe for the symbolism of the claw which represents a multitude of things. Ball's pyramid is also the tallest volcano stack in the world.

How does any of this translate to any kind of "event"?

The LA Rams used to be the St Louis Rams not even 3 or 4 years ago. They went from the place of the Gateway to the West, to the City of Angels. During all those fires in Cali last year, the set for Westworld burned down along with a place called Paradise. There's a place called Paradise right next to Vegas as well. Something you would have already known had I not lost my post but I need to reveal it now or else this part won't make as much sense. The 2 pillars of Hercules that lead to Atlantis. What/Where are they? The statue of Colossus was mistakenly thought to have one leg on either side of the harbor it was in, like a gateway, his legs being the 2 pillars so to speak. Italy is right next to the Straight of Gibraltar and shaped like a leg, or a boot, which is what most people refer to it as. What other country might be shaped like it to match? New Zealand, where they just so happens to be what is now called the sunken 8th Continent of Zealandia.

I will delve more into this entire thing when I rewrite what was suppose to be Part 2 but the reason this is relevant is because of the "boot".

Poseidon was the ruler of Atlantis. He was the god of the sea, horses and earthquakes. Keeping with this whole "boot" theme, there just so happens to be a very prominent fault line along a "boot" in America. The New Madrid fault line right next to the boot hill in Missouri. This fault line runs all the way up to St Louis, former home of the Rams. Who moved to LA, onto another very prominent fault line, called the San Andreas. The Straight of Gibraltar, thought to be the pillars of Hercules, the mountains he "split in half". Well on one half you have Morocco in Africa. The other half you have Spain in Europe. The capital of Spain is MADRID.

A few closing notes about this. The QB for the Rams, his name is Jared Goff.

Jared is a given name of Biblical derivation, common mostly in North American English-speaking countries.
In the Book of Genesis, the biblical patriarch Jared was the sixth link in the ten pre-flood generations between Adam and Noah; he was the son of Mahalaleel and the father of Enoch, and lived 962 years (per Genesis 5:18). The biblical text in Jubilees implicitly etymologizes the name as derived from the root YRD "descend", because in his days "the angels of the Lord descended to earth". Alternative suggestions for the name's etymology include words for "rose" and for "servant".

Goff is a surname with several distinct origins, mainly Germanic, Celtic, Jewish, and French. It is the 946th most common family name in the United States. When the surname originates from England it is derived from an occupational name from German, Cornish and Breton. The German Goff means a godly person, a strong warrior, or a priest. The Breton goff means "smith" (cognate with Gaelic gobha). The English-originating surname is common in East Anglia, where it is of Breton origin. The Welsh name is a variant of the surname Gough, and is derived from a nickname for someone with red hair**.** The native Irish name is derived from a patronymic form of the Gaelic personal name Eochaidh/Eachaidh, which means "horseman"

A red haired godly smith who descended from heaven. Sounds exactly like the Hykos.

February 3rd is the 33rd day of the year. Atlanta is on the 33rd parallel and as I pointed out earlier, LIII could be 33. 4/21 will be 111 days from December 31st. 9/11 is also 111 days from 12/31. I noticed an odd numerical association with 9/11 and this upcoming 4/20 weekend.

Four passenger airliners operated by two major U.S. passenger air carriers (United Airlines and American Airlines)—all of which departed from airports in the northeastern United States bound for California—were hijacked by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists. Two of the planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, were crashed into the North and South towers, respectively, of the World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan. Within an hour and 42 minutes, both 110-story towers collapsed. Debris and the resulting fires caused a partial or complete collapse of all other buildings in the World Trade Center complex, including the 47-story 7 World Trade Center tower, as well as significant damage to ten other large surrounding structures. A third plane, American Airlines Flight 77, was crashed into the Pentagon (the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense) in Arlington County, Virginia, which led to a partial collapse of the building's west side. The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, was initially flown toward Washington, D.C., but crashed into a field in Stonycreek Township near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after its passengers thwarted the hijackers. 9/11 is the single deadliest terrorist attack in human history and the single deadliest incident for firefighters and law enforcement officers in the history of the United States, with 343 and 72 killed, respectively.
Two of the planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, were crashed into the North and South towers, respectively

2 planes. Flight 11 and 175. 1+7+5 = 13. America's favorite number

Within an hour and 42 minutes, both 110-story towers collapsed.

1+4+2 = 7 = completion

Two 110 story towers. 11 / 11

Debris and the resulting fires caused a partial or complete collapse of all other buildings in the World Trade Center complex, including the 47-story 7 World Trade Center tower, as well as significant damage to ten other large surrounding structures.

47 stories = 11

Damage to 10 other buildings. 10+1 = 11+ twin towers = 13, America's favorite number

A third plane, American Airlines Flight 77, was crashed into the Pentagon (the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense) in Arlington County, Virginia, which led to a partial collapse of the building's west side.


The Pentagon started construction to be built on 9/11/61, exactly 60 years prior to the attack. As well as being nicked named "ground zero" due to assumptions it would be the target during a nuclear attack.

The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, was initially flown toward Washington, D.C., but crashed into a field in Stonycreek Township near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after its passengers thwarted the hijackers.

The one plane that didn't fit the numerical pattern crashed in a place called SHANKsville and didn't make it to its destination.

9/11 is the single deadliest terrorist attack in human history and the single deadliest incident for firefighters and law enforcement officers in the history of the United States, with 343 and 72 killed, respectively.

343 = 1 and 72 = 9
9+1= 1

So how does this relate to anything? Passover and Easter will be on 4/20 weekend. 4/20/19 will be the 130th birthday of Hitler and the 20th year anniversary of the Columbine shootings. It will also be 3 years since that tombstone was put in Central Park with the Jesuit IHS logo in the middle of it.

So you have the 130 which equals 13, 20 which equals 11 and 3. 3 being the number of years since the Easter this tombstone was placed. Easter is about Jesus dying and then 3 days later, rising from the dead. The only plane that didn't fit the numerical pattern on 9/11 (13 and 11) was the number 3. It was headed toward the capital building apparently and it crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania due to the people on the plane taking action to stop the hijacking. 1600 Pennsylvania ave is the address of the White House. 1600 = 88 (Trump) which ultimately = 7

One more possible relation to all this. Space X "captured" their space craft named "Dragon" on 12/8 last year.
Dragon completed its first flight around the world 8 years ago today. Since then, Dragon has visited @Space_Station 16 times. Next year, SpaceX will take another important step with an upgraded Dragon capable of returning human spaceflight to the US for the first time since 2011.

8 years ago it took its first flight and its visited the space station 16 times. 8 & 8. It's called "Dragon". They "captured" it at exactly 4:21am, about a minute later, there is lightning and a thunderstorm on Earth that you can see behind the space craft. Easter is April 21st, 4/21.

So who will win todays Superbowl? The god of war or the scapegoat? Lets hope they both forfeit and call a truce because neither outcome could possibly be good for us as a nation.
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addresser adds adduce adduced Adelaide Adele Adenauer adenoidal adherance adhere adhered adherents adheres adhering adhesion adhesive adhesives Adidas adieu adios adjacently adjacents adjective adjectives adjoin adjoined adjoining adjoins adjourn adjourned adjourning adjournment adjudged adjudicate adjudicating adjudication adjudications adjudicator adjudicators adjunct adjuncts adjuration adjust adjustable adjusted adjuster adjusters adjusting adjustment adjustments adjusts adlib administer administered administering administers administrated administrates administrating administration administrations administrative administratively administratives administrator administrators administrivia admirable admirably admiral admirals admiralty admiration admire admired admirer admires admiring admiringly admission admissions admit admits admittance admitted admittedly admitting admittingly admonish admonished admonishment admonition admonitions admonitorily admonitory ado adolescent Adolphe 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aerobics Aeroflot aerosol aerosols Aeschylus Aesop afar afeared affix affixed affixes affixing Afghan Afghanistan aflame afloat afoot afore aforementioned aforesaid afoul afresh Africa African Africana Africans aft afterburners afternoon afternoons aftersales aftershave aftershocks afterthought afterward afterwards Aga Agamemnon agar Agassi Agatha Agathas age aged agedly ageing ageism ageist ageless agelessness agencies agency agenda agendas agent agentless agents ages Agfa Aggie agglomeration aggrandisement aggravated aggravates aggravating aggravation aggravations aggregatability aggregatable aggregate aggregated aggregates aggregating aggregation aggregations aggregators aggregrated aggregration aggressed aggresses aggressing aggression aggressions aggressive aggressively aggressiveness aggressor aggro aghast Agia Agia Napa agile agility Agip agleam aglimpse Agnes Agnew agnostic ago agonies agonising agonisingly agonizes agonizing agony agoraphobia agoraphobic agrarian agrichemicals aground Aguilera ah aha Ahab ahas ahead ahem ahh Ahmed ahoy Aida Aiello Aiken aikido ail ailed Aileen ailing ailment ailments ails Ailsa aim aimed aiming aimless aimlessly aims air airbag airborne airbrick airbricks airbrush airbrushed Airbus aircraft aircrash Aire aired Airedale airfare airfield airfoil airforce airgun airhead airheads airily airing airless airline airliner airliners airlines airlock airmail airmen airplane airplanes airplay airport airports airs airspace airstrikes airstrip airtight airtime airwaves airway airways airy aisle aisled aisles aitch Aiwa Ajax akin Akira Al Alabama alacrity Aladdin Alain Alan Alaric alarm alarmed alarming alarmingly alarmist alarmists alarms alas Alasdair Alaska Alaskan Albania Albanian Albanians Albans Albany albatross albedo albeit Albert Alberta Alberto Albertus Alboreto Albright album albums Albuquerque Alcatel Alcatraz alchemists alchemy alcohol alcoholic alcoholics alcoholism alcove alder Alderhey alderman Aldermaston Aldersgate Aldershot Alderton Aldgate Aldrin Aldus Aldwick Aldwych ale aleatory Aled alehouse aleph alert alertable alerted alerter alerters alerting alertness alerts ales Alesi Alessandro alewife Alex Alexa Alexander Alexandra Alexandria Alexandrian Alexandrine Alexei Alexey Alexis Alf Alfa alfalfa Alfred algae algebra algebraic algebraical algebraically algebraist algebraists Algeria Algerian Algernon Algiers ALGOL algorithm algorithmic algorithmically algorithms alibi Alice Alicia Alighieri align alignable aligned aligning alignment alignments aligns alike alimentary alimony Alisdair Alison Alistair Alister alkali alkaline alkalinity alkalis all Allah Allan allay allayed alledgedly allegation allegations allege alleged allegedly alleges allegiance allegiances alleging allegory allegro Allen Allentown allergens allergic allergies allergy alleviate alleviated alleviates alleviating alleviation alley alleys alleyway alleyways alliance alliances allied allies Alligata alligator alligators Allison alliteration allocate allocated allocates allocating allocation allocations allocator allocators allot alloted allotment allotments allotted allotting allow allowability allowable allowably allowance allowanced allowances allowancing allowed allowedly allowing allows alloy alloys allude alluded alludes alluding allure alluring allusion allusions ally allying alm Alma almanac almanack almanacs almost alms almshouse almshouses aloe aloft aloha alone aloneness alongs alongside aloof aloud Aloysius alpaca alpha alphabet alphabetic alphabetical alphabetically alphabeticals alphabetics alphabetised alphabets alphanumeric alphanumerical alphanumerically alphanumerics Alphonse Alresford Alsace Alsatians also Altavista altercations alternate alternated alternately alternates alternating alternation alternations alternative alternatively alternatives alternator alters although alto Altoids Alton Altrincham altruism altruistic altruistically alum aluminium aluminum alumni alumnus Alvin always Alyssa Alzheimer Alzheimerian am Amadeus amalgam amalgamate amalgamated amalgamation amalgamations Amanda Amanpreet Amati amaze amazed amazedly amazement amazes amazing amazingly Amazon ambassador ambassadors amber ambience ambient ambiguate ambiguities ambiguity ambiguous ambiguously ambition ambitions ambitious ambitiously ambivalence amble ambled ambler ambles Ambleside Ambra Ambrose ambulance ambulances ambulatory ambush ambushed Amelia Amelie ameliorate ameliorated ameliorating amelioration ameliorative amen amenable America American Americana Americanism Americanized Americans Amerigo Amersham amethyst Amiga Amigas amigo amigos Amin amity Amman ammonia ammonium amnesia amoeba amok amongs amongst amounted amounting amp Ampex amphetamine amply amps amputated amputation amputative amputees Amsterdam Amstrad Amtrak amulet amuse amused amusement amusements amuses amusing amusingly Amy an anabolic anachronism anachronistic anachronistically anaconda anaemia anaemic anaerobic anaesthesia anaesthetic anaglyph anagram anagrams anal analagous analgesics anally analog analyse analysed analyser analyses analysing analysis analyst analysts analytic analytical analytically analytics analyzable analyzation analyze analyzed analyzer analyzers analyzes analyzing anamorphically Ananova anarchic anarchist anarchistic anarchists anarchy Anastasia anasthetic anathema Anatole Anatolian Anatoly anatomic anatomical anatomically anatomies anatomist anatomy ancestor ancestors ancestral ancestrally ancestry anchor Anchorage anchored anchoring anchors anchovies anchovy ancient Anco and andante Anders Andersen Anderson Andersson Anderton Andes Andi Andorra Andover Andre Andrea Andreas Andretti Andrew Andrews Andrey Andries andromeda andromedae Andropov Andy anecdotal anecdote anecdotes Aneurin anew Anfield Angband angel Angela angelic Angelos Angelou Angharad Angie angina angler anglers Anglia Anglian angling Angmering Angola angostura angrier angrily angry angst Anguilla anguish anguished anguishes angular angularity angularly angulate angulated angulately angulates angulating angulation Angus animal animalistic animals animate animated animates animating animation animations animator animators animist animosity animus aniseed Anita Ankara ankle ankles Ann Anna Annabel Annabell Annabella Annabelle Annalee annals Anne annealed annealing Anneka Annemarie Annetta Annette annex annexe annexed annexes Annie annihilable annihilate annihilated annihilates annihilating annihilation annihilative annihilator anniversary Annmarie annoints annotate annotated annotates annotating annotation annotations annotator announce announced announcement announcements announcer announcers announces announcing annoy annoyance annoyances annoyed annoying annoyingly annoys annual annually annuity annul annulated annulled annulling annulment annuls annunciation anode anointing anomalies anomalous anomaly anon anorak anorexics another Ansaphone Anselm Anselmo ANSI answerers ant Antarctic Antarctica anteater anteaters antelope antenna antennae antennas Anthea anthem anthologies anthology Anthony anthropoid anthropoids anthropological anti antichrist anticlimax anticlogging anticompetitive antidependencies antidiarrheals antidote antidotes antiemetics antiflatulent antiflatulents antifungal antifungals antigen antigens Antigua antihistamines antihypertensives Antilles antimatter Antioch Antipodes antitoxins antitussives Antoinette Anton Antonia Antonin Antonio Antony antonym Antrim Antwerp Anubis anus anvil anvils anxieties anxiety anxious anxiously any anybody anyhow anything anythings anytime anyway anywhere Anzio AOL aorta Apache Apaches apart apartheid apathy ape aperiodic apes apex aphrodisiac aphrodite apiary apogee apolitical Apollo Apollon apology apostrophe apostrophes Appalachian appalled appalling appallingly Appaloosa apparatchiks apparatus apparel apparent apparently apparition appedices appellation appendicies appetising Appian applaud applauded applauding applause apple Appledram Appleman appoints appraisal appraisals appraise appraised appraising apprenticeship apprise apprised approbation approx apricot apricots April apron aprons apropos apse apt aptly Apu Apuldram aqua Aquafresh aquamarine aquarium aquariums Aquinas Arab arabesque Arabia Arabian Arabic Arabs arachnid arachnids arachnophilia Aramis Araya arbiter arbiters arbitrarily arbitrary Arbuckle arc arcade arcades arcadian arch archaeologist archer archers archery Archie archipelago archipelagous architect architected architecting architectress architects architectural architecturally architecture architectured architectures archivist archivists arcs Arctic Arden Ardennes are area areas Aretha Argentina Argentine Argentinian Argonaut Argonauts Argos arguably argumentative Argyleshire aria arias arid aridity Ariolasoft Aristophanes Aristotle arithmetics Arizona ark Arkansas Arlene Arlington Arlo armadillo Armagh Armand Armani Armco Armenia Armenian Armenians armistice armor armory armrest Arnault Arnie Arnold Arnoux aroma aromas aromatherapist aromatherapy arouses arousing arraignments Arrakis arrest arrogantly arrow arrowed arrowhead arrowheads arrowing arrows arrrrrrgh arse arsed arsehole arseholes arsenic arsenide Arsenio arsonist art arterial arteries artesian Artex artform arthritis Arthur articulates artifices artist artless Arturo Arun Arundel Arundle as asbestos asbestosis Ascari ascender ascenders Ascentia ASCII Ascot ascribes Ashby Ashford Ashley Ashton ashtray ashtrays Asia Asian Asians Asiatic aside asides Asimov asinine askance asked askew asking asks asp asphyxiation Aspinall aspirin aspiring aspirins asps Asquith ass assail assailable assailant assailants assailed assailing assails assassin assassinate assassinated assassinates assassination assassins assault assaulted assaulting assaults assorted assymetrical Astaire asterisk asterisked asterisks Asterix asteroid asteroids asthma asthmatic asthmatics Aston astral astronaut astronautic astronautical astronautically astronautics astronauts astronavigator astronavigators astronomer astronomers astronomic astronomical astronomy astrophysical astrophysicist astrophysics asymmetries asynchronicity at Atari Ataris atavism ate atheist Athelney Athena Athene Athens Athos Atkinson Atlanta Atlantic Atlantis atlas atmosphere atmospheric atoll atolls atonal Atreides atrium attacks attain attainable attainably attempt attemptable attempted attempter attempting attempts Attenborough attentively attenuations attenuator attenuators attest attestation attic attics attracting attraction attractions attractive attractively attractiveness attractor attractors attracts attributable attributably attribute attributed attributes attributing attribution attributions attributively attrition attune atypical Auberon Aubrey auburn Auckland Audi audible audience audiences audio Audiogenic Audioline audition Audrey augmentations august Augusta Augustus aunt auntie aunts aura aural Aureate aureole Auriol Aussie Aussies Austen austere austerity Austin Australasia Australia Australian Australians Australias Austria Austrian authenticability authenticatory author authored authorial authoring Auto Union autogenerating autoloads automatable automatons autopiloting autopilots autopsied autopsies autopsy autoregressive autoresizes autostarted autosuspend autotuning autowrapped availabilities avalanches Avalon avarice avaricious avebury avenger aviator avid avidly Avignon avocado Avon awakes awe awk ax axe axed axes Axminster Aykroyd Aylesbury Aylesford Aylesham Ayo Ayres Ayreshire Ayrshire Ayrton azalea azaleas Azerbaijan Azerbaijani Azerbaijanis Azores Azrael Aztec Aztech Azur azure baa Baal Baan Babani Babbage babble babbled babbles babbling babe Babel baboon Babs Babyliss Babylon Babylonia Babylonians Bacall Baccarat Bacchus Bach Bacharach bacillus Back Orifice backended backhanded backlogging backs backsides backups bacon bacony bacteriological bacteriologist bactrian Baddiel Baden Bader Badminton Badoer baffle baffled baffles baffling BAFTA bagel bagels Baggins Bagginses Baghdad Bahamas Bahrain Baird Bakerloo Bakshi balderdash baldly baldness baldrick Baldur Balearic baleful Balham Bali Balin Balkan Balkanization Balkans ball ballad Ballantine Ballantyne ballistics Ballykissangel Balmoral balsa Baltic Baltimore Balzac Bambi bamboo banal banalities banana Bananarama bananas Banbury bandit Bangalore Bangkok Bangladesh Bangladeshi Bangor banishment banjo Bannerjee Bannister banquet banshee Bantu banyan banyans baptismal Barak Barbados Barbara barbarian barbaric barbarism barbeque Barbie Barbour Barbuda Barcelona Barchester Barclaycard Barclayloan Barclays barcodes bard bards bare bared barefoot barely Barents bares barf barfing barfs bargain bargained bargaining bargains barge bargeboards barged barges barging Barings baritone bark barked barking Barlow barn Barnaby Barnard Barnet Barnham barns Barnsley Barnstaple Barnt barnyard baron baroness barons baroque barracuda barred barrel barrelled barrels barren Barrett barricade barricades Barrichello barrier barriered barriers barring Barrington Barry Barrymore Bart Bartholomew Bartok Basel baseless baselessness BASF Bashir basic basically basics Basie basil Basildon basilisk Basingstoke basis bask basker Baskerville basket basketball basketballers baskets basking basque bass basser basses bassett bassist bassists bassoon bassoonist bassy bastard bastardish bastardising bastardized bastards basted Bastille bastion bat batch batched batches batching Bateson bathes Bathgate Bathory Bathurst baton bats Battenburg Battersea baud Baudelaire Baudot baulked Baumgartner Bavaria Bavarian bawd Baxendale Baxter bay Bayard bayed Bayern bayonetted bazaar BBC be beach beachcombers beached beaches beachy beacon Beaconhurst beaconing beacons Beaconsfield beagles beaker Beamish beancounting Beardmore Bearman beastiality beatings Beatle Beatlemania Beatles beatnik Beaton Beatrice Beatrix beats Beattie Beatty beau Beaubourg Beaujolais Beaulieu Beaumont beautified beaux Becca beck Becker Beckham Becky become becomes becoming bed bedbug bedded bedding bedecked bedfellows Bedford Bedfordshire Bedhampton Bedouin beds bee Beeb Beeblebrox Beecham Beeching Beeding beef beefed Beefheart beefier beefing beefs beefy Beegees beehive beehives beekeepers been beep beeped beeper beepers beeping beeps beer Beerbohm beerier beeriest beers beery bees beet Beethoven Beethovens beetle Beetlejuice beetles Beeton beetroot beets beg began begat beget begets begonia begot Behan behavior behaviors beheaded behemoth behemoths behoove behooves beige Beijing Beirut Bela Belarus Belfast Belgian Belgique Belgium Belgrade Belgrave Belgravia belie Belize bell Bella Bellamy Belle belled Belling Bellingham bellows Belorussia Belorussian Belsize Belushi Bemer bemoan Ben Benares Benatar Benchley Bendix Benedict benefactor benefactors beneficence Benelux Benetton Bengal Bengali benignly Benin Benito Benjamin Benji Benny Benoist bent Bentley Bentleys Benz benzene benzine Beowulf bequeath bequeathable bequeathed bequeather bequeathing bequeaths bequest bereavement bereft beret berets Berg Bergen Berger Bergkamp berk Berkhamsted Berkshire Berle Berlin Berliner Berlioz Bermondsey Bermuda Bernadette Bernard Bernhard Bernice Bernie Bernoldi Bernoulli Bert Bertha Bertie Bertillion Bertolt Bertram Bertrand Berwick Beryl beryllium beset beshrew beshrewed beshrewing beshrews Bess Bessie best bestows bet beta Betamax Betelgeuse Beth Bethany Bethesda Bethlehem Bethnal Bethnal Green bethnalgreen Betjeman betook betray bets Betsy Bettina Betty Beulah Beveridge Beverley Beverly bevvies bevvy bevy beweep Bexhill Bezier beziers BFG bhajis Bhutan Bhutani Bhutto Biafra Biarritz bibilographic Bicester bicyclist Bideford Bidmead big bigamy Bigfoot biggest Biggins Biggleswade Bigglesworth Biggs Bignor bigotry Bilbao Bilbo Billericay billets Billie Billingham Billingsgate Billingshurst billion billionaire billionaires billions billionth billows bills Billy Biloxi Binatone Bing Bingham biologist biosciences Birdham birds birdscarer birdseed birdwatching Birkenhead Birkhamsted Birmingham birthplace Birtwistle bisexual bisexuals bishop bishopric Bismark Bissett bitching bitterest Bixby bizarre bizarrely bizarreness Bizet Bjarne Bjork blab blacken blacklist blacklists Blackpool blacks blacksmith blacksmiths blacktail blackwash blackwashed blackwashes blackwashing bladder bladdered blade blades blag blagged blagger blaggers blah Blair Blaise Blake Blamire Blanchet blandly blaspheme blasphemous blasphemously blast blatently Blenheim Blenkinsop Bletchley blimp blindfolded blissfully blister blistered blockaded blockading blockages blockings Bloemfontein Bloodnok bloodsucking Bloomsbury blow blowfish blowjob blowjobs blubber bludgeoning bludgeons blue bluebell bluebells blueberry bluebird blueish bluesy blunder blunderbuss blunders blunt blunted blunter bluntly blur blurb blurbs blurp blurred blurring blurry blurs blurt blurted blurting blurts blush blushes bluster blusters blustery Blyth Blythe BMW boardrooms boast Boateng Bobby Bochum Bodmin Boeing boffin Bogart bogey bogging boggling Bognor Bogota bogusly Boillot Boise Bolam Bolero Boleyn Bolivar Bolivia Bolivian bollixed Bollywood bolognese Bolsover bolstered boltgun Bolton bolts bomb Bombadil Bombadillo bombards bombast Bombay bonanza Bonaparte bondsperson boneheads bongo bonk Bonn bonsai bonuses boogie bookmaking bookshelf Boole Boolean Booleans boomerang boomerangs boon boondocks boondoggle Boosey boost booth Boothferry booths booting bootlaces Bootle bootleg bootleggers bootlegs Bordeaux Borehamwood Borgia Borgias Boris Borland Borneo boron Boroughbridge borrowed borrowers borrowing borrowings borscht Bosch Bosham Bosnia Bosnian Bosnich Bostaph Boston Bostonians Bostrom Bostwick Bosworth botanist botches Botswana Botticelli Boudicca Boulogne boundedness Bournemouth Bovis bowdlerization Bowery Bowie Bowness bows bowsprit box boxy boy boycott boycotted boycotting boycotts Boyzone bozo bozoness bozos bra Brabham Bracklesham Bracknell Brad Bradfield Bradford Bradley Bradman Bradshaw Brady brag braggadocio braggart braggartism bragged bragger braggers bragging braggingly brags brahman Brahms Braille Braintree brainwash Braithwaite brander Brando bratwurst Brauchitsch Braun Braunton bravest brazen Brazil Brazilian Brazilians Brazzaville bread breadbox breadcrumb breads breadthless breakfast breakouts breast breasts breathes Brechin Brecht Breckenridge Bremen Brenda Brendan Brennan Breslaw Brest Brett Breville Brezhnev Bridget Bridlington Bridport briefest Brigid Brillo Brisbane briskly bristly British Britishness brittleness broadens broadsheets Broderbund brogues broiler brokenly brolley bromide Bronx Brooking Bros brothel browbeat brown Browne Bruce Brucie Brundle Bryony Buchan Bucharest Budapest budgerigars Budweiser buff bufferable Buford bugaboo Bugatti bugbears bugfixed bugfixes buggeration bugginess Buglass bugle bugleboy bugler buglet buglets Bulgariabulkiest bullion bullshit bunched bunching bungled Bunsen BUPA bureaucratically burglars burritos burstier bushed Bushnell busied busk butchered Butlins buttermilk buyers buzby buzzard buzzards buzzcocks Byelorussia Byrne cab cabbie caber cack Cadbury Caddick caddyless Cadell Cadiz Caerphilly caesium Cagney Cairns cakewalk Calais calcium Calcutta Caldera Calderdale Caleb Caledonia Caledonian Caledonians calendar calendrical calf calfed Calgary Calhoun Caliban calico California Californian Californians Caligari Callaghan Callahan Callas callbacks calligraphic calligraphy Calum Calvert Calvin calypso Camberwell cambric camcorder Camden camel Camelot camels camembert Cameroon Camilla Camille camomile Campari Campbell Canada Canadian Canadians Canaria Canarias Canaveral Canberra cancellers Candace Candice candidacy candy canister cannery Cannes cannibals canonicalizes cant cantaloupe cantankerous cantata Canterbury Canton Cantona Cantonese Canuck Canucks canyon canyons capacitated Capaldi capella caper capers capon Capone Capra capriciously captioned car Caracciola caramel caramels carbohydrates carbon carbonaceous carbonara carbonate carbonated carbonation carbonisation carbonise carbonised carbons carboxylic carbureted carburetor carburetors carcass carcasses carcinogenicity carcinogens card cardamom cardboard cardboards carded cardholder cardiac Cardiff Cardigan Cardiganshire cardiogenic cardiological cardiologist cardiologists cardiology cardiopulmonary cardiotheatre cardiovasclar cardiovascular caregiver caregivers caregiving carets Carfax Caribbean caries Carisbrooke Carl Carla Carlisle Carlo Carlos Carlsberg Carly Carlyle Carman Carmarthenshire Carmen Carmichael Carnaby carnally Carnarvon carnation carnet carnivore carnivores carnivorous Carol Carole Carolina Caroline carols Carolyn carouse carousel carp carpal Carraciola Carrera Carrickfergus Carrie carrierless Carrol Carroll carrot carrots carry carrying carryings carryout carryovers cars Carshalton cartesian Cartier cartographers cartographically cartography cartoon cartoonists cartoons cartouches cartridge cartridges carts cartwheels Caruso carve carved carver carvery carves Carvey carving carvings Caryl Casablanca caseless cash cashmere Casimir casino Casio casket Caspian Cassidy Cassiopeia Casterbridge Castilian castling Castro cat Catalan catalog Catalunya catalysing catalysts catastrophical catatonic Cate categorisation catenating Caterham caterpillar catfish Catford Catherine Catherines catheterization Cathie cathode Cathryn Cathy cation cations Catrina Catriona Caucasian cauliflower cautiousness Cavanagh Caxton Cayman Cecil Cecile Cecilia Cecily cedar cedars cedes cedilla Cedric Ceefax celeb Celeron celery Celeste Celia Celine Cellnet cello Celsius Celt Celtic Celts cembalino cent Centauri centenary centennial center centime centiminutes centipede centipedes Centrica Centronics cents century CEO cerebral cerebrospinal CERN certifiable certifier certifiers cerulean Cesar cesses Cessna Ceylon Cezanne CFO Chablis chaffinch chaffinches Chaim chalice chalking chamberlain chameleon chamomile champagne championed Chan Chandler Chandrashekar Chaney changings Chantal chanter chants Chapelthorpe Chapeltown Chaplin Chapman chapter char charade Chardonnay Charing Cross charingcross Charlene Charles Charlotte Charnley Charron chartering Charteris charts chary chassis chastising chatback Chatsworth Chattanooga Chatterley chattiness chatty Chaucer cheap cheapo cheapskate cheat cheated cheaters cheating cheats checksumming Cheech cheese cheeseburger cheesecake cheeseplant cheeses cheesiest Cheesman cheetah cheetahs Cheetos Cheever chef Chello Chelmsford Chelsea Cheltenham chemotherapeutics chemotherapy Cheops Chepstow cheque chequebook cheques Cherbourg Cherie Chernenko Chernobyl Cherokee Cheryl Chesapeake Cheshire Chesney Chessington Chessman Chester Chesterfield Cheswick Cheung Chevalier Chevis Chevrolet chewy Cheyenne Chiang Chianti Chicago Chichester chick chickadee chicken chickened chickens chickpeas chicks Chico chicory Chiddingfold Chidham Chidingfold chiffon Chigwell chihuahua chihuahuas Chile Chilean Chiltern Chilterns chime chimera chimeras chimerical chimp chimpanzee chimpanzees chin Chinatown Chinese ching Chinook chipolata Chippendale Chippenham Chipperfield chippy Chirac Chiron chiropody chiropractic chiropractor chiropractors chiropracty Chiswick chlamydia Chloe chlorate chlorosulphonic chocolate chocolates Chomsky Chong Chopra choreographer Chorlton Choudhury chowns Chris Christchurch Christina Christine Christopher chromakey chromatic chromatically chromaticities chromaticity chromatics chromic chronometry chrysalis chrysanthemum Chrysler chub Chubb chubby chucked chug chugging Chumbawamba chunder Chuzzlewit cicada Ciccone Cicely cichlid cichlids cider Cincinatti Cincinnati cinder Cinderella Cindy Cinematronics cinnamon ciphered circuitous circulates circulations circumcised circumciser circumcision circumcisions circumnavigate circumnavigated circumnavigates circumnavigating circumnavigation Cirencester CISC Cisco Citicorp Citrix Citroen citrus cittern Clacton claimer Clair Claire Clairol clambered clamoring clamour clamouring clampers Clampitt clams Clapham clapped Clapton Clara Clare Clarence claret Clarice clarinet clarinets Claris Clarissa Clark Clarke Clarksville classiest Claude Claudette Claudia Claudio clausal clavichord clavichords claviers clearable Clearasil Cleese Cleethorpes cleft Clement Cleo Cleopatra Clerkenwell Cleveland Clifford Clifton climatology Clinique Clint Clinton Clippit clippy clippys clitoral clitoris clitorises Clive cloners Clooney close cloudy Clovelly Clovis clown clowns cludge clumsy clunk clunked Clutterbuck Clwyd Clyde Clydesdale CMOS CNN coals coarsen coat Coates coaxial cobbling Cobham COBOL cobra Coburn cobwebs Cochrane cock cockamamie cockatoo cockney cockroaches cocksparrows cocktail cocktails cocoa coconut coconuts cocoon cod coda CODASYL codec codger codifies Coe coelacanth coelacanths Coen coffee coffees Coffey cognac cognate cognisant cognitively Cognos cogwheel Cohen coinstallers Colbert Colchester Coldplay Cole Coleclough Coleco Coleridge Coletta Colgate Colin collaboratory collectives Colleen Collette collie Colliergate Collins Collis colloquialism colluding Colombia Colombian color Colorado coloratura colored colorful coloring colors colour colt Coltrane colts Columbia Columbian Columbine Columbus Colwyn coma combatted Combe Martin comet cometh comets commandeer commanders commends commercialised Commie Commies committeemen Commodores commonalities commutable commutativity Como Compaq compartmentalized compendia compendiums complainers complementary complex complies compliments Compo composition compositional compositions comprehending comprehension Compuserve computer computerese computerisation Computervision con Conan concatenations conceivers conceptional concert concertina concerto concertos concerts conciliation concocted concomitantly concurrence concurrences condo condor conductance confederacies configurers conformed confounder confounds conga congesting congestive congests Congleton Congo congregated congruency conjectures conjoining conjoints conjugates conjugating Connecticut connectivities Connery Connick Connie Connolly Connor Connors connotation Conor Conrad Conran conscript conservators consoled consonance consortiums Constance Constellar constricted constricting consumptive contagious containee content contentedly contessa contextless contingents continuable contradict contrasty contrition convergency convolutions convolves convoy Conway coolie coot Copeland Copenhagen copiously copped copperpot Coppola cops copse copses copycats copyright Corel Corelli coresident corgi Corinna Corinne Coriolanus corks cormorant cormorants corn cornamuse cornbread Cornelia cornerstone cornet cornett cornetti cornettino Cornetto cornfed Cornish Cornwall corollaries Coronel corporatisation correctional correlational correlator correlators correspondently Corrine Corrs corruptible Corsa Corsica Corsican Corvette Cosgrave Cosham Cosmo cosmologic cosmological cosmologically cosmologist cosmologists cosmology cosmos cosponsors cossacks Costa Rica Costello costless costliest Cosworth Cottingham Cottingley cougar Coulthard countable counteracts counterbalancing counterintuitively counterpoise coup coups courgette courgettes Courtenay Courtney Cousteau Coutts Covent Garden Coventry covetous cow coward cowardice cowardly cowards cowbell cowboy cowboys Cowdrey cowed cowered cowering cowers Cowes cowgirls cowherd cowl cowlick cowling cowls coworkers cows cowshed cowsheds cowslip cowslips coyote coyotes CPU CPUs crabs cracksman Craddock Craig cranberries cranberry crannies crapola crater crawfish Crawley crayfish crazies creases creasing creator credibly Crediton Creole crestfallen cretaceous Crete cretinously Crewe cribbing Cricklewood crikey criticism criticisms Croat Croatia Croatian croissant croissants Cromer Cromwell Cronje Cronkite crosscompilation crosscompiling Crossley crow crowd crows Croydon crucify crumhorn crumhorns Crunchie Crusoe crustacean crux crybabies cryogenically cryptanalyse cryptographical cryptological cryptologists crypts Cthulu Cuba Cuban Cubans cuddle Cujo culminates Culpepper Cumberland Cumbria Cumbrian Cumming Cunnah cunning cunningly cunt Cuprinol Curacao cures curfew curia curing curio curiosities curiosity curlew curlews curmudgeon currants currentness curtailing Curtis Cushing cutes Cuthbert Cuthbertson cutlets cwm Cwmbran cwms cyan cyanates cyanide cyanides cybercops Cyberdyne cyberhighway cyberholics cybermedia cybersex Cybersitter cyberslackers cyberslacking cyberslur cyborgs cygnet Cygnus Cyndi Cynthia cypress cypresses Cyprus Cyril Cyrillic cyst cystic Czech Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakian Czechozlovakia Czechs dad Daedalus Daewoo daffodil Dafoe dafter Dagenham daggers Daglish dahlia Daihatsu Daimler Dakar Dakota dalek Dales Dallas Daltrey Dalyell Damascene Damascus Damian Damilola Damon Dan Dana dandelion Dando danged Daniel Daniela Daniele Daniella Danielle Danish Dankworth Danny Danone Dante Danube Danzig Daphne Darcey Darcy Dario Darleen darlin Darlington Darmstadt Darracq Darragh Darrel Darrell Darren Darryl Darryn Dartford Dartmoor Dartmouth Darussalam Darwin datagrams dataless datamining datedness Datsun daughterboards Dave Davenport Daventry David Davidson Davies Davis Davros dawns Dawson daycare Dayton Daz dBase de Longhi deaggregate deaggregates deaggregation deaggregator Deanna Deanne Deansgate deasserted deasserting deassertion Debbie Debian Deborah Debra Debussy decapsulated decapsulators Decca December deciders deciduous decimally declaim declassified decollating decommission decomposable decompresser decompressible deconstructed deconstructors decor decors decreasingly decriminalisation decry decrying decryptions Dee deencapsulate deencapsulation Deeside defector defenestrate defibrillator defiltering definiteness definitional deflectors Defoe defragged defrauds defray Degas degauss degeneration deglitch deglitching deify Deighton Deirdre Del Delage Delahaye Delaney Delaware delegatable delegatee delegatees delegators Delhi Delia Delilah delimeted delimitors deliniate delinks delirium Della deLonghi Delores demagoguery demangler demangles demasqueraded demeanor Demis demo demodulated demodulates demonstratively demotion Dempster demultiplexor denary Denbighshire Denby denim Denis Denise Denison Denmark
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pics Rocky Ford a dirt road in Kansas. Ford
worldnews The head of a United Nations agency that promotes development in Arab countries resigned Friday after refusing to withdraw a controversial report concluding that Israel has established an "apartheid regime" that discriminates against Palestinians. United
Futurology Engineers at Uber's self-driving unit passed around 'Safety Third' stickers as a joke. Also, Uber's Pittsburgh team was "super unhappy" when Uber acquired Otto. Uber
OldSchoolCool Harrison Ford 1982 Ford
AskReddit What single sentence status would set your Facebook ablaze? Facebook
food I ate Apple spiced rum cake with maple gelato. Apple
Jokes TIFU by mishearing my customer' order and making her a Subway sandwich with tuna, which I later learned she was allergic to. Subway
pics How Italians like Facebook posts Facebook
Showerthoughts Despite using Google every day for the past ten years, I still wouldnt be able to tell you the order of the colours in the logo. Google
pics Fashion model Tyra Banks poses during the 8th annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show on November 14, 2002 in New York City. Photo by Ezio Petersen/UPI Victoria's Secret
AskReddit If Harrison Ford was never born, who would have played any of his roles with equal success? Ford
gaming Our Xbox live group met for the weekend. We're sharing images and stories about our gaming days. My friends wife took this picture of him. Xbox
Showerthoughts Nest Protect smoke detector + Alexa or Google Assistant. Wish I could buy one, hint hint Google Google
news Brazil meat-packing giants 'exported rotten beef' - BBC News BBC
videos Pirates of Silicon Valley IBM scene IBM
mildlyinteresting This McDonald's doesn't say McDonald's anywhere. McDonald's
sports Are the "Turn down for what" commercials the worst thing ESPN has ever done? ESPN
videos Jan Oblak Amazing Triple Save vs Bayer Leverkusen Bayer
gaming My buddies wife took this picture of him. Our Xbox Live group turn it into a meme. Xbox
gaming How crazy I am to think that the Xbox Project Scorpio might be a completely new console than Xbox One but have backward compatibility with all the previous console. Xbox
funny My coworker who drives a lowered Honda Civic got a sticker that said "Be Scrapin". I changed that after work. Honda
videos Ghost In The Shell 2017 - Section 9 Featurette Shell
Jokes How did Burger King get Dairy Queen pregnant? Burger King
videos Moment BBC crew caught in Mount Etna eruption BBC
funny When my wife shows me something on Facebook that I saw on Reddit two weeks ago... Facebook
videos Virtual Black Jack Dealer at the Hard Rock Hotel + Casino in Tampa, Florida Casino
AskReddit Why are Google and other companies honoring St. Patrick's Day when it's a religious holiday not everyone celebrates? Google
funny Another BBC interview interrupted BBC
videos CoMPleTe and how all the minitials, are in the 0:00-:45 secs Youtube link Youtube
videos Andy Milonakis Gets His ID Turned Down By CVS For Buying Nicorette Gum CVS
pics Seen in a Taco Bell bathroom Bell
pics The CN Tower in Toronto celebrating St. Paddy's Day xpost evilbuildings CN
mildlyinteresting This model Porsche Cayenne Turbo weighs exactly .666 lbs. Pure evil or pure driving excitement? Porsche
funny I swear, honey. I just went to Target for paper towels. Target
mildlyinteresting My sauce packet from Taco Bell didnt have a saying printed on it. Bell
todayilearned TIL President Lyndon Johnson once answered reporters badgering him about the United States involvement Vietnam by pulling out his penis and saying "This is why!" United
todayilearned TIL President Lyndon Johnson once answered reporters badgering him about the United States involvement in Vietnam by pulling out his penis and saying "This is why!" United
personalfinance I'm currently a Bank of America customer. Their website says I'm preselected for their secured credit card. Does that mean that I'll probably be rejected if I apply for one of their rewards credit cards? Bank of America
worldnews Rex Tillerson set for first China visit as US secretary of state - BBC News BBC
todayilearned TIL despite their botanical classification as a fruit, tomatoes are legally considered vegetables in the United States. United
videos Microsoft Drops Windows 7/8.1 Support for AMD Ryzen & Intel Kaby Lake CPU & Lies About It - BUSTED! Intel
news One Billion Yahoo Accounts Still for Sale, Despite Hacking Indictments Yahoo
todayilearned TIL despite their botanical classification as a fruit, tomatoesamong others are legally considered vegetables in the United States. United
movies Venom Movie Reportedly Set by Sony for 2018 Release Updated Sony
WritingPrompts WP Muggles steal the Weasleys Ford Anglia from Kings Cross. Chaos ensues! Ford
news Rex Tillerson on North Korea: Military action 'an option' - BBC News BBC
news Chance the Rapper Reveals Apple Paid Him $500,000 for a Two Week Exclusive Apple
Showerthoughts Everytime I see a car on the road with people only sitting in the back..I assume its either Uber or Lyft Uber
worldnews UK troops in Estonia to deter 'Russian aggression' - BBC News BBC
mildlyinteresting This display icon at Walmart looks like the Aphex Twin logo Walmart
Showerthoughts I don't think it is a coincidence that Nestlé cookies are done baking in the same amount of time it takes to smoke a decent bowl. Nestlé
explainlikeimfive ELI5: Do United States police officers have to answer you when you ask "Am I being detained?" if so, is there a point where if they do not respond you can 'legally' just walk away? United
funny Wow! Xfinity is racist! Xfinity
AskReddit What's your Uber rating? Uber
explainlikeimfive ELI5:How is it a benefit for Sony to make Playstation Now able to play all Playstation games on your pc , Wont that decrease console sales? Sony
explainlikeimfive ELI5:How is it a benefit for Sony to make Playstation Now able to play all Playstation games on your pc , Wont that decrease console sales? Playstation
television Candy Crush themed game show coming to CBS on July 9th CBS
Documentaries I SPY 2017 - he Five Eyes Alliance is a secretive, global intelligence arrangement between the governments of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and United States. The alliance represents the largest surveillance program in human history. United
Showerthoughts The fact that my 1.5yo has hit me in the face in tempeout of excitement more times than I can count makes me wonder how Johnathan and Martha Kent never had their faces caved in by a baby Superman. Kent
worldnews Buzz Aldrin launches VR plan to get humans to Mars - BBC News BBC
Futurology Simplified DIY: New Tool-Free IKEA Furniture Snaps Together in Minutes - "these joints also make it easier to take things apart again, making them particularly useful in a day and age where people move frequently for work and other reasons." IKEA
AskReddit What books do you wish every President of the United States should have read and understood? United
news Police 'shoot man' at Paris Orly airport - BBC News BBC
worldnews Police 'shoot man' at Paris Orly airport - BBC News BBC
worldnews Police 'shoot man' at Paris Orly airport - BBC News BBC
gaming Candy Crush tv show debuts on CBS July 9th CBS
OldSchoolCool Neil Degrasse Tyson in the 80s Tyson
Futurology Tesla’s $169 Million Battery Play Is Just the Beginning - An audacious deal hatched on Twitter may start a new wave of electricity storage for cities, regions, and nations. Twitter
AskReddit How come you haven't tried McDonald's new Grand Mac burger only $4.99 yet? McDonald's
news Canada mid-air plane collision over shopping centre kills one - BBC News BBC
AskReddit What are best pickup lines to hit on a Google employee? Google
pics The CN Tower was lit up all green last night to celebrate St. Paddy's Day xpost evilbuildings CN
videos Will circular runways ever take off? - BBC News BBC
AskReddit Folks outside the US: what menu items do you have at McDonald's that are original to your country? McDonald's
worldnews Tobacco and fizzy drinks to be taxed in the United Arab Emirates United
listentothis Sandy Rogers - It comes and goes Country Rogers
Jokes Imagine if Samsung and Apple came together to build a phone. What would it be called? Apple
news US speaks of N Korea military option - BBC News BBC
gaming The complete list of backwards compatible games for Xbox One Xbox
videos This was Youtube in 2013 Youtube
dataisbeautiful Machine-learned topics in Philippine news Facebook pages OC Facebook
AskReddit What's one Youtube channel that nobody really knows about, but deserves recognition? Youtube
television Harrison Ford Asked Adam Sandler To Wash His Car - CONAN on TBS Ford
DIY All the cool Youtube wW'ers have Long Reach Clamps... Youtube
explainlikeimfive ELI5 Why do we say "A United States Navy ship or A United States manufactured item" not "An United States Navy ship or An United States manufactured item." United
OldSchoolCool Johnny Carson in the United States Navy maybe 1940's United
mildlyinteresting This door at McDonald's that offers two handles to pull McDonald's
pics The Storm . . . On the border of South Dakota and Wyoming, United States of America . . . Photographed by Derek Burdeny in June 2015 United
worldnews Russian officials hired criminals to hack 500 million Yahoo accounts, according to Feds Yahoo
gaming I bought this off eBay back in 2012 and it just arrived today. eBay
AskReddit I found an Apple lightning cable and charger, I don't own an Iphone, but why does it still burn when I pee? Apple
pics Close up of McDonald's food in car park McDonald's
mildlyinteresting My high school English teacher posted this on Facebook today. Facebook
TwoXChromosomes 20 Worst Paying Jobs for Women in United States United
Futurology China's Baidu bets big on AI to increase competitiveness Baidu
gaming 4 Minutes of Playstation 2 Nostalgia.. Playstation
funny First conversation with the new Google Assistant... Well at least she is not lying to me... Still messed up though! Google
explainlikeimfive ELI5: does Facebook somehow know what I talk about throughout the day to specify my ads? Facebook
gaming Elder Scrolls Online Xbox Edition: Skyrim Accessories Xbox
worldnews North Korea accuses United States of deploying supersonic bomber United
AskReddit Time Travelers of Reddit, What are some things that people should invest in, money or skillwise, in the coming future? Travelers
videos Apparently the homes seen in MTV Cribs were often pristine homes rented just for the show. Ironically one of the best episodes was that featuring Redman, who refused to rent. MTV
AskReddit What do you do play Lego Star Wars Set? Lego
news Lawyer: Dearborn Michigan cops use fake Facebook profile to track gun advocates Facebook
worldnews FTSE 100 closes at another record high - BBC News BBC
sports Arsenal fans take their Twitter battles to the skies over the Hawthorns Twitter
AskReddit What annoying things have been popping up on your Facebook feed recently? Facebook
mildlyinteresting This KFC chiken stripe looks like a revolver KFC
space Why are the groups competing in the Google Lunar X Prize securing funding in excess of the prize money? Google
WritingPrompts WP Steve Jobs was struggling to make ends meet working as a janitor at Apple in his 50's. One day, he woke up in his 5 year old body back in 1960. Remembering all the Apple products that made the company successful, this was his chance to be some body. Apple
Futurology AI Bracket beating every CBS Expert and 99% of all ESPN brackets heading in to round two ESPN
Futurology AI Bracket beating every CBS Expert and 99% of all ESPN brackets heading in to round two CBS
nosleep My Son Has Been Acting Strangely After He Started Playing His New Xbox One Xbox
science Spiders top the global predator charts - BBC News BBC
todayilearned TIL Subway has a "sandwich artist" apprenticeship in the U.K. as an excuse to pay £3.50 an hour. Subway
television Will there be a Cosmos Season 2? Neil deGrasse Tyson explains the current state of the show Tyson
Futurology China must woo top tech talent turned off by Trump, says Baidu chief Baidu
worldnews Russian agent hired alleged Yahoo hacker, Canadian Karim Baratov Yahoo
Showerthoughts Thanks to Google Maps if I was coming from space in a spaceship, I'd know exactly how to get home. Google
Jokes What do you say to Uber Eats when your food takes hours? Uber
mildlyinteresting A 70 Day Exposure of the Suns Path Across the Sky OC Sky
mildlyinteresting My steel American Airlines fork from before 9/11 American Airlines
mildlyinteresting This Costco has a self-checkout Costco
movies Train to Busan only $0.99 on Google Play Google
explainlikeimfive ELI5 How is it that things like Microsoft Word have been around for a while but printer technology is still incredibly frustrating? Microsoft
Showerthoughts If your Google Chrome history is empty then you've masturbated recently. Google
Documentaries Secret Government: The Constitution In Crisis 1987 - Scathing critique of the criminal subterfuge carried out by the Executive Branch of the United States Government to carry out operations which are clearly contrary to the wishes and values of the American people. United
videos Ski Jumping New World Record - Stefan Kraft jumps 253.5 meters 831.69 feet Kraft
sports Stefan Kraft 253,5 m New World Record Vikersund Kraft
worldnews Refusal by Britain's prime minister to discuss an independence referendum would "shatter beyond repair" the United Kingdom's constitutional structure, Nicola Sturgeon told her Scottish National Party on Saturday United
gifs Ski Jumping New World Record - Stefan Kraft jumps 253.5 meters 831.69 feet Kraft
movies The SECRET Behind FAST & FURIOUS Chase Scenes! - Frame by Frame Chase
Showerthoughts Even if I know I'm looking for a Wikipedia page, I still search on Google and not Wikipedia. Google
explainlikeimfive ELI5:How does Google & Youtube backup my files, videos, pictures and not deal with hard drives failing all the time? Google
explainlikeimfive ELI5:How does Google & Youtube backup my files, videos, pictures and not deal with hard drives failing all the time? Youtube
photoshopbattles PsBattle: Kid from BBC Interview Blooper during a press conference BBC
Showerthoughts Uber users should get a percentage discount based on their Uber rating Uber
gifs New ski jumping world record - Stefan Kraft jumps 253.5 meters 831.69 feet Kraft
sports Stefan Kraft sets new world record in ski jumping. 253.5 meters Kraft
gaming [Watch Dogs 2 Low End PC Test
gaming Evolve Ultimate Edition is free with Xbox live Gold Xbox
UpliftingNews 7-year-old boy paralyzed in car accident dances thanks to harness therapy Source: ABC News ABC
funny Dang eBay seller. All I wanted to know was if the camera was new or used. eBay
worldnews Financial leaders of the world's biggest economies dropped a pledge to keep global trade free and open, acquiescing to an increasingly protectionist United States after a two-day meeting failed to yield a compromise United
Documentaries Controlled Impact Demonstration 1984 When NASA Intentionally Crashed A Remote Controlled Boeing 720 to Study Anti-Misting Systems for Aviation Fuel Boeing
videos Stefan Kraft 253.5m NEW WORLD RECORD ski jumping Kraft
gaming I Think the Artists for Mass Effect: Andromeda Took Inspiration From Total Recall... Total
explainlikeimfive ELI5: Why does a global corporation like KFC have have take away outlets in North America than in countries like China where they have vast multistory restaurants? KFC
funny This has to be the best eBay ad of all time... eBay
funny REVEALED: The secret KFC herbs and spices KFC
videos Pop.Up modular autonomous car / drone hybrid concept by Airbus and Italdesign Airbus
funny That's messed up Adobe Illustrator. Adobe
mildlyinteresting This BMW employee is actually wearing BMW brand shoes. BMW
explainlikeimfive ELI5:From a purely economic perspective, would a major war be beneficial to the United States? United
mildlyinteresting My Walmart receipt has a typo Walmart
videos Attenborough: Beaver Lodge Construction Squad - BBC Earth BBC
mildlyinteresting This Burger King that has plastic cushions that mess with your head and make you think they're actually cushions Burger King
todayilearned TIL masturbation, even in private, is forbidden in United States prisons. United
gaming As a Xbox gamer being able to play PS4 games with my Elite controller feels amazing Xbox
mildlyinteresting My Taco Bell sauce doesn't have flavor text. Bell
AskReddit People who admitted to having intercourse with someone's mother over Xbox Live, what was their reaction? Xbox
WritingPrompts WP A zombie outbreak has occurred on the west coast of the United States but was controlled in a matter of weeks. A rogue group of zombies has evaded the military and started to travel across the northern states taking out town and building their army United
funny I knew that little BBC interview girl looked familiar BBC
gaming Found this scrolling through FB today. As an Xbox owner I can confirm. Xbox
funny Man Google is good Google
mildlyinteresting I found the Sky King at Burger King. Sky
pics Visiting Target and I found this Target
mildlyinteresting This Burger King serves beer Burger King
sports Villanova broke CBS sports CBS
todayilearned TIL that Leonardo da Vinci invented the Miter Lock in 1497, which is still in use today including in the Panama and Suez Canals. Vinci
OldSchoolCool Prince Nelson Rogers playing the f☆☆k out of it circa 1985 Rogers
pics Excellent Sky to Ground Contrast Sky
AskReddit Californians of Reddit: What do you think California's future with the United States will look like? United
space United Launch Alliance Delta IV WGS-9 launch today at KSC at 7:24 PM EST Delta
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