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(Monde) Victime « d’attaques spéculatives », Casino poursuit sa chute en Bourse | Un tweet a fait chuter l’action du groupe français de plus de 10 % vendredi. L’Autorité des marchés financiers pointe le danger de la diffusion « d’indications trompeuses ».

submitted by Mukhasim to UMukhasimAutoNews [link] [comments]

L'affaire GameStop et WallStreetBets expliqué par un imbécile

Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
Pour celles et ceux qui n'auraient pas suivi, il se passe des choses de pas très catholiques au royaume des gros sous, c'est en partie dû à des jailuseurs et c'est assez rigolo.
Ce post fait doublon avec celui-ci, mais j'ai passé bien trop de temps à mettre mon museau dans cette affaire pour ne pas vouloir partager un peu ce que j'ai compris. Et je me suis dit que je pourrais peut-être amener des détails intéressants. Et puis quitte à perdre ma journée de boulot, autant le faire jusqu'au bout.
Dérevendications :
Pour commencer, le premier personnage de notre récit : GameStop. Tout ce qu'il faut savoir, c'est que c'est une chaîne américaine de magasins qui vend des jeux-vidéos, consoles, etc, bref, que c'est une pâle copie de notre Micromania national. Comme vous vous en doutez, les beaux jours d'une telle entreprise sont derrière elle et sa santé financière n'est pas tout à fait au beau fixe en ce moment, avec la dématérialisation croissante des jeux-vidéos et les restrictions de déplacements actuels. Autrement dit, le prix de ses actions glisse lentement mais bien sûrement vers les abîmes (et les magasins ferment et les gens perdent leur emploi, etc, la classique).
Deuxième chose à comprendre, il est possible sur les marchés financiers d'emprunter des actions. Rien de bien spécial; j'emprunte une action à monsieur A contre la promesse de lui rendre au bout d'une certaine échéance avec un petit intérêt. Pour quoi faire, vous demandez-vous? Eh bien si je parie à la baisse sur son action, je lui emprunte et la vend immédiatement à Mme B. Mettons que le prix baisse effectivement. Une fois l'échéance révolue, il me suffit de racheter mon action à Mme B, moins cher, donc, que je lui ai vendue, pour pouvoir la rendre à M. A. Bilan de l'opération pour moi, j'ai gagné la différence entre l'ancien et le nouveau prix, moins les intérêts que je dois à M. A. Twingo. Si le prix monte, l'opération à exécuter est la même, mais j'ai perdu de l'argent. Dommage. C'est la bourse ma bonne dame.
Deuxièmes protagonistes de notre histoire : les fonds de haie (fonds spéculatifs, pour les non-anglophones). Ce sont des organismes qui gagnent leur pain en spéculant sur des produits financiers plutôt que d'investir dans la vraie économie, ouh, les méchants.
Vous aurez compris que ces fonds de haie, bien certains que le cours des actions de GameStop (actions GME de leur petit nom) ne pourra à peu près jamais se relever, se sont mis à jouer au petit jeu de "prêtes-y moi tes actions que je me fasse du pognon avec pendant qu'elles plongent doucement" avec celles-ci. Malins comme ils sont, ils ne se sont pas contentés de simplement emprunter à M. A pour vendre à Mme B. Ils se sont aussi mis, aussitôt l'action vendue, à la lui réemprunter pour la revendre ensuite ailleurs et se faire encore plus d'oseille par le même mécanisme. A l'échéance du prêt de M. A, il leur suffit de racheter l'action GME à qui la possède pour la rendre à M. A, puis de faire de même à l'échéance de l'emprunt à Mme B en rachetant son action à M. A, par exemple.
Là où le bât blesse, c'est qu'il y a un nombre fini d'action sur le marché. Du coup, notre emprunteur malicieux peut se retrouver à devoir rendre une même action à la fois à M. A et à Mme B, action qu'il ne possède plus. En ce moment, les fonds de haie doivent rendre à peu près 1,3 fois plus d'actions GME qu'il n'en existe vraiment (ou 2,3 fois, je ne suis pas sûr d'avoir bien compris. Quoiqu'il en soit, plus qu'il y en a effectivement sur le marché).
C'est là qu'arrivent nos troisièmes protagonistes : les jailuseurs de wallstreetbets. wallstreetbets est un sousjailu où les gens s'échangent des conseils plus ou moins sérieux sur les façons de perdre de l'argent en bourse par des placements farfelus, ainsi que des blagues et des mèmes sur le sujet et pas mal d'insultes. C'est un endroit différents des sous "sérieux" en matière de placements financiers, pour jailuseurs un peu cyniques et débridés. Pour l'anecdote, le signature-mouvement du sous, communément appelé le "YOLO", consiste à placer toutes ses économies personnelles ou son prêt étudiant dans des valeurs absurdes pour la blague. Et de tout perdre en général. Ça vous donne une idée du niveau.
Les gens du sous, un peu par blague puis par opportunisme, ayant repéré les magouilles des fonds de haie, se sont mis à acheter en masse des actions GME, en se passant le mot de ne surtout pas vendre. La logique est simple : les fonds de haie emprunteurs se retrouvent à devoir rendre leurs actions à M. A et Mme B sous peine de devoir leur payer toujours plus d'intérêts, toujours plus cher, et doivent donc acheter des actions GME sur le marché. En conséquence, la simple mécanique de l'offre et de la demande fait que les prix montent. Et continuent à monter – "jusqu'à la lune", espèrent nos jailuseurs – les acheteurs étant prêts à tout pour échapper à ces intérêts à payer qui s'accumulent.
La suite logique de l'histoire serait que suffisamment de nos petits actionnaires se fasse un bon retour sur investissement en vendant leurs parts, maintenant que la valeur de l'action a bien monté, ce qui permettrait aux fonds de haie de rendre ce qu'ils doivent, à la machine infernale de s'arrêter et aux marchés de se calmer.
Oui, mais voilà. Les jailuseurs ont non-seulement compris que la pompe pouvait ne jamais s'arrêter et le prix de monter s'ils continuaient à bloquer leurs actions, mais surtout qu'ils tiennent dans leur paumes les couilles de fonds de haie et de leurs financeurs, autrement dit, que des petits épargnants peuvent, pour une fois, étrangler des grosses boîtes qui jouent avec les économies des gens!
Et voilà pourquoi les marchés financiers étasuniens s'affolent ces derniers temps à cause de jailuseurs qui se considèrent "autistes" et "retardés". Est-ce qu'ils parviendront à conserver leurs "mains de diamants" et à ne pas succomber à l'appât du gain jusqu'au bout? Est-ce que Melvin Capital, principal fond de haie trempé dans tout ça finira par laisser la clef sous la porte? Est-ce qu'une magouille financière ou institutionnelle mettra fin à tout ça (ce matin, le cours est reparti dans une baisse apparemment artificielle et provoquée par des mouvements spéculatifs visant à faire peur aux actionnaires en simulant une chute de valeur pour les pousser à vendre)? C'est l'avenir qui nous le dira!
Je vous invite vivement à faire un tour sur wallstreetbets pour vous imprégner un peu de l'atmosphère survoltée qu'il y a là-bas. Tout le monde est un peu fou en ce moment, ça vaut le coup. Et puis leurs bêtises ne vont peut-être pas mener à un autre 2008, mais c'est quand même un événement assez particulier, ça mérite qu'on s'y intéresse un peu, je pense. On aurait presque envie d'aller mettre un peu d'argent dans le casino géant qui fait tourner le monde pour l'occasion.
PS : Comme je l'ai dit, ma compréhension de tout ça vient d'une petite session de rôdage sur les internets. Si un(e) vrai(e) économiste ou quelqu'un qui bosse dans la finance passe par là et est outré par les bêtises que je raconte, qu'il ou elle me le dise et je rectifierai.
submitted by PunkyFickle to france [link] [comments]

(PSA) $5 - 4K MA Movies (WB FanFlix 4 for $21.99 / iTunes / VUDU)

FanFlix - Choose 4 for $20.99

Codes redeem directly on MoviesAnywhere.


$4.99 Movies
Bundles (Bundles now port 4K movies to MA.)


$4.99 Movies
submitted by Yoshisworld to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

Review: Roulette Playing Cards (Mechanic Industries)

Review: Roulette Playing Cards (Mechanic Industries)
A review of Roulette Playing Cards by Mechanic Industries
Not just an animated deck of cards, but an inbuilt box of tricks!
The Roulette deck by Mechanic Industries is much more than just a custom deck given the massive tutorial video that comes with it, and its unique animation features. I've always loved the concept of flip-board animation, and the folks at Mechanic Industries have already produced some outstanding decks that make use of this, like their Mechanics decks and Optricks decks. I'm amazed someone didn't previously think of the idea of applying this concept to a Roulette Wheel on the card backs. But trust these guys to come up with an amazing deck that does exactly this.
This deck is perfect for gambling routines and a whole lot more. The tuck box introducing us to the key elements that we can use as a narrative: on the front a roulette style betting chart, and on the back the roulette wheel that is the chief feature of the card backs. When the cards are in new deck order, you can flip the card backs and it shows an animation of the roulette wheel spinning around. You really must see this in action by checking out the official promo video. This feature obviously makes it a marked deck, and allows you to quickly discern the value of each card just by looking at the back.
There's plenty more roulette themed imagery on the card faces. The number cards and court cards all have a standard look, with the colours reduced to just red and black for a more classy look. But there are some thematic adjustments to the artwork of the court characters, and these have been adorned with accessories like a roulette ball, rake, and handfuls of money. Crushed stock from USPCC ensures super smooth handling right out of the box.
The flip-book animation is already genius, but it's only the start of the fun. The two Jokers picture the hand of a croupier, one with ball in hand, the other with the ball just thrown, which can be used for a colour change to set the mood for the other card tricks you can do with this deck. One of the two ad cards includes a link and password which gives you access to a two hour tutorial video over at Mechanic Industries, which is chock full of information about how you can use the card backs as a marking system. Even better, it comes with tutorials for performing a number of casino-themed card tricks (e.g. Straight Up, Split Bet, Red or Black, Cool Monte, Lucky Thought, and House Edge), which take full advantage of the novel card backs and features built into this deck. Head to the creator's webpage to see details of all these and more, or watch this wonderful 20 minute performance video which demonstrates them all back-to-back.
In other words, this is much more than just a deck of cards: it's a full toolbox of magic effects. And along with the deck you get the key to unlock this bag of tricks, with a full two hour video tutorial. Given what you get, this is outstanding value: a low cost deck, with some really unique features, plus almost two hours of instruction. There's even a private Facebook group you can join to share ideas with other fans. Especially for magicians, all this makes the Roulette deck an outstanding buy. And even collectors who appreciate the novelty of the flip-board animation will find a lot to like about this unique deck. Highly recommended!
submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer to playingcards [link] [comments]

Un cadre de Cdiscount suspecté d’avoir dérobé les données de 33 millions de clients

Un haut responsable de Cdiscount, travaillant sur le site de Cestas (Gironde), a été mis en examen lundi 1er février à Bordeaux. Il est soupçonné du vol de données personnelles de potentiellement 33 millions de clients, dont au moins une partie ont ensuite été proposées à la vente sur des sites spécialisés.
A l’issue de sa garde à vue, ce « responsable d’entrepôt de la société Cdiscount a été déféré au parquet et présenté à un juge d’instruction » le 1er février, a indiqué le parquet de Bordeaux à l’Agence France-Presse (AFP). Le cadre a été mis en examen des chefs d’« extraction frauduleuse de données contenues dans un système de traitement automatisé », d’« abus de confiance » et d’« escroquerie », « au préjudice de Cdiscount », sur la période du 1er octobre 2020 au 30 janvier 2021, selon le parquet, qui confirmait une information du journal Sud Ouest. Placée sous contrôle judiciaire, cette personne est également visée par une procédure de mise à pied à titre conservatoire, a précisé à l’AFP Arnaud Dupin, avocat de Cdiscount.
Téléchargement découvert le 29 janvier Filiale du groupe Casino depuis 2000, Cdiscount est le no 2 en France du e-commerce, derrière Amazon, mais premier acteur français du secteur. L’entreprise a son siège à Bordeaux et dispose d’un de ses plus importants entrepôts logistiques à Cestas, en Gironde. Selon Cdiscount, qui a porté plainte, le cadre mis en examen est le directeur du site de Cestas.
Le vol de données a été découvert le 29 janvier par les « services de cybersécurité » de la société, laquelle a alors « immédiatement lancé des investigations internes ». Celles-ci « ont permis d’établir qu’il s’agissait d’une action interne malveillante et isolée et de faire cesser cet acte dès le lendemain », a expliqué un porte-parole de Cdiscount à l’AFP dans un communiqué.
La justice soupçonne le cadre d’avoir téléchargé illégalement sur son ordinateur une base contenant potentiellement les données personnelles des quelque 33 millions de clients de la plate-forme de vente en ligne, selon une source proche du dossier.
Pour Cdiscount qui n’a pas souhaité confirmer ce chiffre, ce cadre « a utilisé de façon malveillante les autorisations [informatiques] dont il disposait de manière légitime, compte tenu de ses fonctions », pour s’introduire dans la base. D’après les services de sécurité de l’entreprise, la base de données a ensuite été proposée à la vente en ligne par un vendeur sous pseudonyme, identifié comme étant le directeur du site de Cestas, selon Sud Ouest.
Incertitude quant à l’utilisation des données Le Monde a pu constater qu’une base de données d’environ 124 000 noms, semblant correspondre au fichier utilisé par le service client de Cdiscount, était proposée au téléchargement depuis la mi-janvier sur un site spécialisé.
« Ce que nous pouvons clairement affirmer, c’est qu’aucune donnée bancaire n’est concernée par cet événement, Cdiscount ne stockant aucune donnée bancaire de ses clients », a assuré l’entreprise dans son communiqué. « Les données concernées [par le vol] sont les nom, prénom, sexe, date de naissance, adresse, numéro de téléphone et e-mail du client, ainsi que le montant total des commandes sur les deux dernières années », a détaillé l’entreprise, qui a aussi expliqué que « rien ne permet de penser que ces données aient pu être vendues » à des tiers.
« Dans l’hypothèse où cela aurait été le cas, l’utilisation possible de ce type de données est la tentative de phishing [escroquerie par laquelle un pirate tente de soutirer des informations personnelles, le plus souvent en se faisant passer pour un service légitime] ou la prospection commerciale non désirée », avertit Cdiscount.
submitted by romain34230 to actutech [link] [comments]

Mise à jour Coronavirus 18-03-2020

Le post d’hier est ici.
Le bilan chiffré et les cartes d’hier sont ici
Merci pour tous les messages hier, et aujourd’hui !
Si vous connaissez des liens pour proposer des services d’aides aux personnes âgées et fragiles, aux soignants, aux personnes qui travaillent, est-ce que vous pourriez les poster en lien que je fasse une liste?
Il y a actuellement 199 000 cas dans le monde. Le nouvel épicentre de l’épidémie est l’Europe, et notamment la vieille Europe. Edit: il est 14 heures et il y a maintenant plus de 204 000 cas. Edit: il est 22h30, et il y a maintenant 217 000 cas recensés.
Hier, la Belgique a aussi décidé de son confinement. D’après les rumeurs, New York sera confinée d’ici 48 heures. Les casinos ont fermé à Las Vegas.
En Italie, les chiffres sont toujours très impressionnants: 31 506 cas (+3526) et 2503 décès (+345). La situation est catastrophique à Bergamo, où les hôpitaux sont saturés. Il y a pourtant une bonne nouvelle: dans les régions où le confinement a été mis en place de manière précoce, le nombre de nouveaux cas diminue. Au niveau national, même si c’est occulté par l’énormité des chiffres, on peut voir que cela commence à se tasser aussi. L’Italie est en bonne voie. Il faut savoir qu’ils publient plein de données, et aident vraiment à comprendre le phénomène, donnent plein d’infos précieuses aux autres pays. J’espère que personne ne l’oubliera.
En Espagne, la situation est aussi difficile. Il y avait hier 11178 cas (+1236) et 491 décès (+149).
En France, la situation est catastrophique dans le Haut-Rhin. Des patients commencent à être évacués vers d’autres hôpitaux. Il semble qu’un tri ait été mis en place. Depuis hier la réa est saturée.
Il y a plus de cas détectés en Île de France que dans le Grand Est. Hier, l’exode des parisiens (et dans d’autres métropoles) a continué. Les gares ont été prises d’assaut.
Chez moi, le confinement, c’est pas gagné : il y a un jardin non visible depuis la rue, je n’y ai jamais vu autant de monde (gamins, famille qui joue au badminton, gars qui font des étirements, petites vieilles qui lisent sur les bancs...) qu’hier après-midi. Si les images des hôpitaux du Haut-Rhin fuitent, les gens prendront peut-être conscience de ce qui se passe. Incroyable ces comportements alors qu’on a conscience de ce qu’il se passe en Italie!
Niveau traitement, beaucoup de buzz autour de la chloroquine. Des infos que j’ai, le traitement marche et est utilisé avec succès en Chine, où il a bien fait chuter le taux de mortalité. Il y a cependant des ajustements à faire sur les dosages, à cause des effets secondaires chez certains patients.
De nouveaux députés ont été testés positifs. Je laisse cet article de la Provence ici, je conseille à chacun de le lire afin de se rendre compte de l’égalité des chances à la française.
Vous pouvez avoir des infos sur l’étude sur laquelle s’est appuyé le conseil scientifique pour rendre son avis ici .
Concernant la durée du confinement, personne ne croit aux 15 jours. Les optimistes parlent de 45 jours, les pessimistes jusqu’à l’été. De mon côté, l’info que j’ai est un pic prévu dans trois semaines si aucune mesure de confinement n’était mise en place. La donne a changé en positif avec la mise en place du confinement, en négatif après les débilités des citadins de ce week-end suivi de leur exode. Edit : la donne a changé sur le taux de mortalité, pas sur la durée du confinement comme on me l’a fait remarquer. Je m’égare à vouloir que ça dure le moins longtemps possible...
Au Royaume-Uni, Boris Johnson a annoncé que s’il y avait 20 000 morts ou moins, ce serait un bon résultat.
Partout dans le monde, des plans de soutien massifs à l’économie sont lancés. Il faut dire qu’entre les usines fermées, les gens au chômage, les compagnies aériennes qui menacent de faire faillite en mai, les inquiétudes sont grandes.
Au Japon, ils s’acharnent encore à vouloir organiser les JO (voir le communiqué ici ).
Aujourd’hui :
— Important et à communiquer à tous les inconscients qui laissent leurs gamins jouer en pensant qu’ils ne craignent rien: une nouvelle étude montre que 6% des enfants développent des symptômes sévères.
— Le DGS dit que la situation s’aggrave rapidement. 4000 tests aujourd’hui, 42 500 tests depuis le début de l’épidémie. 9134 cas (+1404), 3600 personnes hospitalisées , 931 cas graves. 264 (+89) décès - don’t 7% touché des personnes de -de 65 ans. Le bilan par région est ici . Il y a maintenant 2693 cas en Île de France, 2163 dans le Grand Est. Les autres régions sont sous les 1000 cas. La moitié des patients en réa ont moins de 60 ans.
— Il y a un projet de loi d’Etat d’Urgence Sanitaire . D’après l’AFP: « Le projet de loi d'urgence pour faire face au #covid_19 prévoit d'autoriser la déclaration d'un "état d'urgence sanitaire", permettant notamment de restreindre certaines libertés, selon ce texte obtenu par l' #AFP de source parlementaire. L'état d’urgence sanitaire "donne pouvoir au Premier ministre de prendre par décret pris sur le rapport du ministre chargé de la santé, les mesures générales limitant la liberté d’aller et venir, la liberté d’entreprendre et la liberté de réunion et permettant de procéder aux réquisitions de tout bien et services nécessaires afin de lutter contre la catastrophe sanitaire", détaille le texte. »
— Castaner au 20h de TF1.
— La Chine nous envoie un million de masques et du matériel médical (source)
— Je pense qu’on peut dire adieu aux marchés en plein air sous peu vu ce qu’il se passe à Barbès.
— Au niveau confinement : y’a pas plein de monde, mais il y a quand même des gens dans la rue (ca en fait beaucoup pour jogging/je vais bosseje vais faire les courses).Je vois passer les flics régulièrement. C’est simple: mis à part une voiture qu’ils ont contrôlée ce matin, je ne les vois contrôler personne. Je sais pas si chest spécifique à mon quartier, où bien ils ne contrôlent que quand il y a attroupement.
— Olivier Veran déclare qu’on peut espérer un ralentissement dans une douzaine de jours.
— Jean-Paul Hamon, le président de la fédération des médecins de France , est contaminé. Il explique la situation difficile dans son cabinet, car il n’est pas le seul à avoir été testé positif.
— Ricard va fournir de l’alcool pour produire les gels hydro alcooliques. LVMH a effectué ses premières livraisons aux hôpitaux.
— comme dans d’autres pays, il commence à y avoir des mutineries dans les prisons. Il y a eu un début à Grasse hier. . La situation est inquiétante à Fresnes, qui est surpeuplée et où cinq cas ont été détectés. En Italie, il y a eu des morts et des fugitifs. En Iran, pour éviter la propagation, 85 000 prisonniers ont été relâchés.
Études: voici l’avis de Nassim Nicholas Taleb sur l’étude utilisée par le conseil scientifique pour conseiller le gouvernement.
Voici un lien vers une discussion reddit intéressante sur la chloroquine. Tout n’est pas pertinent mais il y a pas mal d’infos et d’arguments.
Un autre traitement, le favipiravir, est considéré comme prometteur. . Ça ne marche que sur les cas sévères par contre.
Pour les traitements, je manque malheureusement de connaissances médicales...quand il y a pas mal de sources d’infos et un peu de recul je peux dire un peu ce qu’il en est, mais pas pour le reste désolée...
Article avec les chiffres sur les différences entre les régions mise en quarantaine très tôt en Italie et les régions avoisinantes non mise en quarantaine.
Edit: ceci est un fake , c’est d’un goût douteux, mais j’ai pas pu m’empêcher de me marrer.
submitted by Knowonething to france [link] [comments]

DanMemo News - June 16, 2020 - 3rd Anniversary Details!

Check out the DanMemo Discord for the live translations!
Credit to Cyb in the Astraea Discord for making the information easily accessible in one channel!
Before we go any further, a couple quick notes.
- There are some minor spoilers for the story of the 3rd Anniversary event. This includes a rather vague summary of the story and character reveals. Wanted to give you that heads up.
- We do have Unit Details. As per the usual, I will be giving my own evaluation of the units. You by no means have to place weight in my opinion of the units. I am in a Top 5 NA Familia and have played since Day 1. But that doesn't change that I have been VERY WRONG before, nor does it change that there are people who are significantly better at this game than I am.
- Lastly, this is going to be LOOOONG. Just another heads up. Ok, let's get into it.

1 - 3rd Anniversary!

Astraea Record: The Rise of Evil
Story Synopsis
Event Details
(Going to be getting details on both the Astraea Familia as well as some bits about the Zeus and Hera Familia)
New Theme Song - (Sang by Ryu Lion's Voice Actress)
Characters Seen In the Story
We need to talk about this new combat mechanic before we talk about the units, since multiple of them use it.
You are going to see units that have abilities that read something like this.
"& For 2 actions after this, additional effect of [Foe] Low Wind M.atk"
There is now an "Additional Action Phase". The clarifying details they provided are below.
- During the additional action phase, more than 1 character can act at once (via these additional actions)
- The additional actions cannot be removed (like assist skills)
- The additional actions do not increase the SA gauge
- After using an SA / combination SA / countering, these additional actions will not be used.
- The additional actions cannot be countered
With those clarifications, I would expect to see this "Additional Phase" at the end of your turn and everyone's actions will all execute at relatively the same time.
So basically, you use an ability that gives you extra actions on your next ability used. You use an ability, and then at the end of turn you get an extra whack/effect.
(Strap in)
(Also, I didn't find and we didn't get clear translations for all of the units titles, so I am just going to make a couple of them up.)
[Wind of Purity] Ryu Lion
- Stat Block
- She is the Free Unit for the Event
- Get a copy for free, the bonds come from the event
Special Arts:[Foes] Ultra Wind M. Atk with temp mag boost & [Allies] Mag and Wind DMG +40% for 3 turns.
Skill 1 (29 MP): [Foes] Low Wind M.Atk & [self] Mag, Wind DMG +40% for 5 turns.
Skill 2 (41 MP): [Foes] Hi Wind M. Atk with Ultra Uncounter. & [Foes] Str, Mag, Mag Res, Wind res -20% for 3 turns.
Skill 3 (23 MP): [Foe] Hi Wind M. Atk with Ultra Pen & For 2 actions after this, additional effect of [Foe] Low Wind M.atk.
Notable Passives:
- Counters are wind elemental
- Earth Res +25%
- HP and MP 4% Regen every turn
- Worm Killer
(Free Units are normally a notch or two below decent. The same goes for our Best Girl here. [Fight me BeatHokage].)
(She has a subpar stat block, and her skill pool is mediocre at best. A fairly Low Mag Stat and none of regular skills even have Temp Boost. So she is going to tickle at best.)
(I could see her being used as a Sac Unit for Wind Teams that need her S2 but don't have a similar effect. But beyond that, she will at least be an easy for anyone to see/experience the new mechanic.)
(Worm Killer will mean she can at least find some niche use in specific PvE events.)
[Scarlet Harnel] Alisa Lovell
- Stat Block
Special Arts:[Foes] Ultra Fire P. Atk with temp GREAT Str boost and Ultra crit. & [Allies] Str, Mag, Fire dmg +60% for 3 turns.
Skill 1 (52 MP): [Foes] Fast Hi Fire P. Atk with Ultra Uncounter. & [Self] Str & Fire dmg +60% + [Foes] Fire Res -40% for 5 turns.
Skill 2 (54 MP): [Foes] Super Fire P. Atk with temp Str boost and Ultra Crit. & [Allies] Critical Rate and Penetration Rate +30% for 3 turns.
Skill 3 (31 MP): [Foe] Hi Fire P. Atk with Ultra Pen and temp GREAT str boost.
Notable Passives:
- Wind Res +35%
- Counters are Fire elemental
- Counter dmg +50%
- Crit dmg + 15%
- Worm Killer
(Yeah... This is just the first unit. There are 5 more... and this is only Part 1 of the Anniversary event...)
(Alise is an absolute monster. I don't know why WFS loves making Fire Units the strongest. But here they go again.)
(Her S1 is one of the strongest single unit damage differentials we have seen. It is a Fast, Safe Hit that will cause her to deal effectively 160% more damage on her own, and also provide a substantial damage increase to the rest of your fire team. Even the mega-self buffers like Aisha and Bete, they only achieve a 140% boost and they are on Low Modifer Attacks that they are likely to get smacked up on. Now, we do have units that buff their damage and lower enemy resistances, but they aren't on the SAME ability. Or they are on non-damaging abilities like Ryu.)
(OH LOOK, THERE'S MORE. Her S2 is going to hit RIDICULOUSLY hard and provides a straight damage consistency buff to the entire crew which she will get on her next use of S2. This WILL hurt more than you think. Especially with her stupid high STR stat.)
(S3 is just a throw-in ST ability so she can be universally useful. SA is a powerful steroid to give units like Idol Aiz even more damage.)
(Alise is strong. Scary Strong. The only thing that might hurt her, is her rather high mana costs. That won't matter for WarGames or Familia Rush. But it will be a constraint in RecordBuster or Seventh Zone. Other than that, she is a juggernaut.)
[Vyasa] Ardee Varma
- Stat Block
Special Arts: [Allies] For 4 turns, Agi, Dex +40%, and 50% HP regen. [Allies] Prevents Death if HP > 1%, if HP < 1% this buff is removed.
Skill 1 (241 MP) : Fast Buff [Allies] Prevents death if HP > 1%, if HP < 1% this buff is removed. & [Allies] P.Res and M.Res +30%, 35% HP Regen for 4 turns.
Skill 2 (32 MP) : [Allies] 30% heal. & [Foes] P. Res and M. Res -30%, Crit Rate and Pen Rate -40% for 2 turns.
Skill 3 (39 MP): [Foe] Super Water P. Atk with Ultra Crit & Removes all str and mag buffs except assist skills
Notable Passives:
- 35% dmg reduction on guard
- Fire res + 35%
- HP and MP 5% regen every turn
(We don't get BALANCED TYPE units very often. They are normally a bit awkward because their stats are just a bit awkward. The same is true here. Even more so. Ardee does Physical Damage on her S3, but loses a huge chunk of her P. Atk stat to inflate her Mag stat. This MIGHT make sense if she had a Modifier Style Heal. But since her Heal is just a flat percentage, rather than something like a MID heal, her Mag stat is completely waster. She doesn't even heal on counter, so that mag stat is doing LITERALLY nothing. Now, that doesn't mean she sucks. Good lord.)
(Ok, her S1 costs 241 MP. Which means she is using this ability ONCE. MAYBE twice. That 5% HP/MP Regen will not be enough to cover this cost. It will be a "one-time" save that comes along with a pretty insane team buff. The ability is great in WarGames/ RecordBuste 120+ Difficult PvE / and more. It is a use and forget in WarGames, in everything else, I expect to use it once, and then extend the buff with Priestess/Haruhime.)
(Goodbye Goblin Slayer. You aren't ever needed anymore. Seriously, this debuff is just better. Unless you are fighting with a Physical Based Dark Team, Ardee is going to be better in every other circumstance. Ardee covers both damage types, and her Crit/Pen debuffs are 10% over Goblin Slayer. No matter what, youa re going to want at least ONE copy of Ardee to use as a Sac in PvE events.)
(I expect you will see some WarGames teams that feel unbeatable because of Ardee. But I don't see her as a MUST-HAVE MLB/MHA. She is good and you absolutely want and borderline need one copy to use her S2 for things like RecordBusteSeventh Zone.)
[Modest Royal] Riveria Ljos Alf
- Stat Block
Special Arts: [Foe] Ultra Water M. Atk. +70% Skill DMG for every water dmg buff on self & removes all str and mag buffs on Foe except assist skills.
Skill 1 (37 MP): Fast Buff [Self] SA Charge and Water DMG +100% for 4 turns & For the next 3 actions, additional effect of [Foe] Low water M.atk
Skill 2 (55 MP):[Foe] Slow Hi Water M.atk with Ultra Crit with Temp Mag Boost. & [Self] Crit and Pen rate +50% for 1 turn.
Skill 3 (32 MP):[Foe] Hi Water M. Atk with ultra Unguard. & [self] Mag and Dex +50% for 3 turns.
Notable Passives:
- Fire Res +35%
- Counters are Water Elemental
- Crit Damage +25%
- Counter dmg +50%
- Worm Killer
(Good lord that kit is a lot. There is SO MUCH here. Where to start? Ok, let's start with ability order. Her normal "Cycle" is going to be 1-3-2-2-2-2. So let's take the abilities in that order and cap it off with the SA and final thoughts.)
(*This is Probably the first unit that has the Self SA buff that doesn't feel like garbage. Yes, Idol Ais has it, but it is on her SA, so that doesn't count in this circumstance. Riveria is more than doubling her damage while also getting that 100% increase to SA charge. This is an insane self buff. The only question I have here. Is I am not sure on the exact "math" of the Additional Action of a Low Attack. She doesn't have a SUPER Damage modifer on any of her Skills. This is probably because she is going to be doing an "extra hit" because of her S1. I don't know if this is actually better or equivalent. *)
(The other issue here is that I am 99.99% certain you won't be able to extend those actions to additional turns with units like Haru/Priestess. Which means that in order to "maintain" that extra damage. You are going to have to waste a turn reapplying her S1 to get the additional actions. Which, her S1 doesn't deal damage. So again, there is some BIG BRAIN math here to do on whether "losing a turn" to get the extra whack is worth it, compared to just spamming her S2.) - (This won't matter in Riv/Ottarl Recordbuster, where you will have to re-buff ANYWAY, but it will matter everywhere else.)
(Her S3 is a considerable self-buff that puts her total self-buffs up to 150% in straight damage. Which is very considerable. Especially since this S3 is on a High-Damage mod and should have that additional whack on it from the S1. Follow that up with a great throughput buff on her S2. She should be dealing very VERY consistent high levels of damage)
(Her SA is a big nuke. The StMag cleanse is basically meaningless, since you will want someone like Rogue Bell or NY Anya to consistently clear those off.)
(Riveria LOOKS good. But if I sound confused about her actual effectiveness, it is because I am. I can't truly make a verdict on this unit because there is just a LOT of math here that is hard to determine. She needs to use all 3 of her abilities to be "online", compared to people like NY Bete that only need to use 1. That is a lot of "set-up" time. It may very well be worth it, but with this new mechanic and the interaction of that with the lower damage modifiers. It is hard for me to say exactly.)
[Strong Back] Gareth Landrock
Special Arts: [Foes] Ultra Earth P. Atk with temp Str boost and Ultra Unguard. & [Allies] P Res and M res +50% for 4 turns.
Skill 1 (187 MP): Fast Buff [Allies] Earth dmg +50% for 5 turns. & For the next 3 actions, additional effect of [75% chance to null a p. atk on allies, except for SA].
Skill 2 (54 MP): [Foes] Super Earth P. Atk with temp Str boost and Ultra Unguard. & [Allies] Removes all str and mag debuffs except assist skills.
Skill 3 (27 MP): [Foe] Hi Earth P. Atk with Ultra Pen. & skill dmg +50% for every str buff on self.
Notable Passives:
- Counters are Earth Elemental
- Thunder Res +35%
- P res and M res +20%
- Penetration Damage +15%
- Worm Killer
(Ehhhhhhhhhhhh. Gareth is... not that exciting. If each unit has a "budget", the majority of his was spent on his S1. Which, don't missunderstand, that Additional Effect will be absolute ASS in WarGames...... if you roll into a Physical Team. But he just doesn't DO much beyond that. The Team-Wide Earth Damage buff is nice. But it is JUST Earth Damage., He doesn't boost anything else at all.)
(We saw some people running [Catty] Chloe to some success, although limited. Same with Halloween Bell. But both have fallen out of Meta pretty hard. Sure 75% is better than their 50%. But it doesn't even happen on his first action. With every team that isn't Stall (and even then...) just frontloading SO MUCH DAMAGE, and a lot of WarGame'sm matches being largely decided in the first turn, maybe the 2nd. I don't see Gareth getting the chance to have an actual impact. If his S1 provided something like P.Res and M.Res while also then giving him this additional effect. He might have a stronger home. But I see him finding a home in some super niche teams, and otherwise being an overall disappointment.)
(I mean, even his SA isn't that exciting. 50% resistance is nice. But Ardee provides 30% on a basic skill. I can't recommend pulling for Gareth at ALL. Maybe get a copy on the idea of using his S1 as a Sac buff for Earth Teams. But beyond that, he just kinda seems bad. I could be wrong, of course.)
[Celestial Libra] Astraea
- Stat Block
Assist Effect: [Allies] 30% HP regen, null 1x Phy. & Mag Atk. except for SAs
(Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Well. She is really good. She is a WarGames Goddess if there ever was one. We are seeing more and more "mixed Damage" teams, and she gives you a null for each. Her HUGE Agi stat will contribute to the still Agi based Meta. She allows some solid AF frontline protection against basically any team you come up against, and allows you to have backline Nulls that will be even more protection. Yeah, she is pretty insane.)
(As a note. She isn't a MUST HAVE for anything. You could absolutely still have a MURDEROUS WarGames team that doesn't include her. She doesn't do a TON for PvE events. Her HP Regen as an assist is the highest in the game by a WIDE margin. She is great, but not a MUST HAVE.)
[Wise Prum] Finn Deimne
- Stat Block
Assist Effect: [Allies] SA charge gain +33%, Str, Mag, Agi, End, Dex +10%
(On the other hand. Finn is an ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE MLB unit. I can not express enough how absolutely insane Finn is as a unit.)
(Before this, Casino Syr was still the only assist that provided SA Charge Boost. And at MLB she provided 100% increase charge to a single unit. Even basically 2 years after she came out, Casino Syr is STILL used ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Having the SA Boost enables a ton of strategies in things like Familia Rush or Record Buster that just Aren't possible otherwise.)
(Finn is literally just a drastically better Casino Syr. If you aren't using Sacs, you are getting 132% SA Charge every turn. Which beats out Syr by 32%. And even if you ARE using sacs. You are still going to get one 33% boost on the first Sac Unit. Which means, that while you are going to be getting 99% a turn from your units instead of 100%, you would need to go for 33 turns before Syr starts to give you more SA Charge than Finn. Which, I don't want to see the event that asks you to go for 40 turns.)
(Even beyond that. Casino Syr ONLY provides the SA Boost. Finn also comes with a 10% Stat Boost in every category. Sure you might use something like Artemis for a larger STR buff. But you likely won't be getting better boosts in literally every stat.)
(Finn is a MUST HAVE unit that you will need to MLB. He is the all-star unit of the event that will likely be used for 2+ years to come.)
(Also, there is the very VERY real possibility, that him existing completely opens up new strategies. Currently, we just CAN'T get 3 SA's in Familia Rush. Even with units like Tiona that give themselves the 100% SA Charge buff, you still just BARELY come up short. Finn + Casino Syr + A SA Buff Unit, might mean 3 SAs in 7 turns is possible.) - (Looking at you, Riveria-Chan.)
- Banner #1 - Alise, Riveria, Finn
- Banner #2 - Ardee, Gareth, Astraea
(IMO. Banner 1 is about 50x Stronger than Banner 2.)
Banners are going to have 2x Rate for 4★ Units
Heroic Trials
(Thankfully, they are throwing us a couple bones here as well....)

2 - More 3rd Anniversary Goodies

The Scope of 3rd Anniversary Event
(I am not sure how they are defining the "Worth" of these events.)
(DanMachi Seasons are 13 Episodes, and at 20 minute episodes, that is only around 4 hours of "content".)
(If you combine Part 1 and Part 2 of the Argonaut story, you get damn near 7 hours of content. Here they are saying that this is going to be EVEN bigger.)
(Also, just a heads up. This is what we are getting for the next 3ish months.)
No, Seriously, the 3rd Anniversary is going on for like... Ever
And even after that, we going into another mega event for the Anime Season 3 Event
Completing the Event will give you an 11-Draw Ticket that will give you ALL 4★ Units
(Ok, that is wild and cool)
Worried About Iris? Don't be. We are getting a confusingly large amount. Somewhere between 12,000 and like... more?
Seriously, a Free 1,000 just because.
Whale Bundles
- "Special item bundle" (The special is the limited exchange ticket)
- Pretty Standard Options
- Pretty Standard Payoffs
- Standard At All Tiers
- Comes with the "good Deal" Iris Bundles.
(Lul, you can purchase them 3 times... Gross.)


Lotto Orario Returns!
Pretty Standard Rewards, but More 1st place Winners
Remaining Places Rewards
Character Display Feature
The character will function the same way they do in the Interact menu, in terms of just talking at random. They won't be responding to taps and such as in the JP Release.
Upgrade Campaign Support
Basically, the new units you will their CP up really fast, and canForce Level them easily. Cheaper Grind for Falna/Exilia.
Daily Quests
Share Campaign
(PILES of Basic 11 Draw Tickets.)
Some Events Returning to Story Digest
(I guess they figured out how to make things load alright while these still being available?)

4 - Summary

Quick College of Everything
Actual Summary Image - (Dates are in JST, So it starts for most of the world on Thursday Evening, June 18)
Thanks for reading and thanks for playing!
Find me on the DanMemo Discord or the Astraea Discord. - or on my Discord Server(I do my own creative content) or on my Twitter Account
(Oh my sweet lord. That took 3 hours and is creeping up on 30,000 characters.)
(I am ultimately pretty happy with the new units. I didn't really have a direct "wishlist" for the new event beyond something we hadn't seen before. I wanted to see something in a new design space, and the "Additional Actions" are exactly that.)
(I am a bit concerned that this 3rd Anniversary is broken into THREE parts) (+1) (That is a LOT of events, and a LOT of units. They have historically pushed the envelope with the Anniversary units, and the Argonaut units are STILL relevant today. I am expecting very similar things with these units. I imagine that Alise is going to just be a staple unit for a LONG time. Finn as well. Ardee will always see use, at least as a Sac.)
(I can only imagine what we are going to see in Part 2 and 3. Especially if we look at just how good the Part 2 Argonaut Units were.)
(Regardless of all that. I am most excited to see the story of the Astraea Familia. Ryu has been my favorite since the very beginning of my introduction to the series. Her Story is one that is only vaguely told by herself, and hinted by others. This will be an absolutely incredible event. I am quite excited, and I hope all of you are as well.)
submitted by Schwahn to DanmachiMemoriaFreese [link] [comments]

The greatest review of Hugh Cook's Chonicles ever written - and it's in German!

This is the best review of Hugh Cook's Chronicles of an Age of Darkness ever written, and it is written in German! English translation below. It's almost perfect.
(Google Translate.)

Genre experiments: Hugh Cook

05/15/16by Dennis Mombauer Comments 2 📷
Hugh Cook's Chronicles of an Age of Darkness is a ten-volume fantasy cycle that uses literary ingenuity and experimental techniques to break through classic genre boundaries, break them and leave them far behind. In addition to a diverse, wacky world and the precise, black-humored rendition of human realities, the author's willingness to experiment is expressed above all in a multitude of voices and perspectives: in his writing style, which changes from volume to volume, and the interconnectivity of the volumes, which tell separate stories, but constantly encounter, influence and overlap.
A guest contribution by Dennis Mombauer .
Fantasy - at least immersive, ie that takes place completely in a secondary world - is contrary to the perhaps obvious intuition, a conservative genre. A world built from scratch, foreign cultures and magic would allow every imaginable long-distance and high-altitude flight of the imagination, but the majority of fantasy authors fall back on the same conventions that were established by Tolkien and his imitators in the middle of the last century. At the beginning of classic fantasy stories there is always a carefully put together, often pseudo-medieval setting dollhouse that is threatened by evil and saved by protagonists, who are dug out of the shared archetype box by their authors. The plot runs on the same, often messianic, rails laid according to Campbell's mono myth, at the end of which the status quo is restored and the readership can lean back contentedly. All too often, fantasy is a »comfort genre« (Williams 2007) that, by tradition, unnecessarily limits its altitude itself and is dragged to the ground by reactionary resentments.

Golden gulags and dark ages

An exception to this rule is the British-New Zealand author Hugh Cook (1956-2008), who remained almost unknown outside of a small fan base and only moderately successful commercially, which could already indicate the experimental nature of his literature. His main works are the "Chronicles of an Age of Darkness", a megalomaniac fantasy cycle of 60 volumes, of which ten were written in the end and published between 1986 and 1992: And these ten volumes fire with such a firework of literary ingenuity and experimental techniques against the grids of the classic genre cage suggest that little more than ash and burned-in shadows remain of them. The world devised by Cook for his "Chronicles" towers as a mountain range over every dollhouse fantasy, is more of a sandbox and construction box than a carefully assembled toy. Individual novels span decades, various continents, islands and regions are visited, and almost everything is possible: pseudomagic »synergetic improbability«, wandering mountains, circularly lined up teleportation doors and arenas with monstrous giant minkes; a space academy whose AI director continues to train pilots even though the spaceships only exist in illusion tanks; mighty banking consortia, wish-fulfilling machine flowers, magic bottles inside magic bottles; ghostly Ilpse, who dissolve when asking questions, the skulls of the deep south, Asmen, the Odex, etc. etc. pp. Integrated into the intercosmic, probability-manipulating mega-civilization of the Nexus, the planet in the center of the setting is a former prison and therapy complex (the "Golden Gulag") that lost all connection to the Nexus thousands of years ago and fell back into a partially medieval post-apocalypse. Such a mixture of fantasy and science fiction elements is not new, and although Cook does it in a very original, often bizarre way (and does not emphasize the extraordinary, just mentions it in passing), it is not what makes it Novels escape the mainstream.

Human and non-human realities

In Cook's world, the potential of almost unlimited possibilities is fully exploited, and yet at the same time it remains down to earth, realistic in the psychology and physiology of its inhabitants. Humans (and human-like life forms) come in a variety of colors and shapes, of which black and white are just the beginning: for example, there are the islanders of Ebrell with their red skin, the purple-colored frangoni, the metallic-gold-skinned, milk-eyed inhabitants von Ling or the green-haired and bearded Slagger Mulps ("two thumbs and three fingers on each hand"; Cook 1988, 83); In addition, there is also a multitude of different ethnic groups, castes, cultures and subcultures:
"As had already been stated, Dog was a member of the Yara, the Unreal underclass of Dalar ken Halvar's dominant people, the Pang. Dog wanted to join the Free Corps, but membership of that august body was largely restricted to Ebrell Islanders and members of the Chem, the wealthy upper class of Dalar ken Halvar's Pang. "(Cook 1992, 46)
Racism, discrimination, pogroms, forced relocations and sometimes tolerance occur between the various groups; For example, the islanders of Ebrell on Untunchilamon are considered alcoholics, troublemakers and, if necessary, scapegoats, while in Dalar ken Halvar they belong to the most influential population groups. Diverse languages ​​and dialects lead to misunderstandings or misunderstandings, local customs are diverse, and there are different currencies, laws, religions and traditions:
“› I demand ‹, he repeated,› to see the ambassador of the Narba Consortium. Don't you understand? Ambassador! ‹But his captors spoke no Gaelish. Nor did they understand High Churl, City Churl, Field Churl, Ashmarlan, Lorp Talk, Estral, Rovac, Ligin or Ling, which was almost the sum-total of the languages ​​Jon Arabin spoke. "(Cook 1988, 375)
Classic fantasy creatures such as dragons, minotaurs, demons or orcs (hunted because of their oily trans and threatened with extinction) exist alongside high-tech machines and post-lovecraftian nightmare creatures, other protagonists are even more unusual: for example Shabble, a former toy , almost indestructible miniature sun or a gigantic hermit crab, which is in fact an inorganic, probability-manipulating entity from the heart of the local star. Cook builds a colorful world full of human (and non-human) abysses, showcasing all the light and dark sides of human nature, and ruthlessly opposing its protagonists. Oppression, torture, disease, hunger, thirst, alcoholism, betrayal, cannibalism and madness are ubiquitous; Armies on the march are constantly threatened by unrest, unrestrained pillage, excesses of violence and desertion; Ships of mutinies, intrigues, storms and sea monsters; Travelers end up in dungeons because they cannot pay a bribe, warriors lose their hands or more (Guest Gulkan loses both arms and legs in the middle of his more than seven hundred-year history). Cook's protagonists are mostly not heroes, not even antiheroes; they are villains and drifters, egoists in search of their own gain, often self-inflicted difficulties in the way, which perish by their own greed or celebrate great successes with their unscrupulous actions - and Cook puts the reader in these characters without taking sides for (or against) them.

A narrator with many tongues ...

A diverse, often wacky world and human realities are not yet experimental in themselves, even if they break with the classic conventions of the fantasy genre in many places - mixtures of SciFi and fantasy abound, merciless medieval realism at the latest with »Game of Thrones ”(albeit clearly after Cook) reached the mainstream. There are primarily two peculiarities that highlight the Chronicles series and perhaps cannot be found anywhere else in a comparable form: On the one hand, Cook's writing style, which changes in each volume, always maintains a certain distance and thus one (or more) additional ones to the story Level (s) conferred; and on the other hand the fact that the novels all tell closed stories, but constantly overlap, intersect and illuminate the same events from different angles. First to Cook's writing style, which makes him an omniscient, constantly commenting narrator, who delves into digressions (comparable to Moers' Mythenmetzschen digressions) and punishes "show, don't tell" rules with contempt:
"[Gouda Muck] was, quite possibly, the only atheist in the city of Cam. Most citizens enjoyed the practice of religion - indeed, for many devout souls, its consolations were all that made life worth living. But Gouda Muck was born to be a dissident. He refused to believe in the demon Hagon, far less to worship that formidable eater of souls. He also avoided those sacred religious duties usually accepted even by unbelievers, viz: patronizing the temple casinos; copulating with the temple prostitutes; playing the temple numbers game; going to the temple cockfights; participating in the human sacrifices. His main objection to all the above activities was that they cost an exorbitant amount of money. "(Cook 1988, 58-59)
Cook takes the typical genre elements - the young hero who sets out into the world, the battles, the prophecies, the ancient magicians - and confronts them with the psychological mechanisms and dark spots that are usually left out. The hero goes out into the world and comes back without having learned anything; the rightful heir moves out to take his throne and is broken and traumatized along the way; the revolutionary realizes that the story is not about him. Clichés and conventions are deconstructed without the story stalling, and Cook observes and comments on all of this from a withdrawn observer position that combines black humor and dry understatement:
"Another vessel was connected to the Gol-sa-danjerk by grappling hooks. Copious quantities of blood on the deck suggested that the connection had not been entirely welcome. Indeed, Drake observed that most of the crew had become corpses. "(Cook 1988, 82)
A remarkable element is the fact that the language changes with the narrator in each volume and appears almost as a separate character with idiosyncrasies and a multitude of idiosyncrasies. What in the first volume could almost pass as the voice of a traditional fantasy writer is in the fifth volume the cynical commentator on a picaresque story; in volume 3, a female point of view is adopted, which is rather rare in fantasy, which, according to the author, is one of the reasons for the series' commercial failure. (Cook 2005) The sixth volume consists of the recordings of an inmate of the Dromdanjerie, the psychiatric institution on the island of Untunchilamon, which are packed into different meta-levels à la House of Leaves: The records were first used by the »redactors of Odrum« with enormous amounts (» a full two million words «, Cook 1990, 5) provided with explanations and insertions, which in turn were cut out by another authority so that only the voices of a few prominent editors remained (as the preface to the preface explains). The seventh volume consists of the diary-like writing of the same inmate, who now seems cured of his madness and has dispensed with the commentary levels; Volume 8 is thematically based on Nordic sagas and takes place entirely at night, Volume 9 gets lost in technical debauchery on the nexus and (pseudo) scientific explanations. Most of these volumes alone would be reason enough to declare Cook's work to be experimental, but each of them represents only one of the ten facets of innovation and originality, which together form a colorful kaleidoscope.

... and a narrator with many eyes

The other big experiment of the »Chronicles« is the fact that each band tells its own story, has its own protagonists and locations, but is still linked to the other stories and constantly has interfaces. For example, the central protagonist of the tenth volume is introduced on the first page of the first book and appears in a large number of other volumes, sometimes only as a brief encounter, sometimes as an apparent deus ex machina or antagonist. A frequently cited example is a scene from The Walrus and the Warwolf in which Drake Douay is led into the torture chamber of the local ruler Watashi:
"Watashi's private torture chamber was a soundproof room containing a narrow wooden bench, which bore an ominous number of russet stains, and many ugly implements of iron. Drake did his thinking - and fast. Clearly posing as an innocent peddlar was not going to save him. "(Cook 1988, 352)
The same scene is exposed as a psychological trick in the next book from Watashi's perspective:
"[Drake] was gagged and taken to an abandoned store room. Over the last three days, this had been converted into a horror house. Many ugly implements of iron had been gathered together; a torture bench had been installed; and Jarl had slaughtered a chicken in the room to make sure it was suitably blood-bespattered. "(Cook 1989, 303)
The scene is one element of many, and even more than direct encounters, numerous descriptions and reports of events ensure that the ten volumes taken together are reminiscent of a more trashy version of Rashomon or a more extensive and complex anticipation of films like Babel or 21 Grams. Information spreads uncontrollably, and the events of one novel become the distorted rumors and legends of the next and the one after that; Due to geographical distances and inadequate means of transport, messages reach other places with enormous delay, and there is hardly anyone who does not constantly lie for his own benefit. Again and again the protagonists of other volumes play supporting roles, are mentioned in reports or set in motion events in the background that appear from the respective perspective like unchangeable fate, but in their own story are quite normal actions. Conflicts do not arise from the fact that some characters are good and others are bad; they arise from conflicting motivations, insufficient information and often pure coincidence.

Limitations and limits exceeded

There would be a lot more to say about Hugh Cook, about his biography which is closely related to the novels, his short stories, his crazy homepage (unfortunately only available via Wayback Machine or similar), his later novels such as To Find and Wake the Dreamer or even just to the titles of his "Chronicles" volumes, which range from the classic (The Wizards and the Warriors) to the comical (The Walrus and the Warwolf) to the exotic (The Wishstone and the Wonderworkers) - but time and space are limited, and therefore it must suffice to sum up that he explored the scope of the genre with his novels, far exceeded the limits and dared the experiments that classic fantasy so urgently needs.
Cook, Hugh (1988): The Walrus and the Warwolf. London: Corgi Books Cook, Hugh (1989): The Wicked and the Witless. London: Corgi Books. Cook, Hugh (1990): The Wishstone and the Wonderworkers. London: Corgi Books. Cook, Hugh (1992): The Worshipers and the Way. London: Corgi Books. Cook, Hugh (2005): http://zenvirus.com/hugh-cook/bibliography-novels.html (accessed via Wayback Machine; as of July 22, 2012) Willams, Tad (2007): Interview. http://fantasyhotlist.blogspot.de/2007/02/interview-with-tad-williams_15.html (as of November 28, 2013)
submitted by sylvestertheinvestor to hughcook [link] [comments]

Hey Goonwaffe, sorry I shut down your decade old altcorp program and ruined all your citadel anchoring rights with 7 minutes of mild effort by casually acquiring an altcorp.

Hi, I am John Blathos, and in 2014 I was head FC of the Goon SIG Space Violence. We lived in Syndicate, a cool region of space, and everyone liked me because I was high energy, only spoke in the imperial system of distances, and we flew harpies against brave newbies rail thorax fleets outnumbered 8:1, which is really easy but makes you look like a hella legit FC even though you have almost no idea what you're doing.
Anyways, people in goonswarm still like me more than Mitanni, here are some chat logs:
Goon420swarmer69: Man, mitanni really sucks and his tweets are fuckin' embarassing. He isn't cool and muscular like you, John Blathos. Plus he kicked hole squad, the spiritual successor to SV.
John Blathos:Don't be mean, friend, he truly will show the DNC any day now the mistake they made in disobeying his demands that Bernard become their presidential nominee. Give me your alt corp so that I can defeat him in space.
Goon420swarmer69: Ok, apply to "Cincy Style Chilli" in game, I will give you CEO. Please make mitani quit so someone actually cool like laz or powers can become CEO and I can post in the SA thread without people knowing I am associated with this idiot.
John Blathos: ok.
What followed was me planning to drop maybe one astrahuas quietly so I had a place to tether the handful of dreads, carriers, and supers I have in western Delve. But I told people about my plan and it suddenly spun out of control, and (much like IRL), everyone wanted a piece of that hot Blathos action.

Vily: John Blathos not only were you the most active and successful supercapital FC in the entirety of "world war bee one: casino war", but now you have done it again by infiltrating the goonswarm itself. Please accept my application to your corp so I can anchor citidels.
John Blathos: ok but you must call me "sir" since I am your CEO and I demand you respect.
Vily, PGL, Doom, SUAS: Yes sir!

Then we anchored a total of 67 citidels. It was meant to be 69, the sex number, but 2 of them got fragged on gates because deep down some of TAPI leadership is only OK at solo pvp, and were caught off guard by the elite players such as NEUROMANCER X whose corp Thermodynamics took a contract from goonswarm to patrol delve and PB and protect them from infiltration. This lossmail, tragically, tipped the goonswarm counterintelligence unit that something was amiss.
Here's what Asher Elias (the CEO of bastion) and Mitanni (the CEO of goonfleet) had to say:[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])/directorbot:
Great job tonight guys, we had citidels anchoring all throughout our space. We were able to kill every citidel anchoring in Querious, Period Basis, and Delve. We also had a fight in Fountain that were were incredibly outnumbered on[...] [...]tell everyone to get logged in as we fight the rest of eve.
PS[: Here's a picture of The Mittani and Lazerous Telraven enjoyingin elite nanogang PVP against a citidel: https://i.imgur.com/Syy95iK.jpg~~~\ This was a broadcast from asher_elias to all at 2020-07-22 03:25:22 317508 EVE ~~~
ALAS, it appears that they have only killed 9 structures, including the 2 in haulers, so 60 remain. Also Laz had to borrow that dread which means that he is just a f1 monkey blobber with no solo/smallgang pvp ships in his hangar.
EDIT TO ADD:In case you didn't realize, the guy that flipped me the corp didn't say any of that shit and he wants to clarify that he couldn't care less about space politics or mittens or anything and just likes to shoot star vessels and laugh on comms and thought I would do funny shit with the alt corp. His only motivation was the goonfleet was boring. Have fun in w-space, buddy.
submitted by xJOINxHOLExSQUADx to Eve [link] [comments]

SA Gaming

Along with the fun to play online games, it can also reduce stress and lighten depression. Not only it helps in lightening up the tensions, but it also helps in improving the ability to multi-task and the decision-making skills with the ability to deal better with unexpected customers. Moreover, the researchers also have supported that playing online games has substantial psychological benefits.
Online games gaining millions of users worldwide have shown the world to connect, befriend, and accumulate online social capital virtually. It has been evolving as the most engaging form of entertainment today. Also, it has been a common human need for recreation with comfort. From listless commuters to the waiting rooms, online games have help0ed to entertain us, which would go wasted.
Furthermore, online games offer rewards and benefits like daily jackpots, reward point tournaments, and festive bonanzas, ensuring that there is always something big coming up.
SA Gaming has a long involvement with making the online gaming stage to business situated in the Asian and Western markets. Since 2009, the company is ruling over the Asian market, making state-of-the-art casino games. In the Asian online gaming market, SA Gaming casino has the most popular. Moreover, for their outstanding products and services given to the users, they have been awarded the "Live Casino of the Year," at IGA 2020, the most respected award in the industry. Likewise, they have been the winner of "Asian Platform Provider of the Year," at MGA 2019.
SA Gaming is known for its live dealer casino games, unique themes, graphics, bonuses, and advanced features. SA Games are authorized and managed by probably the world's most legitimate associations, like GLI and BMM. They develop Live Games, Slots, Multiplayer Games, and Proxy Betting.
Live Games
The live games suite includes standard and enhanced betting versions of baccarat, dragon tiger, sic bo, fan tan, blackjack, and roulette. Gameplay features include real-time game stats, multi-bet, and side-bet functionality.
In addition to various mostly Asian-themed games featuring high-quality artwork, animations, and soundtracks, SA Gaming brings their sophisticated game maths and engines to another level with a series of "Hot Model" slots.
Multiplayer Games
The company's flagship arena-type game for mobile and desktop users is Fisherman's Gold. The game is easy to play and presents participants with the challenge of developing in-depth strategies.
Proxy Betting
SA Gaming offers land casinos an opportunity to stream their table action live in HD video. Players will see the real table action and be able to bet on games from a distance. Some forms of correct proxy betting are not allowed in certain jurisdictions, so don't expect to be able to instruct a proxy at the Macau table to bet for you remotely.
submitted by Muaz_89 to u/Muaz_89 [link] [comments]

SA Gaming

Along with the fun to play online games, it can also reduce stress and lighten depression. Not only it helps in lightening up the tensions, but it also helps in improving the ability to multi-task and the decision-making skills with the ability to deal better with unexpected customers. Moreover, the researchers also have supported that playing online games has substantial psychological benefits.
Online games gaining millions of users worldwide have shown the world to connect, befriend, and accumulate online social capital virtually. It has been evolving as the most engaging form of entertainment today. Also, it has been a common human need for recreation with comfort. From listless commuters to the waiting rooms, online games have help0ed to entertain us, which would go wasted.
Furthermore, online games offer rewards and benefits like daily jackpots, reward point tournaments, and festive bonanzas, ensuring that there is always something big coming up.
SA Gaming has a long involvement with making the online gaming stage to business situated in the Asian and Western markets. Since 2009, the company is ruling over the Asian market, making state-of-the-art casino games. In the Asian online gaming market, SA Gaming casino has the most popular. Moreover, for their outstanding products and services given to the users, they have been awarded the "Live Casino of the Year," at IGA 2020, the most respected award in the industry. Likewise, they have been the winner of "Asian Platform Provider of the Year," at MGA 2019.
SA Gaming is known for its live dealer casino games, unique themes, graphics, bonuses, and advanced features. SA Games are authorized and managed by probably the world's most legitimate associations, like GLI and BMM. They develop Live Games, Slots, Multiplayer Games, and Proxy Betting.
Live Games
The live games suite includes standard and enhanced betting versions of baccarat, dragon tiger, sic bo, fan tan, blackjack, and roulette. Gameplay features include real-time game stats, multi-bet, and side-bet functionality.
In addition to various mostly Asian-themed games featuring high-quality artwork, animations, and soundtracks, SA Gaming brings their sophisticated game maths and engines to another level with a series of "Hot Model" slots.
Multiplayer Games
The company's flagship arena-type game for mobile and desktop users is Fisherman's Gold. The game is easy to play and presents participants with the challenge of developing in-depth strategies.
Proxy Betting
SA Gaming offers land casinos an opportunity to stream their table action live in HD video. Players will see the real table action and be able to bet on games from a distance. Some forms of correct proxy betting are not allowed in certain jurisdictions, so don't expect to be able to instruct a proxy at the Macau table to bet for you remotely.
submitted by Muaz_89 to u/Muaz_89 [link] [comments]

I’ve been completing some deeply disturbing crosswords

I latch onto specific problems and when I do everything else around me diminishes into nothingness until I complete the task at hand. I line these problems up and solve them, one-by-one, and I find updating the task list awfully difficult. If I am on my way to do a job, breaking off to attend to something else is almost impossible. I once finished buttering my toast before putting out a fire by the stove. I once lost a girlfriend after she trapped her fingers in a food processor, and I quietly went over to the fridge and put the milk away before turning to help her. She couldn’t believe that I hadn’t rushed over straight away, but of course it wasn’t really like that. I was unable to review or address my priorities until my mind had freed itself from the current task.
I have to manage these tendencies. And I learned at an early age that it helps to focus on discrete tasks that, if things get really bad, I can remind myself don’t matter. That, at least, limits the anxiety of abandoning them. I have my work and that gets me through the day, but outside of those hours I need other things to pull me through. I can paint and read and they’re involving, for sure, but they don’t tend to have the sense of completion that I get from a simple puzzle. Jigsaws, sudoku, word searches, videogames; these all make up part of it but oddly enough it’s crosswords that have taken over my mind. It started because they weren’t too taxing and if I was pushed to cheat then it didn’t really matter. They let me say things like,
“Right, I’ll do 9 across while on the toilet and that’s it.”
Like most things I put my mind to, I quickly turned the hobby into an obsessive pursuit of completion. The harder they were, the better. If I had to watch a film, read a book, or even visit a real-life location to get an answer, I would. And I credited it all with pushing me out of my comfort zone in order to experience new things. I would have never watched Breakfast at Tiffanies, read Little Women, or visited the London Museum of Natural History without needing to get answers from them. And they were all new experiences for me, some better than others, but I enjoyed the feeling of expanding my little bubble with each new puzzle.
Crosswords, like everything, have communities surrounding them and I even found a few friends online. For some, the compulsion to get obscure answers was a vital lifeline to the outside world, and you’d be surprised at some of the cultures lurking at the fringe. A good crossword is more than just a puzzle, it’s a curated string of experiences picked to evoke a deliberate journey. A common example might be the kind of thing some tourists could use to guide them around a city:
Below the Phoenix of a Blinded Saint, 8 down.
Resurgam – the answer can be found carved on a stone beneath a statue of a phoenix at St Paul’s Cathedral. But what about something like the following:
The final song of a thunderous singer, 5 across.
The answer was Toxic, the final song lip-synced by a Drag Queen (Daytona Thunder) at a popular club in Manchester. I went a long way for that one and had a surprisingly good night, albeit one a little outside my wheelhouse. But still, I got the answer and it wasn’t like I’d find it just by reading the forums (posting answers is a big no-no if you want to get into the best clubs). The creator was a well-known Queer academic working out of London who has a popular following in the community. I appreciated their work but perhaps not as much as those by one anonymous Berliner.
A companion’s lips tasted through the looking glass, 6 across.
Her name was Alice and she was an escort for an agency called Intimate Companions. She was wearing Cherry lip gloss, something I found through a process of elimination.
Over the last few years I’ve discovered more about myself than I ever would have at home. I have learned that I can lie very well, that when I know who I am meant to be, who others want me to be, I can be confident and even charming. I have learned that I am not a jealous person, that I am not a vain person, and that there are times when I can be as reckless and adventurous as anyone else. I just need a reason to, a job to complete with routes to success I understand.
The name of a one-eyed watchmen’s gun, 12 across.
There was a policeman—with two eyes, I might add, but the unfortunate Christian name of Dick—and the answer was the serial number of his gun, converted to letters. That was an odd one, but absolutely invigorating. The crossword had been made with clearly defined geographical boundaries which helped (many of us attended it as a communal event although I largely acted alone), and for a moment I almost thought the policeman was in on the game. Right up until he tried to shoot me.
Like I said, the experiences can be invigorating.
But the good ones, the really good ones, they can be a struggle to find. You have to be accepted into the right groups, often you’ll be vetted, even tested, but the reward can be worth it. I’ll never forget the day I had a hand-delivered envelope deposited at my doorstep and the anticipation I felt opening it, unknotting the brown twine so delicately tied around the heft. God, some of them even had wax seals. I liked those the most. I found the violet and crimson seals delicious to look at.
But they were so, so much more than simple puzzles.
A principled affair, 5 down.
The headmaster of the local school was having an affair with her sister-in-law, Sarah. It was hard to find that out. It wasn’t exactly public knowledge. Frankly, I had to resort to stalking and it wasn’t a good look, but it was a new experience nonetheless and the few times I nearly got caught were quite exhilarating. But what was truly amazing was that this was at the school just a few blocks from my house! You have to understand, it wasn’t just a template handed out to everyone. I still don’t know how big any of these communities really are but I imagine they’re quite small and involve people from all over the world. It was truly remarkable to think someone had laboured over a tailor-made puzzle just for me.
There are quite a few groups I belong to now. Some aren’t even organised online, instead requiring that you ferret them out, sometimes as clues in other puzzles, sometimes as their own elaborate games. But there are always more to be found and in the best circumstances, they find you, choosing you out of all the people in the world to rise to the challenge at hand. The right ones will push you to do things you never thought possible.
A baker’s jewels, 7 down.
Harriet Baker who died in 2012 at the age of 86 and was buried with an emerald necklace in the local graveyard. I still have it, kept away somewhere in a special drawer along with news clippings of the crime. It even has some of the soil from the grave still muddying its shimmering gems, and admittedly they do still smell a bit. But I bet that I know something most people don’t, and that’s what happens to little old Grandma five years after being sealed up in a box beneath the Earth. Not just the abstract, either. I know the specifics, I know exactly what she looks like, smells like, and even what her cold lumpen flesh feels like. I spent years as a child wondering what happened to the many relatives of mine who passed away, but it was an adult I finally found the answer.
People have lived their whole lives looking down on me. Teachers assumed I was slow at learning, my parents mourned that I cared more about organising my wargaming miniatures than I ever did about girls or friends, everyone around me treated me like I was a timid mouse in a world of thundering giants. But I’ve lived a more exciting life than they could ever imagine, and it hasn’t been in spite of who I am. Only someone like me could pursue these clues to such dogged ends and I gladly take the bad with the good.
The colour of the tea plates served by the Biellier Historical Society, 9 up.
Don’t let the name fool you. The Society is a private organisation for some rather unusual gentlemen who serve tea after their annual conference is finished. Crazy bastards, I can see why they need a drink once they’re finished and I’m not surprised half of them didn’t take a seat during refreshments. I’m just not sure I’ll ever look be able to look a farm animal in the eye again.
Oh, and turquoise, by the way. That was the answer.
I know things very few people know. That’s a rare privilege and, like I said, it comes with a price. It would be ridiculous to think one might look upon the fraying edges of our world without having to face some uncomfortable sights. And you might think the worst of it is a leather-bound orgy in a dungeon or perversions you can safely find on Wikipedia, but there are other lingering truths buried in the Earth and I am one of the few who have seen them. There is always more to learn, always another word to find, another puzzle to complete. And I have come a long way in my education since I first received that letter on my doorstep years ago.
The inheritor of Maeson’s oldest home, 6 down.
Albert. Albert was the named inheritor of the first house built and designed by obscure architect Harold Maeson. It was not, as almost everyone first expected, the current owner’s first born son named Alexander, but instead the old man’s male sexual interest Albert who was a rather unwilling 17 year old. Perhaps the old man thought it made up for his actions towards the boy he had kept around as a family friend for years, disguising his abuse as mentorship. Either way it caused a tremendous uproar and poor Albert wasn’t exactly thrilled to have his face all over the papers. No one could have possibly known he would be the inheritor. The will was written up in total secrecy, something I spent considerable resources finding out.
Credit where it’s due, the old man put up a fight but his death was the only way I would get my answer. I can’t speak for others, but I found the experience quite a revelation. I felt as if I’d learned profound hidden knowledge, a truth about reality found in the glassy bloodshot eyes of a man violently dying. There’s something in there, you know, something that lies just beneath our own reality. I saw a glimmer of it that night, just like I had so many others before it. It’s quite beautiful, a confusing glittering mess of contradictions and unknowable madness. It is, by definition beyond our ability to every truly know but you can still see facets of it, one bit at a time.
It’s beautiful. But… well, it’s not always so painless.
The missing piglet counted right to left, 5 up.
Eight. That was the answer. I spent all night researching fairy tales and children’s rhymes only to fall asleep at my desk sometime around 2 in the morning. When I awoke I had been moved to the sofa and my left foot was raised on the armrest and bandaged heavily. The whole tingled from anaesthesia and it wouldn’t be until noon before I could walk on it again. Anxiously, I undid the white swaddle of blood-tinged gauze and winced at the sight of my mutilated foot. The middle toe on my left foot had been amputated cleanly, the wound sewn up neatly like a cross-stitched grin. Counting right to left, I noticed it was the eighth toe missing and I have to admit I pumped my fist in the air and rejoiced at having the answer.
But the experience caught me off guard, and it might not surprise you to know that I have since looked into slowing down and maybe even taking a short break from this hobby. I’ve had to manage these tendencies in the past and I suppose this one should be no different. But there have been some difficulties. For one thing, they won’t stop sending new puzzles to me and it’s all but impossible for me to ignore them. And for another, the clues are becoming increasingly pointed.
A sea of white and flakes of gold to flood a castle of ivory, 6 down.
Cereal, right? That’s what I thought, at least until I had the unpleasant surprise of discovering a needle hidden in my cornflakes. That, it turned out, was the correct answer and I was lucky to catch it before it wound up anywhere near my mouth. The thought of that thing sliding down my throat or catching in the roof of my mouth, spearing the gum and cartilage, left me riddled with an ever-growing anxiety. Clubs have pushed things in the past, boundaries take a backseat when it comes to pursuing the absolute limit of knowledge. But it felt like such an odd inclusion for the latest puzzle, one that didn’t necessarily teach me anything. If I had the ability to trace it to a single group I might have a better sense of what it was meant to mean, but then again anonymity was always kind of the point.
The currency of a strategic withdrawal, 3 up.
I initially thought of the military, but in fact the answer was Yen and it turned out that around £50,000 worth of them had been withdrawn from my account (by myself, somehow) at the bank. God knows how that was possible, but it happened and there’s not a lot I could really do about it. I’ve written to some of the groups but as far as I can tell they’re playing coy.
I am sorry, one replied. But our puzzles are sent out as part of a weekly newsletter via e-mail. We’re not sure we’ve ever offered bespoke crosswords but we’d be fascinated to hear more if there’s anyone out there who does. It’d interest quite a few of our members, myself included.
I received similar variations to this message from just about every organisation I had listed in my ledger and frankly I found the suggestion ridiculous. I’d always assumed those newsletters were part of a front, making it appear as though the focus was on banal little puzzles about obscure military defeats while secretly directing us to brothels and illegal casinos. It made sense, perhaps, that they would maintain the ruse but an acquaintance I called wasn’t exactly reassuring.
“Well of course they’re a front,” he said. “Don’t you get the packages? I’ve had a few seedy adventures with those!”
“Oh that’s good!” I laughed while breathing a deep sigh of relief. “I was beginning to think… well, I’m not sure what I was thinking.”
“Oh yes the packages are very real,” he replied. “The Spring edition was quite a naughty affair, don’t you think?”
“Invigorating,” I smiled. “I didn’t even know where to buy a burlap sa—”
“Strawberry!? Can you imagine? The Mrs and I had a delight trying out the different flavours.”
“Oh come now man, no need to be shy. It’s quite normal to use… lubricant,” he whispered it like a dirty secret. “Agnes suggested we try it on toast!” I hung up with his laughter still bellowing down the other line. My Spring edition of our shared club was not anything like his. I told myself that it made sense it wouldn’t, they were meant to be custom made for each participant, but it alarmed me to hear that his activities were so dreadfully banal. Most of the clues in that edition had directed me to the consumption of a range of meats including something I scraped off the side of a suspension bridge.
Nothing my friend had said to me rang true. Rightly, I should have stopped there. But… but the thing is… it was never really an option, not then and not now. I’m sure you think it’s a silly compulsion or anxiety but it’s not. I can’t do it. It’s simply not in my nature especially not now I know that God-knows-what could be lurking around the corner. I’ve explained this to myself and others before – I am task focused. I needed to finish the job at hand.
PO Box 19777, open it from within, 9 down.
I found the box with ease but there was no key nor any means to open it from within. Whatever the rationale was behind the puzzle, I thought at the time that the whole affair was beginning to frustrate me. I didn’t see any significant challenge to tracing the address, aside from finding the key which, it would turn out, was very much part of the clue. In fact, I’m still not entirely sure how they did it. I awoke to a sort of gagging sensation one night, dreaming that I had swallowed a tangle of wet hair. Only the terrible retching sensation wasn’t entirely dreamed up. Tied to my canine was a line of floss that I painfully had to pull up from my stomach. It was unnecessarily long, spooling out of my throat in a bloody tangle for a good few metres while I vomited and cried from the struggle. It took nearly half an hour to inch it out while I choked and retched but eventually I regurgitated the key, collapsing afterwards to the floor to heave and sob as I recovered.
There was a teddy bear in the locker and I didn’t find it particularly amusing. And, yes, okay, there was a mild satisfaction to getting the answer, but the rest of me was filled with a deep begrudging. I felt like the punchline to a joke that wasn’t funny.
A starry orchid’s window of choice, 7 down.
The answer was eyeball, and it turns out the consumption of the flower in question causes bloody secretions from the tear ducts, not to mention renal failure. It wasn’t easy to explain that one away, and I didn’t much appreciate the stay at a hospital. The price for that answer may one day be dialysis, but for now I hope that I may still see myself clear of such things. The doctors couldn’t say for sure what the chances were. At the very least I hoped that I might find some respite while interred in a hospital bed, but if anything it made things worse. I was not prepared to be incapacitated for so long with the knowledge that the puzzle was but one clue from completion.
I was itching furiously for the last few days, and my doctors were confounded by the state of my heart and were blind to the other tell-tale signs of anxiety. There would be no rest for me until I had finished the puzzle and I swore to myself, swore blind on my mother’s grave, that it would be the last. If things got much worse, I reminded myself, it might not be me who decides what will be my last puzzle.
When I arrived home it was with the kind of relief I never thought possible. I am forever learning more about myself and those first few steps through the front door made it clear to me I was in the thrall of some kind of addiction. No matter what the price was, I told myself over and over again that I would pay it and move on. I would change addresses if I had to or pay someone to physically slap the damn pencil out of my hand if I went to complete another crossword! God knows I have the money.
I will climb this final hurdle, I told myself, and see it through.
And yet… I don’t know. I half-expect there to be some ghoulish double-entendre hiding in the words but for the life of me I cannot see one. It seems more like a hideous joke - one I don’t really understand. I have a possible word choice and it certainly fits but… It’s been weeks and I can’t bring myself to write it in. This is the final clue! The final step at the end of this increasingly desperate adventure and I can’t figure it out. I’m half-tempted to say that I won’t see another answer because I don’t want to finish it. That might be it, surely? I’m an addict. I’ll admit that all too readily and this wouldn’t be the first time I took things too far. It’s just…
The handwriting these clues have been written in, 4 down.
I keep expecting some terrible interpretation to come true, to find a severed hand by my door, or to awake missing most of my fingers. It’s a strange thing but I have come to find myself ruminating often on the look in the old man’s eyes. For while I am sure that I saw something terrible and beautiful deep within the popping veins of those suffocating retinas, it had not occurred to me until now that something was looking back.
And it’s waiting for me to write in the final answer, though God knows it must be wrong for it simply cannot be possible that the answer is ‘mine’.
submitted by ChristianWallis to nosleep [link] [comments]

MAME 0.219

MAME 0.219

MAME 0.219 arrives today, just in time for the end of February! This month we’ve got another piece of Nintendo Game & Watch history – Pinball – as well as a quite a few TV games, including Dream Life Superstar, Designer’s World, Jenna Jameson’s Strip Poker, and Champiyon Pinball. The previously-added Care Bears and Piglet’s Special Day TV games are now working, as well as the big-endian version of the MIPS Magnum R4000. As always, the TV games vary enormously in quality, from enjoyable titles, to low-effort games based on licensed intellectual properties, to horrible bootlegs using blatantly copied assets. If music/rhythm misery is your thing, there’s even a particularly bad dance mat game in there.
On the arcade side, there are fixes for a minor but long-standing graphical issue in Capcom’s genre-defining 1942, and also a fairly significant graphical regression in Seibu Kaihatsu’s Raiden Fighters. Speaking of Seibu Kaihatsu, our very own Angelo Salese significantly improved the experience in Good E-Jan, and speaking of graphics fixes, cam900 fixed some corner cases in Data East’s innovative, but little-known, shoot-’em-up Boogie Wings. Software list additions include the Commodore 64 INPUT 64 collection (courtesy of FakeShemp) and the Spanish ZX Spectrum Load’N’Run collection (added by ICEknight). New preliminary CPU cores and disassemblers include IBM ROMP, the NEC 78K family, Samsung KS0164 and SSD Corp’s Xavix 2.
As always, you can get the source and 64-bit Windows binary packages from the download page.

MAME Testers Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to emulation [link] [comments]

List of ALL Yelawolf songs (2005-today)

Updated 10.02.2021


----------------------------------------------------- Yelawolf & Caskey - YELAWOLF X BLACKSHEEP(?) 3. Been A Problem
Features RiFF RAFF - TiP TOE 4 (feat. Yelawolf)


Features RiFF RAFF - Water Whippin Wizard (ft. Yelawolf) [Vanilla Gorilla] Struggle Jennings & Adam Calhoun - Cracked Pepper (ft. Yelawolf) [Legend] Korn - The Devil Went Down to Georgia (ft. Yelawolf) RiFF RAFF - Million Dollar Mullet (feat. Yelawolf) Caskey - McQueen Fiend (feat. Yelawolf) [Remix] Outlaw Mel - Big Dreamz (Yelawolf and The Outfit, TX) Struggle Jenning & Jelly Roll - Winds of Change (ft. Yelawolf and Tommy Vext) [Waylon & Willie IV] Struggle Jenning & Jelly Roll - Fufu (ft. Yelawolf) [Waylon & Willie IV]


----------------------------------------------------- Yelawolf - Ghetto Cowboy 1. Mama Wolf 2. Unnatural Born Killer 3. Opie Taylor 4. Box Chevy 7 5. Here I Am 6. Still Ridin’ 7. Lightning 8. Renegades 9. So Long 10. You and Me 11. A Message From DJ Paul 12. Country Rich (ft. DJ Paul) 13. Keep on Rollin (ft. Big Henri & Cub da Cookupboss) 14. Ghetto Cowboy
Yelawolf - Trunk Muzik 3 1. TM3 (ft. DJ Klever) 2. Catfish Billy 2 3. Rowdy (ft. Machine Gun Kelly) 4. Special Kind of Bad 5. Like I Love You 6. Drugs 7. Trailer Park Hollywood 8. No Such Thing as Free (ft. Caskey & Doobie) 9. We Slum (ft. Shawty Fatt & Big Henry) 10. Box Chevy 6 (ft. Rittz & DJ Paul) 11. All The Way Up (ft. MopTop & CookUp Boss) 12. Over Again (ft. DJ Klever) 13. Addiction 14. Over Here
Yelawolf & Cub da CookupBoss - SLUMTRAP 1. (Intro) Catfish Billy Speaks 2. Shotz (ft. Moptop) 3. You & Me (ft. Kris Flair) 4. Take It There (ft. Bubba Sparxxx) 5. No Hall Pass (ft. Upchurch) 6. Never Coming' down (ft. Rittz) 7. Muddy Waters (ft. Kris Flair) 8. Sauce
Miscellaneous Songs Yelawolf - Get Buck Freestyle Yelawolf - Pinto Bean Freestyle Yelawolf - Jesco White Freestyle Yelawolf - Billy Goat Freestyle Yelawolf - SKALLYWAG Freestyle Yelawolf - Elvis Messy Freestyle Yelawolf - Mountain Dew Mouth Freestyle Yelawolf - Bloody Sunday Freestyle Yelawolf - Jackson (ft. Fefe Dobson) Yelawolf - Midnight Yelawolf - You and Me (demo) Yelawolf & DJ Paul - I'm So Juiced Up (ft. Seed of 6ix & DJ Ease)
Features Caskey - Remember (ft. Yelawolf) [Black Sheep 4] DJ Paul - The Easy Way (ft. Yelawolf & Seed of the 6ix) Doobie - Circles (ft. Yelawolf) [Faithfully Faded] Struggle Jennings - Wild Eyes (ft. Yelawolf) [The Widow’s Son] Rittz - Wake up Call (ft. Yelawolf & Twista) [Put a Crown on it]
Music Videos Unnatural Born Killer Opie Taylor You and Me Elvis Messy Mountain Dew Mouth Bloody Sunday DJ Paul - The Easy Way (ft. Yelawolf & Seed of the 6ix)


----------------------------------------------------- Features Alexander King - Southern Road (ft. Yelawolf & Gracen Hill) [R.O.S.A.P.] CookUp Boss - Never Comin’ Down (ft. Catfish Billy) [Make the Trap Great Again] Prhyme - W.O.W. (With Out Warning) [ft. Yelawolf] {Prhyme 2} Jelly Roll - Southern Hospitality (ft. Yelawolf, Struggle & Alexander King) [Goodnight Nashville] The Fever 333 - (The First Stone) Changes (ft. Yelawolf) [Made An America]


----------------------------------------------------- Yelawolf - Trial By Fire 1. Trial By Fire 2. Shadows (ft. Joshua Hedley) 3. Get Mine (ft. Kid Rock) 4. Son of a Gun 5. Ride or Die 6. Struggle Speaks (Interlude) 7. Daylight 8. Do For Love 9. Punk (ft. Travis Barker & Juicy J) 10. Row Your Boat 11. True to Yourself (ft. Bones Owens) 12. Sabrina 13. Violin (ft. Lee Brice) 14. Keeps Me Alive (ft. Wynonna Judd)
Yelawolf & Cookup Boss - Catfish Billy X Cub Cookup Boss 1. Too Gangsta 2. You & Me 3. Sauce 4. Muddy Waters 5. Cocaine 6. Heisenberg
Features Angaleena Presley - Country (ft. Yelawolf) [Wrangled] Bone Thugs - Gravity (ft. Yelawolf) [New Waves] DJ Paul - Litty Up RMX (ft. Yelawolf) [Da Reason: Thank Me Later] Struggle Jennings - Your Little Man (ft. Yelawolf)
Music Videos Daylight Row Your Boat Get Mine ft. Kid Rock Punk ft. Travis Barker & Juicy J Shadows ft. Joshua Hedley Struggle Jennings - Your Little Man (ft. Yelawolf)


----------------------------------------------------- Yelawolf - H.O.T.E.L 1. Supersonic Alley Cat 2. You Should Have Known 3. Renegades 4. Someday 5. In Love Tonight 6. Be Yourself (ft. Bubba Sparxxx) 7. Good Love
Miscellaneous Songs Yelawolf - Instagram Freestyle Yelawolf - Instagram Freestyle 2 Yelawolf - Instagram Freestyle 3 Yelawolf - Instagram Freestyle 4 Yelawolf & Travis Barker - Out Of Control
Features Bubba Sparxxx - Put in Work (ft. Yelawolf) [The Bubba Mathis EP] Bubba Sparxxx - Y. G. M. F. U. (ft. Yelawolf) [The Bubba Mathis EP] DJ Paul - Get Away (ft. Jon Connor & Yelawolf) [Mafia 4 Life] DJ Paul - Slumerican Three 6 (ft. Yelawolf) [#YOTS Pt. 1] Doobie Bvndit - Jacuzzi Lucy (Remix) (ft. Yelawolf) Struggle Jennings - Return of the Outlaw (ft. Yelawolf) [Return of the Outlaw]
Music Videos DJ Paul - Get Away (ft. Yelawolf & Jon Connor Bubba Sparxxx - Y. G. M. F. U. (ft. Yelawolf)


----------------------------------------------------- Yelawolf - Love Story 1. Outer Space 2. Change 3. American You 4. Whiskey in a Bottle 5. Ball and Chain (Interlude) 6. Till It's Gone 7. Devil in my Veins 8. Best Friend (ft. Eminem) 9. Empty Bottles 10. Heartbreak 11. Tennessee Love 12. Box Chevy V 13. Love Story 14. Johnny Cash 15. Have a Great Flight 16. Sky's the Limit 17. Disappear 18. Fiddle Me This
Miscellaneous Songs Yelawolf - Led Zeppelin Freestyle Yelawolf - American You (Extended Version) Yelawolf - Till It’s Gone (Acoustic) [ft. DJ Klever, Bones Owens & Travis Barker) Yelawolf - Till It's Gone (Campfire Remix) Yelawolf - Till It's Gone (Dan Heath Remix) Yelawolf - To Whom It May Concern
Features Rittz - L.A.F. Remix (ft. Yelawolf, Royce Da 5'9" & KXNG Crooked) WLPWR - Thank You (ft. Yelawolf) [Free Game] DJ Paul - F U 2 (ft. Violent J & Yelawolf) [Master Of Evil] Alexander King - Country Side (ft. Yelawolf & Jelly Roll)
Music Videos Whiskey In A Bottle Whiskey In A Bottle (Lyric Video) Johnny Cash Best Friend ft. Eminem Till Is's Gone Let's Roll ft. Kid Rock American You Devil In My Veins Box Chevy V Outer Space (Wall of Death)


----------------------------------------------------- Shady Records - Shady XV Yelawolf - Down Skylar Grey, Eminem & Yelawolf - Twisted Slaughterhouse - Psychopath Killer (ft. Eminem & Yelawolf)
Miscellaneous Songs Yelawolf - Primus Freestyle Yelawolf - Money Freestyle Yelawolf - Alabama Song Freestyle Yelawolf - Voodoo Child Freestyle Yelawolf - Louder (ft. Ink Monstarr) Yelawolf - Have A Great Flight (Demo Version) Yelawolf - Honey Brown Yelawolf - Box Chevy V (Single Version) Yelawolf, Slaughterhouse & Eminem - Shady CXVPHER
Features Gucci Ghost - Slumerican (ft. Yelawolf) [Rad Tape] Hillbilly Casino - The Hole (ft. Yelawolf) [Live In The USA] Jelly Roll - So Long (ft. Yelawolf) [The Biggest Loser] Kaleb D - Reload (ft. Yelawolf) Rittz - Profit (ft. Yelawolf & Shawty Fatt) [Next to Nothing]
Music Videos Down Shady CXVPHER


----------------------------------------------------- Yelawolf - Trunk Muzik Returns 1. Firestarter 2. Way Out 3. F.A.S.T. Ride 4. Box Chevy (Part 4) 5. Hustle (ft. Paul Wall) 6. Catfish Billy 7. Gangster (ft. A$AP Rocky & Big Henry) 8. Rhyme Room (ft. Raekwon & Killer Mike) 9. Fame 10. Tennessee Love
Yelawolf & DJ Paul - Black Fall 1. Get Straight 2. Mastermind 3. Bowties (ft. Rittz) 4. Party Prophet (ft. DJ Paul) 5. Light Switch
Miscellaneous Songs Yelawolf & Big Henry - The Dark Knights Freestyle Yelawolf & Rittz - Hammertime
Features Big Henry - Troubled Times (ft. Yelawolf) Brotha Lynch Hung - Tha Package (ft. Yelawolf) [Mannibalector] Da Mafia 6ix - Go Hard (ft. Yelawolf) [6ix Commandments] Fefe Dobson - Legacy (Remix) (ft. Yelawolf) Jackie Chain - Yeah Dats Me (Remix) (ft. Big K.R.I.T & Yelawolf) [Bruce Lean Chronicles Vol. 2] Juicy J - Gun Plus A Mask (ft. Yelawolf) [Stay Trippy] Mickey Factz - Zen (ft. Yelawolf) Pill - I'm Hard (ft. Yelawolf) Rittz - Heaven (ft. Yelawolf) [The Life and Times of Jonny Valiant] Travis Barker - Cuz I'm Famous (ft. Yelawolf, Paul Wall & Hopsin)
Music Videos F.A.S.T. RIDE Way Out Hustle (ft. Paul Wall) Da Mafia 6ix - Go Hard (ft. Yelawolf)


----------------------------------------------------- Yelawolf & Ed Sheeran - The Slumdon Bridge 1. London Bridge 2. You Don't Know (For Fuck's Sakes) 3. Faces 4. Tone
Yelawolf - Heart of Dixie 1. Howdy 2. Let Me Out 3. Be The One 4. Big Nutz 5. White Boy Shit 6. Fuck Me 7. Sobriety Sucks 8. Out My Face (ft. Shawty Fatt & Rittz) 9. Father's Day 10. Wrap Song
Yelawolf & Travis Barker - Psycho White 1. Push 'Em (ft. Skinhead Rob & Tim Armstrong) 2. 6 Feet Underground (ft. Tim Armstrong) 3. Funky Shit 4. Whistle Dixie 5. Director's Cut (Micheal Myers & Superman)
Miscellaneous Songs Yelawolf - Rack City Freestyle Yelawolf - Thank You Freestyle Yelawolf - I Do Freestyle Yelawolf - Best of Freestyles Freestyle Yelawolf - Can it Be Yelawolf - Squidbillies Theme Song
Features ¡MAYDAY! – Dollar General (¡MAYDAY! Rmx) (ft. Stevie Stone & Yelawolf) [Smash & Grab] 8Ball - Immaculate Perception (ft. Waka Flocka & Yelawolf) [Premro] A$AP Rocky - 1 Train (ft. Kendrick Lamar, Joey Bada$$, Yelawolf, Danny Brown, Action Bronson & Big K.R.I.T.) [Long. Live. ASAP] Blink-182 - Pretty Little Girl (ft. Yelawolf) [Dogs Eating Dogs] Cisco Adler - Lemonade (ft. Yelawolf, Dirt Nasty, Johnny Polygon) CyHi Da Prynce - Drank & Smoke (ft. Big K.R.I.T & Yelawolf) [Ivy League Club] Jasmine Solano - One On One (ft. Yelawolf) Prof - New Kid (ft. Yelawolf) [Kaiser Von Powderhorn 3] Struggle - Satellites (ft. Yelawolf & Zilla) Trouble Andrew - Cheated (ft. Yelawolf) Big HUD - Far From A Bitch (ft. Yelawolf, Rittz & Young Struggle) [The Long Way Home]
Music Videos Push' Em Whistle Dixie Out of Control 6 Feet Underground Funky Shit Stevie Stone - Dollar General (ft. Yelawolf) Trouble Andrew - CHEATED (ft. Yelawolf)


----------------------------------------------------- Yelawolf - Radioactive 1. Radioactive Introduction 2. Get Away (ft. Shawty Fatt & Mystikal) 3. Let's Roll (ft. Kid Rock) 4. Hard White (Up In The Club) (ft. Lil Jon) 5. Growin' Up In The Gutter (ft. Rittz) 6. Throw It Up (ft. Gangsta Boo & Eminem) 7. Good Girl (ft. Poo Bear) 8. Made In The U.S.A (ft. Priscilla Renea) 9. Animal (ft. Fefe Dobson) 10. The Hardest Love Song In The World 11. Write Your Name (ft. Mona Moua) 12. Everything I Love The Most 13. Radio 14. Slumerican Shitizen (ft. Killer Mike) 15. The Last Song Best Buy Deluxe Edition: 16. Whip It 17. I See You 18. In This World
Miscellaneous Songs Yelawolf - Yonkers Freestyle Yelawolf - Toca Tuesdays Freestyle Yelawolf - Hard White (Remix) (ft. Slaughterhouse & T.I.) Yelawolf - Gangsta Of Love (Feat CyHi Da Prince) Yelawolf - Kill My Nightmare Yelawolf - Pop The Trunk (Bones & Vocal Version) Yelawolf - No Hands Yelawolf - Alabama Gotdamn Yelawolf - Shit I've Seen (ft. Trae Tha Truth) Yelawolf - Just Right (Demo Version of Animal) Yelawolf - 2011 XXL Freshmen Freestyle Yelawolf, Eminem & Slaughterhouse - 2.0 Boys Yelawolf, Kendrick Lamar, LIl B & CyHi Da Prince - 2011 XXL Freshmen Class Cypher Yelawolf, Slaughterhouse & Eminem - Shady 2.0 Cypher
Features Ace Hood - Shit Done Got Real (ft. Busta Rhymes & Yelawolf) [The Statement 2] Big HUD - Smell My Cologne (ft. Yelawolf) [Smell My Cologne EP] Big K.R.I.T - Happy Birthday Hip Hop (Remix) (ft. Yelawolf) Bizarre - Down This Road (ft. Yelawolf) [Friday Night At St. Andrews] CyHi Da Prince - Bulletproof (ft. Yelawolf) [Royal Flush 2] Game - Rough (ft. Yelawolf) [Hood Morning] GLC - Empty Town (ft. Cold Hard, Yelawolf & The Carps) [Eternal Sunshine Of The Pimpin Mind] Gucci Mane - Too Turnt Up (ft. Yelawolf) [Writings on the Wall 2] Hollyweerd - Buss It (ft. Yelawolf) Jessie and The Toy Boys - Push It (ft. Yelawolf) [Show Me Your Tan Lines] Kydd - Hall Pass (ft. Yelawolf) [The Sounds in My Head Part 2] Mr. Finley - Oh Yeah (ft. Yelawolf) [Bacc On My Wease Mac Shit] P.Watts - Lites On (ft. Yelawolf) [Element of Surprise] Rittz - Fulla Shit (ft. Yelawolf) [White Jesus] Rittz - Sleep At Night (ft. Yelawolf) [White Jesus] SMKA - Deer Mama (ft. Yelawolf) [The 808 Experiment Vol 2] Struggle - Outlaw Shit (ft. Yelawolf & Waylon Jennings) [I Am Struggle] STS - Hello Sunshine (ft. Yelawolf) [The Illustrious] Tech N9ne - Worldwide Choppers (ft. Ceza, JL of B. Hood, U$O, Yelawolf, Twista, Busta Rhymes, D-Loc & Twisted Insane) [All 6's and 7's] The Crystal Method - Make Some Noise (Put 'Em Up) (ft. Yelawolf) [Real Steel - Music From the Motion Picture] Travis Barker - Let's Go (ft. Busta Rhymes, Twista & Yelawolf) [Give the Drummer Some] Article - Electric Kingdom (ft. Yelawolf)
Music Videos Hard White (Up In The Club) ft. Lil Jon No Hands GUTTER ft. Rittz - A Short Film Bizarre - Down This Road (ft. Yelawolf) Travis Barker - Let's Go ft. Yelawolf, Twista, Busta Rhymes & Lil Jon Rittz - Sleep At Night ft. Yelawolf Rittz - White Jesus Struggle Jennings - Outlaw Shit ft. Yelawolf & Waylon Jennings 2.0 Boys Shady 2.0 Cypher 2011 XXL Freshman Cypher Jessie and The Toy Boys - Push It (ft. Yelawolf)


----------------------------------------------------- Yelawolf - Trunk Muzik 1. Trunk Muzik 2. Stage Lights (Remix) 3. Good To Go 4. Pop the Trunk 5. Box Chevy 3 6. FU 7. Lick The Cat 8. Speak Her Sex 9. I wish (ft. Raekwon) 10. In This Club 11. Love is Not Enough 12. Mixin Up the Medicine (Remix) (ft. Juelz)
Yelawolf - Trunk Muzik 0-60 1. Get The Fuck Up! 2. Daddy's Lambo 3. That's What We On Now 4. I Just Wanna Party (ft. Gucci Mane) 5. Billy Crystal (ft. Rock City) 6. Pop The Trunk 7. Box Chevy 3 (ft. Rittz) 8. Good To Go (ft. Bun B) 9. Marijuana 10. Love Is Not Enough 11. I Wish (ft. Raekwon) 12. Trunk Muzik
Miscellaneous Songs Yelawolf - I Need A Dollar Freestyle Yelawolf - Lemonade (Trunk Muzik 0-60 Freestyle) Yelawolf - FMS Freestyle Yelawolf - B.M.F Freestyle (Trunk Muzik 0-60 Freestyle) Yelawolf - Fly Boy Radio Freestyle Yelawolf - Dirt Road Freestyle Yelawolf - I Wanna Rock Freestyle Yelawolf - Beamer, Benz, Bentley Freestyle Yelawolf - Rhyme Room (Episode 1) Yelawolf - Rhyme Room (Episode 2) Yelawolf - Swagger Killer (ft. Mz Shanti) Yelawolf - Looking For Alien Love Yelawolf - Ain’t Goin Out Like That [Peter Rosenberg x Cypress Hill The Uprising] Yelawolf - I Wish (Remix) (ft. CyHi Da Prynce & Pill) Yelawolf, Wiz Khalifa, Bones Brigante & Raekwon - 2010 BET Cypher
Features Big Boi - You Ain’t No DJ (ft. Yelawolf) [Sir Lucious Left Foot] Big K.R.I.T - Hometown Hero (Remix) (ft. Yelawolf) [K.R.I.T Wuz Here] Donnis - Country Cool (Remix) (ft. Pill & Yelawolf) [Fashionably Late] Dreamer - Crazy Girlz (ft. Yelawolf) [Live in Stereo 2.0] Emilio Rojas - Turn It Up (ft. Yelawolf) [Life Without Shame] Feroz - Bring The Money Home (ft. Yelawolf) [Invisible Man] Glamourlyke - Cutlass (ft. Yelawolf) [Highway Love] Ludacris - How Low (Remix) (ft. Yelawolf & Rock City) Neako - Suicide (ft. Shawn Chrystopher, Phil Ade, Yelawolf, Smoke Dza & Stalley) Paul Wall - Live It (ft. Jay Electronica, Raekwon & Yelawolf) [Heart of a Champion] Rich Boy – Go Crazy (ft. Yelawolf) [Featuring] Shawty Fatt - Yeah (ft. Yelawolf) Digit - You Win Some You Lose Some (ft. Yelawolf) [The Alter Ego & Summer Of SUM] SkapeZilla - Look The Other Way (ft. Yelawolf, Note & Young Trimm) Scragg Lee - I'm A Freak (ft. Yelawolf, Pill & Henny) [Gold Chains] Thee Tom Hardy - Take 'Em To... (ft. Yelawolf) [The Hardy Boy Mystery Mixtape: Secret Of Thee Green Magic]
Music Videos Daddy's Lambo Pop The Trunk Good To Go ft. Bun B Marijuana I Just Wanna Party ft. Gucci Mane Big Boi - You Ain't No DJ ft. Yelawolf 2010 BET Cypher Rhyme Room 2 Yelawolf - I Wish (Remix) (ft. CyHi Da Prynce & Pill)


----------------------------------------------------- Features Alex King - Like A Sewing Machine (ft. Yelawolf & Struggle) [Reincarnated] Alex King - Looking For A Change (ft. Sonny Bama & Yelawolf) [Reincarnated] G-Side - Whos Hood (ft. Yelawolf) [Huntsville International] Juelz Santana - Mixin' Up The Medicine (ft. Yelawolf) [Born to Lose, Built to Win] Slim Thug - I Run (ft. Yelawolf) [Boss of all Bosses] Slim Thug - I Run (Remix) (ft. Chamillionaire, Yelawolf & Z-Ro) Stophouse - Rocketman (ft. Yelawolf) [Recession Music] Priceless the Kid - Witness (ft. Yelawolf) [No Barcode] ??? - How We Do (ft. Yelawolf)
Music Videos Juelz Santana - Mixin' Up The Medicine (ft. Yelawolf)


----------------------------------------------------- Yelawolf - Arena Rap EP 1. Back To Bama 2. Candy & Dreams 3. Enjoy The View 4. All Aboard 5. Come On Over 6. Stage Lights 7. Gone
Yelawolf - Stereo 1. Stereo Intro 2. Brick In The Wall 3. Stereo 4. Rich Like Me 5. Box Chevy Part 2 6. Break The Chain 7. Phone Skit 8. Gone 9. Magic Man 10. Burn Out 11. Brown Sugar 12. Run Johnny 13. In The Cradle 14. Heroine 15. TNT 16. Stereo Outro 17. Take It Easy
Features Jonny Euphonic - Off (ft. Yelawolf & TayFlow) Jonny Euphonic - Sippin Nis' Sauce (ft. Yelawolf)
Music Videos Box Chevy: Part 2


----------------------------------------------------- Yelawolf - Ball of Flames: The Ballad of Slick Rick E. Bobby 1. Talladega Dreamin' 2. Doughnuts 3. Shake N Bake 4. I'm The Shit 5. Boyz In The Woodz 6. Kickin' 7. Run (ft. Shawty Fatt & B.o.B) 8. Hey Rick E. Bobby 9. My Box Chevy 10. New Shoes (ft. Sweet Waste) 11. Beer Buzz 12. Victory Circle
Miscellaneous Songs Yelawolf - Before You Leave Yelawolf - Big Trucks Yelawolf - Chainsaw Yelawolf - Double Barrel (ft. Rittz) Yelawolf - Drama Yelawolf - Get Er Done Yelawolf - It's A Party (ft. B.o.B) Yelawolf - Land of Oz Yelawolf - Radio Smash Yelawolf - Superman (2007 Version) Yelawolf - Whyte Trash Yelawolf - 1979
Features Vendetta - Hip Rock (ft. Yelawolf)
Music Videos Kickin'


----------------------------------------------------- Yelawolf - Creekwater 1. Intro (ft. Lil Jamie & Omar Cunningham) 2. Creekwater 3. G.A.D (ft. Big Henry & Shawty Fatt) 4. FITZ Spoken Word 5. Won't Stop 6. Dare He Go 7. Makeup 8. Pickin' Shrooms 9. Breathe (ft. Ban Hameen, Fly Friday & Grip Plyaz) 10. Ride Down The Highway (ft. Ben Hameen) 11. Bible Belt 12. SALIK'S Spoken Word 13. Sleeping Beauty 14. Fifty (ft. Grip Plyaz) 15. Soul Everyday (ft. Ben Hameen) 16. It Aint Over
Yelawolf - Piss'n In a Barrel of Bee'z 1. Intro 2. Piss'n In A Barrel Of Bee'z 3. Diamonds 4. Send Em Over 5. 2 Hot 4 TV 6. Hard Work 7. My Time 8. Need 2 Hear 9. Go To Jail 10. Drop It 11. Pissed On (ft. jhi-ali & Shawty Fatt) 12. Pistol N The Air 13. Super Man 14. Fist Up 15. White Boys (ft. ???)
Shoutout to the slumfam, especially Rafael and Josh27
submitted by HamesBond to yelawolf [link] [comments]

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